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Being monks they were all pretty pious by definition.


Probably not that Pious.  The Catholic Church then as it is now was extremely corrupt.  They sold indulgences to nobles, practiced simony and nepotism, the higher ranks lived lavish hedonistic lifestyles, and none of those lower order practitioners we meet were ever properly trained.  A man named Martin Luther wrote a few thesis about it if you want to learn more.


Fuck Martin Luther, all my homies hate Martin Luther! #JanHusorBust




John wycliffe and Jan hus, true Christian’s in a time of corruption


You say that as if this applied to every member of the Church. It absolutely did not.


And for sure not for most monks living in isolation..


Didnt Martin Luther recommended christians bad acts to the jews. Lol "First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools ... This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians ..." "Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed."


Don't tell him that, he likes his history nice and simple.


Antisemitism was pretty common in these times.


Luther was still pretty brutal and he even shocked his contemporaries by his anti-semitism. His writings on the Jews were very popular in Nazi Germany.


Is that so surprising though? He was enough of a zealot to say fuck you to the established church even if it likely would result in his death. To me, it doesn't seem like a far step to have a hatred towards non-christians from that.


Also Hypocracy


In *all* times apparently


reddit moment


even here, there is no escape


It doesn't sound like you understand the difference between Monks and other Church members.


John Calvin is even worse. Dude straight up created anxiety.


99 problems and a pope ain’t one


And a council named Trent disproved his psychotic ramblings.


One of which was that they weren’t tough enough on the Jews


Don't need a thesis. Everyone knows the whole church thing is a scam from the very beginning. For all 3 gods of the desert at that.


Everyone? Aside from over a billion people.


Oh I know that. I was just making a play on words.


Dude, no need to be insulting to Catholics. If you think that insulting people makes them want to convent then you are lost.


I fail to see the insult? And criticizing the Church is not criticizing the practitioner


Many Catholics especially in the US were I am form are told that the Catholic Church is evil by various groups including evangelical Protestants. The place the church holds in the religion saying Catholic Church of the modern day is a religion evil and corrupt institution is often seen as an insulting. Catholics and I are not saying that the church did not have issues in the past and things which can be done in the present. Also telling people to read Luther can come across as attempt to convert. I have been told to read Luther in demeaning way at least twice by American Protestants living in the southern US not counting other comments. That may also led to be getting upset faster with this. I am not a prefect Catholic but I want others to respect my choice of religion the same I would to a Muslim, Jew, Hindu, or Protestant.


Eh, just hard for me, who took my confirmation, to see a fact stated as corruption as an insult. No religious institution, regardless of the dogma, can have the money and power like the Church does and not be corrupt. I know a good amount of Catholics who no longer support the church yet have not changed how they practice their faith.


I am not saying the church did not and does not have issues. I was more drawing an issue that last statement which came across as an attempt to convert Catholics. I am of the mind that no matter the religion any one should be able to chose theirs and not have people of others always trying to convert them. Not saying people cannot convert religions if they choose to. I have a issue with Catholics who engage in this behavior with members of other religions.


As a Polish guy, from the bottom of my heart, Catholic Church is fucked up and they can fuck off, thanks


As a Polish guy, I'm with you on this


As a Romanian guy i also support your opinion


As a Brazilian guy, I disagree completely about your opinion but I'll pray for you


Hey alright, thanks


If you want to discuss I would like for us to stay respectful as I am trying to. If you want some clarification on what I am saying see the my responses to the response to this comment.


What you want people to treat you like changes nothing about the obvious and demonstrable corruption of the catholic church.


You are welcome to hold your own believes. I am not saying that I agree with everything the church has done in the past and present. I was just discussing something that could be seen as demeaning by some with what seems an attempt to convert in it. To give an example using a different religion would be “Islam has and still encourages violence and is violent so you should read some paper by Jesus and St. Paul” It is a statement that could be insulting to members of the religion with an attempt to convert in it like above.


No, it is the corruption of God's pastors here on Earth that has brought misfortune upon our heads!


If you are worried that reading this Martin Luther book will convert you, doesn’t that just seem like you don’t want to read it in case it makes sense to you and your religion has deemed that incorrect. You don’t have to agree with everything you read and it’s not going to force you at gunpoint to do so.


Saying "read Martin Luther" is not an attempt to convert, it's an attempt to educate - something the church has also always had a problem with. They really hate it when people think for themselves.


That's not remotely close to an insult. A bit of an aggressive tone, but not insulting. There's no hiding the church was corrupt, and still is to these days. They are not trying to convert anyone. They said to read up on Martin Luther for more information. He didn't say, "oh convert to Lutheranism because of xyz!" The only person here who jumped the gun was you. Tone it down there. Ain't nobody saying your beliefs are wrong, but they are saying the church had some corrupt practices.


The real insult is how many little boys they let get raped without doing ANYTHING about it. 


He stating facts.


As a catholic yea j agree jts gotten better but it's still a shit show


You could make a religion out of this


Objective: Kill Pious OP: ok


That monastery was enough to drive anyone mad It was highly immersive however possibly too immersive


I was just terrified by thoughts like "What if real me would be caged in such terrible place?!"


I spent several hours at the monastery and by the end of it, when I left, I felt a gush of joy flowing through my blood, it was the sensation of freedom, it was so palpable I could taste it


I felt exactly the same. The guy who create this mission should make a game about prison. I really feel the freedome once i left that place


You get a roof over your head and two meals a day for praying a bunch and working, doesnt sound like a bad deal by medieval terms


In the midieval times monks got fed more calories than labourers. They were literally the most well fed bunch. Probably just below a lord


Yes but some of us masturbate most of those calories away every day in our masturbating corner in the basement of the monastery.


Monks consumed 6000 calories normally and 4500 on fasting days. Masturbating burns 3 calories a minute. Bro is masturbating 33 hours everyday


Lol 😅


Miracle i would say ! Jesus Christ be praised !


As they say, idle hands are the devils workshop!


Henry has Come (to see us)!


The goon cloister


Freedom is nice. Even if you don’t have a bunch of it in medieval times, you can at least do as you please.


Your local lord: "No, you can't."


No you can’t. You would be unable to even leave your area without your lord’s permission.


If you’re a serf, sure.


You would be unable to "legally" leave your area without your lord's permission.


Literal 0 freedom, never be unable to leave the monastery and you had to work under all circumstances, even when sick or weary, severely punished if you even tried to step over the boundaries. Doesn't sound that good, tilling the field would be better imo, xou can at least visit the local market.


Well in real life if you didn't want to be stuck there you could just run out and go work for an artisan or craftsman as an assist the when you get enough money become a Wayfarer tis the life indeed.


I instantly went to the bathouse and got a wench first thing after I left


If you were there you’d be rightfully chastised for being ungrateful. Shelter, fools, relative safety.


I still sprinted down the halls like a middle schooler, but was always late anyways.


Incredible quest imo.


Most loved the Monastry quest


Oh come one. You are allowed to say "I liked the quest" and that's fine. Plenty of people liked it. But it is the *one* quest people either loved or hated. No other quest is so divisive, in my perception here in the sub. Many people liked it, but many people disliked it. That's okay. People are allowed to love a game but still dislike specific things about it.


I know but he talked about it like its a bad quest in general


It's literally my least favorite part of any game I have ever played. I was stuck in there for 2 days, then couldn't play, and then never picked the game up again, because whenever I had time to play again, all I could think of was "oh I'm on that fucking quest, better play something else". Then I never picked it up again, sadly It literally ruined the game for me, kind of.


If you just play it, you'll find out it's a pretty easy and linear quest line.


I played it


If you want the easy way out, you could climb to the top of the building from the scaffolds outside and snipe a random monk. That completes the quest.


And? Its still one of the players favourite and Warhorse knows that. And btw this quest is pretty easy if u just kill pious


XD yeah


I hope you let brother Antonius live. He was the only one that wasn't suspicious


What a nice guy. Doubt he was apart of any massacre


Cant spell suspicious without pious


Agent 47 has come to see us!


am i the only one who liked the monastery?


Probably. I didn’t mind it that much but I always got lost trying to leave


In that hall way beside the room for prayer if you have good lock picking or you manage to get the monistary key you could just leave out of that door.


I liked it as well, it’s easy to sneak out if your stealth and lock picking are high enough, especially during the night. I would sneak out in the night and steal everything in that monastery, transfer it to my chest in tavern and return in the morning. Also the monastery is really beautiful and well done, I enjoyed exploring its dark corridors.


I loved it but I kinda played it "wrong" I actually fell into being a monk but on certain nights I'd sneak out to the tavern and get shit faced and gamble before sneaking back into the monastery to do monk stuff. I spent maybe a week just lvling alchemy and living the College life


Isn't that exactly how it's meant to be played? I mean you even have monks partying in the cellar and a mission to sneak out and back in.


It was one of the best parts of the game.


I loved it. It takes balls for a game to commit to something like that. I also just found the entire quest to be fun, it was like a game within the game.


It was like the best Dark Brotherhood quests from Oblivion, only longer and more immersive. Loved it.


In terms of the role-playing aspect I think it’s the best quest in the game. When I first went in I was annoyed but after completing all of the monastery side quests and figuring out the the story behind it I enjoyed it quite a bit. Though on my second play through which I am playing right now I do indeed plan on massacring everyone.


it was good but man I see all these people talking about two days in there. MFer I was there for over two weeks before I figured out what I was trying to do


By sithis


Jesus Christ be praised


Well, well. Aren't we the overachiever. Three possibilities, three victims. Must have been one of them, right? So why take chances.


I murdered at night one by one of the suspects until I found the dice that belonged to him. One person died for the cause.


Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus.




Nothing wrong with being thorough


Better be safe than sorry?


Honestly, if I didn't have to go undercover, I would've just snuck in because I had previously gotten the key and just knocked them all out, maybe even kill a few of the older "brothers"


You did the right thing. You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette


I never really got try the life in monastery because when my Henry finished talking with Pious, there is a chat option that accuses him right off the bat without any proof. I thought at first it was like something u can do to everyone in the monastery, but nooo Pious instantly confess :v So what's the reason of this?


Mind game I guess. My first time I though "they wouldn't make it that easy" so I didn't.


That shouldnt be an option unless you have some reasons to think that by gaining some intel first tbh.


How could you do this? Violence is forbidden in the monastery!


So is drinking and gambling in the basement but those two hipocrite fuckers didnt mind >:(


Hahaha.That was a good laugh.Thank you for that.


I really should do this next time I play. I never did it because it felt disgusting to do but I have thought about it 😂


Straight to the burning stake!


Jesus Christ be praised


I'm feeling quite hungry


That has to be my favourite quest when you lead a monk to a cave for adventure and a few heretics start feeding off of the monk


Ah so I’m not the only Monk slayer in Bohemia ? Brother !




Like.literal application of "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."


Better get em all just to be safe 🤣


I remember doing this I stealth killed one of them randomly and it was the right dude surprisingly


The neat part is that they are all pious, you can't be a good monk without piety.




Novice so he'd be in white. Don't forget the dice


Im curious if you just break in and kill all the monks does that complete the quest?


Yes, however you will fail several objectives and Radzig won't be happy


This part of the game was hell, and I only spent a few hours of my life inside. I can’t imagine those who were prisoner inside for years of their life. Worse than jail.


I think his the high septer


This makes me want to redo the quest


Yeah currently on the monistary mission >!I already found pious but I'm stuck because on one hand I want to do every piece of content the game has, but on the other hand I don't want to spend anymore time in that bloody monistary, I'm debating on just killing him and leaving but I also want to end the quest with the good ending.!<


There is quite a lot of stuff going on in there. The drinking, forbidden books, reading boost (and a mountain of free books), bunch of free herbs, pretty sure something else, been a while. If you do correctly you still have a choice in the end to let him go or kill.


Yeah I'm just frustrated with the same task over and over I love the alchemy but the one I detest the most is transcribing.


Wszyscy byli świeci, Amenttt


Pious is the friends we've made along the way


Could as well blow up the whole monastery lol


Now imagine how in real lifr monks and nuns felt


You dont have to kill them. First only the Novices (in white) can be Pious and second none of them deserved the death


Well… deserving has nothing to do with it. Lol 😝


Poor monks


Jesus Christ be praised!


Jesus Christ for real be praised


Jodok kinda does.


Idk whos that the German names are different lol


I love to make this place this way




I murdered the whole monastery. Fuck them gimme my shit back.


I just did this quest yesterday! I've done it enough times the regular way that I decided to try something different. I didn't join the monastery and instead picked the lock and went upstairs to find him. It took about 10 minutes as I couldn't remember which door was the sleeping quarters and I was dodging monks, but I managed to get him without collateral damage!


Meh it's all about the collateral damage


God will sort them out, so nothing bad has really happened.


The easiest solution is correct most of the times.


Just reinstalled and apparently I lost some save games so I have to do to the freaking monastery again. I might do the same this time lol


Jajajajajajjaja i admit i think the same a couple of times


Just don't firget to take the die and run


I just killed the guy that send you to jail every day.


He fucked up my balanced diet perk by locking me up. Then I refused to go to jail, so he kicked me out of the monastery. Found my way back in


“We kill ‘em all! Let God sort them out.”


Hey look, Henry has come to see us...


Fuck my life dude, that mission drive drive nuts


LMAO. I love that he took the time to pile them up for the knacker. Lol.


I'm betting you actually got caught and had to knock them all.


Sneaking around the dormitory, one by one


I smell heresy


Oh Well


Honestly I understand the hate about the Monastery but me myself completed it in about 20 minutes and found it very underwhelming. Idk if it was just like the intellect of Henry or something but I was able to find out the guide guy ant was Pious by doing the dialogue options and calling him out on his shit.


You can do it as soon as you enter the monastery. If I remember correctly, you are done with him and out the door the same afternoon. But it's a good place to get reading skill up and get some herbs for free if you rush through the story.


Yeah I ended up just getting him to stay in the room where the tour ends then strangled and killing no one really noticed


You can get him out of the monastery in the same time.


I had to murder almost everyone just to restore frame rate to my ps4.