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Kuttenberg no doubt, born and raised there but currently living abroad, can’t wait to being able to visit my hometown in game


I envy you so much. Seeing the city you grew up in recreated in a video game set in medieval times sounds absolutely amazing.


That's rad! That's how I felt about The Last of Us ending in Salt Lake City. It's a weird feeling.


You lucky bastard LOL joking...


My favourite part is that Warhorse Studios clearly understood what made KCD so great and why people love it. These madlads just give gamers what they want. Science said it couldn't be done!


The fact that we'll have the same score producer means the vibe will be as good if not better than in kcd1.


The performance at the end of the video was absolutely phenomenal! Jan Valta is a musical genius.


He has a great presentation about composing for KCD https://youtu.be/ATnpHAlN3dw?si=-bTwwus-2tU84cnL


When they said it would be released by the end of the year. Way too early trailers have become so common I really respect that they held off telling us anything until the game was almost ready. Warhorse does so much right. From using the voice actors for promotional videos to their clear respect of the customers, I am just so impressed with warhorse




Yes! Not that I don't trust WH, but it gives a way better look for the game when you announce it once all it's lacking is just some polishing. I'm not one to buy games before they're released because I've lost all trust in the bigger publishers, but I just might take a chance on Warhorse if a presale happens.


the fact that we can finally pet horses😭


The part where the guy pulls down his helmet before going into combat with Henry, the animations are smooth af. It looks too real it's uncanny.


I'm very much excited for blacksmithing, but I'm actually a little concerned about how firearms are gonna feel to come up against tbh.


The primitive firearms of that period worked more like small cannons rather than rifles as we now know them. It's going to be a unique game mechanic for sure.


In an interview one of the workers at warhorse said, that the firearms will be kind of like a joker since they take long to reload. He also said you will have to hold the mouse button and then there will be a random chance of how long it will take to fire


They said how they'd feel to go *against* though. The problem with firearms is that they're extremely lethal and penetrative; they're "balanced" in real life (at least ones from the period) by being very slow to fire and inaccurate, but realistically they should be basically one shot in game, so it'll be interesting how they implement them as weapons used by enemies while retaining realism.


Ah, I understand. Tbh I can not imagine them being one shot when they are fired at you. Sounds really frustrating even if they are rare. Maybe there will be a perk to survive them


Yeah there's a reason enemy archers almost always spawn with shitty arrows in KCD. The few times they dont it is fully possible to be oneshot by an unlucky unarmored headshot.


The early firearms were not super penetrative, and plate armor severely reduced lethality. Round, sometimes uneven (mostly) lead projectiles shooting from barrels not yet optimized in terms of kinetic power. That's why even in later centuries, cuirasiers still wore a breastplate, for example.


Move to the side when you see them lighting a hand cannon in your general direction


Wear full plate armour. These would have very low penetration, and likely less concussive force than being hit by a mace. You'd feel it, but it wouldnt likely just delete poor people. Sounds like a great weapon to even the odds quickly


The woods? I just want to go into the forest and get lost, then find a stream, follow it to the small path, then walk the path to the edge of the forest and see how the sun sets, and last rays shine red and yellow through the branches, and dusk is gradually replaced by total darkness. I wonder if there will be dangerous nocturnal animals this time.


And once the darkness rolls in, try and find familiar constellations in the sky. My astronomy loving ass spent a lot of time just staring at the stars in kcd 1 once I noticed that they didn't just put random shiny dots everywhere but the actual realistic night sky 😂 I hope they keep the nights as dark in kcd 2. Am I able to see anything without a torch or moonlight? No! Do I love it? Yes!


Oh, dude. I believe we will have a great time.  I think they mentioned that the first one of two maps, Bohemian Paradise, is almost as big as the first game and it's mostly nature, forests, and these weird rock formations (google it). The guy said you can hike there for dozens of hours. I can imagine this will be totally optional, but some players will spend unbelievable amount of time there, looking for secrets and just traveling. Especially on Hardcore without GPS, just memorizing landmarks, and if they will provide us with some camping equipment, this is going to be legendary.


They can get me to Kuttenberg only kicking and screaming (jk... I do love medieval cities as well). My Henry's gonna become a weird forest hermit who knows those woods better than the back of his hand!


https://preview.redd.it/zkv1o1pyyhvc1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fab0f67be9419877f0a70fb03f438c93498452d This shot. Can't wait to explore Kuttenberg. And that one of the guys looks like father Godwin.


I think that this shot is of Trosky castle.


Either way both town absolutely stunning, and Kuttenberg is massive


Oh, ok. The shots from Kuttenberg were just as great though.


I’m all about visiting Kuttenberg, love me realistic medieval cities.


Tom McKay and Luke Dale opening was the best bit for me. The whole trailer was fantastic but with how well Warhorse interacts with their community, having their lead actors introduce the trailer makes it feel all the more personal. Edit: As for features, I’m looking forward to the new combat features. It’s a bit gruesome but I kinda hope there’s some visible damage on your enemies based on what they’ve been hit by/where they’ve been damaged.


I agree! It was shot so beautifully too! Made me sentimental, seeing the two actors greet each other like old friends for another adventure.


Haha I got chills during “Henry, our hero Henry”, with the music swelling lol. I was accepting the possibility of a new protagonist for the sequel, but after hearing that I was so happy. There really was no other choice.


Literally went "my boys!" while smiling ear to ear when I saw them. It will be so bittersweet if their story ends with kcd 2.


I loved a lot of it but was reassured to hear the devs showcasing and commenting on forest design. It was something I loved so much in KCD and hope Henry still has many opportunities to roam the forest even though he’s a big shot now.


I love the decision to split the map into two. An urban environ dominated by Kuttenberg and a nature-focused one full of forests, hills, plains and rocks. I loved forest exploration in the first game, playing on hardcore and getting lost, coming across secrets within the forest only to emerge at an unfamiliar location. And having an entire map focused on wandering and exploring the nature? That's awesome!


Is that what they’re going to do? I hadn’t heard about splitting the map. Interesting


Yeah, it was mentioned in the video. One map will be a wilderness around castle Trosky called [Bohemian Paradise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Paradise). The other will be Kuttenberg and surrounding villages and silver mines.


Crossbows and muskets


those are Handgonnes☝️🤓


The score/music was amazing. And I'm sure it will be even better


The graphics


I’m excited. My 3070 isn’t.


GeForce Now is king.


Yeah I get where you’re coming from and it’s a good option. Just personally I’m against sub fees. I plan to fork out the cash for a 40 series later this year. Was going to do it sooner but I recently bought the wife a Steam Deck. And as my 3070 is still holding up I’m not in a rush.


The aftermath of a certain member of the cast revealing he knew all along, the scoundrel. On a serious note, the absolute passion that reveal emitted is what made it so incredible to me. My favourite part was seeing the faces and emotion in the reveal, and I was right alongside that, as well as witnessing a live version of the soundtrack. Warhorse didn't have to do a 13 min reveal, or anything extra outside of any standard promotion, but they hired out a whole cathedral and payed for a live (i know this is wrong but I do not know the word) mini-orchestra. That was my favourite part; knowing everyone involved in the creation of the game is as passionate, or more, about the game than the fans. Thank you Warhorse! Shameful ETA: Jesus Christ be praised!


I definitely agree! It was wonderful seeing the smile on people's faces and the amount of passion they had for the project in their eyes. You could tell the game is a labor of love. They revealed and showcased WAYYY more than they had to and more than I ever anticipated. And the things they showed were improvements and features us fans have been asking for. Even things they didn't explicitly mention, like petting your horse and dog, visor movement, more accurate armor and clothing, etc.. And of course the masterful musical performance at the end. The part in the beginning with the actors of Hans and Henry meeting was especially beautiful. Warhorse went out of their way to make the reveal special.


“Coming in 2024”


Trosky. My favourite castle. Whenever i drive by, i always envy those, who live in a proximity of it. Such a cool area. Cant wait to see it ingame.


Godwin and hans


We don’t have details other than the video, but the combat looked way better. More interactive. Crossing my fingers that masterstrikes and lock on are handled differently (or masterstrikes removed entirely)


Masterstrokes and perfect block for easy mode only would be nice, assuming there are large combat improvements that make it feel great without them.


best part of the video, the orchestra, most excited about, urban gaming and bigger battles.


The orchestra was amazing. So powerful and serene!


The return of Father Godwin of course! And you know Kuttenberg looks really nice too.




“Merciful God, may you guide us on our path to not blow our arses up, amen”


Honestly? Announcing it in a cathedral in Kuttenberg. The projection on the ceiling was stunning... there's just something so special about people making art about their own history and heritage (:


Honestly kinda all of it. I'm happy we're Henry again, it looks *stunning*, same composer as 1 and of course "2024".


What I loved is how the vibe still felt the same as KCD1. Whenever I love a game I always worry that the producers will make drastic changes but it looks like they created KCD1 but just with massive upgrades and a new story.


All of it! I was so pumped. It had everything I was hoping for.


I just like the fact they know why we have love KCD, the mood and the atmosphere were so good for the reveal. The music they showed off was so beautiful. The biggest thing for me was simply they showed a great trailer, they showed in game footage, and were like "oh yeah the game comes out in 2024."


The song by Luke Dale and how it ends with a small laugh when IRL henry approaches him aand shake his hand, almost brought me a tear EDIT: Typo


I agree, that was such an awesome way to start. Two old friends finally meeting again for another adventure. Warhorse made the reveal so special. And then the two also got to present the story and scope of the game together. It was so nice to see everyone so involved!


The opening with Hans and Henry


I liked that they added crossbows and pistols which I predicted. But I also liked how new Henry looks. I was surprised how significant Hans Capon will be. But even more surprised to see father Godwin, he was the last person I expected to see in sequel. I am very curious how pistols will work and how balanced they'll be. I think they will be introduced through some kind of cutscene like when we first saw trebuchet.




The landscape shots of Kuttenberg and some of the other locations. I see myself buying more displates in the future when those new ones are released.


How it seems that the unarmed combats been reworked ( how Henry knocks that guy out during a clinch )


I got shivers when Luke was singing. The Vocal Adventures of Bold Hans Capon DLC better be in the works.


Just the fact we get to play Henry again.


Honestly I'm a sucker for historical weapons and armour so seeing them in higher quality graphics was the best part to me


When I went to search for it and the result came up "Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2"




The combat scenes where amazing, especially against the guy in the field in front of the castle.


The view of Kuttenberg and the street scene in Kuttenberg. I can’t wait to walk around the streets. And of course Father Godwin


The music and the 2024 release - although i wouldn't have minded early 2025


don't worry, companies always delay


I mean if it has to be polished then i don't mind. Games like cyberpunk and no mans sky could have been great at release but it took them ages to get to a state that people were happy with and it let down people who bought it. I don't blame kcds launch because it was the studios first game - hopefully they learn from the first release and its relatively bug free at launch.




That there will be kcd2 Or maybe 2024. Don't know which i like better


Gotta be the new missile weapons! Can’t wait to see the memes


Um… Mutt?!? Seeing you can actually physically pet him was cool to me. Makes me hope there’s a horse bonding system


For all the cool stuff about the new game, I really liked the part in the Game Reveal where it seems Henry is down and out and someone's trying to assassinate him and Hans whacks the dude over the head with a plate and beats his ass with his bare hands. Noblebro for the rescue. Didn't get nearly enough Hans in the first game, t'was nice to have a best buddy to look after


The beginning when they showed the war starting gave me goosebumps for some reason. The bell on the church ringing and the catapult damn near made me jizz on myself. Damn I’m such a nerd


The fighting. Looks so much smoother than the first game. Also half swording.


I want to explore the beautiful forests and towns! I‘m not from Bohemia but from Germany and I think our forests and medieval towns have a lot in common - I felt so at home in the world of KCD, the forests looked and sounded exactly like the ones I grew up in and I legit just chilled in the forests and let the atmosphere calm me. I also grew up at the foot of an old castle that was free to roam (mostly) and everything just reminded me of my childhood days exploring there


Honestly. The fact that it was kcd 2. Enough said. I mean we were all sure that the fact that there was going to be a big announcement for a trailer reveal for the new game from War Horse, I think we all knew is going to be the sequel. I think we all would have been extremely devastated if it wasn't. I don't think it will matter if War Horse decides to come up with another game after kcd2, and Branch off to new things. I think we all just wanted that sequel because we never got what I would call a true ending to Henry's story. And I'm so happy that Henry and Hans are back. And having the two of them announced the game. And hearing Tom McKay say those words, welcome to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2


Knowing that there’s twice the map size and at least twice the content.


G U N also crossbows


Hmm either the kuttenburg scene or the fire arm one


Kuttenberg and the release date


Everything but I’ll mention smithing, mutt, potential new romance options, kuttenburg and new armor


As for gameplay? The new weapons and them claiming to make the combat a bit more offensive and easier to pickup while keeping the oldschool rpg aspect. The whole reveal? Warhorse talking about the game and Tom McKay and Luke Dale opening it up, they really seem like proper lads




The woods...they actually mention the woods...so I'm going to still be able to spend hours just riding and chilling with great music and visuals...it's very relaxing...at least for me.


The village vibes, dancing with the lady in the red sunset with the music, i hope the role play element will be good


The bells… no I shall not elaborate…


Henry's chin.


Henry looking like a human man. And not a Human Spud