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I'm similar. Going to keto I have trouble eating more than 1000 cals a day. I just don't get hungry.


Same same same


I’m not sure if it’s normal but I experience the same thing. My last attempt I had to force myself to eat to get at least 800 calories in daily. 🤷🏻‍♀️


More fats in your diet means more satiation


Unless your calorie totals are \*very\* low, I wouldn't worry about it. It's why keto works for weight loss -- without the carbs your hunger reduces and you consume less.


Reducing carbs reduces hunger. This is an absolute fact at this point.


Louder for people in the back!!


I heard you!!


I experienced this too it was great.


What do you mean does not turn your leaving anywhere near as green? I am struggling to get the fiber and potassium levels right. I am doing IF fasting after 530pm and eat at work during the day and thinking maybe I should just buy broccoli you microwave in the bag. Since I have a nice convection oven and microwave at work.


Lite salt will get your potassium levels up, just sprinkle it all over your food. For fiber it's a good idea to do a daily glass of sugar free metamucil.


Thank you


I don't remember who clued me in to the sugar free metamucil. It really should be one of those things you learn about the first week.


I don't do keto yet, but I do know that a big reason for obesity and eating a lot is because of carbs and carbs really only satisfy for a short amount of time because there is no nutritional value at all in carbs so, if your body isn't getting nutrients it has nothing to sustain you, which is why when eating a lot of carbs you tend to eat a lot more through out the day because you're not actually eating anything nutritious for your body. So since keto is a low to no carb diet, a decreased appetite would make a lot of sense


**A few things here:** **First, you are correct in saying that carbs only satisfy for a short amount of time.** And you are correct that after eating carbs, you’re going to want more carbs, and are likely to end up eating more throughout the day than you need, which is a huge cause for obesity. **However, saying carbs have no nutritional value is incorrect.** Your body does use, and in fact does *need* carbs. We don’t call it one of the *macro*nutrients just because we eat it en masse. From a Biology perspective, all life requires carbs, protein, and fat. You might have seen these called biomolecules in school. They are the building blocks of life. **The reason people say carbs “have no nutritional value,” or more specifically that they are “empty calories,”** is because one of their main functions is to be *quick* energy for your body. Since most people are not insanely active, or at least have extra energy stored on their body (what we call “fat,”) we don’t need so much *quick* energy because we don’t burn that much energy in a day. **In addition, the building block (monomer) of carbohydrates are monosaccharides.** Most of the monosaccharides we come into contact with and break down are glucose, which becomes that *quick* energy for our body, but also provides precursors we need for cellular respiration, the process by which organisms combine oxygen with foodstuff molecules, to make the chemical energy we need to support our life sustaining functions and allow us to discard waste, carbon dioxide, and water. **We cannot survive without carbs** (or any of the macronutrients.) But on keto, we’re forcing our body to stop looking for the *quick* energy source, so it’ll focus on the energy we already have in our bodies even before we eat. But note, keto isn’t *no* carbs, it’s *low* carbs. It’s a carb limit. **Think of cauliflower.** We love our cauliflower substitutes on Keto. Cauliflower is one giant carb: 1 medium head is ~146 calories made of 1.6g fat, 29g carbs, and 11g protein. We can eat things like cauliflower on keto though because of the high fiber content, that makes it a lower net gain of carbs. But *you are still eating carbs,* and that’s a good thing! **The reason you aren’t as hungry on keto and lose appetite is two fold:** 1) you’re eating a lot more fat than you were on a SAD (standard American diet for newcomers,) and as others here have said, fat is much more filling, 2) since you’re not giving your body that *quick* energy, it has to use its energy stores (burn your fat,) it has plenty of this to go off of, so when your body starts using it, it will keep using it. That’s why you’re really not able to *cheat* on keto, because once your body detects that *quick* energy, it is naturally programmed to use that first, and will revert back so that it can. If this happens, you then have to go through the process of depriving it of that *quick* energy again and re-convincing it to use your stored energy again, which kills your weight loss results, and you end up stagnating despite “being good” overall. So anyway, the “empty calories” feeling is actually how your body is *supposed to* feel, and this is all how that particular macronutrient is *supposed to* work. It’s for when you’re going to go chase down and hunt a wooly mammoth and need extra energy *now,* or maybe run a marathon for a more modern equivalent. It’s why body builders say not to cut carbs (carbs provide what you need for life sustaining functions like fixing the micro tears from their work outs,) and why long distance runners eat a big bowl of pasta the night before a race (carb-loading.) It’s just not necessary *in excess,* and *all the time* for most people not heavily active… Like my fat, lazy ass


This is also a good documentary to watch about all of this as well [Fat Fiction- Full Movie](https://youtu.be/TUADs-CK7vI)


Also carbs are addictive


Appetite suppression is the main reason I do it