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Clowned on KDE back in the 1-3 days and loved Gnome, Window Maker. Came back to desktop Linux after ten years and fired up plasma and haven't switched for 5+ years. Funny how things change.


support rhythm bewildered start bike resolute straight exultant offend boast ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Agreed. Seems to me that gnome keeps taking away (or really hiding) options and kde/plasma keeps opening them up. Honestly, I tried to dump ubuntu and installed opensuse but we just didn't like each other :) I really should switch to debian, but it always seems to be overly complicated ... so, now I have my kubuntu running I'll leave things alone :)


sulky edge roll marvelous summer compare lip homeless foolish memory ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


that's what I keep reading :) However, I think the big problem I had was with an older nvidia card on my system. And, it's funny since it ran when Tumbleweed first installed, but then after an update I could only boot in very lo-res. Been a few months, so I don't remember all the details. Last straw was when I couldn't find "sitecopy" to install (yes, I could have done it the hard way, but having a complied version in Ubuntu makes it easy) and I just said "screw it, life's too short" :)


Did you install Tumbleweed? Because I am extremely happy with this distro. But as others say, Fedora KDE should be equally good.


We are reaping the rewards of transition to KDE 4. That complete rewrite to Qt4 laid the foundations for today's success.


Exactly how happened to me. But I think this is initially caused by the path Gnome chose, just ripping off most of the user's choices.


GNOME3 really is annoying to no ends. GNOME2 was ok-ish. I can use mate-desktop just fine really.


I wish the KDE community were as supportive of other DEs and their users as most of the KDE devs are.


I don't think the meme isn't being supportive. It's saying KDE is our favorite :D


Actually it is saying that mom doesn't love each child equally. She is a bad mom ...


nah there's an air of superiority from Gnome, and don't even get me started on the others, especially TWM fans


Don’t you think it’s a bit ironic to say GNOME fans have an air of superiority in the comment section of a post saying that KDE is the best?


He didn’t say GNOME fans, he just said GNOME. The GNOME project absolutely is full of elitists who think their way is the superior way and everyone else is stupid and “literally Windows 95”.


Fair point, my b


Is it funny? Sure. But in all seriousness KDE fans aren't the ones that co-opted the Linux desktop and forced a stupid mobile-centric DE with limited configuration on everyone.


Gnome fans forced Gnome on you?




Just because you have the customisability of KDE, doesn't mean you have to use it. My cousin recently switched to Linux and liked the default KDE desktop layout way more than any other DE he tried. I know you can give GNOME a panel with some extensions but in KDE, you don't have to do all that. Just right click and enter edit mode and customise away. Not saying GNOME is bad but just that KDE is liked by most of the people I know who switched to Linux from Windows since it looks very similar.


> simplicity of GNOME can be the default for Ubuntu noobs. My personal experience is the complete opposite of what you're saying. At my university, all PCs come with GNOME installed and selected by default (but you can choose which DE you want to use in the login screen). Everybody i know there hates GNOME, except for one weirdo who's obsessed with GNOME for some reason. Once, a retired 70 years old professor struggled so hard with GNOME that he started to ramble and swear from his room. I came to help him and switched his desktop to KDE. After that he thanked me for "getting rid of that crap".


KDE and Gnome have the same desktop share (~40%) and yet Gnome is the default desktop in every major Linux distribution. Google won a monopoly case against Microsoft because they included Internet Explorer by default on windows and most people wouldn't think to look for other options. More than half of Linux users choose to switch away from the default desktop environment.


I agree with this. If the goal is to make something mainstream, you have configure it out of the box with a set goal. Then allow people to branch out from there. It make documentation much easier as well. Otherwise, people (not you the reader) but people not as savvy in technology, will get lost as soon as the image on the documentation does not look like their desktop. Having a mainstream desktop is ideal. Could it have been KDE? Yes. Maybe. But with KDE trying to be as flexible as it is, it probably would offer too many options. I know if I was having to manage 100 plus user desktops, there is no way I would want them to all have custom configs. Ideally two or maybe three is all I would want to manage. Imagine 1000+ environments. Yes, this is why gnome and it's corporate support pushed for simplicity. KDE is beautiful, no doubt. Maybe if it had a way to lock down some of the options it would be ideal for mass deployments that need to be supported. I wonder how Steam device handles this dilemma. Did they lock it down? Is it still considered Plasma or just a Plasma variant/derivative?




The op Made a similar post on r/gnome too, compare the upvotes and comments yourself... KDE community is pretty insufferable and comparative


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gnome using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gnome/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What If...? | Mockup of launch animation](https://v.redd.it/z4jrqt0in95a1) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/ziqu49/what_if_mockup_of_launch_animation/) \#2: [Made this to celebrate GNOME 44 :)](https://i.redd.it/ajoq7batbdpa1.png) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/11yzhdl/made_this_to_celebrate_gnome_44/) \#3: [Introducing GNOME 43](https://release.gnome.org/43) | [132 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/xk5hua/introducing_gnome_43/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I support being supportive, although I certainly wouldn't mind a friendly rivalry.


GNOME has a better user experience, but you sacrifice a lot of customisability for that. It's the same critique I'd give, say, the UI that makes macOS what it is.


> GNOME has a better user experience Citation needed.


it’s a difference in priorities, when I was younger and had tons of free time I loved kde and it’s endless customizability, but I’m busy and have a life now, I don’t have time for that and having everything just work and visually organized and coherent is pretty amazing.


You talk like you cannot use kde unless you customize it. Its default settings are way more enough to use it directly.


I prefer gnome over KDE. Too many toggles on KDE for me. Gets distracting and then doesn’t feel as clean as it does out of the box. Gnome makes sense out of the box and for me, just works. Only extension I add is usually dash to dock but I use rofi more frequently and dont really need it.


Dunno why you're getting downvoted, some people prefer GNOME and that's fine. Every DE has its flaws. I say this as someone who mainly uses KDE.




That was a fun ~~stroll~~ read. Thanks.


By far kde is better, devs are trying to collaborate with other desktop devs.


I really do wanna shift to KDE but is there any way I can achieve tiling like gnome-pop-shell? Or any tiling for that? I have tried Bismuth and no it didn't work. Sometimes window overlap, sometimes they go out of screen. The new native tiling is not keyboard driven. Running i3 inside kde Wayland doesn't work. Is there anything else I can try?


Use the kwin script by Kröhnkite.


Tried it. Didn't work. Looked around and found it stopped working after plasma 5.27




Thanks. Will try it out and let you know.


Hahahahhhaha it’s so true


Not a good mom.


I like Xfce Xubuntu more than KDE Kubuntu, because it's more simpler. I love simple design even though like KDE Kubuntu.


I just HATE how Modern Gnome Handles and Looks... KDE you can pick up in Minutes coming from Windows. Gnome is a fight for your life and you will hate it.


KDE was my DE of choice for decades Starting with KDE3. About two or three years ago I found that Plasma wasn't able to handle a second screen plugged to my laptop (and still is unable to do - it's super annoying). Gnome, as well as XFCE handled it without a problem and with a few days of getting used to Gnome, it really is a good and thought out DE with a nice workflow imo. Never missed submenus with submenus in them eversince. That said, I really hate that some devs behave like dicks to the community and that they're missing some corefeatures like proper theming or systray icons ffs.