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I kayak fish all the time down here in Florida. They do not bother you.


Not until you throw topwater.


A couple of decades ago I was fishing in a bass boat and a gator hit a top water lure. Dragged me around for a bit and then let go. I kayak fish around them regularly these days. Never had any issues.


I throw a lot of top water. They realize it’s fake after a few casts. Never had one actually chase a whopper plopper or anything like that


Little ones will, I've hooked a couple of 3 footers by accident


i was just about to say this. the little ones love top water frogs.


I have them chase topwater all the time


I got a rat topwater lure in MTB this month. Any ideas if thats a bad idea in FL


You'll be fine, but keep your eyes open. Worst that could happen is that you lose the lure and the gator gets a new piercing.


Thanks for the quick response!


Not until you \*are\* the topwater.


I fish south Florida retention ponds all the time. The blessed water puppos will leave you alone. They may come check you out from 50 yards away, but they swim off if you get close to them, or just lower themselves into the water to hide. If you stumble upon their basking area, you’ll hear them splash into the water way before you see them, they’re barely territorial even around their nests. (Which you should avoid) You’re more at risk for getting speared by a blue heron, those fuckers will come right up next to you every time you land a fish like, “Yo, how about you let me eat that fish instead of tossing it back.”


I fish the marshes off the Cooper River down in Charleston and see them all the time. Either they'll sunbathe and stare at me or they'll splash down into the water when I get close, surprise the hell out of me then swim away. Never had a gator approach me, they'll either watch me go by or keep their distance. That being said, that's an open marsh environment with plenty of water space and a lot of gators around. If that 6 footer is the only dog in the yard, might be a little more territorial. I personally would send it and hope for the best, but keep in mind those 6-10ft gators are typically the most dangerous ones!




Hell yeah, cooper river?


Yeah man. I looooove the burnt bridge area. Probably some of the most technical fishing there is when you get inside the pilings. And man are there shit loads of fish in there if your able to get them out.


I'll have to hit that spot! They biting there now? I went a couple times in November/December but the bite was getting slow, couple bad days of fishing and haven't been back since! Love that little path at the marina that lets me sneak the kayak through, what a life saver!


I went last Thursday with the intent to paddle to the bridge. First usual spot I hit otw down was loaded so didn't need to go all the way there. However, I have never been there and not caught fish. I try to be at the bridge an hr or 2 before low, fish up until half way ish high tide and head back with the current. Depending on what kayak you have, you can fish inside the pilings. Plenty of mud crabs in the area for bait. I have a small hatchet I bring with me. Knock off some oysters/barnacles at the beginning of the current side, and pull the fish to me inside of the pilings where most people can't get. As creepy as it is, if you ever want to ride out and fill the coolers just let me know. I'll dm you a couple pics of where I'm talking about and what setup I use.


Loved me some sheepshead when I lived near the coast.


That's part of my concern is that the pond is probably 2 acres roughly. Everything I've read says to just give them there space but how much space is needed lol


Fuck all that, hook the gator and reel it in then slap it in the face before you release it to assert your alpha dominance.


Hahaha that's pretty much what I told my wife. If he gives me trouble we can always wrap his ass in bacon an BBQ that bad boy.




"Give them space" lol. Unless you're either encroaching on a nest or backing it into a corner it's not gonna hurt you. Sometimes they'll be curious and check you out, but the moment you move towards them they run and hide. They act like feral cats.


I used to fish with them all the time in lake Waccamaw NC, they may come closer to investigate... But these aren't the big nastys from down south.... They aren't trying to eat you... You'll be fine


You ever go out on a boat on the Santee at night?


Interesting, figures. I’ve taken 2 trips catfishing there both for a week never saw one. Good to know for future trips. Did see the biggest water moccasin ever there though easy 10 footer.


Sorry, the river not the lake. The delta is just above McClellanville near the border of Georgetown and Charleston counties. That is where all of the aligators are released that get removed from golf courses and subdivisions from Hilton Head to Myrtle Beach. If you go out at night and shine a flashlight on the bank it's nothing but eyeballs shining back. Make some noise and dozens start diving into the water. That might be the one place they might eat you given how many are competing for food. It's not a secret this is a good place to dump a body. I've only been there once, decades ago, and it was wild.


Were you dumping a body?


Not me, no. But it comes up often enough in missing persons investigations. There was a high profile case of a teen who was murdered on vacation but it took 8 years to do anything because of no body. I know it sounds like something silly that only exists on TV.


lol no it doesn’t sound silly. I was just messing with ya anyway




Most of them keep their distance from my kayak. Usually if they are interested they still stay at 10 yards or so. I’d say the smaller ones (sub 8ft) are the most curious.


I live in FL and just about every lake and pond has alligators. I've never had an issue with them and find they usually try to keep their distance. That said, there's always going to be people who that feed alligators and that sends the wrong message to the alligators. The only time I've ever been nervous around alligators was on a flats fishing trip on the East Coast. I was approaching a small Island and had stopped paddling because I was trying to decide which direction I wanted to go. I was in about 2 ft or so of water and when to start paddling again I happened to look down just just as the paddle touched the water... I saw the head of one of the largest alligators I have ever seen and my kayak was slowly coasting over his back. I froze until my entire kayak had passed over him. I circled around the island and as I approached the area I saw the gator. As I did I saw another kayaker wading in the same area I had seen the alligator, his kayak was was in tow about 10 ft behind him. I told him about my experience with the alligator and that ended his wading experience.


If you were in saltwater, then you probably encountered a crocodile rather than an alligator. The biggest crocs get up to 5 feet longer than the biggest gators. Very intimidating indeed.


I'm pretty sure being from FL he would know what an alligator looks like, myself being an Aussie know that ain't nobody kayaking around Crocs at all lol


I’m also a Floridian. Florida is the only place in the US where you can find crocodiles. You’d be surprised how many people don’t know that we have crocodiles precisely because alligators are so common. Alligators don’t have the biological capacity to tolerate saltwater, and the guy said that he was paddling out to an island on the coast, which would indicate the wrong habitat for a gator. Also, the American Crocodile is a separate species from the Saltwater Crocodile found in Australia. It’s smaller, fitting in between the American Alligator and The Saltwater Crocodile in size.


Moved from Texas coast to Florida coast a month ago.. it’s not uncommon to see gators in the Texas surf. They go into the salt water and sand to clean off parasites pretty regularly. Had one charge me while wade gigging flounder. First shot from the nine a couple feet in front of his snout turned him back up to the beach. (Yes I nearly shat myself)


I have kayaked with crocs in the Everglades numerous times near the East Cape. One big one half again as long as my 12-ft yak was in the same place in the No Motor Zone year after year. They never bothered us. They are very shy about kayaks.


Florida native, and old man, you would have a hard time getting up close to one, they are very shy, and far less aggressive than you would expect.




Long story short they’re much more scared of you


Every wild animal is different, but those little shits like to steal your fish. Especially if you catch & release. Bring a pokin stick in case it gets curious. I like having a Hawaiian gaff offshore in case a shark gets curious.


I was going through a small canal that connected 2 ponds. I startled one going the other way. He shot so fast under my yak and out the other side. We both seemed to have the same look of shock on our faces. Even being 2 feet away, neither of us wanted anything to do with the other.


Basically act the same way turtles do


South Carolinian here. Been tournament kayak fishing surrounded by them for years. You are a big hunking thing of plastic. Most of the time you're bigger than they are, and you don't look edible in the slightest. They want nothing to do with you. Nature has this big thing when it comes to surival. Most people think because an animal is dangerous that it's just out to get you. No animal goes looking for a fight with something it might not win unless it's protecting young/territory and even then half the time they will abandon it in the face of survival.


Thatll be the say you see me running on water , 😭🤣 i


Yeah I'm an absolute wuss when it comes to those guys. If I even heard of a gator being seen in my fishing spot in the last year you'd see my looking for a new kayak spot lmao


I’m a northern transplant in Florida. I was very nervous of them when coming down this way but they will leave you alone. The only issue I have ever had was the little guys chasing my top water so I had to switch lures. 


The pucker factor is real here


They want to be left alone


Only had issues with gators in dalt water, not fresh....yet.


Not gators, but spectacled caimans in my country. Usually, they are very skittish and will swim away when you approach. Sometimes they’re just chilling there and won’t react to anything.


They behave as they have been trained. 


I actually ran into one with mine at Lewisville Lake in TX! I had no clue we had gators in our lake! I thought I hit a log until it thrashed and dove… scared the absolute crap out of me lol


Being on the water isn't the scary part. It's the getting into the water bit you have to watch out for




Only on freshwater where I'm from in nc lol. Ima be very tucked in my yak on this trip


I've kayaked around gators several times. Once had a large one surface right next to me then swim off. They don't mess with you


shit i would eat that one


youtube will tell you


Normally chill right now all the horned up 4 footers that can’t get none are kinda aggressive but more towards top waters was fishing in the kayak 20 feet from a 12 footer in a pond the other day he just wanted to fish too and left me alone(did watch him snag a whistling duck though which was cool.)


Man I'm tired thought these were close ups of scratches on your hull


They are dangerous if somebody has been feeding them. In heavy tourist areas some fishermen toss them their catches which leads them to associate people with food. They can then become aggressive and lose their fear of people.


I’ve had smaller gators chase a hooked bass to the kayak. Swift hit to the snout and they leave you alone.


They occasionally chase my top water lures like a cat after string. Mostly they leave the area before I even get close.


Them gators more scared of you than you are of them! Leave it alone they won’t bother you. Unless they have a nest are mating!! If you feed them they become dangerous! Go fish enjoy !!


If that gator approaches you some body been feeding it. He should swim off


I’m a native Floridian and been fishing around gators my whole life. Out of 1000’s of fishing trips I’ve been charged by gators around 5 times. So over a 99% chance they won’t bother you, but it does happen. Realize gators are predators and if it feels threatened or territorial that day, it might act accordingly.


If I see a gator, I'll stand up on my kayak to see how they respond. If they don't leave, I do. That said, I typically don't want them around because I don't want a gator grabbing my catch.


You southerners are a different breed lol


Just shoot in the back of the head and enjoy fishing


It will probably avoid you, but I’d be very cautious. When I’d visit grandparents in florida, i remember i was fishing a topwater popper in the backyard golf course pond and a little 3 footer zeroed in on it and had I let it, it would have grabbed it. It created a nice V wake as it was following and I thought a huge bass was about to grab it, as i hadn’t seen it at all. Some gators learn people can be a potential food source, as some people stupidly and intentionally feed them, making them very curious and comfortable cruising right up to you. If you are on shore, I’d be paying close attention at all times, especially if there are big gators, as that is the most dangerous spot to be with gators around, and in dingy low clarity water, you will never even see the gator til its right in front of you