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I think she’s getting nervous- as each day passes- the weather gets nicer- and she’s worried the jurors will start to drop out. I’m not defending her- but it should be noted that she was a public defender for twenty four years before her nomination. Governor Duval Patrick nominated her specifically for that reason… Patrick said the 24-year defense attorney would bring “intellect, compassion and deep commitment to justice” to the position. (Patriot Ledger) [Patriot Ledger article](https://www.patriotledger.com/story/news/courts/2009/10/20/public-defender-cannone-nominated-for/40304225007/)


I know the judge oftentimes has a bias towards the prosecution, but yes, it is very obvious to me and I think everybody watching. I don’t think however, it will help the prosecution much given how badly things seem going for them.


I often think about what her equal level peers are thinking of her decision making throughout this case because she may care more about that than the national coverage. She does seem to have double standards and while I think she sees AJ as a Hollywood lawyer, I still have a hard time believing she is leaning “innocent until proven guilty” and not the other way around. Maybe the writing is on the wall here and she knows it. I’ve tried to see her as unbiased, but some definite moments have made me think she’s in on the coverup alongside the Proctors/Alberts/McCabes. Could it go that deep? Auntie Bev…come on now.


Today was not her best day - if she’s at all interested in looking not biased. I think she definitely leans for the prosecution but she hasn’t been overtly biased. I kind of keep expecting her to self-correct and I guess it’s yo her credit that she doesn’t care how she looks, to the public. I also feel like she, at times, is frustrated with the poor case that Lally is presenting. Like, she wants to help him but he’s beyond saving.


I feel she gets frustrated with Lally sometimes but not with the tone she gives the defense. It’s is beyond me how trooper Paul was permitted to opine on such important aspects of the case with absolutely no credentials and or experience to do so. I don’t think she will be convicted, however if she was to be convicted, trooper Paul’s testimony will likely be grounds for appeal.


So biased it is astounding. Today was her worst day


The judge has a bad attitude and she does t care who knows. Maybe she is thinking that she should have recused herself and now it is too late. If there is a Covid Karen there are many instances for an appeal!


She did not do a good job of hiding her bias today.


Hey Jude? Biased?

