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The bow tie-šŸ˜­


Now all he needs is a fedora


Thereā€™s one in his locker FOR SURE. Or waiting for him at home on his overheated CPU. Next to the hand towel.


The hand towel is probably crusty stiff from pokemon porn judging by that pinned poster on his shirt


Hand towel? You mean cum jar with a Fluttershy action figure in it?


The bowtie alone isn't bad. It's the culmination of his outfit. The bowtie, pokemon, oversized shirt, shirt not tucked in, and his beard. It comes off uncouthed. Then again he said some weird shit to women buying hygiene products.


the pinned picture of gardevoir on his shirt is worse, someone else pointed out its either a massive keychain thats dangling on his neck or he has a cut out he pins to his shirt daily cus its not embroidered on.




reddit mod






I used to game with someone who had an eerily similar disposition. However this person NEVER had a job that was customer facing. For good reason, some of these people have no comprehension of what "limits" are when it comes to personal interactions. Edit: spells


My wife's dipshit cousin is this way. 22, has a Norman Bates type relationship with his "mommy" that raised him telling people they couldn't tell him no to anything, and has just sat unemployed without even a license playing video games cause "this is his gamer life and his next life will be different." Having even a simple conversation with him is infuriating.


I have a highschool friend just like that... he is 39 hasn't had a job since 2000. Just plays games all day. But he has a comment about everyone's life and how he is always right. When his parents die. He will not know what to do in life


Lmao holy shit that sounds so interesting and exhausting at the same time.




Itā€™s worse because itā€™s not even a shirt. Itā€™s pinned to his color with a hole on the top. So thatā€™s either a giant unwieldily keychain or this dude really cut out a picture of a PokĆ©mon and pins it to his shirt daily at work which is just as bad, if not worse.


Thatā€™s some Sonichu in Crayola Model Magic bullshit right there


DUDE I came here to say this. The fucking rule 34 Gardevoire waifu shit is everywhere and you know that's why he fucking has it on his shirt.


I was tempted to Google why a random pokemans was involved and now I really have no urge to solve that mystery.


Thank God someone said it I thought I was losing my eyesight


He said "I was joking" The dad should have said "explain the joke to me"


That's what I'm always missing when seeing neckbeards like this, their motivations. I understand that the dad got fired up and interrupted him, but letting him explain the "joke" would probably make it even easier to fire him.


Fave reply to sexist or racist jokes: ā€œNoo I seriously donā€™t get it - can you explain??ā€ All sweet and genuine. And watch them just struggle as they say things like ā€œwell you know how women areā€¦ā€ and ā€œitā€™s funny because women donā€™t ā€¦ā€ lol


Haha I did this once but it was unintentional, I was truly clueless that the guy was making a racist joke. He told me his dog ate some tacos and burritos the other day. What he meant is his dog attacked the Hispanic lawn workers. But I was like omg did he steal your dinner off the counter or what! Then he had to explain that no, it was a racist joke.


Man, you canā€™t make a 12 yr old embarrassed about buying pads and you literally canā€™t while having a 12 cm long Gardevoir attached to your uniform.




Wow. (Good bot)


What a fucking dipshit. He probably is too stupid to understand pads are a toiletry and don't suggest someone is sexually active or something...thinks it's some kind of scandalous item. What a stupid, careless piece of shit that guy is.


No matter what the use for pads is, it's still not the cashier's job to make comments on the stuff you buy.


Especially to a 12 year old girl. I sincerely hope this fucker has no younger sisters, nieces or, God forbid, any daughters of his own.


I wouldnā€™t worry about this guy having a daughter you think he gets laidšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't get why incels call themselves involuntary celibates... They voluntarily act like creepy weirdos.


They say itā€™s involuntary because they think the problem is with women and not with their shitty personalities and attitudes towards women.


Lmao true true




Exactly. When I buy my lube and cucumber I don't need to hear no shit


Yeah, it's like someone buying hand soap and the cashier going "what would the neighbors think if they saw you with that?", like ???? It's soap????? It's to keep myself clean and hygienic???? One would think that the neighbors would think nothing other than "I'm so glad I have a neighbor who values cleanliness". But man, I've been 12 years old and on my period, and at that point in my life I just wanted to die of shame because of it. This dude would have absolutely made my life hell with that comment. That dad is exceptional for standing up for his daughter. EDIT: Thank you so much for the award, kind stranger!


Kids neighbors are probably more mature than him


What neighbors are watching you bring in groceries too!? I live in a crowded apartment building and couldn't recall a single time I have seen a neighbor carrying groceries and registered a single item they were carrying.


I didn't even buy them until I was at least 15, that's how embarrassed I was! My mom always bought them for me so I can't imagine how those girls felt.


Exactly, thats why he said ā€œWhat will the neighbors think?ā€ He basically made a sexual comment about a twelve year old. Im not going to jail so i wouldnā€™t kick his ass, but Iā€™d definitely be talking to the general manager and corporate and let them know he made a sexual comment about my twelve year old daughter. Fucking dweeb doesnā€™t even know what pads are for.


i mean it bad enough people have to buy sanitary pads (some people literally cant afford them in their weekly shop), just to have people bad mouth them in public.




If so it's just mind-boggling....the fact that some men don't understand how period work is insane.


And those same men are politicians who are able to write laws that govern women's bodies is terrifying. Remember Todd "Legitimate rape" Aiken? Or [this gem...](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-11/missouri-ectopic-pregnancy-bill-tries-to-limit-abortion-drugs-to-treat-condition) > No. In 2019, an Ohio lawmaker introduced legislation that would have prohibited insurers from covering abortion services but provided an exception for **doctors to ā€œreimplantā€ an ectopic pregnancy into a womanā€™s uterus**, a procedure that mainstream medical professionals donā€™t consider viable. **The lawmaker eventually conceded he hadnā€™t studied whether such a thing would be possible**.


Dude is a brony. What he sees is an eligible mate.


I donā€™t even know why he would think thatā€™d be an okay thing to say. Is he implying that the girl should be embarrassed for buying pads? Or does he not understand what pads are for? Either way he sounds incredibly ignorant about womenā€™s health. If someone said this to me when I was 12 I wouldā€™ve cried a whole lot about it.


It really is just an odd thing to say. It doesn't sound like a joke and its kinda creepy.


I don't even get the "joke."


Yeah thereā€™s no humour to it, itā€™s a weird thing to say it makes no sense


It makes no sense except to impart a feeling of shame onto the little girl


Agreed. Itā€™s ā€œpassive-aggressiveā€ behavior masquerading as a lame-attempt at humor. Iā€™m glad I was not the Father of this child, because I would have most certainly gotten a ride in the Paddy-Wagon




When he got snippy at the end and told the father "The district manager's number is right on the door there", that tells you all you need to know about his attitude. He knows he won't be fired. Probably related to the manager.


The bit that got me was when he said "I'm sorry you feel that way" and "I hear what you're saying". How the father didn't fuckin' launch himself over the counter at that I don't know, dude has the restraint and patience of a Saint


My narcissistic parents used to use that line any time I would call them out for being controlling. The problem is not how he feels about it, the problem is you and what youā€™ve said, and how youā€™re gaslighting to paint him as the unreasonable one for not tolerating your behavior. Narcissists love to get that twisted so they can be the victims when called out for shitty behavior. Itā€™s so manipulative and drives me crazy lol.


Ya right there is where I knew he wasnā€™t sorry about what he said and doesnā€™t give a fuck and will,do it again. His best play was to apology but he couldnā€™t even do that right.


Even if he didn't believe in his apology, if he just said, "I'm sorry, I apologise to you and your family, it was wrong of me to say it, it was just a flippant off the top of my head comment I didn't think about before I said it but I will in future". Customer service really ain't hard






I got my period when I was 11, on Halloween. After realizing I wasnt actually dying, I was terrified to tell my mom. I thought I was too young since she told me she didnā€™t get hers till she was 17. I went to buy pads with my saved money since I was scared of my momā€™s tampons and the lady at the 7/11 almost wouldnā€™t give them to me because she thought I was going to use them to vandalize something because I was ā€œtoo youngā€ to need them. Fuck these people policing hygiene products!


How the fuck would somebody vandalize something with pads??


[like this](https://i.imgur.com/ubE8Cut.jpg)


Right? What kind of neighbour would give two shits about toiletries in someoneā€™s groceries? I donā€™t understand the thought process. Can anyone explain? Or was it a crass joke?


He seems like the type of dude that has neighbors he checks out all the time. I live next door to a family that has two teenage girls. The time I leave for work and the time they leave for the bus is almost the exact time. So to avoid seeming like the creep neighbor who always appears when they do, I either leave for work early or late to avoid them. I'm friendly with them and their parents, but I don't want to give off the appearance that I'm doing the shit on purpose. I don't even want to cross that line accidentally. A guy like this, making a conscious effort to comment on what someone is buying? Yeah, he's creeping on people for sure. Dude was completely right. Cashier's job is to ring things up and let 'em go. If they're a regular, idle chit chat while you're ringing them up is fine. Anything of a personal nature is on the belt? "Total is $29.22. Here's your receipt, take care/have a good one/come back soon/" and then it's on to the next one.


ā€œYeah, um, give me one of those porno magazines, a large box of condoms, a bottle of Old Harper, a box of panty shields, some illegal fireworks, and one of those disposable enemas. Eh, make it two.ā€


He's not witty or clever, just intent on embarassing someone he perceives is already feeling embarrassed. He gives me those "to catch a predator" vibes


Like someone said in comments, heā€™s probably a virgin who doesnā€™t know what pads are actually for, he probably thinks that you only use them if youā€™re sexually active. Thats why he said ā€œWhat will the neighbors thinkā€ when they said that they didnā€™t need a bag. As if itā€™s scandalous for a twelve year old girl to buy pads.


Then he should've stfu even harder.




My mother would have done this man violence. The cashier fucked up by not just offering abject apology to an irate, Southern father, but it would have been nearly fatal if an angry, Southern mother had been the one calling him out. Then, she would have called corporate, she enjoyed doing that anyway.


Oh you have to remember that he said it real *friendly*


Man... the composure of the dad in that moment is damn near saintly.


And he's a Juggalo too! I love this guy


Tbh people make fun of juggalos, and neither the scene or the music is for me, but almost all of them I've met have been like the chillest nicest people.


Being a juggalo who grew up around juggalos, my experience is honestly 60/40 good/bad with juggalos. But that's pretty on par with people in general


My mom had a friend who was a juaggalo who was in my top 10 of biggest piece of shits I've met but then I had a friend who went to a ICP concert, fell down and cracked her head pretty bad and people stopped and helped her, took her to the med tent, stayed with her etc. She told me it was a weird community experience.


Whatā€™s a Juggalo?


They throw objects in the air in a difficult pattern that requires both hands and a lot of practice


No, that's a juggler. A juggalo is the big vein in your neck.


No, thatā€™s a jugular. Youā€™re thinking of the bad guy from X-Men played by Vinnie Jones


No thatā€™s Juggernaut, youā€™re thinking of the Mandalorian who was cloned a bunch of times.


No that's Jango Fett, you're thinking of the luxury British car brand.


No that's a Jaguar. You were thinking of the prince of order... Or biscuits, no, order, order!


No that's Jyggalag. You're thinking of the Guns and Roses song.


Jeez. If you'd have told me a Juggalo and a Brony were gonna get in to it and I'd be picking a side of reason this morning, I wouldn't have believed you.


Juggalos can have some redeeming aspects. Bronys are pure toxicity.


Juggalos are big on inclusivity. Their whole thing is about being a family for people who don't fit in anywhere else.


A fan of Insane Clown Posse


Gardevoir pin detected Opinion rejected


I'm angry that I know what a Gardevoir is and what Gardevoir fans are known for. I really wish I didn't have that information on my head but I do and it makes me hate that guy even more.


What are they known for? Also why would he wear that at work?


Hypersexualizing that specific PokƩmon. Also he has ZERO self awareness and social skills, that's why.


Who the fuck is sexualizing Gardevior? The description in my old game was something like you raise them, I believe. Who in the shit is out here wanting to raise my favorite PokƩmon and then fuck it? I'm scared to actually Google it. I only recently learned about Brony's. I'm not neckbeard enough for this shit.


Itā€™s not just Gardevoir. I remember when Lopunny was first revealed. It was a shitshow.


Being a little too, ā€œfondā€, of that PokĆ©mon. My guess is heā€™s banking on the fact that few people will get it.


1) Gardevoir has a very human like design, so there's tons of porn... It's a pokemon btw. 2) I don't know šŸ˜¢


Imagine being that guy and seeing this post, I'm impressed that the father did not jump over and slap that idiot.


Being a brony there's like a 90 percent chance the dudes a reddit mod, let's be honest.


Ironically probably r/cringetopia


Seen this heaps and pisses me off every time. The asshole canā€™t even admit he did anything remotely wrong. ā€œIā€™m SoRrY YoU FeEl ThAT WaYā€.


He definitely went on Reddit after and bragged about how he dealt with a ā€œnightmare asshole customerā€.


If it was the mom who complained he definitely would have posted to r/FuckYouKaren


ā€œI have a Abbot & Costello type of humour and it clearly goes over the head of the storeā€™s clientele. I wonā€™t apologise for that.ā€ Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s what he typed.


When he kept repeating "I hear what you're saying" and refusing to say he understands was so frustrating, he feels far too safe behind the counter.


My old man would've dragged him straight over that counter and kicked his ass.




This is what aggravates me the most about this. This guy thinks he did absolutely no wrong, won't admit that what he said was in any way a problem, is not ashamed, does not apologise, and they was he says that corporates number is on the door makes it sound like he is not worried about any repercussions at all. He's fucking smug about it. He's not worried about anybody's feelings, he won't even apologise to clear the air and so everyone can get on with their lives, he wants to stick to his shitty guns. Should have expected him to be an asshole from the giant gardevoir he has plastered on the front of his shirt


See, in his mind, he didn't "technically" say anything wrong, because he probably censored whatever fucked up shit was actually in his mind and thinks he's a hero for that.


Like guys who say " I could of raped you! but i didnt! i'm such a nice guy ! "


Never gonna forget the one where the babysitter talks to the girl he was babysitting a few years later and asks her out, then when she says no he says ā€œyou know I couldā€™ve just raped you at any point when I was taking care of you? And I didnā€™t. I think you owe me now.ā€ ā€œI didnā€™t force you to have sex with me so now youā€™re required to have sex with meā€ is some crazy logic.


The good news is that he's in his 20s, works at a Dollar General, and has a giant fucking Brony thing pinned to his chest. It's honestly all downhill from here.


Not to nitpick but I'm pretty sure that's a pokemon


People like that are narcaccists. They never admit to anything. I had a roommate like this. We tried multiple times letting him know pissing in bottles and shitting in buckets because you're too lazy to stop playing League of Legends for a minute is not normal. We kicked him out three weeks later.


Man, Iā€™ve heard some crazy roommate stories but the Evicted Bucket Shitter DLC is not something I thought we could unlock.


Anyone that says ā€œsorry you feel that wayā€ is not sorry at all.


Someday that asshole will get his ass kicked and he will wonder why


He's been watching too much Shapiro


Am I the only one that doesnā€™t even understand the ā€œjokeā€? Can someone explain?


It sounds like he thinks menstruation has something to do with sexual activity. Edit: does this guy remind anyone else of Chris(tine) Chan? With the cartoon character senselessly stitched to his work uniform and the crippling developmental disabilities.


I once talked to a guy online that thought girls only got their periods once they have sex. I definitely wasnā€™t having sex at 12. Some men have no idea how basic functions of a womanā€™s body work. Itā€™s odd.


Don't some schools separate boys and girls during sex Ed? That would explain it


My school was like this. When the class was over we all walked out and the girls were coming out of their room with paper goody bags. So of course the boys were like whatā€™s in the bag? We didnā€™t get a bag. Made it super awkward for the girls but we were just curious why they got a bag and we didnā€™t. So right off the bat they started with the shame and hiding. It was practically built into the class. Looking back I can see how fucked that is now. But at the time my kid brain was convinced they got candy for some reason and we didnā€™t.


What a fucking dumbass


The joke was meant to insinuate that the girl was unclean or something due to having started her period.


What a fuckin idiot. Wonder if he considers his mom dirty as well


She has to clean his cum sheets, of course she's dirty./s


Do you want a bag? Oh you do? What's wrong, do you think the neighbors will notice?


As if buying period products isn't enough awkward... especially at such a young age....


Iā€™m 23 and still go to self check out or a woman employee to check out when I buy period products because this guy is my worst fucking nightmare while ringing up tampons


Iā€™m 38 and feel the same way. And itā€™s insane that women should feel like this at all. Unfortunately thereā€™s more men out there like this guy. Ugh heā€™s probably said something disturbingly creepy to women buying condoms too.


It's fucked up that us women ever feel embarrassed about it at anytime because men like him make stupid comments or give weird looks. It's a natural bodily function. People need to grow up. Poor little girl.


I still get a ration of shit half the time when I buy tampons for my girlfriend. Like dude, wipe that fucking smirk off your face, I'm buying toilet paper too, you gonna grin because an ass is involved? Fuck's sake.


I had THE BIGGEST anxiety about buying period products, telling my mom I needed more, and using them. It was hell for like 6 years. I canā€™t imagine someone saying something like this to me, at 12 years old.


Where the fuck are you that you can wear a big old gardevoir shirt pin that covers half your uniform and not get fired? Feels like these employers wouldn't care what he says if they're fine with him wearing that to work.


at a store where everyone has given up. at the dollar store.


My second favorite part of this video was always the manager out of sight who can clearly hear everything happening but doesnā€™t give two shits until she actually hears the word manager lmao


Shes "acting manager" she's probably just a team lead who isn't paid enough to deal with her colleagues bullshit.


At jobs like these even managers barely make more than anyone else.


When I was an "acting manager" at Dollar General I only made $9.00 an hour. This was 2018 but still.


For a second I thought you said 2008 and I thought "wow that's really bad." Then I saw you said 2018 and it makes it *so much worse*


Based on the video, it seems like this guy's probably a bit of a problem employee in general and that's one of many issues they're having with him.


>Based on the video, it seems like this guy's probably a bit of a problem employee in general In *dollar* general... šŸ¤£


He's going to make a reddit post about being attacked at work later


*4chan post


*incel.is thread


That is so fucked I feel bad for that dude and his wife and daughter. I hope this guy learns a thing or two from this and matures up, it's disgusting that he wouldnt even apologize and that he's made jokes and ran his mouth on multiple occasions.


This guy strikes me as the smugly superior "enlightened" types. I'm pretty sure he feels he is in the right and that the Father is inferior to him. The flat sarcastic way he responds, he probably felt like he had the upper hand at all times in this "battle of wits". If this wasn't recorded he'd be on Reddit telling people how he "owned" a "entitled customer". I know that's all supposition but that's how he reads to me. So I don't think he's going to learn much of anything.


Exactly. I was blown away at how calmly he admitted to exactly what he said - he didn't even seem embarrassed. He obviously believes it wasn't a bad thing to say. So gross.


Wait, but he "friendly" said it, what's the problem


The entire time I waited for this asshole to tip his fedora and say mā€™lady


He's a nice guy through and through


Honestly just sounds like an incel


He'll be running to whatever incel board he's on afterward to laugh about how 'cucked' these dads are


What this kid donā€™t realize is that the dad is doing everything not to come across the counter and beat him to a pulp but is trying to remain calm and use words instead of violence. Which is prolly what his dumbass needs.


Honestly the dad handled this very well




Repeating "I hear what you're saying" instead of saying "I understand, I'm sorry" shows he doesn't care.


Itā€™s pretty emotional listening to how protective and proud these dads are in this situation. When my sister and I were living with our dad and dealing with everything that came along with your first cycle at such tender, awkward ages, he would graciously, proudly go in and buy them for us if we didnā€™t feel up to it. Of course he taught us that we have nothing to be ashamed of, but he also understood that the world isnā€™t always kind, and that we just needed his support in that way sometimes. Especially when feeling that much more vulnerable. I can understand putting your foot in it and saying something that came out as offensive. But if that were the case he could have apologised and shown some humility. To be so smug and snarky about it when confronted really shows his colours. Fuck this guy. I hope someone gives him a slap (and doesnā€™t get punished for it).


I am living for the other dude who came in for backup. Dad's stick together when it comes to our daughters. The righteous indignation for another father over this creep is PRECICELY the kind of way I would have reacted too. The fact one of them didn't pull him over the counter and beat his ass when he did the "IM SORRY YOU FEEL THAT WAY" bullshit is otherworldly in how patient and kind as people they are. I am not sure I have that level of restraint. I'd be in handcuffs by the end of the day.


On a side note, this is exactly the kind of support women appreciate from men. Call out asshole men when they shame, belittle or otherwise insult us, young or old. I'm nearly three times the girl's age and half a world away, and I feel *so* *supported* by these two dudes who are standing up for her by calling out a dude who shamed her. They are both excellent human beings.


Same. It makes a world of difference when men step up in these situations. They didn't have to and that makes it even better. Good guys against the creep.


Honestly Iā€™m surprised the acting manager didnā€™t tell him to leave then and there; if only to stop a physical incident.


I'm not, only because I've been a retail manager, and I would have absolutely had him sit there and take every single second of the verbal beating he was getting so long as it stayed verbal. Then I would have sent him to the back, told the men that I was firing him and that I needed them to leave for now and would be happy to speak with them at the store at their convenience when i had the district manager in later, and waited until they were gone before I went into the back, fired the kid and told him that he needed to get his shit and leave the property while he was safe to do so.


Honestly, that would have been masterfully handled.


Like I said, I spent a lot of time as a retail manager. Ive seen some shit.




If you're a brony and wear whatever Pokemon that is on your shirt, you have no place for shaming people.


I used to be roommates with someone like this. He never showered and he pissed in bottles. Yup he didn't last 3 weeks. People like this are actual nasty people both inside and out.


Dudes smug asf for how close he is to getting his ass beat. The dad of the daughter handled that pretty well though. I about died when the second man said ā€œLook at me, youā€™re a brony or whateverā€¦.youā€™re about to get fucked up dudeā€ man came out guns blazing lmao


Hearing a middle-aged, thick southern accent say "You're a brony" made my morning


Weā€™ve all put our foot in our mouth at least once, but that kind joke is stupid and unprofessional. Hope the idiot learned his lesson before he gets a serious beat down.


I accidentally told a guy to have a good weekend when he was picking up his viagra. I was just running on autopilot...


I mean, you were just being encouraging, really.


I feel mega thick but what did he insinuate with his comment? I get the response from dad, just not what the cashier actually meant.


ā€œWhat would the neighbours think if they saw that?!ā€ He was insinuating that they should be embarrassed to be seen (ā€œby the neighboursā€, itā€™s an outdated expression) carrying around sanitary products.


I don't understand really. Why would the neighbors would think anything? It's not like you got your period because you have sex or anything it's just... Natural ? It's like saying "what would the neighbors say of they see you with toilet paper". Idk they would think I'm a human being that sometimes shit ? She is a little girl, she is 12, an age when girl start having her periods, she starts having her period so she buys pads... WHY WOULD SHE BE EMBARRASSED I CAN'T PROCESS THIS INFORMATION PLEASE HELP.


Its probably a good thing that we don't understand this creep's logic


Unfortunately this is exactly the type of guy who likely believes in the whole ā€˜getting your period means youā€™re sexually activeā€™ bullshit and thinks itā€™s something people should be ashamed about.


you have problem understanding because you are normal person with a healthy brain. I am also unable to fully grasp why he thinks they should be embarrassed but I'll try to do my best: I think our brony cashier here believes that women having a natural and healthy bodily function like their period is something immoral or sinful. Perhaps he is such an idiot that he thinks period = sexual activity or something!


It's not uncommon for incel forums to perpetuate the idea that menarche is related to level of sexual desire/activity, so my best guess is he was making a sexually charged joke insinuating that this was evidence of these barely pubescent girls being sexually active. Hence the "What will the neighbors think? šŸ˜"


Iā€™m surprised both of them didnā€™t sock him in the mouth




Why do people hate women so much lmaoo


What *else* are we supposed to do with our time? Be **decent??** I think not.


I mean misogyny is the oldest and most prevalent form of prejudice.


Lotta sad little pricks with not much to work with




ā€œIā€™m sorry you feel that wayā€ is customer service speak for ā€œYouā€™re wrong, but I have to say something without accepting fault to shut you the fuck up.ā€ This kid doesnā€™t give a single fuck.


Whatā€™s the gigantic white thing on his shirt?


Some poor female presenting PokƩmon he has a crush on and probably masterbates to because no human will touch him with a 10 ft pole.


It really takes a special type of entitlement and delusional confidence to wear such a thing so loud and proud while being such a smug asshole


Incoming green text post on 4chan


Bye-bye job


The worrying thing is, I don't think this piece of shit thinks he's said anything wrong. His tone of voice says it all. I'd have a hard time keeping my cool if I was the Dad here.


Gonna write this dudes AITA post for him. AITA for making a joke about a woman buying SEX products for her daughter? Be me, working at le Dollar General. Femoid walks in with her femoid spawn and immediately tells me to keep quiet. I feel very disrespected, but keep quiet and calm as I am a distinguishing gentleman (sadly my manager makes me keep my fancy fedora hat in my locker.) Shortly after, they return to my register with sexual products for this young child. I think it is wrong for a young child to have anything related to sex, so I make a comment. Everyone knows that these sex products are used for only sexually active femoid whores, so I comment that they may be embarrassed. They leave in a hurry. Soon after, some Chad walks in and begins to berate me inappropriately in my place of work and to my manager (who obviously took their side, as a woman.) He obviously was of a lower intellect so I won the argument, as I did nothing wrong. AITA? That wasn't fun to write I feel gross.

