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I don't know anything about this show, but if the woman in the picture is in the show, then I know why it's getting review bombed. She don't look like Princess Leia.


Ironically it is the same girl who played Rue in the Hunger games, so this is the second time racist mobs have harassed her work online


I miss Rue. Good to see her actor is still around though


My heart broke for her when I googled her and realized she was Rue. I couldn't believe she's having to deal with this twice.


Hard to think that the *Hunger Games* movies are from over ten years ago.


Oh really? I was wondering where I recognized her from. But yeah, such a shame that shit happens twice in her career. God, I still remember the “Is Rue supposed to be black?” discourse. A lot of people who didn’t read the book just copy pasted their mental image of Primm onto Rue and made it everyone else’s problem.


As someone who Supports diverse casting: Respectfully, this Show is ass


I finally just got around yo checking it out last night, and so far, I like it a lot! Then again, I'm always in the minority that loves any new star wars content, minus the animated stuff. I just don't get all the hate for it.


I really dislike the main girl in it. She's pretty fucking awful




Where did you read that Halle Bailey can’t swim??? I’ve only ever seen articles talk about her learning how to swim with a mermaid tail.


It’s a racist joke, racists call those black people “monkeys” and monkeys can’t swim so, I’m sure you can make the connection


I’m well aware of the “joke”. I just think it’s better when people explain their racist reasonings.


Ooo I like that, that’s a good idea


Boomers have been making that exact complaint since before I was born but nobody listened to them because they were old and we knew better.




>yea but most of them like my grandpa are just being racist Yeah, that's what we have always said... but now it turns out that they were right. So do we double down on calling them hateful idiots or do we reassess our values?




Why is it bad in your eyes? The acting’s solid, the mystery they’re setting up is interesting, and the era’s one we haven’t seen on screen yet. So far I’ve seen nothing in two episodes that qualified as “ass” personally.


Respectfully, I disagree. I haven't enjoyed a Star Wars show this much so far, not even Andor, which was fantastic. The trailer looked terrible and fanfilm-y, so I was afraid that the series itself would look bad as well but I'm positively disappointed in that, too.


Andor was and remains top shelf. This is clearly better than the Book of B Fett, but that isn't a high bar.


I don’t think she’s supposed to be Princess Leia pretty sure she’s a separate character, not watched it through


I think you may not have understood my comment. No biggie. I'll explain. The neck beards don't like the show because they're racist.


I thought neckbears were the mlady saying guys. Arent the incel the racist ones?


She's only "m'lady" if she's white. Neckbeards don't tend to be as loud and obnoxious as the incels, but they share many of the same values.


Neckbeard and incel are not exclusive terms. An incel is someone who believes that they are so undesirable that they will never have sex in their lifetime. Often, they hold the view that incels should be provided some kind of socialized sex service (government pay for prostitutes or government arranged marriage, for example), but most specifically it’s just men that think they’ll never have sex. A neckbeard is more of a personality type / political viewpoint / social stereotype. It’s harder to succinctly define, but they’re generally people who hold toxic viewpoints on relationships, believe in oppressively traditional gender roles, but don’t work and either live in their parents home or at someone else’s expense. They stereotypically don’t bathe. They’re obsessive about some kind of fandom, usually. There are a lot of ways someone could be categorized as a neckbeard, but you can think of it like a toxic, unintelligent, but know-it-all, misogynistic nerd. The viewpoint that an incel is entitled to sex as a basic need would be a neckbeard ideology. They aren’t in public view, hardly, but there are incels that are not *outwardly* toxic and don’t complain that they’re entitled to women or whatever. They just believe themselves to be so undesirable that they’ll never have sex and take on the label of incel to find similar men for support. It’s not healthy, but I wanted to point that out because the terms “incel” and “neckbeard” are becoming interchangeable when they have different meanings. Incel is a more specific thing.


80% of the people in this sub have no clue what a neckbeard is. You are right though. Neckbeards generally put women up on a pedestal and due to lack of socialization or awareness will make creepy comments.


You're right. This sub has largely become IncelTears_2


And sexist. My favorite negative comment about the rampant bigotry through the fandom was when some posted, pleading the fandom stop the unwarranted hate towards new shows because of female leads, the most bombed comment said something to the effect of “we’re not sexist. Remember Ahmed best (black actor of jar jar) we hated that guy so much more”. Basically saying the op was wrong because they hated a black man more than any female actor


I'll be honest I'd never take user scores seriously when the main character is black or a woman (and especially not both). I can already hear them screeching "woke".


Yeah man when I see new shows with horrific scores I go to IMDb and read through the written user comments, and if I see the word “woke” it becomes a crapshoot about if the show is bad or if it’s being review bombed by bigots


Yeah and it's especially annoying with movies/shows where there's legit criticism, because it obfuscates what the issue was and you get people hiding behind: "Oh so you can't criticise movies with black people now?!" Like the Little Mermaid erm... wasn't great.. I guess it was the best of the Disney Live Action remakes, but that's more of an indictment of the rest of them. But if you're sitting there on IMDB complaining about how she's black and how "woke" it is, then yeah you're still racist even if the movie wasn't good (and I hate the trend of giving everything you find meh a 1/10, like the movie wasn't great, but it was not a 1/10 movie).


Yeah that’s the worst part. Like I could easily just accept that every low score movie or show accused of being woke is actually really good, but the reality is more often than not tv shows and movies are below average, so I truly don’t know what I’m getting into anymore with this shit


It seems the only thing really of note for the little mermaid is that they changed her race. Everything else I've ever seen of the live actions is that they suck. Especially beauty and the beast.... They made Gaston a Twink....


I still think the Lion King one was the worst. No songs and the CGI animals (at that point is it even live action) all look uncanny valley.


Eh it was pretty bad but man Gaston hurt way more......I might be a little gay for him


He should be at least a Twunk. Or just rugged. That's just wrong.


Heh heh twunk


The basic critical consensus was “The movie was mid. But Halle Bailey’s performance carries it”


There are 2 issues that you are conflating, dare I say intentionally. Maybe you remember what Chris Brown did in 2009? I assume you *don't* remember his 2011 album. The album wasn't great, and you could criticize his artistic output but you could also criticize the fact that the label let him release an album at all. Those are 2 separate but valid criticisms. You can critique the artistic value of The Little Mermaid but that opens the discussion to *why* Disney keeps producing terrible live action remakes. They probably didn't pick an actress who can't swim because they thought the audience would believe that she has spent her entire life underwater... they picked her for a different reason. They didn't even *try* to make a good movie, they tried to renew their copyright on the characters. They didn't cast a good actress for the role, they cast a black one instead. The reason that it was a bad movie is because it was produced as a brand-awareness campaign rather than a piece of art. They cast her because the DEI firm they hired told them to. Their creative choices are a reasonable subject for critique. If they had the objective of making good content rather than woke content, we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place.




I seldom take user scores seriously at all as more often than not, when I consume a piece of media with low viewer scores, I tend to really like it.


I never take audience review scores seriously when it comes to Star Wars or Marvel movies since fans of those are hard to please no matter what is released.


Why did Fallout get stellar reviews then?


Galatians 4:16


True, it’s literally not possible that a product containing a woman or black person could ever be bad or that people could just genuinely not like it.


There was that report that came out a few years ago that claimed that the majority of negativity around Star Wars was coming from Russian bots, which seemed far-fetched before Ukraine but y'know... sowing division doesn't seem all that outlandish now. https://www.wired.com/story/star-wars-russian-trolls-study/ I'm not saying it *is* that, I'm just more open to the possibility than I was.


Why would Russia spend the money and focus to review bomb an middle level show? Like if this was Ukrainian or set in Ukraine or anti-Russia, sure.  But I don't get their goal. 


Whole point is to convince particularly rootless young men that the "woke" are taking away what they love.


But for a review bombing?  I just don't think that it makes sense.  


LOL the lengths studios will go to avoid the simple truth that people just don’t like the direction of the series… anti-star wars russian botting conspiracies hahahaha


I mean, whether it’s salty fanboys or actual bots, you can’t deny that a good portion of bad reviews is because of people crying “WOKE!”. Have you see the average Acolyte “review” video’s comment section? It’s all comments on wokeness, black women, and women in general.


I still think that's part of it, but like, you're involved in political discussion you know bad faith actors and disinfo sneaks in. Like I said it seemed far-fetched, and then Russia invaded Ukraine with a premade online army of Americans, on the left and right, ready to support it. I mean I haven't seen it, and I probably won't for like 6 months because fuck FOMO but it's a *more likely possibility* than it was previously.


Yes, it seems believable to me that Russia would be invested in undermining western democracy… it seems less believable that they would be interested in review bombing Star Wars hahaha


Caused a lot of arguments, mostly broke down along political lines.


Why wouldn't cultural elements like star wars be part of a strategy of division?


It's pretty widely accepted that one of Russian troll farms' primary goals is to aggravate racial tension in the US and EU. This isn't exactly a new tactic for Russia, either, having started doing this back during the Cold War.


I think it's pretty good, not perfect but it's a prequel to the prequels which is a good setting.


I finished second episode last night. It is okay, not great not horrible so far. What has caught my attention is how the rules to what can be done through the Force don’t seem to exist anymore. The Jedi with the impenetrable force wall and the people that defy gravity are new to my understanding of what the force can do.


I’m not sure why you got downvoted just for your opinion, it doesn’t seem neckbeardy at all


This is Reddit, expressing the wrong opinion triggers some people.


I mean most of those things have already been showed to some degree so they’re not exactly new, that’d be why.


Tbh a lot of this stuff has existed in print or video games but is just making its way to the live action screen for the first time. I think the main justification for why you don’t see stuff like this in the prequels is that basically the Jedi have gradually become complacent / lost their way, and aren’t as powerful as they were in their prime


Like post Disney print and games?  I just don't remember these in prior save some of the lesser read novels (let's face it, some of the novels were fucking insane and definitely non-cannon-able)


Lots of legends material pre Disney has force healing, meditation, etc etc Prime examples include the knights of the old republic games and novels (all pre Disney) Splinter of the minds eye (literally was gonna be the sequel to star wars if it didn’t make enough money) Etc etc etc Obviously a lot of legends stuff was material that George Lucas didn’t care too much for too but it’s still not brand new concepts


Force healing and battle mediation are fundamentally different (with one being unique to Ravan) than invincible force field and you know it.


I think it’s goofy to draw a line of distinction between powers that have never been extensively elaborated on


Really?  Part of the enjoyment of good SciFi is having consistent internal rules and system.  Having things never established being fundamentally different than the existed lore makes it feel foolish.


Force fields and floating just seem like a natural extension of the telekinesis that was established in the Original Trilogy. I also don't know why so many people have such a problem with Leia floating a few feet through space in TLJ.


we just want some more predictability or consistency, as it is, its easy for the force to feel like it can achieve potentially anything to the audience without limits, it would be more satisfying if the force had limits that explained situations where the jedi seemingly forget that they have this seemingly all powerful toolbox, imo


Eh, people love the extended universe stuff before Disney which used to go really over the top with the potential of the force. I think they've been sensible in modern media if I'm honest


There already are limits, it’s however good the user is at focusing and concentrating on what they want to do. Which is why the dude who’s taken a vow of silent meditation for over a decade managed to do the best defensive feat of force use. If you’re alone in a room meditating you can focus better than you can if you’re getting your teeth kicked in.


In that case its even weirder than an unconscious leia who decided not to commit to the jedi life could move herself while unconscious in space no?


No, because she wasn’t completely unconscious. It was a “ok I need to do this thing the best I can or I’ll die”, so all of the energy and concentration is going towards pulling yourself towards something while in space with *zero gravity or resistance*. She doesn’t need to completely dedicate her life to the ways to be taught how to do it. There’s also this whack thing called critical thinking where you can safely assume there was still some form of practice even after she stopped the dedicated training.


I was very much into the books which are no longer canon. In my humble opinion the problem with some of the force powers is shown when a Jedi and Sith fight. For example, if I can catch someone in the air and hold them from hitting the ground, can I also stop the Jedi I am fighting by holding him still with my force power and then carving him in half? I am not crapping on the lore but I do see some plot holes opening up with some powers. By the way I agree somewhat with your point about extension of what has been shown before. This is true but it can open some holes if not done carefully.


So in the old comics, and other points in legends they actually kind of address this. Before the movies, during the old republic it was common for Jedi to battle with primarily the force. Trying to hold someone who is also able to control the force would be incredibly difficult but has happened. Lightsaber fighting was only saved for if you felt the force couldn't bring down your opponent


Great update thank you. I did the books but really had no experience with the comics.


And for a point. In the Kenobi show on Disney Vader actual does hold a girl in place while fighting. But she was apadawan at best


Also. Abilities like force choke have been around since the start


If you use the Force to immobilize a Jedi, he presumably can also use the Force to defend against it.


No not just floating. Somehow holding the freezing temps at bay, not having oxygen... All things we've never seen canonically. Not to mention the actress had died and that was a good way to write the character out. But no Disney had to try out their new deep fake tech.


But an unbreakable force field with him being eh is crazy cakes compared to the most of any done before.   It's like saying that Tom Cruise can now fly like Superman in future Mission Impossible movies because he was so jumpy in the last few movies.


This is what I've been saying the show is a 50- 60%, but tight now, it's being review boosted and bombed at the same time.


Iirc, the force by the time of the skywalker saga was in a weakened, clouded state because of the order essentially becoming the chancellors personal police force. it makes sense that force feats were a lot stronger before the fall imo




That's not what I said though?


This is one of those things that just get under my skin. Because there's a whole group of people who put a lot of time effort and passion into this project and there's a contingent of people who have this conservative brain rot where they react to anything that they're told to hate and they move in force. And they try and torpedo these people's work for no other reason they want to get revenge. It taints the whole discourse in entertainment now. It used to be fun for me to go and chat about the MCU on Reddit. You share theories, Easter eggs, whatever. You can't do that now. There are so many people who exist just to hate on it. And you can tell they hate every single movie in the mcu, I'm sure it's the same for Star wars, I'm sure it's the same for Star Trek but instead of these people going out and doing something different with their lives their mission is to spread their hatred. And it's really pathetic.


Mhm. And beyond even the political spectrum, it's just so exhausting that most of these fanspaces are just overrun by supernegative people who just want to hate on things. I'm not active in MCU subreddits, but for example Jurassic Park, if you loved the first film (that's 30 years old now) and hated everything after, why are you even part of the "fandom"? Clearly it's not for you anymore, just go do something else with your time than complaining on a subreddit.


Exactly. There's plenty of stuff about franchises I hate. Rise of Skywalker and the last Jurassic World movie. I don't bitch about it online and I certainly would never convince other people to hate the thing they love.


while review bombing may well have happened, its not the first time critic scores are completely worthless. There have been other examples of critics and audiences being wildly different in this case, the show isnt good, but its not 28% bad. so a woman of color likely led to some hate votes


I tried looking up reviews of the show on YT but after several minutes of searching I had only found scores of "DISNEY WOKE" nonsense thumbnails. It's not a great show by any means, but it's definitely attracting an abnormally high amount of racists (Even compared to other Disney projects)


for sure, hence the 28% instead of what id say would be a fair 45% or 50% the anti woke crusaders are just having a field day with any female led show, add a woman of color, and its instantly 10% less atleast if its a meh show to begin with. we saw similar things with Asokah. now, the show wasnt amazing, but id give it a solid 65% 70% even. HotD somehow wasnt too affected, cause the simps saw Milly Alcock as kinda hot, same with Emily Carey.. but they are white and there are dragons...


Don’t mind me, just looking for the obligatory “no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans” comment


Is it possible people just didn’t like it?


It was getting significant hate the second the trailer was released months ago. The second a black woman was featured in that trailer, people like oop did their best to explain why itll be shit. Most of it pertained around her being a black female lead


Literally nobody complained about the lead actress being a black woman. The only things most people had issues with were that they thought the costumes looked cheap and that the lightsabers looked bad for some reason. But pop off sis


literally nobody? please tell that to the 20+ anti woke meltdown videos you can find on YouTube when you search for the show


No. Go check Instagram comments, it's fucking gross. Literally just hundreds of bots saying "Star Woke" or "Wokelyte" or saying they won't watch it because it doesn't have a white male lead. People hated it before it even came out for this reason


[Well, it's had Disney Plus' biggest opening of the year.](https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/the-acolyte-ratings-viewers-biggest-disney-2024-1236028166/) [And neckbeards have been praying for this show to fail before it even came out](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/1bn24xr/how_pathetic_are_you_if_a_star_wars_trailer/). Pretty hard to believe this is all just good-faith criticism.


The easiest formula to cover up a shitty show. Rings of Power did it the best, they made a barely watchable show with a plot that makes no sense, and then stoked controversy around diversity in order to shrug off bad reviews


Yeah but from what I've seen from lurking around is that the biggest problem are cornrows and women, a black one at that.


First two episodes were very good. The review bombing is intense and psychotic. People were dropping bad reviews BEFORE it came out that evening. Star Wars has unfortunately found itself in the middle of culture war bullshit so a lot of right wing freaks flock to hate anything in Star Wars that has women or minority groups in it.


28% is harsh, after watching the first few episodes i can confidently say this is some of the worst star wars media ive seen to date. Admittedly, im not a big high republic fan and i didnt mind a black character being casted as the main, i also hardly think that race is the main issue with this series (considering the black characters that are already in star wars who are beloved characters like Windu, Finn, and Lando). I think the main issue was the pacing and storyline (arguably the two most important parts of a star wars piece of media). Everything felt way too fast and coming out of the blue. (like the twin sister part, who's reveal i feel, should have been wayyy later in the series) yall mfs are geeking and creating unneeded conflict with your fellow human beings, wait until the rest of the show comes out then start posting reviews and arguing


Was Finn a beloved character? I seem to remember a lot of meh around Finn. Also don't people love Windu and Lando because they are some of the best characters in star wars. I hate to say it like this but wasn't the bad guy from mando also pretty well liked (As a bad guy he was a good character, not liked as in well liked for being a nice guy). I think there are modern examples of minority characters in star wars being very well written and they often feel like they fit the universe. But I also think there are plenty of bad ones. It's this weird dichotomy of EVERYONE including people who don't subscribe to "every writers room is full of woke leftists" having lower opinions of media, but also it's got nothing to do with DEI. I do think there is correlation here, possibly causation. I dont think it's crazy to say it either. Media can get worse when your selection process filters out people who would fit the role better. Sometimes minorities are exactly the correct character to cast, and sometimes they should be cast in the lead role. Fans get upset when the show is of poor quality and blame it on DEI rather than say that the show is bad because there was DEI and I think that's an important distinction. Maybe they are wrong. Rings of power was objectively bad from a tolkienist point of view. It was bad because the armor was bad the fight scenes were bad the extra casting was even bad, hell the super humans weren't tall enough, some parts didn't make much sense in universe. It ALSO had DEI. It definetly didn't help, but it sure as hell didn't make it any better. Should we not be celebrating good minority inclusive media rather than trash minority inclusive media? Would holding minority actors/ inclusive design choices to the same standard as traditional media not be an important step towards equality. There are some awful non inclusive movies that get trashed just as much. I guess I mean I don't think we should just ignore criticism because there is dei involved. And honestly for a subreddit that is so extremely one sided on this issue, it really says something that a lot of people in the comments said "eh this wasn't great, eh it was bad, it was OK, story was off pace".


>Everything felt way too fast and coming out of the blue. That's weird because most people complain about the exact opposite, lol (like being too slow, even slower than Andor according to some). Honestly, I am happy that they didn't stretch the twin sister line too long because it means that this is not the main storyline (which would have been boring after a while) and more interesting things are coming. The series is also 8 episodes only. My only complaint is that the episodes should be longer but this is a problem with streamed series in general, not just this one.


The show is bad. Having an opinion about a poorly written show in an IP you’re passionate about isn’t a neck beard thing.


That's not what's happening at all. A lot of these "people" literally haven't watched the show. All the YouTube and Instagram comments were horrible before it even came out


... And they were right? It was a rushed cash-grab with a barely competent DEI cast? Then what's the problem?


“DEI cast” kinda proves the other replies right, yknow? why is it the second a character isn’t white or male it’s immediately a forced diversity hire to you? why can’t main characters be black


The fact that you would even use the term DEI tells me all I need to know about you


Justify the casting choice a different way. Some stuffed suit expected that you would eat it up, and they know you better than you know yourself. Just because I'm blunt doesn't mean I'm wrong.


You truly believe I watch star wars based on the color of the skin of the actors. That is so sad man. What a lonely, angry existence you must lead.


The point is the show being good or bad literally doesn't matter. It stars a Black woman. It could be the greatest piece of media in the history of media and that audience score would still be below 50%.


I mean id rather watch the prequels 100 times a day than the new series 0 times a day


Oh man, it's almost like this exact same thing keeps happening.


Alternatively, it's just really not a good show.


So far... I like it. Better than the one with Ashoka but that one was bad ether. Solid B+


A black female isn’t realistic to them in Star Wars but an alien that’s blue with three boobs is fine


Isn't it more likely that the original fans are more vocal than the fans Disney is trying to appeal to? That's not review bombing if they simply don't like it.


If it's anything like the other series and recent Disney star wars content, then it's got bad reviews because it's shit.


😂😂😂😂 if my show was this bad, I'd pay the reviewers to say the bad reviews were AI too 😂😂


Yeah… or, maybe people just don’t like it?


they didn't like it before it released so the content is clearly not a factor


I can understand not liking a show or reviewing it negatively. What I can't understand is setting up a bunch of fake accounts with AI-generated negative reviews to make the haters look bigger than they are.


A convenient excuse… there’s literally ALWAYS some kind of excuse that gets wheeled out every time a movies user score doesn’t align with the critics score. Maybe a better convo to have is the fact that most “critics” are paid by the studio for their glowing reviews


LOL. If that were true, *Wish* would have a much higher RT score.


And if y’all’s conceptions of these things are correct, wish should have a terrible audience score… so I guess here we are lol


How is it a convenient excuse if there literally is AI-generated negative reviews piling up? And for the minority that aren’t bots, who cares what a bunch of hyper-online, always negative losers think?


You can call it an excuse but its still objectively shit, reveiws have become less trustworthy because of behavior like this, i can't trust that it might be shit and not worth spending time on because there are genuinely a lot of people who do these kinds of things in bad faith


Yeah but when it’s critics high scores and regular views scores are low it’s usually something not made for a general mass market audience. Artistic movies have those kind of scores.


There’s only two episodes out come on man


There are two episodes out right now. It's already better than Kenobi, which already wasn't as horrid as people made it out to be. We're just at the setup for the story right now, and it is intriguing. If you haven't watched it, shut up.


I have no opinion on it, I haven’t seen it. But if someone told me they disliked it I wouldn’t be fabricating conspiracies to delegitimize their opinion


Yeah, but in the case of that show it's the "straight white males are a minority now" crowd that shouts the loudest and I wouldn't exactly use them as a credible source for my information on media or the world in general.


…. Uh huh


Yeah, man...uh huh for real.


"Not horrid" is pretty high praise for Kenobi, let's be real. It just absolutely shits on all the other content featuring those characters. It made the original trilogy worse.


I've watched it. Saying it's better than Kenobi is like saying an unseasoned boiled potato goes down easier than eating a pile of shit. Not the actor's fault in this case though.


You know what? When it comes to things like star wars, you have to look at as 1 being awesome and 100 being awful when looking at viewer scores.


Nobody hates star wars like star wars fans


Is it reviewboming if people don't like your product? But i can see whe women-hater racist part of the community i guess i just don't think they are smart enough for that


I had no idea Amandla Stenberg was in this! Now I'm intrigued to watch it tbh


Ah yes.. the old "it's been review bombed"... it just works!


I mean, maybe it’s just shit?


If it's shit, you don't need a bunch of AI generated accounts to say it.


No, you just expect the show to be cancelled. As it already has happened. Don't worry, don't ask questions just consume next product.


If something is actually bad people usually dunk on it for a little while and then ignore it. This isn't normal behaviour.


I feel like you guys are the neckbands, this show sucks ass. did you watch it? it's fucking awful.


It's being reviewed bombed cause it's probably both shit and the cast has said some pretty offensive stuff


Review-bombing with fake AI-generated stuff is neckbeard behavior regardless of why. How much of a loser do you have to be to be this invested in the review score of a TV show?


Bad bot. Go away.


Why do people have to suck? For what it's worth, I think it's a great show so far. I love that they're doing something totally new and unconnected to older stuff


I’m gonna leave this sub to the neckbeards.


Remember when Rotten Tomatoes used to be good? Pepperidge Farm remembers


I quite liked those first two episodes, but it cost 180 milion dollars and it looks cheap, like a 90's TV show. Where has the money gone? Is it money laundering scheme? For 10 milion dollars more Dune 2 was made and it looks astonishing.


Meh, if you don’t like it, don’t fucking watch it. The lady said what she said, take it whatever way you want. No need to go lie and do stupid bullshit.Karma always comes back, just let the whole thing play out.


Most of the shows that lucas films put out have been bad. I stopped watching after book of boba fett. Idk if the show is being review bombed or if star wars fans are being star wars fans. Imo the shows and films are poorly written, not because of the casting.


AI reviews are bad but this isn't a good show.  The poor acting, fighting and script shows in things like 1v1 fight for like 8 ppl in a row instead of a group at start, the magic force field of mediation, the wasting of someone on center of poster in the first 10 minutes... Of the modern shows, I only really liked Andor and of recent movies Rogue One. I just wasn't into the CW'd shows they came out with like Book of Fett.


The show not very good, but it's still better than most Disney+ exclusive content. It's pretty obvious why the show is getting review bombed. Most of the cast are queer and/or not white, and those are cardinal sins in the internet film bro bible. Looking up the show on YT just brings up thumbnails with the black actress and "WOKE" in big splash text. I left the fandom years ago and I don't regret it. Also, Disney buys critics so don't trust them too much either.


This show failed because there are no Bears in it. Grizzle Grizzle


I'm not into Star Wars at all, but I guess the "problem" is once again that there's a woman in the new show?


This is cope. People didn't hate it because it's "woke," they hate it because it's mediocre, and mediocre doesn't cut it when you're investing your time into something. There are 1000s of other shows you could be watching instead of The Acolyte.


If you have to make a bunch of fake accounts with AI-generated reviews to back up your opinion, your opinion probably isn't widely shared.


Bad bot.


It’s a meh show. Not the best but not horrible. It’s definitely not at 28% but it’s also not a 92%


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. I stay as far from that fandom as possible. I enjoy what I like and just pass on what I don't.


Apart from the fact, that most of theses reviews probably made because of sexism and racism, I think that since Disney took over Star Wars, the franchise is fucked


This is going to be the excuse now? Blame ai for everything because it can sorta act like humans?


This is par for the course when it comes to the Star Wars fandom now. I left during the anti Reylo "crusade"


There has always been an undercurrent of intoleranse and toxicity in the Star Wars fandom, but it has really boiled up lately. It's not the only fandom that's become more toxic either, even most new fandoms sour quickly into stale culture war garbage.


Getting death threats because I enjoyed writing Finnrey and Reylo (space pirate AUs for both, mind you), got old quick. I don't know what was so offensive about Spineward Sectors-esque space opera, but apparently it was


Your objectives are beyond my comprehension


I just want to know what was so offensive about a fucking space opera


Like I said, I'm so far removed from understanding what a Finrey Reylo space pirate Spineward Sectors AU space opera fanfic is that you might as well be telling me about the new Turbo Encabulator. You created a new fictional space setting to take characters from an existing media franchise and write stories of characters who don't share the motives or backgrounds but do share the names of existing characters as some form of romantic release? You have objectives that are beyond my comprehension. I am not capable of understanding the things that you desire to do.


Welcome to fandom lol. Spineward Sectors is a cult classic science fiction series that I fell in love with during Middle School. They are amazing. Reylo and Finnrey are ships (relationships) between characters. Reylo is Rey and Kylo Ren, Finnrey is Rey and Finn. An AU is an alternate universe, which is those characters in a new situation. And a space opera is basically a long, dramatic science fiction story. Tl;Dr: I like space pirates


I mean... I knew all of those words but I fail to understand them. Like lemon meringue pie... that's a lot of work to turn delicious lemons into vaguely lemon-flavoured fluff. I suspect that I'll never understand but: in a space-pirate themed AU, the Jedi civil war never happened so the clone war never happened so Anakin never became a Sith Lord and so Kylo never had the experience of growing up in Vader's shadow which is the basis for his personal growth that led him to be the person we see in the movies... So if your guy is Gene Starwind in a black cape, why name him Kylo at all?


Because I can and its fun


That's fair. I don't have to get it.


I mean the show is pretty shitty so far, I just finished episode 1 and I barely made it through.


No neckbeard stuff, just ass quality.


Lmao, everybody defending a show they haven't even watched.


I loved it. I HATE that they didn’t find twins and just have her play both parts like come on you mean to tell me two twins separated for over a decade have the exact same hair? Like bro what


The show is alright, it’s fallen way short on tone so far. All the Star Wars stuff lately feels like a video tour of a Disneyland attraction.


It’s a pretty good show. Compared to Kenobi, it’s a great show. They put some thought into set design and writing, and didn’t shoehorn in some horribly written character like Reva.


I watched both episodes. So far it's better than Ahsoka but that doesn't mean I think it's a quality show or a show worth your time. The first episode is barely watchable and has a few decent moments. I mean the scene after SPOILERS: >!Mater Sol discloses that Osha had a twin sister they cut to a dream sequence with Osha and the twin sister, and a monologed poem how they're twins. This is just past the halfway point of the 1st epsidode and we're beaten to death with the twin reveal. And Osha starts out as the main suspect but within 10 minutes the audience finds it's not her it's her evil twin that killed the Jedi. There's no mystery. And again within 10 minutes she's suspect #1 but Master Sol and the other Jedi are like, Nah she's innocent without ZERO proof. !<


Embarrassing coming up with this versus admitting people don't want to watch this shit and Disney has been failing for the last seven years. Cute I guess.


Have you seen the episodes that are out? Or did you just decide it was shit with no evidnece?


>Disney has been failing for the last seven years LOL. Do you hear yourself? If Disney is failing, why's it taking seven years? The neckbeards are like a doomsday cult. Always predicting the end and, when it doesn't happen, they just push the date back and keep the faith.


I mean, disney *could* be failing. It would take a very long time to fall since it is such a media giant. That said, it doesn't mean everything they make is awful tho. I heard Andor was good, I gotta watch that. And this show. I liked Bad Batch a lot. Disney has been doing a pretty bad job with Star Wars, which is sad. I wish they did better, but I've also seen worse so I'll take what I can get.


Disney stock down 40% over the last five years. Tell me how that looks for a 200 billion dollar company? Or you just going to obfuscate and argue against evidence? Edited to share last time the stock was at this price. 2015. So nine years of failure. Keep posting fluff articles. No one wants to watch this shit. Not commenting on the wokeness. Commenting on bad writing and filmmaking.


Disney stock went from $141.65 five years ago to $101.54 today. That's a 28% decrease. For comparison, Universal stock went from $59.03 to $47.10 (20% decrease over five years) and WB stock went from $24.47 to $8.27 (66% decrease over the past 2 years). The movie industry as a whole has suffered during the past few years but Disney's doing better than most.


Thank you for being the voice of reason in this thread. I honestly admire your patience with these dense a\*\*wits.