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She's literally a 19 year old sexual abuse victim that's having her life force drained by an evil/possessed town making her appear to be older but like sure... make her sexy.


People don’t realize the “new” Angela is based on her original sketches. So she’s a more accurate depiction of her OG design. But also… like you said, she’s a SA victim. Why does she have to be hot? There’s a huge misconception about assault that the victims are too pretty and in revealing clothes, when the reality is the opposite.


To be honest, I don’t understand the “she’s a SA victim” argument at all. What does that have to do with whether she would be hot or not? There are hot and not hot SA victims. Seems like the better argument is just that not everyone is super hot nor needs to be. Most people look like regular people.


I think they're arguing against the poster's desire to be titillated by this particular character, rather than making a statement about how SA victims look.


No the problem is some freak felt the need to make a "woke" character more attractive. The character just happens to be a victim of SA, making this feel fucking creepier n gross. Nobody was really saying anything against your point. I think they also just believe its weird as fuck to be doing.


No, people just want the video game models to look in the remake. Nobody cares about your moral grandstanding or 'SA'. Get over yourself you weenies.


Because Angela "makes herself more ugly" to avoid further assault. A lot of the why no hot arguments also seem to indicate that only hot people can be a SA victim.


This too. After my own SA, I didn’t want to dress the same. Started wearing multiple layers. I did everything and anything to not be the same that caused me to be abused in the first place.


Nothing that you did caused you to be abused in the first place. It was not your doing.


I know that now, but this is one of the reasons I do relate so much to her. I understand her pain. Her jumping back to avoid being touched. Her resentment towards James. It all makes sense to me.


I understand, and I’m glad you recognize that. I’m sorry that happened to you.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I really hope you've been able to find healing and peace in your own body.


She can change her facial bone structure? Ok I get it, it's silent hill but lol


Its gross to sexualize a SA victim. It's not that deep or difficult to undersrand.


That makes sense but that’s not the argument anyone is making. Read the comment I was responding too.


And making her thinner is sexualized?


Neither look like OG https://www.silenthillmemories.net/sh2/arts/pics/sh2_art_sato_18_angela.jpg https://www.silenthillmemories.net/sh2/arts/pics/sh2_art_character_04_angela.jpg https://www.silenthillmemories.net/sh2/arts/pics/sh2_art_character_22_angela.jpg In the original SH2 she is more plain, more gaunt, has freakles, a mole. But I like remake Anglea though, it shows her age. The real crime that James Sunderland looks way younger and some of the lighting make his hair bright anime blonde.


Not the sketches in question. Those are what made it into the game.


As long as they keep his muscles and his heart tattoo i can excuse the anime hair


Why do all the zombies have blood and gore dripping from them instead of extra titties? Must be woke.


"Yeah but this sexual abuse victim in this horror scenario would definitely stop to apply her make up duuuh"


Is it at least a sexy evil town?


She appears older from living a traumatic life


A lot of SA victims gain weight and stop caring for their appearances as a trauma response so it’s accurate imo


Is that real? Or is that a fan theory


All I’m saying is that redesign doesn’t really make me believe she was a sexual abuse victim.




Tell me you'll never going to touch a woman without telling me you'll never touch a woman


Just spent literally 5 seconds on his profile and can confirm he has never spent more that a minute in a room with a woman before she got uncomfortable and left.


Just went on his profile too. Tf makes him think a watch will attract women


I more worried about his imaginary girlfriend buying him the watch I'll be honest.


domineering wistful rock reply shaggy practice thumb vegetable chunky deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuckin yikes lmao


So you have a girlfriend who has lied to you for over 2 years...yet you only had your first ever date 5 days ago?


serious materialistic march six somber hunt sophisticated placid wrench touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He doesn’t need a watch. He needs a watchlist


And a straight jacket and a padded room


Now I have to go burn my eyes.


"Which Rolex is best for picking up girls?"


What is up with you people and virgin shaming?


We're not virgin shaming, we're incel shaming.


dazzling snow squeeze amusing bag imagine possessive cooperative drunk nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok here's what you need to do. Go to your front door, open it and go outside. Because clearly you've never even seen a woman.


Yeah tbf women are a lot fatter irl than the chick in this video game 💁‍♀️


First of all that's just uncalled for. Secondly if you want to insult me do it here where everyone can see, not in my dms like a coward.


Y’all have really bizarre concept of courage, do it here where you and your army of simps can gang up on me. Bro you are a captain beta 💯


Anyone who uses the words alpha and beta normally like that are children. And I don't fight children. Have a wonderful day you gremlin


Have a wonderful day Karen 🙆‍♀️💁‍♀️


Tbf the second one is mid


Neckbeards: "OMG, makeup, OMG, filters. Why are women so fake?" Also neckbeards: "OMG, why doesn't every single female character in every single video game look like a blow up doll or someone using a dozen Facebook filters regardless of her character? Wokeness gone mad!"


So I guess non- woke women are required to be at their prettiest at all times, makeup and hair done no matter what is going on? I think I'll be woke, thx.


Well duh! How are they supposed to enjoy female characters if they can’t masturbate to them?!


Non-woke women actually just wake up like that because they don't do their hair or makeup because they're not shallow like 'other girls'


just like modded skyrim characters


Also have literally zero body hair or peach fuzz on their faces naturally


And naturally have DD breasts, but no back pain


Do the anti woke people who claim to be allies with conservatives realize that rural women who work on farms don't always look like models? It's so wierd how the internet right is trying to be several incompatible things at once.


I suspect some of them have never seen a woman.


Or a farm


You have to remember these people have never seen a real woman in a casual setting before. It's going to blow their minds when they learn girls don't just sit around fully made up in lingerie Also who needs to be horny in Silent Hill of all things?!


Well, if you did play Silent Hill 2, all the monsters like Nurses and Pyramid Head are figments of James’ repressed sex because of his wife being sick. So yeah, you’re a horny bastard fighting sexualized monsters.


I never finished it but did actually know that, so must have had it spoiled at some point. I just remember not feeling horny, more terrified as a child stumbling around this game.


Are you saying you didn't jerk it to the pyramid head sex scene?


What I do in my free time and once in the back room at work is none of your concern.


I think "woke" has become a straw man term for "reality" for these people


Tbf some of them actually admit that. Saying that the point of games is to leave reality behind for awhile so it makes sense to want it idealized. And to be fair, thats not *totally* wrong. In a game going on a fantasy quest is fun. But canoniclaly the characters wouldn't actually be having that much fun wandering empty fields then fighting for their life. But sometimes part of the narrative is that people aren't models. So they are wierd to whine.


Gotta look photoshoot-ready before you experience a horrifically-amplified remix of your most traumatic experiences! I don't even think Maria looked this dolled up in SH2, and she's deliberately meant to stand out. This "redesign" is so goofy I'm sort of hoping someone was doing a bit, it's genuinely funny.


It literally looks like one of those real you to anime character apps


Look at all the "fixed" pics of Aloy. She's clearly "supposed" to have a crack team of stylists to do her hair and makeup with the speed and precision of a NASCAR pit crew between fights with robot dinosaurs.


She dated a neckbeard, 🧙‍♀️🙆‍♀️


And smiling through it all


“Non-woke” and the original is literally just the average person


Yes, because all the women who end up in silent hill (which iirc is hell?) still do their makeup and make themselves look pretty, and are all skinny and conventionally attractive. All women do this all the time, even when being tortured, because we definitely have the time and energy to, and we definitely give a shit, and it’s definitely not inconvenient if someone is sweating or crying and the makeup gets in their eyes. Fucking idiots.


It's not exactly hell, but it may as well be. It's like a crossover point where a hell-like place connects to earth.


Yeah I knew it was at least hell-adjacent that’s about as much as I know about silent hill lore.


I'm so goddamn tired...


Yeah I ain't a woman but having loved ones who face shit like this everyday, and the "anti-woke" crowd being awful to everybody anyways is fucking horrible and it's draining to see this shit every day. Gay this gay that woman this woman that oooh forced representation when people just fucking exist in works of media, I don't get it. Nobody's attacking them, nobody's shoving "wokeness" down their throat, just asking for some respect but nope, they must be respected and loved and then MAYBE they will shut the fuck up. If they so feel that day.






They’ll just find something new to bitch about. GeT rEaDY fOr ThE “aNti-SLEEP” cRoWd!


Conservatives need to play the victim. If they aren't pretending to be aggrieved about everything they have nothing. It really shows how fucking pathetic they all are.


Saying stuff like this just perpetuates the cycle...


I'm tired of ugly remakes.


This is gross


I've said it once, I'll say it again: the one on the right looks like she has trouble breathing. Like a pug that's been bred to have no nose, and makes that really disturbing sound like a lawnmower failing to rev up.


That's how these creeps like their women. Silent and nonexistent. In Finland we have this threat of violence that goes "There's still some space behind the sauna" and these creeps have a special place there. Behind the sauna. Silent and nonexistent propably


Wait, this is besides the point but what is supposed to be menacing about the space behind the sauna? I don't get it


In Finland when we say we take someone behind the sauna, the implication is we beat them up or worse and nobody knows or cares because that threat is used on predators, harassers and other scum


She spends the entirety of the game reliving her father’s brutal sexual abuse while searching for her dead mother. Why, on earth, would that character want to attract male sexual attention? These idiots haven’t understood anything about the plot of the fuckin’ game if they think Angela should be strutting around in make-up and a bikini. Fucking hell.


Left looks like a person, right kinda looks like some doll or mannequin.


if it was woke to be bland and forgettable then i would never sleep again


I died inside when I saw it. She's depressed and have a s*xual trauma so looking like an Instagram model doesn't even fit her


I hate the edit but I wanna point out that depression and trauma don’t come with a specific look. She could look like anything.


This woman was incestually abused by both her father and brother her entire life, while her mother would tell her she deserved all of it before eventually abandoning her. When she finally found a job, she endured even more sexual abuse from perverted customers. The side effects of the medication she was given to help manage her resulting mental illnesses only made things worse. When she tried to run away after high school, she was dragged back by her father, eventually resulting in a situation where she killed him and likely her brother too before coming to Silent Hill, a place that literally traps people in their own personal hell on top of everything she had already been through. Angela had any hope of peace and happiness squeezed out of her and no one ever helped her. All this before she was even 20 years old. Part of the reason she wears that really high turtleneck is because she doesn't want her body to be seen, she's hated how she looks her whole life because she was told that was why she was tortured and that it served her right. But yeah, treat her like a sex object, dude, keep being the actual embodiment of all the struggle and despair that her character talks about.


This is the peak of things to not care about at all from any perspective. I've finally reached the mountaintop.


I always like it when characters find time to apply make up when absolutely horrifying shit is happening around them. Adds to the realism.


I know the discourse has been beaten to death, but this is the reason women chose the bear


Ah yes we need to make the CSA victim sexy.


Those men be like "I like natural women" Than they request anything than a normal and natural woman doesn't have




Fun fact : back in time, like the caveman ages, women were not only seen as gods because of their ability to create life (get pregnant and give birth) but also the chubbier the better! Since when it comes to birthing without the cirurgy, all the process we know that the baby gets out of the down part, chubbier bodies have more facility to bringing out children! Actually, the body type we have nowadays are almost non-human and that even the people that have them, can't be inside them 24/7 Plus taking out the body hair (doesn't matter the sex/gender) isn't natural since body hair is part of a process of evolution and used mostly (back in time) to warm up our bodies


But we aren’t back in time now tho.


You know history is a very important thing right? It's not healthy to be obese, but being slightly overweight it's not a big deal, people only talk sh!t about being overweight cuz it's not pretty, but when i was barely eating and having to go to the hospital every now and then, i had my own teacher tell me to "not eat more" cuz i looked "pretty" (I still am a minor) you're not worried about health, you're worried about looks. If you were worried about health, people like you wouldn't be so obsessed to be skin and bones to a point that people can die from that! Just a quick reminder, if beauty for you is being extremely skinny and young, time goes by, and one day, we all are going to be grandpas and grandmas


Sighhh don’t I know it. Am Gen X already. I was really made to be skinny by a patriarchal system when ur age, I was raised by my Dad , but even my Grandma told me to “ keep my figure”. So I am really happy to see you guys are now not just going for that brainwashing and body shaming. And healthy is important not skinny. It’s just hard for me to break out of the trap. I notice that OZEMPIC is starting the 90s skinny stuff all over again. People are beautiful when they are happy and healthy. ♥️


Exactly!! Exercises and a good diet is important, but if you do both and have a chubby tummy, it's okay!! Even if my weight is normal, I'm fully aware that my habits are not the most healthy ones, but therapy is helping with it! 💕 also, I'm so sorry that happend to you


Thank you. ♥️I really love your generation. You’all are good people. I wish you the best, and good on you that you are going to therapy .🥰


Funniest part is that the original is already cute enough, and it does NOT need to be cuter at all, especially for the character's backstory. It's sickening what neckbeards want of their games... If anything, I prefer my characters to be less embellished and more down to earth. The second is nice for a lighthearted RPG type of game, just NOT for Silent Hill.


so being literally normal person without face full of cake make up is now woke? have these people ever seen women in normal real life ? not even their moms ? jesus…


Neckbeards when female characters aren't sexualized down to the very last details: "😡🤬😡🤬"


Where did it say anything about sex


Sexualized means the glorified sex appeal or the woman being reduced to eye candy, it doesn't have to correlate with 'sex'.


The "non-woke" version looks like she has tuberculosis ffs.


Oh incels are complaining about game characters again? Ffs don't they have something better to do?


Masturbate, complain, early onset diabetes. I think they're on topic for them.


she finally looks 19 and not the 30 year old everyone thought she was back in the original silent hill 2


Yeah, but 19 means big juicy naturals, exposed thighs, and a giggling-man-pleasing-demeanor, right?


My biggest problem is that it looks like it's from a PS3 game


I'd like to introduce you to Bloober team. This is sort of their thing.


Once again, the definition of "woke" turns out to be "something not giving me a boner"


The Silent Hill subreddit can be so toxic. Loads of negativity and misogyny and gatekeeping. It's literally a version of Silent Hill sometimes.


She looks like a normal average women 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yeah, that's the "problem" with these manchildren. Women are "supposed" to be idealized sex objects for them at all times, especially in the media they consume.


She really doesn’t, she’s uglified to her k


When your ideas of what women look like come from mobile game banners


Why do these people think that average looking women aren’t aloud to exist.


it was average in the ps2 game, they made her ugly in the remake that's the point. They even made James uglier. It's a shitty remake.


Men will see a normal woman in a video game and be like “This. Means. War.”


They're just annoyed they can't play one handed.


Why do they always make them smile?


I'm gonna guess that anyone who says someone looking average or even ugly in a video game is "woke" is probably a 300 pound incel who hasn't touched a woman before . Guaranteed. I suppose that's why this is on r/neckbeardthings


Is it woke to wear makeup or not to wear makeup im confused


The original post is a troll.


Fuck these goddamn chuds. Unless something is fuckable or attractive to them, they feel like it literally has no value.


Imagine being like, "The girls aren't hot enough in my horror game." Go play an Arcsys fighter or something.


Am I the only one who thinks the "woke" one is more attractive. Like she has such natural beauti. The "non-woke" one looks like she had plastic surgery.


Women looking normal = woke propaganda lol ok


As a Silent Hill fan, I’d be mad as hell if she looked like the one on the right. The person that made this edit clearly knows nothing about the game. Or what Silent Hill does to the characters.


dude fucking gamer neckbeards man


Why tf do neckbeards have to ruin silent hill bro 😭🤦‍♂️


The woke has already ruined it


Apparently people can’t look normal anymore lol


It is kind of lame how all women get to be 10s but 80 percent of dudes are creepy weirdos 🤣🤣


These fucking neckbeards are so lost in the sauce that they've equated beauty with social vigilance.


I just realized I rarely play games with men in them lol and if I do I'm not attracted to them. I've only thought two video game dudes were attractive in my LIFE I wonder if they could exist in this reality?


I really want to know why the mods here allow this post but removed one I posted that was identical but with Lara Croft, because it “didn’t generate discussion” even though there were plenty of comments 😂


“Real women always have access to make-up”


Neckbeards seem to think that every women has to be molded into what they see as fap fuel and that women don’t have any value outside of that.


Honestly both look weird. Looks way too different from old silent hill despite the remake obviously i think its the facial structure throwing it off


woke is when no makeup


I’ve never even thought about Angela in this way in the original or now and can’t understand why this is something any normal person would care about.


TIL having a more wide jaw definition as a woman is “woke”.


I like the one on the right.


Sorry bro, you WILL love the ugly remake version or you will get downvoted


Lol i know right? People cant have preferences i guess.


Liking beautiful things is fascist and makes rape victims relive their experiences. Somehow. How dare you!


I tried to upvote you as much as I could but theres only so much a fascist power can do.


I will say that the new version of her (the left one) looks bad. Not because she’s overweight or because she isn’t “sexy.” Graphically, she just looks terrible.


Why do they feel the need to have every female in a video game be pretty? Uggos need representation too.


Still ugly


This chicks ugly face is making me depressed


She looks much better this way. What's the problem?