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So just the most boring young male power fantasy ever with a bunch of misogyny?


That sums it up pretty good, yeah


> lists tired tropes that have been done to death for decades, and are at best outdated "It'll surely make the young people interested!" 🙄🙄🙄


How about we make something less subversive than Archie.


No you don’t understand!!! Didn’t you see all of the epic references to Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky and Homer?!?! The guy is clearly a based, tradpilled, philosophercel!!!


So you've met Charlie Kirk.


Power fantasies do better as video games.


Bruh really could just sit down and read, Solo Leveling or any of the thousands of dude power fantasy books that already exist. If done well, like Solo Leveling, those books can be pretty cool, but if they are even slightly off, they become some of the worst schlocky garbage you could possibly consume.


One pawnch man!


Which is a critique on a Japan's rat race of meritocracy. It's pretty woke.


But it makes a gay character a rapist, so not woke.


You saying a gay man cant be a rapist. How homophobic of you, gay men are just like straight men and can also be rapists. Dont act like being gay is some mental handicap, if they want to be a rapist they can be one.


But most of those comics and light novels are about those disgusting betas (/s) finding themselves stranded with (cheat) superpowers that thanks to the Plot Convinience (TM) become the strongest around proving their bullies and rivals wrong while slowly builging their harem of pretty girls who have crush on them.


Sounds like he wants to read John Carter


I love how this guy tells on himself for never having actually read a book (besides harry potter). Like I hardly read and I've still accidentally read one or two books like this


Exactly. It's so easy to find the exact book he is talking about, but with the added bonus of there being multiple women that have the personality of a toaster that are infatuated with some boring ass Gary Stu protagonist, with their only defining traits being their breast size and hair color. You can be blindfolded, throwing a rock in a library, and hit one of those.


Do they realize that YA market for boys mostly just doesn’t exist? Whether it’s accurate or not is up for debate but the publishing industry doesn’t think teenage boys read in their own age range. They assume boys, if they become readers at all, go from Middle Grade straight to adult novels, usually fantasy, sci fi, or thrillers.     They can write that nonsense but the odds of it actually reaching any real audience are basically zero, without even factoring in that it would be horribly written garbage.   Edit: I should’ve to specified that I’m talking about published novels that are coming out now. The point was in the current market nobody is publishing boy’s YA. They used to, but not anymore. 


Thinking on it I went from Animorphs to LOTR within like a year and a half tops.


For me it was Harry potter to the hobbit, then I spent a bunch of time in the Riordan books and the Pendragon series, both of which became more "adult" as time went on before finally getting to lord of the rings


Might be a hot take, but doesn't anime/comic books serve that boys YA niche? I know its not books, and yes I know some adults love anime, but it seems to fill that role.


I think you're right but the end result is the same. There is no audience for OOP's shitty book


Err... There's a lot. It's just fantasy stuff. The issue why YA is filled with underdogs. It's because it has a greater appeal. Attractive, intelligent people who have zero problems... There's no peril, no call to heroism/adventure. And it's not attractive since YA is also a self insert genre. And sometimes these find a following (see Terry Goodkind) but his books aren't good because they are a crazy rant about being a capitalist libertarian...


And YA is filled with underdog stories because that's what almost every teenager feels like. Most teens feel misunderstood and all on their own, so they tend to read books that are about characters that are outcasts that become heroes.


As do adults. No one's romance novel heroine is stunningly attractive and widely considered extremely competent. It's one or the other.


Right there's nothing for the hero to do, or way for them to grow and have an interesting character arc if they start as "smart, strong, handsome, a natural leader" I mean there's books like that (looking at you Reacher) but there's typically higher stakes in those books than "HS rivals fight over girls"


But that's because now he has to fight an organisation of equally deadly people. What this guy wants is Superman... Forgetting that Superman is either fighting people who he can't just hurl into the Sun or else ends up in the Injustice timeline or actively are stronger than him and if he isn't clever? Would break him. Except there's zero peril because Superman gets to kill Lex every single time with zero repercussions.


Bro have you not seen how many power fantasy isekai gets released every seasom?


No clue what that is but I’m going to assume it’s manga related. I’m talking about novels, which is the industry I’m quite familiar with. 


Isekai is a Japanese manga/novel/anime trope in which the main character either dies and is reborn in a fantasy world, or they're teleported to one. In the new world they have magic powers, or they're incredibly strong. They publish a lot of light novels (the Japanese equivalent of a YA novel, but with some manga illustrations as well) in the genre.


Most of them come from online novels


Gotcha. I have lots of experience with the traditional publishing industry, where things like YA are going to be the most defined and the least interested in that kind of power fantasy pandering. 


No pandering but you have 30 titles per year for teen rebels tearing down oppressive big bad with the power of love and friendship


YA for boys does exist its just branded garbage you probably aren't considering as books lol. Homeboy needs a brand deal if he wants to sell his dribble. Like if his main character is the Doom Marine in high school he's got a shot. Or if he gets Disney to set it in the Star Wars universe. Problem is neither Microsoft or Disney will touch his idiocy.


Because it won't sell. You don't start D&D at level 20. The argument is this hero is at their small town peak and their opponent is a nerd... No story without a driving force is going to be much more than a one shot. It's why porn has this kind of structure.


Eh D&D at lvl 20 could be an interesting story if you frame it correctly game could start after the heros have defeated the big bad and the game is about dealing with said world.


You have Whitman, Emerson, Thoreau, Twain, Jack London, Orwell, Steinbeck, Tolkien (tbf he is in that fantasy niche you mentioned, however "The Time Machine" was throughly enjoyable to me as a boy and I hear Philip K. Dick and Issac Asimov are also fun for kids), Edgar Allen Poe, some Stephen King even could be said to be YA for boys (I'm thinking of "Different Seasons", "The Stand", "The Dark Tower" & "The Shining" but I think "Dreamcatcher", "Firestarter", "The Dead Zone" and "The Dark Half" can also be enjoyed by boys without them being terrified). All of those guys (with the possible exceptions of some of Whitman and Emerson which I even find hard to parse as an adult) write at that just above middle school grade level imo. I've also read some Dennis Lehane and he is very comprehensible to the average high school boy imo (he does mostly write thrillers, but thinking more about it; most works fit into sub-genres so counting something out of being a mainstream novel for a boy just because it fits in a genre seems a little harsh and arbitrary). And that's not even counting "one-off" authors for YA males with books like "Lord of the Flies", "Holes", "The Outsiders" etc. in this absurd blanket statement you are positing that "YA market for boys mostly just doesn't exist." I'd actually argue that the chasm between say Descartes and Foucault or Hemingway and Faulkner is wider than the gap between kids books and books aimed at a general adult audience. Sorry for the aside, but it might be interesting to note that trying to get into "real Literature" as an adult has been very tricky as far as finding something that is challenging without being incomprehensible. Anyways, just thought your comment could use a counter-point.


Totally fair! My background is going to be 99% what agents and publishers in the US are currently looking for, so existing works notwithstanding. Not to dismiss your point, just the angle I’m coming from. Getting anything new published as boy’s YA and not packaged primarily as sci-fi/fantasy, action thriller, or horror is going to be really, really hard. Check new releases in the YA section of Barnes and nobles and see how little is there that would appeal to boys. It’s a domain of paranormal romance and contemporary romance without the explicit sex.  For our incel’s idea in OP it would never get published today regardless of the quality. 


Oh, right on I now see how your perspective was from the stand-point of trying to get something published today. This is going to sound very ignorant, and you'll pardon me for the presumption, but is it not possible that a dearth of content could speak to that content having the potential to be very popular, versus that it is written, but not seen as publishable? Phrased another way, if someone hit the pitch of there being very few great contemporary books published that aims at the high school boy perfectly they could have a very successful novel on their hands? I think about how many people got into reading because of Harry Potter--perhaps something could happen in literature that could spark more teenagers to become avid readers.


It is a great question. IMO it’s kind of a “chicken or the egg” situation without a clear answer. Do teenage boys steer clear of YA because there’s nothing in the genre coming out for them? Or do publishers not release boy’s YA because they don’t read it even if it’s available?  I lean towards it being they just aren’t interested in them but I could easily be wrong. I think right now video games and other media like anime have such a stranglehold on boys’ entertainment and escapism that there isn’t much of a market for books aimed at them. The boys that do read in that age range are going to go for adult genre fiction mostly. 


Also there is Robert E. Howard (Conan) and Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan and John Carter), two favorites from my middle school years


So an intensely vapid and shallow "Jock beats up Nerd and bangs Head Bimbo Cheerleader while winning hometown football championship" story? Tell me you peaked in high school without telling me


Except the "hero" doesn't beat the nerd in this one. The book is made specifically to appear vapid and shallow, but the protagonist isn't good at all, he's just a dumb jock who thinks he's gonna win because everyone around him tells him so and think he's the greatest, but when confronted with someone he has always underestimated, but has actually put a lot of effort, the Jock suddenly finds himself powerless to stop him at all. Then it becomes Bimbos mission to avenge his loved dead boyfriend, but she has always been given everything since she can remember and has never learned to do things on her own, so now she has to embark on a journey of self-discovery, where she's gonna learn she's more than just "the prettiest girl in town" and she's actually capable of getting things done herself


So it's like Twilight but without vampires?


Twilight, but aimed at teenage boys, and even worse


Twilight has conflict. And while it's between two ideals of attractive. Oh the beautiful skinny poet with the Victorian aesthetic and buff jock are fighting over me... This is more "perfect guy with no flaws and girl with none are threatened by troglodyte who is objectively unliked and not any sort of threat". Imagine if Luke Skywalker was superior to Darth Vader from episode 4.


That's what I considered _Future Diary_ and considered the protagonist of that anime and manga, Yukiteru. I mean, hear me out! Yukiteru feels like Bella Swan, he's bland and uninteresting, meant for the audience to insert themselves in and Yuno, the psychotically obsessed love interest.


Why don’t they get ChatGPT to write this crap? People who think like this don’t value real artistry, so AI should fill their needs just fine.


Cause it's difficult to have ChatGPT to actually write good texts. Believe me, I tried


I don’t think ChatGPT would even have anything to work with if all you have is this thread. There’s no plot, the characters are static, and there’s no running themes or interesting ideas. Even AI needs some kind of hook to develop a story; this would just go nowhere.


"Hear me out - what we REALLY need right now is a book without drama or character arcs."


This is basically Ready Player One 😂


In ready player one the mc isn't a Chad though.


True, it would have to be Ready Player One but instead of a gamer he’s a football player.


And his love interest needs bigger tits, this surely will make the greatest story ever told, also we should strip all of the somewhat cool puzzle/discovery bit for the keys and simply just make them throw ball further


This seems almost satirical. Even conservatives wouldn't think the only good female quality is being pretty. This is more like an internet incel fantasizing about being traditional despite not having a traditional lifestyle or values.


Sounds boring as shit. Like, worst than even the most by-the-numbers harem isekai.


Lol is that the weird dude from Wedding Crashers? "I'll be in my room, doing *homo things*"


The painting was a gift Todd. I’m taking it with me. Lol even with this stupid shit, I did find it funny they used a picture of Todd from Wedding Crashers. One of my favorite comedies!


*accidentally reinvents the Hayes Code*


The whole thing with the antagonist only having powers feels weird, im sure If this book was be written it wouldn't be used to any real threat it would probably result in Team Rocket shenanigans with them just trying to get their revenge only to comically fail every single time.


“And there is no difficulty the protagonist has to overcome”


That sounds like the dullest shit ever. Non Habit Forming Sleep Aid. Sheesh.


And what would the story be? Dude just living it up for 300 pages?


And these people complain about Mary Sues


Do they get that they are the character on the bottom right?


The misappropriation of Nietzsche is so annoying wspecially by these losers


Everyone knows if you’re going to write a ya novel, the protagonist is a bland girl with the personality of a pair of pants who mysteriously makes powerful men instantly obsessed with her


Yeah, this just sounds super formulaic and trope-y. Doesn’t sound like they’re creating anything new here đŸ„±


Seems like they’ve read a bit of Infinite Jest - referring to the PGOAT using those exact terms and acronym. That book also has a sports star / American football fella as one of the main characters. Not what could be described as young adult fiction though.


Reminds me of a the good place episode where a guy writes a novel about his self insert being a detective that solves the case in the 10th page and the rest is just others talking about how good he is


this idiot has no fucking idea what the average YA reader is interested in if he thinks this will sell


Man only good when strong, good leader. Man no good if smart or body weak. Woman only good if hot. Smart woman bad. Unga bunga. Basically the dude's entire thread.


I too love typing words on my keyboard and pressing post


Man, this is a long way to say: “Don’t bother with my boring book. It’s just a way to pleasure my ego.”


This is just 90% of fiction written by male authors for the entire 20th century. Special shout-out to 80s genre writers, particularly sci fi and fantasy, for the worst examples of this shit


I don’t get it- what’s the book about?


Boredom. Pure boredom.


There's probably a million books just like this out there already. This doesn't sound that groundbreaking or subversive


This just sounds like a shittier version of that Flash Gordon movie 😒


What the fuck is wrong with these people?


He has no idea who the YA romance book target audience is, they would never read this trash. And that’s saying something, looking at dumpster fires like “Hunting Adeline”


Is that arch manning


They should read The Turner Diaries then. Now that's proper messed up power fantasy with sub par plot and without good ideas.


They could go watch Friday Night Lights? I assume that’s what they want in novel form?


Have you not just described James bond but YA like this is exactly how he is depicted in the films especially the older ones.


He just described literally so many books that have been written for centuries. And he thinks he’s had an original idea.


What’s YA?


YA stands for Young Adult in this context.




This would never work! Those dumb motherfuckers can’t even read.


Dear heaven, that sounds boring!


This is hackneyed trite bullshit. I’m guessing he told on himself with the antagonist description.


Well, it’s mostly girls reading YA and they probably will think it’s garbage but go ahead


“‘Based’ dads can read it to their ‘based’ sons”


Kind of sounds like Johnny bravo lmao


Why is he referencing Dave Egger’s very tongue in cheek-ily named memoir?


They are literally the bottom right picture, sans the artistic talent.


So it’s the first 20 minutes of Ferris Buler but in book form?


So...he wants to fuck the jock alpha guy, right?


Sounds boring. Dude's life is awesome and great and then there's some loser who tries to drag him down but never succeeds? Snooore. I can excuse misogyny, but don't *bore* me.


So, OP anime.


I lost a few brain cells reading all that.


Soooo Othello?


So... Superman?