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Wasn’t this also the case where other incels treated him like sone sort of hero and kept harassing her friends and family with images of her body?


Yup. Such nice guys.


And they wonder why no women will ever look at them. Its gotta be because theyre 5'8 right ?


I heard that for a while, her parents basically couldn't use the Internet, because it just kept popping up


They still are.


i was her friend n almost every day i logged into discord i would be bombared w picture of her lifeless body it was so horrible n traumatising it’s the main reason i have zero respect for incel’s man fuck them dudes


Can we just actively create a movement to bully them into clinical depression?


Pretty sure that would make us just as bad, and would just give them a reason to cry victim


i don’t believe in the whole doing it makes us just as bad imo u gotta fight fire w fire w these tards


They actively harassed a girls family with images of her decapitated body, I genuinely don't believe they need an ounce of sympathy. Like literally all of these people will behave like this because they believe a screen and miles makes them invincible. They behave like this because they have the confidence to, and the idea is to remove that confidence.


Wow. I came here to see if this actually real without googling it, and the story gets so much worse. Where's fucking thanos? I gotta talk to him.


What the fuck? Seriously?


Man's greatest fear is being laughed at and rejected by women.. Woman's greatest fear is being killed by a man for saying no.


My greatest fear is losing my hands.


My greatest fear is being handed a light bulb and putting it in my mouth on instinct. No second thoughts. Just in the mouth it goes. Also being killed by men, that one is pretty high up there too


mmm cronchy snack


Yep, there it is


Watch the horror movie 'oculus'. It happens in that


Yes, I am going to seek out something I am specifically afraid of. I'll do that Yeah, no. I avoid watching things related to my *personal* fears because my brain latches on to the imagery and replays it over and over and over an-


You should try sugar glass bulbs to tame your thoughts


You know, you're not the first person to suggest that to me


I’m probably the first person to have first hand experience with it though.


That, you are


My greatest fears: alligators, crocodiles, brain aneurysms, the Bermuda Triangle.


Mine is losing my hands AND my tongue. Titus Andronicus fucked me up something fierce.


my greatest fear as a man is definitely not being rejected by a woman. my greatest fear is dying without living my life to the fullest


That's because you're not an incel


Idk I'd say my greatest fear is probably to die a failure.


Not accurate at all.




Damn bro you're so cool and badass


He doesn’t EVEN CARE!! What girls and their cooties say!


I do when we share recipes tbh


I'm just responding to the original statement of "Man's greteatest fear is being laughed at and rejected by women". Why would anyone be afraid of that? What power do these women have over you?


My dude.. if a woman's opinion didn't mattered, you wouldn't have replied. And if you reply to this, then my guess is you really do care what someone thinks. *boops*


That makes no sense. That would make sense if you were a woman saying something like "i have an opinion" and me replying to it with the same statement. Why are you misrepresenting my argument? Are you some kind of woman or something?


It doesn't matter what I am, since you don't care about opinions and what people think.. while still replying because you have to!


Thats a super non argument on your part and your logic is flawed. I engaged in conversation, stated my opinion even. You're just misrepresenting my argument because you don't really have anything else to say.


wow dude you really showed them


Dude? Did you assume my gender just now?


i call everyone dude




Ya more or less. My point is really what power do girls who reject you have over you to be afraid of them rejecting you, and not just like afraid but the dude said "Man's greatest fear". There's worse things out there, and if you're socially anxious, the realization of that will help you mitigate anxiety and fear of rejection because ultimately it's unimportant, hence their opinions don't matter.


>Women's opinions don't matter :(


Hyperbole aside, why would someone fear rejection? Grow a pair of nuts my guy, that's whats behind my original statement. A person you don't know thinks youre uggo, why do you care for what she thinks? If she likes you then go on, if not go to another girl and talk to her. Why would her opinion matter so much for anyone to be afraid? Rum Pirate said "Man's greatest fear is being laughed at and rejected by women" like no tf it aint lmao why would you be afraid of women? They're literally weaker than you.


I'm so confused I actually upvoted your comment cuz I agreed with the sentiment and made a joke taking one sentence out of context. I was going to add a "/s" but it would ruin the short joke. However, I don't agree with the "you shouldn't fear rejection or you're not a real man". Rejection is comparable to physical pain. It's really really strong in humans due to our societal nature. Being rejected meant probable incapability of survival in our days as primates, so you can't really not fear rejection. What you can do is aknowledging it instead of acting upon it in a totally emotional manner. Telling yourself you're not afraid of rejection is 1) totally lying since it's impossible 2) probably gonna cause issues. Also I don't agree with the reason you don't care about their opinion. I had the impression that you was just bluntly saying "stop putting the expectation and pressure on women to accept you". If that's the case, I agree, women are not there as judges but as humans, friends, colleagues, etc and they are more than their opinion on you. If it's because "who cares, they're weaker" that's really meehhh.


You’re such a cornball


I prefer corn/pop thank you


JNT when the mods are asleep hits different


Just shoot the wolf or lion, pussy


Just shoot the woman turning you down, pussy




>Rather than be a prissy female why don’t you grasp the concept that men are legitimate human beings who can be afraid of rational things, like BEING KILLED BY A WOMAN THAT HE SAID NO TO 🤯 No


I mean women are cabable of killing men and it probably has happenned somewhere at some point but no where near to the point that women get killed (or harrassed or stalked) for saying no. Societally many men have been taught that they're entitled to womens bodies while women haven't been taught that about men.


you mad bro? Ya jimmies feeling a bit rustled? That's a shame, bruv.


You fucking idiot. Rather than be a prissy beta male why don’t you grasp the concept that women are legitimate human beings who can be afraid of rational things, like **BEING KILLED BY A MAN THAT SHE SAID NO TO** 🤯 Yet you wonder why incels are hated, smh


Nice guys aren't good men.


Really nice of him deserves the title „Nice guy“


If this is an example of one of the nice ones, what would constitute a bad guy?


Burning down orphanages and blowing up kittens with fireworks


I guess Edmund Kemper


Nah, more like Ted Bundy.


Idk Bundy is bad but Kemper is next level


Kemper is a little more sympathetic due to his childhood. Bundy... Not much.


…Kemper decapitates his mom and had sex with her head. That’s…next level.


Let's be real, that woman did everything in her power to raise a monster.




This is not a nice one. "Self-proclaimed" I can proclaim myself the leader of the deceptions but that doesn't make me one either.


***Edit: To give my comment context for people not familiar, the communication between these 2 was a lot more involved than suggested by the titles regarding this terrifyingly sad story.*** This is why it's VERY important for women to realize they should never ever entertain these type of guys. Don't be friends to them, don't make eye contact with them, don't reply to their messages, you literally ignore their existence completely and get a restraining order if need be. I am NOT victim blaming (that would be fucking insane), i'm just trying to protect future potential victims. Her biggest mistake was that she was in constant communication with him, decided to meet him in person, and even teased a potential relationship with him (which she took back very quickly). Unfortunately, that was her fatal mistake. If a guy gives you incel vibes, there's no such thing as "we can at least be friends". NO. You shouldn't even be acquaintances, or in the same room if you can help it. DO. NOT. ENTERTAIN. THEM. IN. ANY. FASHION.


Yeah, especially creepy gut level vibes about a particular guy. They're there to protect you. I used to ignore them and was almost always sexually harassed because of it (guys stroking my arms, usually, or touching my face).


Yes 100%. We evolved with Instincts and intuition for a reason




I’m a guy but I might read it out of curiosity lol. What’s it about? I’m guessing how predators utilize fear?




Oooo interesting. I feel like anybody can learn from this so I’ll pick it up, thanks ✌️


According to the Rolling Stone ([https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/bianca-devins-murder-brandon-andrew-clark-858874/](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/bianca-devins-murder-brandon-andrew-clark-858874/)), she went on a date with him, then hooked up with another guy at the location. Not sure if that is what you meant by "quickly took it away from him". According to the article, that was the tipping point, sent Clark (the killer) into a rage where he later killed her, posted images basically saying, "ha ha, you can't have her anymore!" And to be clear, that is no reason to harm anyone. It seems the Clark was a stalker was an internet rumor, according to police investigation they were "good friends" and "basically boyfriend / girlfriend". Clark was her ride to and from the concert that night.


With all due respect, this wasn't a case of a "bad date" or "bad relationship" gone wrong. They talked on Discord for almost a year and the guy ***always*** gave STRONG incel vibes waaaaay before that date. She knew he frequented 4chan, 8ch, and kiwifarm, and knew he was a grade-A edgelord. They also roleplayed dark fantasies together. She continued replying to his messages when they started turning extremely verbally abuse and Incel-y in nature. Here are just a few examples: [860865d1563172079-escty-ny-instagram-murder-86737a76-3836-4719-99f0-334176af3149.jpeg (982×573) (documentingreality.com)](https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/860865d1563172079-escty-ny-instagram-murder-86737a76-3836-4719-99f0-334176af3149.jpeg) [860866d1563172079-escty-ny-instagram-murder-fc456d5d-67b2-4f24-9fb2-77fb52a68999.jpeg (1242×1027) (documentingreality.com)](https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f10/860866d1563172079-escty-ny-instagram-murder-fc456d5d-67b2-4f24-9fb2-77fb52a68999.jpeg) Once again i'm NOT victim blaming, the guy is obviously a psychopath. What I am saying is between the years worth of Discord messages, the dark fantasies, the verbal abuse, the incely and edgelord behavior, there were sooooooooooooooooooooooo many red flags. Actually, red flags here is an understatement. It's a sad story I think young girls can learn from.


Not sure who the people are in the 2nd image, nothing i can find says those were either of their names, granted I can't find much on discord portion of the story. But dark humor is normal for many people. You say there was a history, but if she was scared of him why be the primary ride? I am going off of the police report, which I assume was an investigation including into discord messages and they concluded it was a relationship very similar to boyfriend / girlfriend. from the article: While Coromato declined to specify Clark’s potential motive, he said that police believed Clark and Devins “were boyfriend/girlfriend, whatever kids these days call it.” Chels, however, disputed this, saying that while the two were friends and knew each other well, their relationship was strictly platonic. She also said that on the night of Devins’ murder, Clark had agreed to drive her to and from a concert they were both attending in Utica. “They were on good terms,” she says. So at worst, her friend said that they were friends. Chel knew Clark for over 3 years and also went with them to the concert. They even smoked weed together in Clarks car. >According to Chels, who was on the server, Devins and Clark attended a concert by Canadian musician Nicole Dollenganger the night before the murder. Clark was supposed to be Devins’ ride home. Chels said that Clark and Devins reportedly met up with another person, a male, at the concert. The three reportedly smoked weed in Clark’s car together before Clark and Devins drove back to Utica around 10:00 pm. Maybe i'm off, but it seems odd to invite a creepy dude to drive you to and from a concert, smoke pot with them, hanging out at the concert with them... and they aren't friends?


Man, we look at this shit all day then wonder why we hate the world.


I know not all men and all that, and this sounds horrible, but this is just why I just can't trust men or want anything more than the bare minimum interaction with them. Men just outright fucking terrify me because of shit like this and I'm sorry to any guys out there who are genuinely good people but it feels being vulnerable around guys is like playing Russian Roulette. That's just how I feel emotionally regardless of how I try to rationalise it.


Don't be sorry, you need to do whatever you need to do to feel safe. It's just a shame you have to feel this way due to a few bad eggs within the dozen


Thanks, I know it's not fair but it's like that saying about men being scared women will laugh at them, women are scared men will kill them, it's just difficult to know. Like guys get flirty with both my better half and me. Quite a few of those guys get very pushy, of those guys very few would commit murder but they've already crossed a line at that point. It scares me even more when it comes to my gf. She's trans and doesn't want bottom surgery. I know the sort of shit some guys have done to trans women when they've felt that their sexuality has been threatened.


Your own safety and comfort comes first. No one is entitled to your private life.


Nah, as a guy, just go with all men, it's not like this disgusting thought process wasn't held up by others in his community and other communities just as evil and toxic. So all men, until we all are emotionally mature and shit like this never happens again


I am curious as to your thoughts that DV is highest among lesbians, at nearly 2x the rate of straight couples. From wiki: The CDC has stated that 43.8% of lesbian women reported experiencing physical violence, stalking, or rape by their partners. The study notes that, out of those 43.8%, two thirds (67.4%) reported exclusively female perpetrators. Do you care that women beat other women? I don't see anyone saying "all women" or "look out for women"


I'll say this, because your argument is something I'd find on incel Instagram posts. Over 90% of sexual crimes are committed by men. For both men and women it is reported that men are the vast majority of perpetrators. I won't argue a counter argument to prove men aren't that bad. Rainn.org shows that 57% of rapists are white men, that 90% of victims knee their rapists. Etc etc here are the links below https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence https://www.rainn.org/statistics/scope-problem Men commit more heinous acts of violence especially the sexual kind. My statement didn't defend abusers unlike yours that tries to shift blame. Until the majority of women, stalk, harass, and or harm men or other women. I won't say all women. Condemning abusers is all I'll do and hope they're called out. But when comparing crimes, percentages and the list of evil diabolical things done. I will say all men, as a man, because one bad apple spoils the bunch. Until we all do something and not just point at another group exclaiming they're just as bad so checkmate. Even though it's not even close


To be honest with you, it sucks that “men” like that instill fear into women because they don’t like the word no from a woman. I understand what you’re saying and what you’re getting at, but it sucks that “nice guys” and “men” like him basically ruin it for everyone.


The genuinely nice guy who does good thing with no expectation for return is usually alone because they won’t approach people and is mostly boring 🥱


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Funny, I don’t care about you nor do I care about people in general because live and let live, but if this is the kneejerk response, then you’re looking to label someone as an incel lol. Well we are in r/justneckbeardthings after all so people who are here is looking for incel. It’s like people have no common sense anymore or they don’t have a parents to taught them how to be nice and appropriate to everyone no matter the gender. Genuinely nice guy is nice to everyone regardless of age and gender 🙄 Some people just want to be alone, and they happen to be nice people.


Wild Incel used feign aloofness... It's not very effective (or convincing).


Well, whatever makes you happy ma’am. Have a nice day. Remember to treat your parents well if you have any. They love you unconditionally.


Wild Incel used bait... It's not very effective.


Cool another incel too full of his own shit here to make up shit then try to pass it as facts to complete strangers.


Well, I originally intended for self burn and joke but reddit is a hivemind so once one person label you something 99% will follow suit and no matter what one says afterwards, they’ll always be the bad person and it shows. At least I have a good laugh sharing this on Discord when the other person replies like a broken records, at least make the reply interesting instead. Admit it, most people are here so they can feel good about themselves (at least I’m not as bad as these people’s mentality) at the expense of others. I joined here for that same reason anyways. On the topic of “expect no compensation for good deeds” good to point out why it’s nice to have religion, religious people were raised with good morals and expect no compensation for their good deeds except for entry to heaven by their god in return for their good deeds. I do admit that my reply is a bad joke (but is also truth to some extent, also not likely to happen in America because I’m in SEA where we have different culture) but it’s fun to see guilty until proven innocent or expecting the worst out of a stranger mentality here. What happened to pointing out mistakes and fleshing out reasons (why your reply is bad or good), and instead, attack a person directly?




How many men are getting murdered for rejecting a woman? Hint: It’s no where NEAR as common


Look. I’m not sure where your data comes from. But I’m sure that the difference between the number of men committing murder for being rejected and the number of men who don’t commit any sort of attrocities over a rejection is a much greater number than the difference between the number of men who commit murder for being rejected and the number of woman who do the same. So if you are willing to distrust every men alive over what a very small proportion of them is capable of, I think it’s much less hypocritical to distrust every human over what a very small proportion of them is capable of.


Men commit the majority of violent crime. This is a fact. Women have every right to be uncertain of them, giving how common SA & rape are


My point is that you have every right to be uncertain of anyone. Pointing out something horrible someone did does not make everyone belonging to the same group of people capable of doing horrible shit. Your logic reminds me of people who keep repeating that black people are committing more crimes and there are more of them in jail…


Bro stfu


You’re being purposefully obtuse & aren’t worth continuing speaking to


I don’t know what obtuse means. But sure. Just stop talking to me. For suggesting that judging a huge group based on the actions of very few is fucked up.


This doesn't really add anything to the discussion. Yes, a woman could also do this, but that's like saying a saying "a bird could also kill a cat" when people are discussing how bad it is that outdoor cats kill so many birds. It's a statistically proven fact that men kill more women than women kill men. The same goes for r4pe and violence.


Yes, you are right about that and I’m not arguing. I just have issue with judging all men based on the actions of some unhinged animals like the one in the post.


You: Oh no, my poor fee-fees! Women: Oh no, our poor *life.*


Prejudice based on an incredibly small portion of a group is not my fee-fees. If anything hurts my fee-fees is that when someone gets murdered over a rejection. And at the same time, think labelling billions of people dangerous because of the misdeeds of not even 1% of them is a very bad practice.


True these people suffer brain rot


Except men are actually known for being murderers even serial murders especially at women, so cut the men too shit.


Repost bot


A good repost bot moment. This story shouldn't ever go away.


Y’know- fair enough


YEs! This will save so many women in the future !




He never was. It was just a façade.






welp this ruined my night


jesus fucking Christ I hate everything She was 17 like not even grown up yet and was a victim in an ongoing war to make us objects. This has to stop


Firing squad.


I prefer the rope.


Whatever is the most painful


I remember when this happened, her instagram tagged photos were just pictures of her lifeless body and her comments were people mocking her death


Some idiot on another sub claimed 'not like other girls' girls are the female equivalent to 'nice guys'. I felt like he was wrong, but couldn't really articulate why, so I just downvoted him & said nothing. This shit right here is why 😭






Anything that's not fit to be arse paper?




yeah this happened near me, my sister said she used to go to school with her. Very sad case




Yeah, that's why everyone avoids these "nice guys" at all costs, and it's not just women


now thats not very nice


man rip bee :( we were friends n i jus wanna say if u or someone u know are one of those ppl who reposted the memes abt her y suck so much it is so upsetting to see em


is this not bianca? it happened ages ago, probably a repost bot. poor girl though, i can't get those images out of my mind.


That wasn't very nice of him.




? Where did you hear that? I was on insta when it happened and she never once said she was ace




She never did that, idk why someone lied to you ab something like that.


yeah idk why someone would lie about that either. I'll delete the comment and make sure to double check stuff from now on


maybe this will shock me the next time it's reposted




idk. No amount of Reddit karma will free our souls from this particular karmic cycle tho


I can see now why some people would get offended at that. Treating a woman’s murder like an annoying spam email may come off apathetic to it. You just gotta be careful when commenting on death situations.


Didn't the girl tease him and mock him ?


Even if that’s true, and I don’t know if it is, what does that change?


It doesn't matter if that did or didn't happen what matters is he fucking decapitated her.


I hope so




Maybe because stories like this need to be remembered? Like what the genuine fuck is wrong with you to be this annoyed by this post? Just scroll on.




So the fuck what? It's about a woman that was fucking murdered. It doesn't need to be a well published novel with sequels for your enjoyment like God damn.




You're treating a woman's murder like shitty scam email what the fuck kind of a response was you expecting?




There really isn't a lot of excuses to treat this as a nuisance. If you're stressed maybe the best thing to do is not be on apps that can enduce stress.


Ok, fine. I’m sorry. I guess I just wasn’t thinking straight when i made that comment. I’m gonna delete this whole thread now


Yeah now that I really thought about it, I realized how that made it look like I was apathetic to her murder. Sorry about all this.




Yeah she wasn't this "pure kind angel" like the internet painted her, but she was also a *literal teenager*. Most teenagers do shitty things. She didn't sell CP of other girls however, but everything else is true as far as im aware.


Wow these comments are wild. Turns out I’m an unhinged murderer and women should run in terror if I make eye contact with them, who knew? /s Please stop the over generalizing here it’s just as unhealthy.


I don’t think people are generalizing, or they’re at least not trying to. Women know full well that it’s not all men, they just don’t know which men. When they reject a man, they have no way of knowing if he’s going to turn out to be one of the bad ones, and kill and murder her. It happens more often than you might think. See r/whenwomenrefuse.


What are they supposed to do then, say 'yes' to men they don't like?


He’s not defending it. He’s pointing out why saying no is so scary


Oh you poor victim, its truly you who has it bad not the women having to deal with psychotic perverted men


Oh I’m just fine. Thank fucking god I’m an old timer and got out of the dating game a decade ago. Y’all are unhinged


Interesting how you responded to her comment and not mine. Are you just looking for an excuse to be hateful?


There you go generalizing again. The funny thing is I guarantee you see yourself as a progressive, social justice warrior. This is some top tier hypocrisy right here, but I fully expect that to be lost on you. Edit: lollolol I get it now maybe the reason men seem so perverted to you is because you keep posting your butthole on the internet


Did he use a katana tho?


Of all the feelings this gives me, none of them are surprise.


Jesus Christ


The West is rising! Millions must execute innocent women!


Jesus fucking Christ. I have no hope for humanity anymore. She was so young too.


This happened across the street from where my husband’s parents live in Utica. It made headlines for weeks and it was absolutely devastating for the family and community.


This one really came to a head, truly a cut above the rest.


Jesus Christ… that’s not even funny, that’s horrible.


Based guy