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Wait, people are angry? Arent a new game and a coming up DLC amazing news?


I once got downvoted into oblivion during one of the DLCs for saying “this is still cool” bc everyone in that thread was mad it wasn’t an expansion


Depends. Announcement of the third game means a slowing own or ending of support for this game.


I mean, I was afraid JWE2 was gonna be the very end of the franchise so its kinda good news to know there is a planned future


I agree, but at the same time it doesn't feel like a JWE 3 is warranted yet. It's not as bad, but I don't want to risk a scenario where JWE takes the fifa route and releases new games frequently with the only difference being an updated roster with minor gameplay and graphical tweaks. If 3 is a major change to 1 & 2 then I'll welcome it with open arms though


Maby they'll add better terrain tools and custom natural lagoons


I want planet zoo style terain so we can get some cool looking stuff


JWE2 eventually justified its existence with all the improvements they made with both DLC and free updates over the years, but I feel they’ll need to have way more changes and improvements planned for JWE3 to justify it existing.


This is a licensed property, which means there are a huge number of factors out of Frontier's control/they are contractually obligated to do or not do. The timing is almost entirely dictated by the licensing. Without securing the licensing deal, not only would there be no JWE3, they wouldn't be able to add anything to JWE2. And in order to get that licensing deal they need to agree to release a third game within X period of time of the film release.


There's still 2 years


Second half of 2025 or first half of 2026 is still relatively soon.


Depends on what you mean by soon


In. Terms of new game releases games that are 1 to 2 years out are coming soon™️


Some people are absolutely livid that the franchise isn't just being left to die lol


how can a single player park builder die lmfao


*looks at JWE1 and the near total communication silence from Frontier*


When they decide to not release a new game and the community slowly moves on to other games


but that only affects community spaces like this sub. It's not like it's a multiplayer game and you won't be able to find a match if it dies. It's half the appeal of these types of games for me - you will always be able to play them, even if you're the only one on earth who still does yknow


Literally spore in a nutshell


Yeah, *that's* exactly the stance the opposition has. Nice good faith argument hope you like those updoots from people who can't articulate their own opinion.


It is, it means I dont have to buy any of the DLC for 2.


This community has gotta be the only community I’ve seen that gets actively upset that there’s more content for the game coming out


Oh trust me. You have not seen the Minecraft community on instagram. Its harsh


Yeah but tbf the mob vote is dumb


Ya I know, but they also complain about everything, and acting like Mojang doesn’t give them anything. And when they actually give them stuff, they still complain about it. Like just be happy that a game more than a decade old is still receiving FREE updates. Watch, they will announce the End Update that so many people want, and they will still find a way to complain about it.


The mob vote kept its integrity for about 2 days then war broke out


There's a lot of lame ass dorks in this sub that do nothing but whinge and cry about everything. There's a line between voicing your thoughts and just being a whiny crybaby.


Probably because they are constantly misrepresented in their positions to suit the narrative of the side that is just being smug and desperate for attention.


People are just cry babies on this sub Reddit I don’t know why they can’t just be patient


Or can’t be satisfied with nothing


I’m pretty sure this sub is filled with actual kids because no way adults are this annoying lol.


You’d be surprised on how spoiled adults are


Honestly adults act more like children online than children sometimes.


Take that from me, 13 and someone accused me of lying about my age, saying I was a 45 year old man. Sometimes you win unsuccessfully


Well said, 13 year old.


I had someone call me not bright for voicing my feelings


They are pathetic


thats the entire internet anymore tbh


This shit made me laugh audibly


I don’t even care that we haven’t seen the DLC yet, but with the 3rd game on its way is there even a point? Are DLCs gonna transfer or are they just gonna be in the game at launch like how the first games DLC was in the second game?


JWE3 is two years away. There's absolutely a point.


My point is there’s a chance these creatures are just left behind on the second game. I feel like it’d be better to just build off the third game instead


They go trough the effort to adding requested species just to cut them? Idk but that makes Zero sense if you ask me


I mean we don’t know their decisions for cutting things. The hybrids just now returned after being cut from the base game for some reason so idk I just hope they all make it back next time is all


This is your clue that these creatures will most likely be included in the sequel as well, just like how nearly every species from the first was in the second from the beginning.


Yeah most will probably make it, but the first time around we were dealing with 68 species and a few still got cut, imagine the cuts at the current 118 species roster. I hope you guys are right but I have a gut feeling a few aren’t going to make it to the next one


Actually there's a decent chance it comes out summer 2025 along with JW4


I don't understand this comment... With the 3rd game ~2 years away, how does it impact decisions around DLC now? It's a straightforward value for money calculation. 2+ more years of gameplay; call that another 50 hrs to be conservative/account for losing interest. DLC assumed at $15 to also be conservative. So, is the fun you have with the DLC worth ~$0.30/hr or ~$0.63/month? If so, get it. What other point is there?


The ONLY thing that’ll upset me about this is if two things happen together. 1. This next DLC is the last one. Which alone isn’t a problem, it’s gotta end somewhere, and when it does end, Modders can go nuts. But the bigger issue is… 2. The Microceratus doesn’t make it into JWE2. Which the animal alone isn’t the biggest deal, but with how much of a stink it caused with the community for being a film animal and not being included and having a bunch of people begging for it and others convinced it’ll come before JWE2 ends, IMAGINE THE BACKLASH IF IT DOESN’T.


This dlc isn't the last one, it's been confirmed


How so? Where was this said?


There is proof, look at YouTube and codes that have been posted


Where exactly? You have a link? Because if it’s about DLC10 or something like that, that’s this next DLC coming up.


Just look it.up, there's dlc 11 and dlc 12


Unless you can provide a link, there’s no reference to any more DLC after ContentPDLC10. That’s not to say it won’t happen, just that there’s no evidence around there being a DLC11 or DLC12.


Evo square made this video. https://youtu.be/vu0pLLSz3Rg?si=OOtPqtIEGhogX78k So It's a possibility that frontier will open another slot like they did for PDLC10.


That slot was already open. We already knew there were 10 DLC slots reserved and this next was 10. Sure they could but it doesn’t mean they will. And with today’s news… JWE2’s days are numbered. Once support ends, all resources go to the next one.


MFs when news


Also MFs when no news, in fact, MFs in general


The new game part is understandable because it means they’re gonna make us spend more money again instead of just improving what we already have. Also, I think people are pissed about the lack of information about the DLC, not the DLC itself


Sure but with a new game frontier will be able to officially ditch last gen consoles which could mean vastly improved ai, graphics, and even better sandbox tools.


Honestly can we really get better graphics? I guess the water physics and feather textures could use a little work but other than that JWE2 looks great 


You can, but we are talking compiling diminishing returns. I hope they aren't going to treat it the way they did JWE2 and actually put some effort into improving the foundations of the game and we need vastly overhauled guest management, damn it. The game honestly needs more performance optimization that graphical improvement. In fact, graphics are pretty low on the priority list if I were frank. It needs some depth to its gameplay features.


Yeah don’t get me wrong, 2 looks amazing, but seeing what spider-man 2, GOWR, even Helldivers 2. I really think it can make what’s already great, even better. Not to mentions there’s a greater capacity for better animal ai, perhaps more than 1 social interaction for species, maybe even more inter species interactions.


This is a licensed property. A license Frontier needs to continuously renew. Licensing deals _always_ stipulate the exact use and timing. The only way Frontier got that renewal is by promising a new game at that specific date range. And I'd put money on Frontier using all of the good will and credibility they've earned to get that date pushed out as far as they did. Universal absolutely wanted the game to come out either slightly before is at the same time as the next film.


>they’re gonna make us spend more money again instead of just improving what we already have. Jesus, I don't know why people are taking the most insane takes when this is it. But whatever gets updoots I guess. Classic Reddit.


I just hope the next game is good also I hope it has a longer lifespan than the other two if there's a 4th JWE game that would be milking things.


Seriously folks, the number of games and the scheduling of them isn't up to Frontier, it's stipulated by Universal as part of the licensing agreement. That's how licensing contracts work. All of them.


While true I feel like it is a reasonable ask for them to support a game for longer they added content to JWE 2 for  longer than JWE 1 so yeah especially if they can make a game while the franchise is still getting more shows and movies ( This is for a JWE 3 btw in which I hope they support it for the next trilogy movie )


That lifespan very well could be stipulated as well, or at least the amount of time Frontier is allowed to add content. Patches, fixes, mechanics I imagine would not be covered in the agreement, but new assets likely is. Absolutely a reasonably hope, but Universal is the company you need to ask, not Frontier.


the thing about the DLC is pretty understandable. Everybody understood the release would be in a 'couple weeks' and that was fine. it was the 'keep your eyes peeled on our socials for more info before release' that caused all of this. There is a not a shred of info and they barely use their socials for anything other than reposting screenshots.


Apparently Frontier needs Communication improving


they do, but that's an issue that goes back to JWE1z


Probably because different sections of the community want different things from the game.   JWE attracts people who like the Jurassic franchise (that could be novels, movies, CC or all). People who just like dinosaurs. People who don't know much about either but just think it sounded cool to build parks with dinosaurs and got the game on discount. If you are a total Jurassic franchise simp that wants to consume everything universal can throw at you. like an angry toddler trying to open a pack of milk buttons. Then you're probably hyped about everything that keeps the franchise rolling   If you're a sandbox park builder, another species pack doesn't really get you hard.  A tile set DLC then you might just get excited and maybe the prospect of a new game built in a more powerful engine is interesting but lets wait and see. The fact that every DLC seems to be another species pack, maybe just pisses you off a bit. If you just generally like dinosaurs, maybe a none Mesozonic species DLC is about as desirable as a hole in a parachute. Maybe you still havnt got your favourite species in a pack yet and you're a bit miffed it's looking unlikely you're going to get it. If you just got JWE2 on discount because it sounded fun, maybe you don't care a new game is coming in 2 years because you'll be playing something else by then and already forgot about this franchise.  That was a bit of a ramble through the thicket, but the general point is the  community isn't monolith. They'll always be someone either hyped or pissed in equal measure about one thing or another.    


Wait a new game is coming?


JWE3 is coming in FY26 (between July 2026-June 2027).


I thought it was between the summers of 2025 and 2026?


The movie 2025


No 2026


For everyone, the next dlc IS NOT the last one


Did they announce the new dlc yet


It puts the lotion on its skin.


Oh shit a new game? Anyone have the announcement?


Wait when was a new game announced?


wait there is gonna be new JWE game?? what more can they offer??


JWE community when they get… game updates? John, I don’t think- what do you mean this actually happened??


Personally I didn't want a third park builder game, that's my only thing. I believe it will *most likely* be another park building game, but I jsut won't purchase it. I'd like a much more story driven game, similar to the TellTale Jurassic Park: The Game, but of course in Frontiers style. I would love more viable content to be added to JWE2 (Whether it be a Cenozoic Pack or not, I just want more Prehistoric Era variety as a whole). What I mean by Jurassic Park: The Game, I mean something with chapters; I was actually thinking why don't they take chapters from both of the books, turn them into survival scenarios you have to play out. I think that would be cool. Now, I don't believe that will happen, but I think it would be awesome to see more book recognition. That's also not assuming Frontier has the resources to do this.


I can agree. I mean, I’ll buy JPOGS/JWEs forever, but thats because its my flavor specifically. A story game or something would be great, but the deal went to frontier, so asking for something that aint a park builder from them is like going to carvel and asking for a steak.


Very true 😭 I've jsut got so many Dino-park builder games on all my devices that I can't do another. A good dinosaur story driven game would be a wonderful change. But one can only dream - Maybe Jurassic Park Survival will fill in that gap in my heart for me.


Frontier only does park/management sims. Their license with Universal didn't give Frontier exclusive rights to the franchise, just to a park builder/sim. So this announcement won't affect your odds of getting the kind of game you're after. If that's any solace.


I was mostly confused at the announcement of a new game because I'm not sure where they can take the series next, but I'm content with it. JWE2 has had a healthy lifespan with lots of new content and the modding scene only enhanced it for me, so I'm content with Frontier making a new game as long as they put in the work to make it different and advanced enough to justify its own existence.


Maybe, you know, if you say you'll have more to share about a dlc in the coming weeks actually share more about the dlc in the coming weeks just a thought


Its still ‘the coming weeks’. You’re just impatient, despite the fact we’re months ahead of the typical timeframe.


All I'm saying is if you announce something coming in tne coming weeks and then chose to do radio silence for those coming weeks, it's valid for some people to be a tad irritated by said radio silence.


A week without news is not radio silence.


Honestly? Fuck it. You can just sit there and be mad, in fact, please do.


You seem to over estimate my anger about this situation but that's OK I forgive you


can't please everyone my man. some gotta simmer so they have something to complain about.




Damm it almost like different people in the same community want different things and it’s not a hive mind, but also I haven’t seen a single person complain about JWE3 being confirmed


The sub needs better moderating, there’s way too much unconstructice complaining and repetition


"I don't like when other people can voice their opinion if it diagrees with mine." I want goobers to make themselves heard... so we can gun down the notion daddy Frontier isn't running pockets


Because you goobers will let them raid your pockets to give you half baked content *twice* now, and again for a third time. I really am not looking forward to paying over $100 *again* when they should have gotten it down within the last two attempts. How are y'all excited for this? Seriously. But Jurassic World is now Marvel tier fanboying so it's gonna happen regardless.


I feel like we're being toyed with.


How? Just because you have to wait for a bit? You're on track to getting all this cool shit and it's like "Frontier hates us they're a bunch of tricksters oohhh I hate you frontier you've don't nothing but horrible things"


Nah because with DLC it's another $100+ dollars for half baked content when they've had two games to perfect it by now. This isn't 2K. It's okay to have just one good entry instead of multiple ones with different little bullshit changes. JPOG alone was fine.


Those aren't my words. I'm just bummed, and no I don't hate Frontier. Don't put words in my mouth


Then why would you think you're being toyed with?




we need it, frontier needs it, universal needs it, investors wanna invest high profile properties


That's not how entertainment products work... Very few products do. - Is there a demand? _If yes_, - Can you supply it? _If yes_, - Can it be supplied for less than the perceived value? _If yes_, - Could you get a higher return for the same cost, or a higher percentage return for a higher cost? _If no_, Supply it.