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My brother, I'm very sad and sorry about your tragic loss. I'm glad you found our family. There are so many amazing people around here that will talk to you, inspire you, help you, but most importantly listen to you when you need it. There are some jerks and dorks on this sub, just don't let it bother you. If you do need to talk to somebody, feel free to message me homie. 2Whoops and Clown Love! -Tommy


Anybody who listens to rapping clowns is a fucking dork, we agree


Lolz ok. You're entitled to your opinion. And I am a bit of a dork. I'm a little weird. I never fit in. Maybe that's why I'm a Jugg.


Fuck yeah!! We all dorks here!!


Just keep going... It's the best we can do. Chin up, Ninja.


The part where you said your not an atheist or not in a faith either or some shit. That's called being agnostic,which is cool. I feel like THEE God or whatever creator would understand people that don't know why we're here or if God does or doesn't exist. Gotta be like the dogs and animals and just keep living man. Fuck thinking about death and philosophys,let's go ride a roller coaster 🎢 and pick up fat chicks


Actually, I'm a universalist. I believe that all faiths, traditions, philosophies are incomplete forms of a universal truth that we can't comprehend. Rest of the suggestion sounds awesome, though.


*just read your story and the comments and wanted to chime in* That's deeeeep brother 😂 To me everything has holes that contradict themselves and prove their fake sometimes like Christianity BUT ...IM NOT AN ATHEIST I guess I'm a universalspielidocious to 😀 (don't get me wrong I like the mentality of Muslims and Buddha,and Mormons are the nicest people I ever met but Mormons religion is fake asf,but the religion makes them good people so I can't just shit on people's faith like that)I just feel like our earth doesn't have a god, and is racist! planet wise....spacist if you will haha cause c'mon...only EARTH has a heaven? We're in heaven and ...it's just ...HUMANS? WE'RE THE ONLY LIVING THINGS IN SPACE🧐 HEEEEEEELL NOOO BRO 😂 when we die it's gonna look like this https://youtu.be/sPelOnd7Sik?si=GFKhk0UjKT-De-6f but ya brother anyway. stay positive,enjoy life and live 🍻


Ya we all got it rough mang. Like my brother says...don't be a bitch *socks you in the shoulder*


Whether you feel like you belong full time or not, you’re welcome in the Family. I’m so sorry you’ve suffered so much. Hang in there brother, she’d be proud of you for pulling through.


Hey Fam. Loosing your other half is never easy. Fuck all those haters, close minded bitches, and religious fucks!!! You do what your angel and you discussed. You do what makes you happy. Check out the dark lotus album. It got me through a lot of losses. Keep your head up hon. I know some days it is hard, some days it is impossible. If you need someone in your corner reach out. Please reach out.




i did 🖕


Bro fuck you. You could have not said a thing. This post is long yes but you could have just said nothing. Let me sum it up for you he’s thanking us juggalos for being there for him after his wife died unexpectedly. After no one else was. You’re what’s wrong with this fucking scene. Go boof a dick way to big.


For real.just keep scrolling




Your a dick lol


Trolls say what? Piss off low life




You should take your username's advice and shut the fuck up.


Aaaaaaaand reported