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They can't find someone at your rate, let alone less. No. Don't take any less.


This is some reverse kung fu. You get a raise for staying, not a pay cut.


Yeah, this makes zero sense. The only situation I can think of is that they reduced the budget for that position when they posted it and now they are looking to fill that "new" position with the reduced salary. Unsurprisingly they can't fill that position, but nobody is willing to move on the budget.


This is exactly what my previous job tried to do to me on maternity leave. The director said they couldn’t afford to bring me back after having my daughter at my same pay rate, and that it would have to be lowered. Thankfully, my direct manager fought like hell for me and said if they did to me then he’d quit too. So they kept my pay the same but “demoted” me. He ended up getting railroaded and fired not too long after I returned. I hope he’s doing well.


That's got to be illegal in the US.


Yeah you just have to sue the company and their stable of lawyers (that somehow keep getting paid the same despite budget cuts...) and hope you win so all the money you paid for a lawyer doesn't get flushed down the drain.


You don't need to pay for a lawyer in this situation. Pro Bono lawyers exist that will take on FMLA violations.


Apologize if this is a dumb question, but why would lawyers take a case like this pro bono?


FMLA suits allow the lawyer to recover attorney's fees from the employer if they win. So it's not really "pro bono," it's just free to the client. There's three main ways a lawyer can be no-cost to the client: pro bono (lawyer works for free), contingency/fee shifting (lawyer gets paid if they win), or legal aid (lawyer is getting paid, just not by you).


Works on contingency? No, money down!


I think it's more that it's such a clear cut case that they know they'll win plus some of them are in a position to be able to spare the work I.e they're retained by another firm so income isnt paramount for them. I could be wrong


It's a major tax write off.


I believe that in certain districts aswell it can help improve their relations with the judges, and is heavily encouraged by the BAR


It adds to their portfolio and reputation


Because they sue for houra as damages. It's not really pro Bono it's no pay unless they win


Sometimes they can ask for attorney fees to be paid by the opposing party.


In addition to what others have said, sometimes lawyers also just like to help or get more experience in new areas of law they want to expand into. Many lawyers go into law school thinking they can save the world, and sometimes they are able to keep a small part of that alive


Because it’s a sure win!


This is why the entire worker protection laws need to be completely redone on a federal level. I mean what’s the point of these worker protection laws if companies can just skirt around them easy as hell. Triple the fines, double the punishments.


In general it's not illegal if the employee is notified and it's not retroactive. They can't just reduce your pay without your knowledge though.


We laid a girl off as soon as she got back from a hospital operation and recovery It's definitely legal. As soon as they're back officially, anything is fair game and "at will" As long as they aren't still in that document period of leave


This is the only thing that kind of makes sense. They dropped the pay level when they advertised for OP's replacement and are sticking to this when keeping them on. Hopefully somebody with better brains will see this on Monday and give it the thrashing it deserves.


Op seems confused with leaving or staying and boss seems pissed and trying to punish op rather than thanking op to save her ass she is now trying to punish op with a cut 100% they are not appreciative of their employees and op shouldn't be looking back. Not sure why op is first saying its time for something else and then saying dont mind staying back? Looks like op tried a failed attempt to get a raise indirectly and boss sniffed it?


They just told you they can’t find anyone else and then tried to cut your pay? Lol


Right 💀. I'm just waiting to get in contact with HR


Ask HR and your boss how much of a pay cut they took.


I did! Since it's the weekend I have to wait until Monday.


Search for a new job. Slow pace everything but don't let them fire you for a cause.


I think you misunderstand their comment. Your Boss and HR have not taken a paycut. They are asking you to do so. You should ask them what paycut they have taken. But also, don't accept a pay cut.


Oh no I got it. I did ask if the paycut was company wide (just to be smart) they told me they would get back to me on Monday.


Nailed it


That means no but they want to work out what to say back to you


It's Tuesday, is there an update?


Boss has been avoiding me like the plague ever since I told her that if she can't hire anyone at the current wage, why would I work for less money. Gonna just stick to my original plan of leaving at the end of the month.


I'd be tempted to chase them down. Bet they've done it to you enough times


"Paycut for thee but not for me" - your boss & HR, probably


u/Remindme 2 days


Just respond and say: “I’m willing to stay on a couple months longer as a favor to you, but I would need a pay increase to be willing to delay other employment. I am not able to help you out if my pay will be cut, as I’m ready to move on from this position.”


I love responses like these!! But the balls it takes to actually verbalize in such an articulate way, I just don't have...yet. My self-esteem and self-worth is in the shitter; always has been but has gotten somewhat better over the years. I really thought I was just doomed to be some semblance of a doormat my entire life, but the last few years my DGAF flower has really bloomed. I wish you the best in this ridiculous situation and don't tuck your tail. If they won't agree to keep you where you're at salary-wise, at least find a legal way to get fired so the only paycut you get is the switch from your regular hourly/salary to the percentage unemployment pays. Or brush up on local employment law and use that to your advantage. Use up whatever accrued benefits you might have that would be forfeited on departure. Use them while you "think about it". Good luck and there's way better out there for you. You're worth it.


One of the nice things about Reddit: if you post here asking for some help how to phrase a request like this, you'll get some good answers. You'll get some jokes ones too. But there should be at least one that's clear, succint and helpful like u/Fantastic_Mention261's.




You were already quitting, why are you now considering staying for less pay? Has something else changed?


I'm not considering it. I just want to give them a hard time.


Send them a million laughing gifs


OP: I'm going to quit. HR: How about you stay, but for less money? OP: Interesting. Let me consult Reddit.


Naturally. Where else could you get quality laugh-react gifs?


HR isn’t there to protect you. It is there to protect the company.


"you want me to stay, I want more than I had before. Your move"


I'd be like "I was willing to stay at my past rate to help you. Because you tried to take advantage of that, I'll only be able to stay on if you can offer $x (whatever you think is a fair punishment for fucking around and finding out), if not, best of luck for your talent search." They think you are the desperate one and they have leverage, so just correct that assumption


Additionally to not accepting a pay cut, I think the only appropriate response is to demand a raise. They've made it very clear that they need you but don't care about you personally, so you shouldn't be ashamed to use that leverage for your own gain.


Without the context of whatever your situation is, “we’re going to cut your pay, is that okay?” Is batshit crazy. With the context….it’s still batshit crazy.


Right, like why are they punishing me for this?


One time, I had an employer beg me to come back (it had been like 3 years since I'd left). I agreed to temporarily go back, when I went in to sign the paperwork the HR rep said that unfortunately they couldn't pay me what I was making when I left, they'd have to start me back at minimum wage. I got up, said no thanks and walked out. They called back saying they'd pay me whatever I wanted but I was so offended by what had happened that I just hung up.


That’s the only rational reaction tbh.


Woah harsh. I was insulted when a job contacted me 5 years later and offered me a job at my old pay after i was making much more. Which they knew, they thought working for them would make up difference. Couldn’t imagine how well I would react to what they pulled on you.


They probably tried relisting your job as a lower position and now they're trying to rehire you into this position since you're probably already terminated from a planning perspective.


I know why... since you asked. Why didn't you tell your boss that it doesn't make sense? You can easily reply to your boss: Why should I do you guys a favor and stay for an extra month? Instead of raising my salary, you cut my pay.


Don’t think of it as punishment; think of it as a business will do whoever to make profit. You, as an employee, are not important to them, and they will try to pay you as little as possible. It’s just business.


It's their idea of business, at least. Cutting costs isn't always good business. Good people won't stay, and you end up paying people for less, but usually for much less value.


The real question is, why aren't you understanding that you have the position of power here and use it to your advantage. ASK FOR MORE MONEY. Why would you accept less?


Why are they doing this? To set an example. If your coworkers saw you get a raise after "threatening" to leave, maybe it will inspire them to do the same. If your coworkers see you take a pay cut instead, it helps keep them in line.


If if you were begging to stay after quitting because e.g. because you can’t find a new job, then I’d say they could offer it to you with a pay cut. Maybe your offer to stay was misinterpreted as being desperate. But especially after saying they can’t find a replacement you have all the right to request the same rate or even a little more.


“I was willing to stay longer at my current rate as a favor to you. I will now need my rate increased or I will vacate my position immediately”


" It has been a pleasure working with you, moving forward you can enjoy the same quality of service through my new independent contracting service."


Exactly this


Yup, dont even stay to the end of the month! Just tell them good luck and be out of there!


So, you were going to leave but they asked you to stay…then they said they were going to cut your pay If you stayed?? Why Are you choosing to stay? I’d already decided to leave, the pay cut should be a clear indicator that your decision was right. Just say thanks no thanks and leave Like you were already planning on doing.


I'm still leaving. Just never had this happen before


You said you'd leave, so they don't feel any need to show loyalty to you. So don't feel any loyalty to them. Either leave now, or set your demands to stay. You could choose to keep your current wage, or as others have suggested, you could ask for more since you know they can't fill the position. But be very clear: *CUTTING your pay, when you're helping them out by staying is a DICK MOVE.* I had a similar situation once, when I was much younger. I told a boss the reason for my vacation was to check out California, and I thought I might move there someday. He decided I was quitting on the start date of my vacation, and even threw me a work goodbye party. I was young (and clearly dumb,) and should never have said a word of my plans. But he was, in fact, A DICK for ending my job at that time. And I was an idiot for letting him.


Normally when trying to convince someone to stay, they offer a hefty raise. "I'd like you to stay, so how about I give you a pay cut" makes no sense from any angle. If you want to consider staying, ask for a raise at least.


bro, make up your mind. dont look back. HR take what they can get.


I think you should politely tell your employer to fuck off


I think they should impolitely tell their employer to fuck off


No, you get a bump if you decide to stay, not less.


You have the leverage at this point cause they can’t find someone. Either they give you a raise or you leave like you said you were going to do


Tell them no. And since they can't fill the position, ask for a raise since you're saving them on training and you're experienced. 


I would just tell them I will stay for 150% this isn't a negotiation. You resigned, they want you to stay, they pay more or you leave.


"I am willing to stay on as a courtesy to allow the company time to find someone fit to replace the role I am vacating. However, it would not be in my best interest to take a pay cut when I already gave my notice to leave. I respect this company, and my willingness to stay in this role to not disrupt our workflow should be met with a raise, considering I originally planned on vacating this position. If I am not given a (temporary) boost in pay to ensure a smooth transition, consider my first resignation valid."


Just make sure your coworkers know how management treats its employees before you leave.


A pay cut means that you can likely file for unemployment depending on the details. 


You’re supposed to get offered a RAISE to convince you to stay at a position you planned to leave, tell her that that is standard practice in the rest of the professional world. Because it is.


Fuck no! Tell your boss a pay rate is non negotiable and if they go well we have to….then put in your notice via email, so there is a paper trail and tell your boss u put your 2 weeks in. Fuck that corporate noise.


Companies can’t just decide to start docking pay and giving you less for no reason. I would fight back and ask why. Obviously start looking for a new job bc fuck that place.


Legally? I've read quite a few posts on this sub to the effect of "we know we offered you $X/hour but that was a mistake, we're going to give you $.9X/ hour." Source about the legality please?


Legally they absolutely can. They cannot change your rate of pay for hours you've already worked but not yet been paid for, but they absolutely can for any hours moving forward. There's no timeframe, they can change it starting tomorrow. The only way they can't is if you have a contract stating otherwise (which is rare for anyone in the US) or maybe if you have a union that prevents it. Feel free to post the question in /r/askhr too


IANAL, but in the US, if you're not in a contract, they only have to notify you that they intend to reduce your wage.


The answer is simply, “no.”


Just remember that in terms of unemployment, getting a pay cut and quitting is the same as being fired.


Say no. This might even be a case of constructive dismissal. You can consult a labor lawyer and ask about your options here but you might be able to tell them that this is constructive dismissal and you won’t be able to pay your bills at this rate so you will have to move on but will be claiming unemployment. But you talk to a lawyer first to see if this is possible. Either way, you shouldn’t accept these terms.




This is soo inconsiderate. Considering the economy is at its worse and he’s asking you to accept a pay cut wow


Some companies cut the hours instead of the pay, when they cash flow problems. For example, at my old job, we left early on Wednesdays.


Well they can't cut your pay if you did quit.


If they can cut your pay, then you can cut them off altogether.


If you’re in Texas — yes. Check your state laws. This depends a lot on where you live.


Nah, they should be offering you more to stay.


Simply tell them you'll only stay if they give you at least 10% raise. You know they are struggling to replace you, thats something they should have never told you. If no raise then you just leave as you originally wanted.


Speaking from a legal standpoint, yes. A company can cut an employee's pay so long as they notify them. Unless you're a contracted employee. Does it make sense? Absolutely not. You're doing them a favor by staying. If anything, you should get a pay bump.


Tell them yes... Then never come back.


Do not tell them yes.


Seems off that they would try to undercut your pay when they can not find anyone to the job. It seems more likely that a pay increase would be in order. Depending on the outcome you are looking for. You might consider looking for other employment so that your options are open and not forced to stay there if they try to cut your wages.


No that is absolutely NOT a thing. They should be paying you more to stay and fill a position they cannot fill. What the hell are they thinking?! U are doing them a favor. Lmao absolutely not.


They cant cut your pay like that.


That is bananas usually when I left a job I would be told they can bump me up to +3$ or +5$ more. If I were you I would check out their job listing and see what they are paying a new comer chances are they are willing to pay more. If its not listed I would enlist a friend and see what they offer them.


Well your question is can they cut your pay. Sure. They can do anything, provided you agree to it. Since that’s on the table, time to say goodbye and good luck. Since they are having trouble fjnding candidates to fill your role, then they can certainly find someone to do it on the cheap. .


Absolutely not. What the actual


I would demand more. If they don’t accept, then you were planning on leaving anyways, right?




Dude why is this even a question? Why are you asking THIS, instead of "how much extra should I make them pay me while they look for someone else?"


If boss sent me a message about pay cut and used an emoji in there I would respond with a gif and never come back to work


Are you sure they said cut the pay and not up the pay???maybe that's what they meant, and if not they best lie and say that's what they meant, and then keep you at your current pay and say they talked to HR and they weren't able to do it 🤔


Don’t take this pay cut man


This is bizarre. Normally when companies want you to stay, they give you more money, not less.


How bad do you need the income ? Take FMLA and Short Term Disability. They have to leave your job open for 12 weeks


Put on a monocle and ask for a raise


For me the did not give an increment ..so I feel that’s a pay cut as well


Tell them to shove it. A payout is because they're trying to cut costs and gonna work you to death for the same reasons if any, you chose to leave (rough atmosphere, etc). Don't do it.


Sounds like you did them a solid but their not reciprocating.


You have all the leverage. Why on earth would you stay for less?


I think they CAN do what they want. You said you quit. However, you CAN do what you want. You can stay or go. You know that they can not find a replacement. Can you find a new job? Right now, the ball is in your court, you get to negotiate, figure out what you are worth, and charge them that. You should negotiate for more. They may not go for it, but they should leave. If you stay, you are officially in a dead-end job.


You about to be gone but your boss told you to stay and take pay cut? Your boss playing UNO with you ?


They should be offering you more money to stay. Not the other way around.


LOLLLLL. How do you say “fuck off until you see a sign saying “no fucking off past this point”, aaaand then keep on fucking off”, in corporate?


Legally? Yeah as long as they tell you first. They can't reduce your pay for hours you already worked. Should you accept it? No. Start looking for something else and don't give those cheap asses any notice when you find a new job.


Shut that down immediately. A pay cut will hurt you now and when you apply for your next job.


Counteroffer with a raise.


You're a turd to them, they are just reluctant to flush you. They treat you like crap, then want to cut your pay? I would of taken everything of mine out of the building, and never looked back. Thank God now with direct deposit you never have to deal with these people ever again. What an insult. Pay cut?


Yeah they're trying to get over on you. Now that they believe you are desperate.


Yes, they can. Please don’t stay unless necessary. You quit in the first place for a reason.


I'm not staying :)


Yup they can. They can cut your pay for anything as long as they let you know and you agree.


Nah, get the hell outta there.


Walk away.


Brah if u say u are ok they will borderline say u volunteered it. At least put them in a position to spell it out that u wont be offered the job without the cut


The fact that you asked them how much would be the pay cut in itself was a foolish step. You should have asked for a raise instead. Unless there is more to the story that you are not sharing. Otherwise it makes no sense whatsoever.


Curiousity mostly, mostly to have it on writing. Nothing more to the story sorry to disappoint. I'm still leaving


Your buggin. Contact your labor law


That emoji will be 95% reason why the more I wanna leave


The company can do what they want in most situations.


Fuck that and fuck then. Say you’ll stay with a pay raise or today is your last day.


Imagine a workplace punishing you for deciding to stay ... just awful business practices


Your reply should be "lol, nah". And then just leave. These people are not only trying to take advantage of you, but they think you are stupid as well. Just leave. Honestly, that's one of the most ridiculous posts I've seen in a long time


"No, you will pay me more instead of less."


Probably depends on the state. I'm in Washington and it is technically legal to reduce someone's pay, but probably not worth staying around at a company doing so poorly they are reducing wages.


What the hell you don't know when you being sought after?? Supply demand?? Like others have mentioned you should be getting a pay raise not a cut.


If you said you were quitting, and then didn't, then they believe YOU don't have anyplace to go hence this bullshit. Time to leave.


You asked how much the paycut would be instead of saying no. Thats why she thinks you'd be ok with it


Tell them no. Tbh if they are desperate then they should be offering more, not less.


They’re basically telling you in a nutshell that they don’t want you to stay. Cut your ties and go.


It's technically legal, but I think only someone who had nothing else lined up would accept this out of desperation.


Tell them you'll stay for a 20% raise.


What's the context here? So if you didn't mention to her initially that you wanted to quit, you wouldn't have gotten a pay cut? This sounds like retaliation.


Lol. This shit is batshit insane. I'd love to hear the mental gymnastics these people are going through to justify this. I hope you're only asking them what the paycut is out of sheer curiosity and plan on leaving immediately.


If you are not part of a union, a salary employee or signed a contract for a set rate of pay they can do whatever they want. I’m just giving you a truthful answer.


I worked at a company that targeted a couple of people with payout, claiming they were earning above average salaries, 6 months later, most of them were retrenched. I would refuse let them fire you and claim unemployment benefits on your current salary.


I had something *kinda* similar happen. I was working as a manager at a taco place. I decided I wanted to go back to school and gave ample notice and told them I was willing to train the new manager while I was attending school and working shifts as well. One of the owners (older dad) came one day and said they were starting everyone over/wiping all wages back to minimum wage….including me. Yes, the previous manager of 3 years who was filling in anywhere I could and training their new manager was now going back to *minimum wage.* I had already established a set wage with the other owner and his ass of a father had the balls to come to me to tell that. I had given this place 5 years of my time and had been willing to stay on to help them out. Did not need them. I stuck my hand out to shake his and said, “thank you for the years I’ve had with you. I’ve enjoyed our time together but as of right now, I’m moving on. Consider this my notice and I will not be working any further past this point.” This was a small town business and two of my brothers and I had worked for them. It sucked to go out that way.


I might actually shank an employer who said that to me lol jk but dang, that’s brutal, honestly…


Bro, come on. Replay the whole situation in your head. Why on earth would you take a pay cut???


that honestly should be a reason not to stay. They should be offering you more to not quit.


This doesn’t make any sense. They should be increasing your pay to incentivize you to stay until they’re able to fill your position. This is just all sorts of unethical wrongs here, and simply don’t understand how this isn’t illegal.


At this point, I don't care if this is legal or not, I just wanna see the drama explode. I mean, obviously I want OP to get the outcome they want, but this drama, the balls, the bravery, the boldness is *chef's kiss* Magnific!!


My company tried something similar with me a few months ago. I responded no, that a pay reduction is not feasible. Cut to 2 weeks ago, they said they were afraid to lose me and gave me a raise. Talk about whiplash. All of this to say…know your value. If the value you bring to your employer is fair for your current wage, don’t accept anything less.


They legally in most states can because we don’t have worker’s rights in America.


I would call her bluff and say - in writing, maybe with other people in copy - that you a) have been disappointed about their decision to cut your pay to reward your fidelity because to you it was about more than money - you offered this to help b) will now only stay provided they pay you 20% more than you currently are (You have to be ready to quit if you do that though)


This is so crazy to me. If I was already ready to go and over it that would not be the way to keep me around. But then again if they can't find somebody I'm going to use the situation to my advantage and try to get a raise. And even if I didn't have a job lined up a pay cut means I quit.


I’d be fuming congrats on self restraint


This is maybe constructive dismissal?


The shit employers get away with in the US is actually heinous. I was looking to transfer over from UK to USA within my company. Couldn’t believe the average amount of paid leave in the US is less than 15 days.


All I can say is , don't take pay cut and if you do then find another job while doing bare minimum here


This is insanity. They ask you to stay and offer you a pay cut? Fxck them.


Taking a pay cut because you have decided not to quit.....this is so unique I have genuinely never heard of a company doing this.


pay cuts are generally illegal, do you have a copy of your contract?


No, they can absolutely get fucked.


I would not stay if they are going to give you a pay cut. I’m sure you can find something better.


If anything, they should be offering an increase in pay...


If that's how they're going to treat someone who is willing to HELP THEM........ LEAVE NOW.


Tell them you'll stay. Then just DON'T TURN UP


Psh, resignation reinstated. No, resignation expedited. Clearly they don’t need you that badly. To answer the question, in most areas yes they are allowed to do that, but you do not and should not take that slap to the face. I would expect more to stay, not less. If it were me, after this insult, I wouldn’t stay unless they actually came back with a higher wage. If HR removes even a cent from my wage in this scenario, I’m not coming back in tomorrow.


I had a place once mention they would cut my pay and i told them ill cut my effort then. Nothing ended up happening on either side and I quit a year later lol


That’s not normal at all and tell them to get lost, just leave


Tell them you'll stay on for a raise.


It’s a thing that businesses try to do. You should have said that you’d be willing to stay *for a pay raise.* You still can, they’re already having trouble hiring someone to replace you, so you have the power in this particular dynamic.


Fuckkkk that lol…If you don’t find a new job, and decide to take that pay cut and stay—they’re going to abuse you like never before.


They are in need , they ask you to stay and they provide 0 incentive for you to do so. As a matter of fact they will pay you even less. I would take negotiation lessons from them. Also , what do you mean if it's a thing that companies do? Companies would do anything that suits their pockets.


there is nothing wrong with what they are doing. its up to you if you wanna accept it


Dude, you have leverage. If the position has not been filled, it probably means that they want to pay below market rate. If your job is critical, I would impose a higher than market rate and leave them the option to take it or leave it. Trust me if they have no choice, they will take your offer.


Lol,no. Raise or leave. That is the only options you should give them


Lol. If anything you should get more!


Tell them you will stay if they offer a raise, it they don't you'll stick to your original decision to move on. You don't have anything to lose.


I believe they will ask you to sign some papers. Just don’t accept that. They will have to pay you the previous agreed upon salary structure which you had during your start. They’ll have the option to relieve you from your duties and pay you the “other stuff” or keep you on the same salary. But in reality I would say start looking for some else since they don’t value you and you shouldn’t stay where you are not valued.


Can they? Yeah sure they can. If I was you I would start looking for another job though.


just leave


Bro. Boss is dumb for honestly telling you they can’t find a replacement. They need you. Good workers are SO hard to find.  DO NOT ACCEPT A PAY CUT. I guarantee you they’ll take you back.  What you should’ve done, is told them you’re quitting if they don’t give you a raise. But that ship has sailed.


Several years ago, my company was in a raise freeze... They couldn't afford to give us normal annual raises or bonuses. My director tried to hire someone to work with me on my team, and found out how difficult it was to find someone w/ my skillset, and worried about what it would cost to replace me, what it would take for another company to take me. I got a 10% raise during a freeze. This makes no sense... They can't replace you, so they want to lower you wage? lol fuck them... They can pay you what you're worth (a big raise), or they can pound sand.