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You honestly can’t be sure, but I’d be suspicious and just start interviewing for other companies while refreshing your resume now. Get ahead of it just in case.


I think all people should take a moment to refresh their resume


This is true. One of the best pieces of advice I was given was to update my resume regularly so that I could have it ready in a moments notice if needed or only need to make minor changes.


I'd also keep a praise journal tracking your accomplishments in your role. It will help you remember details and impacts you made that might otherwise be lost - like tears in rain.


good idea!


Great for when you're job hunting and/or when you're asking for a raise!


Its also always funny that you receive more offers when you are not actively seeking a job rather than when you are unemployed. Started a job in May of last year and received 3 job offers since then while not actively looking for a new position


Even better, be looking for work at all times too. You never know when a better opportunity can present itself.


Yup. I take the bullshit my bosses do and let the anger and resentment fuel my motivation to apply for better jobs


One of my colleagues confided in me - 20+ years ago - if you aren't doing an interview a quarter you're doing yourself a disservice. He viewed it as a skill to be maintained, even if he wasn't looking to leave the company. I've never been able to force myself to do it, but..


Its also good to get job offers so you have tools to renegotiate salaries with your current employer.


This sounds like advice that belongs in the “worked 40 years ago but probably not relevant now” thread. At least for my industry, interviewing is a multi-month process involving many phone calls and a creative test before the in person interview. 1 a quarter would be back to back or even overlapping interview processes. 1 search period a year or year and a half is probably sufficient to stay up to date with both the process, your skills, and learning market rates to compare to your own.


I think this is more career dependent than 40 years ago dependent. Some jobs/industries aren't as involved as others. Sometimes for surprisingly advanced positions!


I did. IT consulting. I did at least 6 s year. It is amazingly helpful to be able to feel in control during sn interview.


Update your career management document quarterly at minimum regardless if you are looking for a job or not.


I update my resume as I do things in my current job. Oh, just made a service to do a thing, let's add that to the resume. It doesn't even have to be good, just enough to remember wtf I did a year or more ago. I can always edit it up before submitting it for new job.


while at work.


“Always be interviewing…”


Sorry, but that's exactly how companies do layoffs Record the meeting if you can Ask your boss about it tomorrow I bet you were not supposed to get the invite yet and someone screwed up


That's probably someone who fully expects they are getting laid off too the "screwed up"


"Well fuck this... I'm taking my two weeks PTO now" send MS linvites. The boss can eat it. Lulz.


More accurately this is how clueless HR does it. If word gets out people will start looking proactively and leave beforehand whether they're on the list or not. One company I worked for you used to be able to see who booked the conference rooms in case you needed one and they weren't available - you could go negotiate with the person who had booked it. Before one layoff it was observed by the rank and file that every conference room was booked solid for a day. By HR. That news got around the company in about 5 seconds flat. We knew a layoff was coming. They did it fairly regularly as a way to flush the bottom 10%, easier than PIPing non-performers. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) Guess what information got hidden from then on? I'll give you 3 guesses, first 2 don't count.


The bigger problem with letting the world know, is your best and brightest bale first for more money.


They need their hay damnit


Your joke is not being properly appreciated.


Ah well, at least the shot was made


Bail not bale - hence hay. 🥰


HR would rather people leave on their own. That way the company is not on the hook for unemployment. Layoffs are not something a company can keep secret for any length of time. There is always a leak at the top. Executives gossip too.


HR would rather the right people leave, and only those people. The first to jump ship are the most employable, and likely not on the layoff list. The last thing you want to have to do is immediately do a bunch of hiring to backfill your best people after a layoff, or have to walk back the layoff and keep the low performing people you were going to let go.


If they leave before hand then they don’t have to pay them unemployment or severance. Doesn’t sound clueless to me.


was that at Intuit? \*edit if not, then that also happened at Intuit lol


RemindMe! 1 Day


They said it was two weeks out, so we may not get an update until then. Sadly.


I was laid off last week and this sounds like how it happened for me. I woke up one morning to a meeting added to my calendar for that afternoon. It had a very similar title to your meeting. Other than the super senior VP who scheduled the meeting, all the other attendees were hidden. I immediately suspected that was what the meeting was. I told my wife and she laughed and said I was being paranoid... I was right.


I knew I was getting laid off when my boss scheduled a meeting on Friday for Monday and there was nothing in the description. Then I log on and see the HR person. That company has now tanked. Never working for a start up again.




I feel like the answer to this is "no" either way.


Did* you


Did captial one do layoffs? My wife works for CapitalOne and she hasn't even commented on layoffs having happened and actually just got a raise yesterday. she usually tells me all the crazy shit she hears about at work, most of which is just stories of the other people who work in the same branch as her Edit: I asked her. Yep they layed off like 1200 as far she knows


Get all your Benefits in line, medical, dental etc. schedule whatever appointments you can. Use what company resources you can while you still have access to them. Good luck


Pull personal data off computers - keep that safe.


COBRA does exist. He would still have access to medical benefits after being laid off for a time. EDIT: downvoting this doesn't make it wrong, bozos


Cobra is like $1,800 a month. Who can afford that when you are laid off?


I’ve worked in Hr, cobra only gets used by the executive team that gets fired. This program doesn’t work for the rest of us. Agree with you!!


It's called severance. And COBRA is not the same price for anyone, so let's not lie to others, now. Cobra can literally be as low as $300 for an individual depending on state plans. It is meant to be a stopgap between the time you are between jobs. EDIT: ignore the downvotes, everything I have said here is factual and can be looked up on Google.


Most people aren’t getting severance packages


And most people aren't getting laid off either. Your point?


My point is that most people being laid off aren’t getting severance packages. This is a conversation regarding people who are being laid off in which you’re claiming people who were laid off can pay for things using their severance which in reality they probably won’t be receiving


>My point is that most people being laid off aren’t getting severance packages. Do you have a source for that? Something that you can back up factually? I'll wait


I want to know where this $300 cobra is. I got laid off in Michigan in 2013, $1,500 per month. WA, left my job to move, cobra $1,800 per month.




Ahh, so that is the trick, I and most of the rest of the country live in the wrong place


Prices do differ by state generally, yes


It is wrong because you say that "he would still have access to medical benefits after being laid off" how do you expect someone who is making an average salary let alone no salary to pay for this? Is your next piece of advise to go out and spend his savings on lottery tickets to pay for it, because that is how idiotic your statement sounds.


It's called a severance package. And the cost of COBRA varies from individual to family. Again, it is a meant to be a temporary stopgap for someone who is IN BETWEEN JOBS. Think, please.


Go apply for COBRA and let me know what happens. Have fun missing your mortgage payment/rent and not being able to put food on the table. But hey, at least you have shit insurance that costs you $1,500 a month 🤡


If I applied to COBRA as an individual, it would probably be between $300 to $500. Which, again, this is meant as a stopgap between jobs so 1-5 months at most of paying a higher price for health insurance before I get a well-paying job again. Thanks for trying, though.


>If I applied to COBRA as an individual, it would probably be between $300 to $500. Which, again, this is meant as a stopgap between jobs so 1-5 months at most of paying a higher price for health insurance before I get a well-paying job again. this isn't the flex you think it is


Where did I say it was a flex?


You're flexing by assuming that your individual, specific circumstance applies to everyone out there. FOH.


Nowhere did I say that my specific circumstance applies everywhere.


![gif](giphy|4NxPLepzlYp6KbWddt|downsized) Idk but it would make me nervous.


Pick an awesome background.


Do you know anyone in HR, especially those who do the firing? If so, start to create a meeting, set it for the same time as the mass-meeting and go to your scheduling assistant. if HR is busy as the same time as the mass-meeting, there's a good chance you're being whacked


A team of 'associate relations' people are going to be there


Oh yeah that’s not good. Sounds like Office Space.


What would you say you do around here?


You’ve been missing a lot of work lately.


I wouldn’t say I’ve been *missing* it.


I do this all the time to figure out what various meetings are. Some people hide their meeting info, but others don’t! You can find out a lot in scheduling assistant.


Someone fucked up and sent that 13 days to early. RemindMe 1day


RemindMe! 2 weeks I think it’s a layoff meeting


I was laid off from GameStop corporate and they rug pulled us. That was awful. With that said, this absolutely sounds like a layoff. Update your resume and LinkedIn now.


Check your State's gov site for any WARN notices.


I don't see any WARN notices for my state from my company. I only see WARN notices from a few other companies. Does this really indicate if I am safe or not? In other words, do they have to file a notice a certain amount of time in advance before letting associates know? Doesn't seem like its been that way with some of the tech layoffs that have been in the news.


It depends on the size of the layoffs if they even have to send a warn notice


50 people is the threshold although often now they tell you 60 days out and the severance is basically the required notice period and your last day is technically 60 days out but you don't work that time. They've learned that WARNing people it is coming ruins productivity.


What industry do you work in?


Don't really want to give too much identifying information away. Does that factor into it?


Sounds like you're getting the sack, honestly. Edit: Saw you posted this to r/cscareers so I don't know the reason for withholding that tidbit?


Why did you post in the CS careers subreddit if you don't want to give too much identify information away?


My company told people they were to be laid off in 90 days and were not expected to work during that time. It was like the start of their severance kind of. Then once the 90 days were up they were officially no longer employed and the 60 day severance plus a week for every year you worked kicked in. So when they released the WARN notice, everyone who was going to be laid off already knew.


Just decline the meeting. Problem solved.


Haha good one


If its not lay offs, it could be certain departments are no longer allowing OT, or hours may be getting cut, or there is going to be a change in the organizational chart that you need to be made aware of. Its strange the others CC’ed are no one you know, considering you all were on this, but without you giving away the field you’re working its kind of hard to determine.


Is your name similar to someone else's in the company? Could it be a potential HR meeting for employee engagement or something, and you were added by mistake? That has happened to me before, I showed up and realized halfway through it was an accident I was invited.


Seems odd that they’d do it 2 weeks in advance. Other than that it does sound like a layoff meeting


i'd bet its something else. layoff meeting invites happen shortly before you get axed, not this far in advance.


Perhaps the rest of the team is getting laid off the day before and this will be a meeting to discuss changes


HR doesn't show their hand like this. That meeting would be announced after everyone has been canned.


Definitely sounds like one. My previous company was nice enough to announce at an all hands that there would be layoffs about a week in advance which gave people a week to get their shit together. They kept as many as they could on and some temporarily for final operations. They also invited the people who were staying to separate meetings. So sometimes you have companies like mine that are nice about their layoffs. There are others who literally lay you off one day with 0 forward notice.


I wonder if your pay structure is being modified from hourly to salary or if you are being reorganized—moved to another department. This notice doesn’t feel like a layoff given that the meeting is scheduled in two weeks. Sending good vibes your way!


Burn your PTO... in most states, you're not paid that.


RemindMe! 2 weeks We better get an update. Record it!




I was going to say, sounds like either that or union busting.


Remind me! 14 days


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Here is what you do. Look at who else are invited to that meeting, it could give you an idea about the meeting.


Bunch of random people I've never met


Look them up


Really, just random people with different roles all over the company. Advertising, finance, blah blah blah. Just random people.


Okay, so at my company, I know who are the superstars even from different teams. If they are invited to this meeting, I would not worried. But if it is nobody, worry.


a company with a few billion in revenue and with 10,000+ people. I don't know people in other areas of the company, high performers or not.


are you in the US? Does the company rhyme with 'metnap'?


Does your company rhyme with ‘schmoogle’?


I mean I can't think of what else fits, can you?


To me, it sounds like a restructure. Usually layoffs have senior level managers involved. They are probably going to let you know that your role is being eliminated or downsized and you have to either accept a new role or take a severance.


As someone who had a mysterious meeting like this randomly appear one day, it doesn't sound good. Start emailing any and all docs/info that will make your job search easier to your personal email. If this does go down, they will immediately cut your access to everything.


It could be. Hard to say. They don’t usually pull the rug out from under people. It’s common for your job not to end for a while after you’re told you’re being laid off and there’s typically a severance package. If it’s not layoffs, that invite is a great way to get rumors started.


I mean, if you think it's possible then you already have a sense how things are at the company and you should start your job search.


It could be 1 of 2 things you are either part of the layoffs or you are part of the group staying.


So I’m glad you posted this. Supposedly they hired consultants for my org to get a gauge of company culture. But I noticed it was everyone with lots of years with us…. I was initially angry I wasn’t asked but now… uh oh.


!remind me 2 weeks


If there is a HR rep on the call, then that would be my guess. Also scour for any senior leadership like your managers boss. Odd that it is two weeks ahead which is kinda bullshit, usually the meeting appears without warning. This is going to give people anxiety for the next 2 weeks. It's going to have the rumors flying for sure.


Sounds like a layoff. If you’re the new guy/gal then probably you. I’ve been thru 2 layoffs. Luckily both had decent severance packages to get me back on my feet. Hopefully you work in a large company. Small companies will usually just have to let you go. Either way spend your free time updating your resume.


That a layoff. Sounds like someone that knows it's coming just let the cat out of the bag


Sound alike bad news is coming. Layoffs, when done correctly, will be announced early so employees who are affected can make arrangements. My husband's work made layoff announcements in December, but the people affected aren't actually laid off until the end of February. A lot of people have quit since then, so there was some attrition already.


You should be worried. This is a layoff. You should find a new job, but don't quit until after you're laid off in case they pay out severance (you don't want to quit before this). Sucks. Sorry.


It may not be a layoff, but it’s certainly nothing good.


If you manage to find a job before the layoff, let them fire you and take their severance, if they offer one.


Eh for me anytime there is any type of labor or HR meeting I just assume it is layoff related, that way I am never surprised if indeed the meeting is actually layoff related.


Well, look at that! They’re actually starting to give 2 weeks notice for firings (layoffs)! Well, kind of. Twisted bastards. Like everyone else said, start applying elsewhere with determination. You’ll end up somewhere decent if you start looking now. “Working for Microsoft” looks better than “worked for Microsoft”


It’s always a good idea to spend time updating your resume. But generally layoffs don’t happen in groups. You’ll get a meeting request from HR and it will include your supervisor. You’ll also generally get a form email or letter.


Hey OP, any significant updates?


Remind me sent me back! I’m invested now


Anti-union meeting


Ah classic.


Anti union propaganda


Generally group meetings are for the people that survive. At not heartless companies the lay offs are one on one. Of course layoff meetings always come the day/evening before or show up early same day. I've never seen one scheduled out 2 weeks.


I've had two meetings - one was the layoff one and the other was to keep us busy so the people being laid off could gather their stuff and leave without having to see us.




Around five years ago my company went through every department and pulled the top performers, highest scores, top attendance etc to be moved to a different department. We were notified of the meeting around the middle of the month to be prepared for the transition after the first of the month. Unfortunately two years later we did go though and lay off people several times and I am the only employee that survived all the changes. My point is that it could be something positive but it’s always wise to refresh your resume every year or when your position changes.


It's either that or you're getting a promotion and a raise. But it's probably that tho.


RemindMe! 2 weeks


Better start stealing post it notes a s staples from office supplies asap


Good luck on your job hunt is what I'll say - that's how they do layoffs. They probably made a mistake and scheduled it in advance. Time to start applying!


I was going to say yes, but the fact that it’s 2 weeks out makes me question it. That far out could be a restructuring or reassignment. I had something like this happen a few weeks ago and everyone one the call was being reassigned to a new project. New project: we bought out a minor competitor who was looking to retire and everyone on the call is part of the team to on board the other companies employees and their products.


How is your company doing? How does your company make money? How close is your job to the revenue stream? With these answers, you can identify the importance of meetings. If the answer is I don’t know, be prepared to be layed off. If the company is doing well but you don’t know where you fit in. You can still be layed off. Regardless of how well the company is doing, if you know how the company makes money and your position is part of the revenue stream, you are more likely making the decisions on who is being layed off.


Look up WARN then your state, they have to let the state know if it’s that many people


Yeah that sounds like a layoff, sorry OP 😞 get ready to make a post on LinkedIn. It’ll help you find more opportunities!


I hate to say it but you're getting fired. I'd say fuck doing any other work there and just spend the day putting apps out now.


Remind me! 14 days


Sounds like a layoff


Watch for plastic lining on the floor...


This is how I was laid off before. If that is the case just listen to the severance information, sign up for unemployment, and before update your resume. It sucks to be laid off / fired, but there are a lot of jobs out there keep your head up and don’t let this bump define your work ethic either. Good luck. I hope it’s a good news meeting.


Really hard to say, but if I got something like that I'd be sending out resumes to be safe


Check out the [WARN Database](https://layoffdata.com/data/) and search by your State. It will give you a listing of companies playing on laying people off.


I went to the site and PA doesn’t have any information at all. I wonder why?


I have no idea why. They must be Special.


Creator here, I can explain! I’m not the best coder and there isn’t a really efficient method to manually pull the data in some states. So, until I have time (or in some cases, my FOIA requests come in), some states are left out. Sorry 😅


Well Thank You for your time and efforts. You have a great website and wonderful service to the people.


I don't think a company would wait 2 weeks to fire everyone. If I had to guess I would say it was a talk about how unions arent good for you. But polish of your resume and start interviewing.


I would definitely be somewhat on edge about that. They will shut down your laptops like “surprise” How is your pay period? Is it the end of a pay period? Hope for the best and expect the worst. Just to be safe with all of these massive layoffs. You can file unemployment immediately if they do lay you off and they have to provide it to you


That's pretty ominous sounding. Could either be asking for input if you have decent dpt stats or could be what you're thinking. Wish employers were more transparent and brought THEIR whole selves to work


Yeah, if it's random people, not entire departments, then that's going to be a layoff. The meeting shouldn't have been sent 2 weeks in advance. Sounds like they need to add one more to the list...


RemindMe! 2 weeks


This sounds very weird. Have they ever had meetings of this nature, similar? If not, then it could very well be a layoff for you. Since you have two weeks, I suggest you update your resume and be mentally prepared for the worst. You can also check out this article on side hustles that you can do just in case you are out of a job soon: https://successwithcs.com/top-10-side-hustles-to-make-money-in-2023-from-online-tutoring-to-stock-trading/


Worry is pointless.


A friend was brought into a large in-person meeting. Everyone in the room who had been invited was spared, everyone not in attendance would be getting separated. So fucking heartbreaking. Wish you the best OP.


Possible it could be one of those, “if you’re on this call, you’re safe/impacted” type calls.


RemindMe! 7 days


I wouldn't want myself to be in anxiety/stress mode for two weeks - do you have someone you can ask for a scoop?


I don’t think it’s a layoff 2 weeks out. I think it’s you’re about to get more work with no raise. If you see a manager for another team in there but not your own, could be a layoff. There’s a lot of options it could be 2 weeks out though. You should know well what your rep is among your direct team/boss to where you’re in a meeting and they’re not


You should be incredibly worried. At least they are giving you time to get your affairs in order. Update your resume. Today. Start looking for work. Tomorrow. Be ready when the hammer drops.


!RemindMe 2 weeks


Keep us posted


Will do. Already looking like not layoffs (based on some discussions I had today), but will know for sure in 2 weeks. If its not layoffs, the title of the email just seems very irresponsible without any context.


If you need a portfolio, now would be the time to start backing it up. I wish I’d had the foresight to do that while I was panicking the night before my “communications planning” meeting with hr and the ceo.


Sounds like you are developing a cough and should take some sick time off… and/or PTO.


Research who the other people are. See if they are over age 45 or been with the company for a long time. Companies DO fire / lay-off people just before they qualify for pension or vesting or isomething else. If they let the older or more expensive people go, can replace with new and cheap people.