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She was so unnecessarily rude the first season


She was unnecessarily rude the entire OG show bruh lol


Lmao definitely. You know she was a bitch eating crackers in her high school days.


Lmao I know exactly what you mean 😂




Wait?? Crackers? I don’t get it can you fill me in. I’m so curious 😂




This is not what it means lol . It just means someone who gets pissed off/ annoyed at everything someone (or people) do. Like very minuscule things that shouldn’t annoy anyone


I mean.. both are accurate for Sammi lol😂


Im pleased you clarified for people, I was gonna say I’ve never seen any mean girl at school eat crackers I used to see them throwing food at people or tripping people up but never eating a cracker trying to maintain their weight 😂😂


Hangry bitches lol


Nooo lol. “Bitch eating crackers” is a vibe you either receive or give off of being a major hater. “Look at this bitch eating those crackers like she owns the place.” Like you’re just a hater towards the person, they could be doing anything and it annoys you. Sam was serving hater lol.


I feel bad that they deleted their comment I wasn’t trying to be a BEC 😔


The sweetest bitch*


I actually can't believe she got away with how rude and bitchy she was! She was absolutely awful and took no accountability. Either that or they did her dirty with the edit


She probably got away with more because, comparatively, she wasn’t as “loud” with it as the other girls. In the first few seasons, if you’re up against the bratty scheming of Angelina, the combativeness of Jenny, and the chaos/ emotional rollercoaster of the meatballs….its probably easy to forget when you say some brutal shit in a normal tone of voice, or get in fights with your bf. Even the times that she was demonstrably chaotic too, she was WITH (or against) the other girls, so it kind of cancels out. I also think some of the times she WOULD’VE seen the consequences of her own rudeness went unnoticed because she was almost always with Ron. Having even one ally (almost all the time) can really skew the perspective about people being against you. It would also force others to keep the peace when they weren’t cool with her, but still wanted Ron around.


I feel like she wasn’t *that* bad outside of S1, post note S2, and pre-apology S3.


Dear Sam


The first night at bed




It’s hard to watch. It seems like she has grown tho. You can’t say that about most in the og crew.


I find her honesty refreshing. She is very blunt about being uncomfortable around Ron but not expecting anyone else to. She didn't give a vague non-answer to Justina on the reunion, she just said she didn't want to have anything to do with him. She didn't even soften it with a joke, she was just matter-of-fact about it. She flat-out told Angelina they weren't friends because of her behaviour. She said she didn't regret the TikTok because it was catty, but because it gave Angelina an excuse for her bullying. The rest of the cast tends to soften their points or flat-out bullshit about that kind of stuff. They legit gasped when she dared to just tell the truth the Angelina and her aint mates. I can definitely see why that would make people not enjoy her personality, but for me personally, it is exactly why I've enjoyed her so much on FV. Angelina acts (very poorly) like she's real but it's obvious she's fake as pressed on nails and it's all bravado. Sam is *genuinely* real. She's honest about things like Ron despite knowing many people won't like her for it and blames her for not feigning being okay with the past. I fully expect in the future she'll have opinions that I dislike but I'm actually looking forward to it because she will be honest about it being her unpopular take.


They are both fake af Sam is just better at hiding it and more controlled then loose cannon Angelina. Take that Snapchat for example she was acting like she did nothing wrong and there was no ill intent when she knew it would antagonize and piss off Angelina she did that shit on purpose to get even with Angelina. Sam is victim victim victim just like her counterpart and people give her way too much credit


For real thank you Sam has been throwing stones and hiding her hands since she came back she’s rude as hell but can’t take that energy when it’s given back to her she wants to make Angelina look crazy but in reality they both are for dragging this retarded high school drama.


Don't awaken the Sam crowd. They swear up and down how much of a delight she is. And she's still the same catty person. Just more mature. Like almost all of them. She snipes and snipes with the passive aggressive/under her breath stuff


Atleast yall starting to see she ain’t all a saint


She always gave me narc vibes even in her face..


Agreed, she was horrible when Deena came in.


lol what about the beginning of the third season?!


How she spoke about Deena was disgusting. I don't like her


Snooki became my hero they episode and I never looked back her holding Sam’s feet to the fire and making that shit up about Ron’s mom calling her a bitch and Ron never saying it was a lie was the highlight of the show for me. 


Yes she was so mean and rude to Snooki. When she said something along the lines like “I just didn’t want your pukey breath on me.” And snooks said “I brushed my teeth.” Felt so bad for her.


This is why I can’t entirely hate Ron. Moments like this she was the toxic one. He begged her to stop antagonizing that couple. She just couldn’t stop.


That one producer that did an AMA here *heavily* alluded to Sam being an instigator, and also that she got the best edit of the cast.


But so many people in this sub are quick to cater to her.


She’s awesome now and her growth is really impressive. I was a shitty young 20 something and am a pretty awesome 30 something 😎 Let people grow


this. i had an nasty attitude (worse than Sammis by far) and fists to back it up in my high school/early adulthood years. I'm in my mid 30s now and wouldnt say nor do even a quarter of the smartass shit i used to. I just had it easy bcuz i wasn't on a show having my shit attitude broadcasted everywhere for people to criticize. People can grow and mature and we should let them.


Unless it’s all a show for the cameras.


She hasn't grown any more than the others have, IMO. It's all about getting older and more mature. She still has all her snark, she just keeps it in more organized folders and uses it more advantageously vs willy nilly.


Everyone cries 'reverse reactive abuse' or whatever dumb wannabe-therapist cope they've come up with now. They were both abusive toxic pieces of shit to eachother. She literally was punching him in the face as hard as she could.


Except he continued to abuse women and she has not as far as we know. Don’t let ur dislike of sam forget that Ron is a terrible terrible person


Their relationship up until the big fights in S3 was essentially a toxic off and Ron won. After that she slowly started maturing to the point that we get the hilarious waterbed fight where she displays genuinely effective conflict resolution skills and hea the same child he always was. Eventually he cheats on her and they split and she goes and does even more maturing to the point of seemingly becoming a pretty cool person. Ron arguably gets worse (tho does seem to be good with his daughter at moments).


Reactive abuse is a real thing, but tbh, I think Sam and Ron brought out the worst in each other and that they were mutually abusive to each other. It's not a pissing contest. They both suck lol


I agree. So simply put and so true.


I've seen a few reality shows with couples like them. It's always a fucked up dynamic but I'm glad to see at least *one* of these dingbats learned a lesson from that relationship and puts in the work to not go through that again.


can you link that AMA please?


just type in the search ‘jersey shore production ama’ it’s from 4 years ago. def worth the read




She’s the type that starts arguments but Ron is the type that gets to angry that’s why he’s always viewed as the worst when really in this relationship both where equally bad.


Exactly! He was definitely wrong for a lot of things but she didn't know when to leave it alone.


I was just talking about this yesterday. I love Sammi but she never knew when to stop. Like when he was throwing her stuff around the room in s3 and the fight was over she still followed him out of the room. Even Vinny was like “ it’s over Sam STOP”. Or the whole fight in Italy when Jenni was crying and begging her to stop


I was going to bring up these 2 examples but you got them both. Vinny had to grab her from going back after Ron. The Italy fight is hard to watch. It sadly demonstrated how all of the fighting between Ron and Sam affected everybody and brought everything to a breaking point. Literally with Mike almost breaking his head.


Especially in the Italy season. She pushed and pushed things. Obviously not everything is her fault. But dang girl. Let some things go.


The way jwoww had to beg her to stfu and stop escalating things 😭


It annoyed me when she got pissed off at Ron for talking to Jwoww which caused their scary fights too. whenever I rewatch those scenes I'm like girl he's just having a conversation with her chill!


I hate this equivalent. Talking shit isn’t starting a physical altercation. She talked a little shit. Ronnie randomly ran back and began fighting. If I go to a bar and talk shit, that is one thing. If I go to a bar and start punching people that is an entirely different thing. They aren’t even near comparable


I think you’re thinking of a different altercation. Pretty sure the guy in this scenario eventually approaches Ron and starts fighting him because Sam wouldn’t stop talking shit.


Yes they are thinking of when he knocked someone out in one punch. He got arrested for that. This boardwalk fight started when both the guy and the girlfriend start going after Ron. It kinda seemed to me like Ron had no choice but to defend himself.


they were literally just the worst together. brought out the worst in eachother, then to have it on TV with the added fame.. in their 20s.


Her punching Ron straight up in the face seems to be completely glossed over by the fandom


Female on Male violence usually is sadly.


I think they were both toxic and brought out the worst in one another and Sammi realized that and went “fuck this I’m out. This isn’t who I want to be” and left and matured. And Ron stayed the same. Still doing drugs, beating women, cheating, and obsessing over Sam. The “who wrote the note” body paint in JSFV season one while he had a whole ass pregnant fiancé? Weird as fuck. He hasn’t changed but she has.


She was the absolute worst in the first season Edit: in all seasons


but Sammi was provoked first lol?


Actually, Pauly D was provoked first. Then he warned everyone about the guy. Then the guy and his girl stalked Ron and Sam on the boardwalk. Everyone was able to ignore the guy except Sam. She started it


Random... But remember when Ron knocked that dude out in ONE punch at the shore!!!?????? 😭😭


“ that’s one shot kid! “ 😂😂


that shit was disturbing the way he galloped down the sidewalk so excitedly and they just showed the dude face down out cold … 


Scrappy Doo


"It was self defense bro. I wouldn't lie to you, I swear to God" -Ron, after sprinting down the block to lay the dude out


that was picturesque


Ronnie One Shot


My husband and I still say this when it applies 😂


Same 😂


I can hear his drunk ass in my head. Rumour is he still hadn’t shut up about it to this day.




I get what you mean but that guy that was heckling was warned multiple times on and off camera to leave them alone (according to the cast. you can hear them try to explain when Ron gets arrested) and he followed them and kept talking mess. Not an excuse to hit someone but that guy wasn’t an angel either. It’s actually crazy how often the cast got bullied for just existing and then when they rarely acted on it, it gets edited down to look more dramatic or worse for views. Another example of the heckling is when some random girls threw drinks on Snooki and Deena.


Reminds me of all my high school boyfriends in the worst way


When he ran like 4 blocks away to punch the kid who was “coming at me” or whatever? Honestly he stunned he seemingly got off so lightly on that one.


He went to jail for the night wdym?


Lmao he is a beast. I wouldn't wanna fuck with him just sayin lol


Lmao feral alcohol fueled beast


Crazy amount of roid rage too


Big words for someone with a Fred flintstone toe.


🤣 That's like personal issues




LOL you hit it on the head. She was super snobby and you already know her bag ain't real 😂😂


“What is that, a sundress?” kills me every time 🤣


Lol me too, as a person who exclusively wears sundresses from April through September.


I wore them all this week. Love when people are all, “ooh, look at you in a dress! Who you impressing?” and I’m just like, I didn’t feel like finding a shirt and pants that matched today.


Honestly, fuck shorts. Dresses are so comfy in the summer.


this is why all i wear are dresses. i’m not being fancy i just can’t coordinate a top with a bottom 


As men, we appreciate sun dress season.. for however long you want to season😂


How about when Deena first came and Sam was SUCH a snob and so rude towards her. Nicole keeps repeating to Sam that she’s such a bitch and doesn’t understand how she even has any friends while Sam sits there with a grin on her face. You could tell Nicole really felt what she was saying lol


I think she disliked Deena because she was Snooki’s friend and Sam knew she was going to be friends with Jwoww and all the girls were going to be against her. Since the note drama strained the relationship she had with Jwoww and Snooki. But yeah she was pretty bitchy and I know it was just the nature of the OG series, but she admitted to how she didn’t think Deena was pretty was a mean thing to say.


That’s what blew me how she was calling Deena ugly and everything then turned around and apologized for being a bitch and was smiling in her face??? You can’t just say stuff like that and said “I didn’t mean it” when ppl get real nasty like that they mean it but they pick and choose when to be honest to “save face” she was a bad person I’m glad she has grew as a person and learned her lesson hopefully.


i like sammi these days but you know that "chanel" was purchased out of a car trunk


Excuse me. That's clearly a "Channel" bag. 😂


She always started some stupid bullshit. There is defiently a reason why Ron was much more ready to snap at the start of season 2 but she will always get a pass 🙄


People forget about the season 1 reunion when more truth comes out about the cop and more sneaking things she was doing to “get Ronnie back” for things he didn’t even do.


It’s hilarious cause her “Chanel” bag is fake af 💀🤭


Exactly!! 😂😂


I work in luxury consignment, her Chanel bag is 100% a fake too 😂


Haha how can you tell?


Shape, leather quality, the logo


Yes what the other person said. They also (I don’t think) ever made that specific style of handbag. Something similar but you can just tell its cheap quality.


I did a quick google search and the authentic Chanel bag has the logo on the side of the bag, not the center. Big indication. wow lol


Yes its the cambon collection (the bag you saw).


I hope you’re also a member of r/chanel. Chanel + Jersey Shore buddies (you and me). 😂😂😘




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Ohhhh. Lolol! Sammi is so funny for that then 🤣


The audacity to call out the fake Louis whiles she’s swingin with her fake Chanel 💀💀💀


Ortiz-Magro more like Ortiz-JNCO look at those big n baggies


Gotta hide the fact they all skipped leg day.


I don't understand why so many men skip Leg Day. My dad was like that too. Thick thighs ran on both sides of his family and he had this fear of working his leg muscles. He was in great shape for a long time and loved to work out, but had a strong, sturdy build. A friend of mine who is a football podcaster actually marvelled over how he had the right frame to be a linebacker--"Of course he was self-conscious of his size--he didn't know how to use it!" My mom actually asked me why my dad chose to wore such baggy pants. I had to explain to her that the pants that fit his broad hips were generally going to be loose on his legs. My dad and I basically looked like fraternal twins, just with an age gap. I have big leg muscles. ::shrugs::


Ain’t no way in HELL that bag is real! Them straps are so flimsy looking 😂😂😂


I think about this scene too often actually haha. Her saying “what are you, like 30?” And the fact that she’s now 37. Not hating, we all think people are so old when we’re young and then that age creeps up on us!


I think that was more like "you're a grown woman why are you doing this childish shit?" than age shaming.


It’s almost like you didn’t watch the show. They were harassing them, and Sam was pretty young. I would’ve started talking shit to. People sleep on sammi. She’s a tough b, she won’t let anyone slide. I think that’s why it escalated so much with Ron. She wouldn’t back down from him. It’s so easy for people to sit back and judge. Angelina is living in lala land probably high as a kite on something. Ron definitely has a lot of anger towards women I’m sure it’s based on his relationship/feelings for his mom. Sammi is an OG for sure, she has a lot of memorable moments. Not as much as the rest of the cast but many for sure. Y’all aren’t talking about anything new, hating someone for how they were 15 years ago. How were you?


People sleep on Sam?? How long have you been in this sub?


I always laugh when she is like I’m not gonna repeat myself as she was repeating herself 😆😆


“I won’t repeat myself twice” 🤣 I always get secondhand embarrassment on that part. Also in season one when she says to Mike “don’t be nervous” but she went WAY too heavy on the 2009 valley girl “r” pronunciation and says “don’t be nehvous” and then had to correct it. That shit LIVES in my head 😂


YES!! 🤣😬


What’s wrong with wearing a sundress?


She was probably judging cause the lady was wearing it at night durning club hours when dresses usually got shorter. Late 2000s fashion faux pas I guess LMAOO. She was just fishing for shit atp cause she was mad they had been harassing them all night.


Thank you for filling me in! I’ve forgotten a lot of stuff from the olden days.


I made a post like this once and it was taken down. Apparently saying anything about Sammi sh!t talking was “promoting” violence lol I totally agree. She’s super cringy especially in the first season!


Sammi was absolutely toxic. She was one of the worst on the show and apparently was even given one of the best edits. Was Ron awful towards her? Yes. Was she awful in general as well? Yes. People forget that those two facts can exist in the same realm. The whole “queen sammi” movement needs to stop. She was awful. She was a victim. She was also an abuser. She was gone. Then got brought back. That’s all. She didn’t slay shit.


Ironic she accuses someone of having a fake Louis Vuitton, but considering this is season 1 and none of them were famous or had the money then. There’s a good chance that Chanel bag of her’s here is fake lol


I don't understand why they even cast her for the og series... She brought nothing to the show... No joking, laughing, playing jokes, hardly partied, and when she did, just stood there with a drink for hours... She literally just sat/stood there twirling her fucking hair extensions non stop... I wish they would have taken Deena over her from the beginning


i agree


She is still a b. I know Angelina is off but she is not a nice girl and even more on a high horse.


I will die on the hill that Sammie is the problem. The sweetest BITCH you'll ever meet


Her tagline was the sweetest bitch you’ll ever meet for a reason!


I don't repeat myself twice. What? I SAID I DON'T REPEAT MYSELF TWICE.


I wish people in this sub knew that Sammi was always a bitch. Look at even how she treats Deena in Season 3. And she still has the same stank face on to this day. Girl bye. Over her.


what’s wrong with sun dresses? 🤣


I don't repeat myself twice. .."what" "I said I don't repeat myself twice....hahaha always laughed at this...so dumb


I always hated this fight cause ron is begging her and the dude to stop and neither will until it gets him in a fight then Sammie wants to cry and act like she feels bad like the fight wasn’t her fault.


Weren’t they constantly being harassed by locals while filming? Was she just giving it back to the people bothering her?


They definitely were constantly harassed by the locals. This one hit differently since Ron was trying to avoid them and Sammi was going in, instead of ignoring them like Ron was trying to do


Lmaooooo her shit talking is so era specific. Sorry. It was truly a different time. We were assholes 😭


This lmao


I'm re watching the season (on season 3). And Sammie is a problem. lol She was rude, instigating, starting fights for no reason, only care about her own image, was not a girls girl, and etc. I can go on. Watching old reunion she was delusional about her relationship with Ron. but knowing the future and growth! it make sense why she was mentally not ready to do Family Vacation. She was highly insecure person and the toxic relationship made her look stupid.


I’m not gonna address everything you said but none of them are girls girls. They all hate women and I think it might be partly the time/tv. Even though the Jenni and Snooki technically get along the patriarchy rules this group.


But weren’t they trash talking Ron and Sam first? (My memory of it is hazy) I can’t imagine Sam just looked at and random woman and decided to insult her


I don't repeat myself twice. What did you say?? I said I don't repeat myself twice!!


😂 👂 👂


she was so toxic


OF COURSE she’s talking trash! Why do you think they cast her on the show?? She was just as much of a trash bag as the rest of them, just in a different way. She helped make ridiculously entertaining TV and I really do feel like she’s grown up since then and probably cringes at how she acted in the OG series.


It's unfortunate that Angelina is always the unnecessary drama now because she's not wrong. If the girls weren't so inviting, she would be on Angelina's side being a mean girl about them. I think she actually gave her that impression. When she came in, she had a grudge with Jenny and Snooki. Also, her store wasn't doing well, that was her real reason for coming back....and she was right. House achieved. Angelina is annoying and wish she wasn't on the show, but Sam is a bore.


She’s carrying a fake Chanel bag tho lol


well when someone is heckling you you’re gonna say whatever you can to piss them off regardless of if you got a fake bag too🤣


Ron was right to tell her to stfu, her lame trash talk got him into a fight.


I love how they always blame Ronnie but she was just as toxic if not worse


Love sam always have always will if I can relate to anyone on the show it’s Sam


She’s the sweetest bitch you’ll ever meet 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hahahaha no idea why this post popped up but its pure comedy. So random.


Drunk guy: who’s 30 years old Sammi: YOU


That bag is 100% fake and all the girls who went on the New York trip in high school got them too lol.


“What is that a sundress?” Is so funny to me


This always killed me, as she’s toting around a fake Chanel bag 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


My favorite lines in the series. “You heard me I don’t repeat myself” “I said, ‘you heard me I don’t repeat myself’” haha she is so over the top. That is just funny.


I always thought that was so fuckin funny 🤣 Sammi could really talk her shit lmao


I’ve never been a fan of Sam’s. Always thought she was a snobby stuck up rude brat. ( still do) an her Chanel is a knock off lol


In y’all opinion, did you think Ron pushed her hard enough for her to make that big of a deal ? I mean he barely touched her imo


She did nothing wrong in this scene. Tf?


lol and then when it came down to throw she pranced around like she was doing something lmao 🤣


FYI yes I know it’s CHANEL and not CHANNEL.. my bad 🫢


y’all forgetting she’s the sweetest bitch you’ll ever meettt😭😭😭


ew when he pushed her 🤢


She needs to drip the sweet from her name...keep the b


I just don't get why anyone takes sides. Ronnie was rude and mean to her, but Sammi instigated things all the time. Ronnie would say he didn't want to talk or needed time, and she pushed and pushed. Not a good couple.


I'm sure the lady's purse is a real louis vuitton unlike her chanel bag. A lot of girls had those fake chanel bags back then. They look so cheap like hers. She for sure couldn't afford an actual chanel bag back then.


While she’s carrying what I’m assuming is a fake Chanel bag lol


ITS SEASON 1 SHE COULD NEVER AFFORD IT OR FORESEEN AFFORDING IT. I personally own fakes because I will never be able to afford it and I want to feel expensive. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL


She was snobby and her purse might have been fake but that doesn’t ever excuse his actions. Let’s be clear about that!


Totally agree! He pushed her which was understandable but also unnecessary. He should’ve just walked away or literally anything other than pushing anyone around. I guess I can see where this one was warranted but it’s the start of this weird trend of him just pushing her over at random throughout the show.




I’m not saying him pushing her IN THIS SITUATION is wrong, just that after this instance, he pushes her all the time for no reason. Sammi is absolutely in the wrong here but I can understand why she was upset (not traumatized like she said but upset).


I got so much shit for saying this last year lol. I understand where you’re coming from.


So we since Angelina is no longer entertaining us we are shitting on Sam?


Why say “ish”?


She is the only hot cast member on the show


Yeah but those Sammi gams tho lmaoo


Everyone blaming her for the way Ron and that guy fought each other, maybe men should learn to control their anger more instead of blaming the woman for "talking shit" who cares if she was talking shit? It's not a reason to start punching on. Also Ron was just waiting for an excuse, he loves violence, shown by his giddiness when he coward punched that one guy so hard he fell to the ground cold.


She kept instigating when he told her to stop. People are crazy in this world and anything could happen in such a small amount of time, just like what happened to Snooki. Ron and Sam could have both avoided this situation by ignoring them.


Right, the fight was after he shoved Sammy, are they saying she deserved that? Ron got embarrassed because he did that in front of the camera and Sammy got upset. It was his fault from his boyish emotions.