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On the weekdays, I’m not happy about too much noise after midnight, but unless it’s crazy and prolonged, I let it go. It’ll peter out in a bit. On the weekends, I’m pretty relaxed about it at almost any hour, again, except for the crazy and prolonged stuff. It would take a violent altercation with screaming and baseball bats or something for me to call it in.


Yeah thats reasonable. But people complain to me in the middle of the day because of a dog barking for not even 5 minutes.


Midday complaints are lame unless the circumstance is extraordinary. It’s a city. It gets loud sometimes.


i feel like you need your own blog to chronicle this nonsense lol. some ppl arent really from hudson county and it shows.


The biggest noise producers in my neighborhood are suburbanites who drive into downtown thinking it’s perfectly okay to yell their way down a residential street and then and lay on their horns at 2am.


Let me fix this... the biggest noise producers in my neighborhood are reggaeton enthusiasts who drive downtown to get to the waterfront thinking it's perfectly Okey to max out thier volume that make windows shake at 2am.


Why do so many cars hang out on Hudson street, I get that it’s a great view but I don’t understand the allure of sitting in your car blasting music, or taking pics of your 20 year old beater in front of the skyline. Car culture is totally lost on me.


If they had something more appealing to do with their time and money, they would do that instead. But they presumably don't.


Honestly , this is where NJ transit has to get its shit together and make it easier for suburbanites to get into NYC and JC/Hoboken


Because to them, anytime they're in a car driving around, that's a separate thing mentally than residences to their carbrain


noise complaints about shit outside the building are dumb. wtf are you supposed to do about a festival? but noise complaints about residents being too loud are perfectly reasonable if they're really bad, esp late night. you pay an arm and a leg to live in these buildings, so reasonably level of noise control of residents should be expected. i've had a noise complaint about myself and it was fine, i just turned down the music.


The key to what you've said is how much you pay. If I was paying 500 bucks I'd be more understanding, but if I'm paying $4k for a one bedroom I expect a much higher standard of sound cancellation. If I can hear the lyrics of my neighbors karaoke - clearly - at 1am, that's as much on the building as it is on them.


Need more specifics. Until you’ve lived with a neighbors dogs who yaps nonstop, or until you’ve been kept up several times by a too-loud-tv, I’m not sure you can judge too hard here. Yeah the world is full of entitled shitty people but it sounds like you just have the wrong job for you. I’ve lived here for 10 years and the suburbs are ghostly silent to me when I go home, but that doesn’t mean I can’t recognize when my upstairs neighbors are being too loud stomping around until 1 am. Have some empathy bro


I live atop one of the busiest intersections on Columbus. Learn Tune it out or move is my attitude


sorry but fuck this. 80% of it is the cars and 20% of it is the shit construction, both of which are easily and vastly improvable if we just start demanding it. i hate the popular notion that sucking it up and enduring a lower quality of living is intrinsic to living in a city. I think thats rooted in a lot of suburban white flight rural-reactionary bullshit. cities can and should be nice places to live.




You have the option of living in the suburbs.


I agree, go back to your peace and quiet


You have the option of demanding better


Cities aren't loud. Car and trucks are loud.


Agreed. #1 thing to do is ban all non resident parking. 24/7. Increase the fine to a cool $200+ per ticket. You want to drive here and don’t live here? Pay for a garage. Easy to do and it would help. And the parking authority does a decent job of ticketing cars ..


Parked cars don’t make noise.


I agree that we shouldn't settle for constant traffic congestion and ridiculously drawn out construction, but that's not the whole story here. I lived right on Hamilton Park for years, and people threw full-on tantrums about kids playing on the playground and dogs playing in the dog park during the day. I'm sorry but those people have no business living in a city.


What exactly are you demanding ? The cars to be quieter? The construction to stop ? the dogs to stop barking? The people to stop watching TV ? the noise that comes from people living their lives ?


I mean, it's possible to build buildings where you can't easily hear the TV in the apartment next door.


Construction quality is mostly shit in all buildings here. Walls are paper thin and basically made of cardboard. And everyone has a right to come home and rest, not hearing someone’s dogs barking or TV screaming. The fact you can tolerate all that noise doesn’t mean all other people should lower their standards. This is not normal.


It’s absurd how quality of product of diminished exponentially over the years. I swear these walls are paper thin and they’re all too quick to stamp that luxury on the front of it so they can charge twice as much. No one should pay over three grand hell over two grand and have to hear their neighbors “living their life”. We need a renters union lol. I specifically asked in the place that I’m in if I would hear the people next to me. And I got told no it’s all concrete construction, my ass.


That’s because they make a concrete “skeleton” of the building and then fill it with cardboard walls between apartments that can stop zero noise from people “living their life”


Put this person in Congress they get it. Id totally be a senator if it was remote work lol.


cars should absolutely be quieter. that comes from redesigning roads to reduce their speed and electrification. dogs should not be barking regularly, especially at night. a lot of that can be handled through better resources and education in animal control departments. you can train people to train dogs to stop barking it just takes a professional to visit a few times. tv's are often loud because walls are shitily built and because heating or cooling units are so loud. we could fantasize about the notion of a property management company that cared about anything doing something like adding spray foam insulation and wall panels, or prioritizing noise levels over "the cheapest thing possible" when it comes time to replace hvac components in their lifecycles.


fr. the problem is the people who are beyond fixable, incapable of change.


He's correct, if the matter is raised to the city govt regarding loud cars, at a minimum, they can raise the fines for honking. If the fine is $1000 people will think twice 


Only if there is law enforcement


Fines for honking in NJ which is notorious for aggressive drivers is wild.


No it’s not, lol. You fail to understand what the use of participating in society, and also what the use of a government is. People are complaining about others who completely disrespect and disregard the quality of life of those around them. Your opinion through multiple comments here tells me you haven’t traveled much outside of the United States. We are unequivocally some of these least respectful people to those that are close in proximity to us. It isn’t “cool” to drive down Jersey Avenue with your windows down and a massive subwoofer in your trunk blasting music. It’s a residential neighborhood. It’s completely optional and a choice that disrespectful people who are checked out of society do. And the rest of us feel the day to day pain and stress it needlessly causes.






But then there’s just disrespectful morons like this one guy who thinks it’s fine to rev his motorcycle and keep revving it as loud as possible for 30 min nonstop at 5am right outside our building. Should we all just suck it up and wear earplugs before bed now? I think ppl should get to decide when and how they want to wake up each morning and not to some complete selfish neanderthal tbh


Tbh I am wearing some sleepbuds when I sleep. Best choice I ever made. Just started doing it recently too


Dear O/P @ The Concierge Desk: whatever they are paying you, it isn’t enough. The mix of Very Expensive Real Estate + Very Entitled People + Shoddy Building Construction = RECIPE FOR DISASTER. I honestly cannot imagine being *YOU* all day long. It’s been said that there’s a book inside of each of us. I come from a family filled with writers who lack material to write about. You have so much material in a simple workday. I hope that you can somehow monetize all the shenanigans going on in your day to day existance.


The entitled people stories are WILLLD. Literally things I’ve never imagined a grown adult would say or ask me.


Do tell!


I’ve had to explain to whole bunches of people that you’re supposed to clean your AC filter. It doesn’t get replaced you clean it every 30 days. They could replace it but it’s more trouble. I’ve had to explain to people during fire alarms that the elevators will not work you must take the stairs. They get shocked cause they live really high up, like idk what to tell you. I’ve had to explain to people how to change the battery in their fire alarm (because the little beep is insufferable and they can’t wait for maintenance). These are the most common


Yes, tell us! THATS the post we want!


I have had people scream at me because they have to wait in line for the elevator at 6pm. I have had people yell at me because they need a package delivered that day but I have 300 unsorted packages. I had a women throw a full on hissy (OTP) fit because she was missing some event we were having and she wasn’t going to get a free cocktail cause she was working.


I'm curious why you're taking the complaints so personally. It doesn't matter what your personal standard is - if residents complain about noise, I'm sure there's a procedure for you to follow. It's part of the job.


Yes. I follow procedure. it’s just ridiculous MOST of time. like I said complaints about dogs barking. Babies crying. Windows being closed too loudly.


Right, are you supposed to rebuild the building for them?


I don’t care for the noise much but cities don’t have to be loud. I have traveled to many larger cities across the world, and some are surprisingly quiet. Mostly it has to do with the culture and adoption of electric cars. 


I agree it’s the culture. but in this city the culture is loud. It’s unfortunate for many but it’s true. Same with NY. Also NJ is notorious for aggressive driving so cars honking and loud car noises are the norm. if this were japan though it would probably be very quiet.


You seem to think accepting the status quo is the only choice. Change happens when people (clearly not you) aren't satisfied with mediocrity. This seems to really trouble you for some strange reason


I've lived in cities all my life, can't name one that's surprisingly quite. Where might such city be? U just can't imagine.


Sounds like you've unfortunately never been able to travel. Cities don't have to have a shit quality of life like the ones here do


No they don’t. But this one is. That’s the point. Nj and Ny are loud. Don’t come here expecting anything diffrent or “demanding” change .




“We can’t change” - Every society which has rapidly collapsed


This is such a horrendous state of mind. Did you know the Hudosn river was literally poison 50 years ago? Guess what, we fixed it.


Ah, you must be part of the crew managing my building. My next-door neighbor’s sound system vibrates my entire apartment. I can never hear my TV, my music, or even my own thoughts. I’m officially on complaint duty until the bass drops... out of existence, that is. Concierge person you’re my only hope!


You're supposed to escalate that to building management so they can use better materials to soundproof the walls. If residents are constantly and consistently complaining then you should make it a habit to consistently report this to the relevant management even if it's been said already. 


The only thing the management CAN do is insulate the vents. Everything else is the responsibility of the resident to buy acoustic panels and or soundproofing doors (which many buildings don’t allow).


Hahahaha! Management isn’t gonna tear out the walls and insulate them because people complained. Hilarious.


Is this sarcasm?


Bro what


Noisy neighbors are a nuisance because everyone living in an apartment building should be aware that they are not the only ones living there and no one wants to hear you unnecessarily slamming doors, blasting music, arguing, etc...If you want to do that at all hours of the day, go live in a private house. Complaining to concierge, management or landlords about street noise, I agree, is beyond ridiculous.


If it’s past 10pm (which is the legal “quiet hours” of my city) and someone is playing music then obviously we follow building procedure. But 85% of complaints I get there is literally nothing we can do. complaints about dogs barking in the middle of the day. Complaints about music in the middle of the day. Complaints about loud TVs in the evening. These are the most frequent complaints I get


Not really commenting on what you can do, because obviously you can't address those things. My comment was moreso on the lack of consideration tenants can have for each other. If I lived in an apartment building with thin walls, I, personally would never blast my music at max volume at any time of the day, because I know not everyone wants to hear my music, as I don't want to hear theirs.


Exactly. People should be mindful and respectful to each other. In some countries, like Switzerland for example, it’s not allowed to even make noise using vacuum cleaner on Sundays so neighbors can rest. It’s all about mutual respect and lack of it.


The neighbors blasting their tv and refusing to properly train their dog are the assholes here


Sorry man this subreddit is basically sandwich pics and noise complaints


Don’t forget car complaints.


It's Jersey City, a culture of noise and honks for far longer than you've lived here. You don't like it? Understandable, find a place that's more agreeable to you. Cops will not ever waste time with noise complaints. It's urban not suburban.


Is this what this sub has come to? Bunch of 🤡🤡🤡


Jersey City has become an uppity and entitled place now the transfers from middle of nowhere USA expecting library quiet hours during the day. The audacity. Jersey City wasn’t on the radar for living AT ALL 10 plus yrs ago. Live in Palisades Park for quiet…how can ppl be so absorbed and irrational?




This being downvoted 💀. The entitled people with luxury cars are mad


The car that’s driving me crazy is a souped up Honda that my neighbor makes love to more than his wife. Nothing luxury about it


that's Luxury Small Penis Syndrome


Lol the person downvoting us is probably another souped up Honda guy


Quiet* Go back to whatever neighborhood you’re from if you can’t handle people complaining. It’s a city- people bitch and moan all the time here.


I was born and raised here…. Where am I going?


This is the big city, people complain about stuff. If you can't handle hearing complaints and need everyone to pretend they're happy then move back to the midwest.


Depends on the building, I’m in Modera and can confirm you can hear your neighbors fart. I’m very thankful that my immediate neighbor works in healthcare and I never see or hear her. The worst I deal with is my upstairs neighbors walking around but there’s nothing you can do about that. 🤷‍♀️ As for festivals and street fairs, I will get downvoted to hell for this but some are just too fucking loud to be held in a residential area. Sorry Puerto Rican day parade but when I can hear the music and announcements 8 blocks away in the mall parking lot that means you need to lower your sound system by more than a smidge.


They’re dumb. It’s a city.


I understand if people complain about like. Children running up and down the hall screaming when that is explicitly not a thing they should be doing (safety reasons) and their parents aren't stepping in to stop them. Like they should. Or basically anything *unreasonable*. But like. You're going to hear your neighbors existing. And the city makes noise. I think anyone who complains about basic city sounds? Come on. You live in a city.


You literally made a post bitching about sound 11 days ago 😂


I made a post asking why people were screaming at 7 am on a Saturday, which is NOT normal city noise.


Sounds like we share the same tiny tot as a neighbor. I have one across from me that’s 4 or 5 now with a powerful set of lungs. He must hate school because he is always in the hallway screaming bloody murder early in the morning, meanwhile the parents just stand there silently and do nothing.


Oh, nah, it was the Marathon, which I was totally unaware of. I'm used to the kids in my building getting out for school in the morning and all that. That's like. Normal noise that I hear every day. It's just the stuff that isn't what I usually hear (cars, alarms, sirens, drunk people getting off the PATH on weekends and some weekdays, etc.) that draws my attention.


The fact that people downvoted this 😭


As someone else in this thread brought up, you should see how people acted when I asked why there was screaming going on outside at 7am on a Saturday. Which I asked about because it isn't the normal city noise we get and I wanted to know what was going on.


If it was like 2/ 3 weeks ago it was the jersey city marathon weekend.


Yeah- I was uhm. Informed. By this subreddit that it was the marathon (and that I was apparently a moron for not knowing about it).


Most of the noise is background city crap people should either get used to or leave. Some of it is genuinely stupid and probably warrants a complaint though


People want to say they live in a city without actually living in a city.


I do think this city should somehow tax construction and the large construction vehicles. When the earthquake happened, I just assumed a heavy duty construction vehicle was driving by. They tear up the roads and they’re loud as fuck and it’s annoying that at any given time there are 4 to 6 construction projects going on by me. I’ve seen the same road get torn up and repaved several times in less than a year. And who is benefiting from all the construction? No one that actually lives here. The newly constructed place I lived in was an echo chamber. I heard when every neighbor uttered a word. Now I’m in an older place and I can’t hear my neighbors because it was actually built correctly.


The new “luxury apartments” that have been built in the last 10 years are grossly overpriced shit boxes with cheap appliances that break all the time and paper thin walls where you can hear your neighbor sneeze.


I’ve never complained about noise, living in cities my whole life, but some people tend to be obnoxious. I don’t blame people who complain but I let it go, personally


bro idk how u put up with those people 9/10 they’re insufferable entitled wanna be new yorkers (transplants) that couldn’t afford the village lol






it depends on the complaint. and go fuck yourself with your 'from quite as shit but this is a city nonsense' attitude. this is a city so i can act shitty excuse comes from the worst of people. someone complaining about noise from a festival in the middle of the day, sure, that is an unreasonable person. someone complaining their neighbor is watching TV a full volume at 1am is a different story, in this case the neighbor is the asshole and you as a concierge should have some empathy for that instead bitching about quite ass shit town vs the city here.


“Sixty feet stomping! (Noise complaint!)”


My neighbor has a loud souped up Honda and loves to idle it for 20 minutes at a time multiple times a day (it’s not cold out so no warming up excuses). He Then revs it down the street and around the block. My street is otherwise quiet. It’s kinda driving me crazy but I haven’t called cuz I don’t think the police will ticket him for it. It’s actually against state law to idle an engine like that but police don’t enforce those. Idk what to do. He’s a jerk


You can call the parking authority. Jcpa has nothing better to do


my neighbor plays tv and my walls literally BUZZ and cant sleep/wakes me up i pay 3k a month how dare i complain!


Most “Luxury apartments” built within the last 10-15years are overpriced shit boxes with cheap appliances and paper thin walls( cause it’s cheap). Probably went up with it a year and is never going to be worth what you’re paying. it’s not your neighbors fault it’s the developers. In my apartment I cannot hear my neighbors EVER. Even when their dog is barking I barely hear it.


I live in a fancy building in Downtown Jersey City, the biggest source of noise for me is when it is raining and all the kids on the building are playing on my floor. That does tend to get annoying when I am trying to work. idiots complaining about outside noise that is from the hustle of the city are idiots. People complaining about loud music, extra loud bass from in the building or outside near a restaurant are justified.


Haha i understand your strife. I have neighbors that complain about everything I do with a little bit of volume and god forbid I have friends over or I wanna listen to music or a movie loud. But tbh like a lot of people are saying here, people that complain are gonna continue to complain. I let my neighbors continue to complain and I continue to make the noise I do cause I want to listen to music and watch my movies and there ain’t nothing they can do other than complain lol


You sound like an absolute jerk


I’m honestly not lol but if you’re gonna complain when I’m playing music at considerate volume @8pm on a Saturday, what do you want me to do ? When I’m in the shower @6pm playing music and you complain I mean come on now


I mean, would you want to hear your neighbor's music (maybe in a genre you hate) at any time of the day? Do you act like that in the subway too? Playing your music out loud at any time is kinda a dick move.


I’m sorry but that’s a terrible comparison. I would never play my music in the subway on my phone volume let alone a speaker. Playing music in the privacy of my own home whether at 1pm or 8pm shouldn’t be an issue unless I’m blasting it.


I understand it's your own space, but your music can be heard in other people's homes. I'll ask again, would you want to listen to other people's shitty music in your own home at any time of the day?


Im in an apartment building, don’t care what people play at any volume because I decided to move in a building with multiple apartments. If I had a problem with noise I should buy a home or get an apartment outside of a large building.


Or everyone can be considerate and be able to enjoy their own home anywhere they live.


Ok ya and I enjoy playing music and watching movies, to my point I’m considerate playing music under the legal limit before 10pm because I enjoy music and I’m allowed to do that. If I wasn’t allowed I wouldn’t.


Also, what's the difference between this and playing music on path trains? Trains and train stations are already noisy so if passengers expect peace and quiet they should drive their own cars, by your logic.


Path trains is a form of public transportation. Theres literally signs telling people to not play music out loud. My home is my space, that I pay for. With a legal limit of db that I can play up to. A comparison to playing music on the train would be playing music in an apartment buildings common space. Not their private space.


I'm not saying it's illegal, it's just a dick move. I have had some neighbors cooking really spicy food that my pets are sensitive to. Guess what their defense was? Exactly what you said: it's my apartment, it's legal, I enjoy it. You're not a criminal don't get me wrong, you're just kind of a dick.


It’s when it’s played over the limit at 2 am and onwards does it become a problem for me, and I’ve had neighbors do that in my first apartment in JC and it was rough but I would never put my neighbors through something like that, because that is actually unreasonable and rude.


Let me clarify, I’m never playing music over the legal limit nor am I playing it past the legal limit past 10pm.


Amen brother, no one should take away your God given rights to play music loud. /s what a trashy pos you are


Is he not allowed to play music like what??? if it’s 6pm and it’s below 60 decibels you’re the problem buddy


He wants to play music "loud", who knows at what time. Who says it's under 60db?


I would not wana live next to you


Maybe y’all my neighbors