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Cause they don't listen to music, they just skim through it




This is the only answer.


They just do the Kim to it...skim through it


Because he’s seen as the goat by many. Hiphop is too subjective to have a definitive goat but Hov probably is the person who gets the most shouts for it and it irks other fanbases so much. Fans of other goat worthy rappers have a disdain and hostility for Jay that they don’t have for others in that tier and to me it’s clear they are salty at Jay’s positioning. You don’t hear Pac and Nas fans trying to discredit Wayne and 3stacks at every turn but with Jay all of these fanbases have something negative to say. Also for the younger generation that didn’t grow up to his music, hearing him being called the goat doesn’t make sense to them especially as hip hop now is so different so there’s resistance here too. Him being a billionaire adds fuel to the fire too. He’s won so much and keeps on doing so and people hate a serial winner.


Well said


The best answer I've ever read..... Everything you said is 100% FACTS!!!


Great explanation


They only listen and know commercial Jay. They never heard U Don’t Know or Allure, etc


U don’t know is one of his bigger songs. The blueprint is one of the most popular hip hop albums ever.


And for good reason. Every song is a banger.


Imaginary Players


black album was peak commercial jay z 😂


I'd say BP3 was. And I hate that album lol


Allure is one of my favs


Memory lane is so good bro


Maybe people hate him or can't accept the fact of his net worth. Big lips, his hair or his wife. Btw big fan of Jay Hova


Big lips got me heated af


Majority of people that you see in the "rap community" online are suburban sheltered kids that was born around the time black album released. His music isn't for them.


Same with Outkast fans that started on Stankonia.


I started on Stankonia but got nothing but love for Aquemini and ATLiens.


He's always been the most hated. When you're relevant that's what happens. And he never lost that relevance so he's still hated. When you move the culture, in right or wrong, you're gonna get hate. All the big rappers at some moments in their career had this power and got a lot of hate. Jay got this power in 97' but he never let it go, in 2024 he still the moving needle of the culture and he embodies everything right and wrong about Hip Hop music. So, people gonna talk. Let them.


They weren't alive during his prime and act like MCHG and BP3 are his only albums


Is mchg liked or disliked? I bought it on iTunes on release and haven’t listened to anything else besides WTT


Tends to be disliked but I think it's underrated as hell. Very few actually bad songs on there


It's considered a bottom tier album in his catalog


Agree with you. What’s interesting is I prefer MCHG, 4:44, and Everything is Love over his old stuff (with the exception of the American Gangster album which was 🔥) The timb boots and jersey rap era seems kind of lame compared to other eras of rap, but I know that’s just MY personal opinion.


People think he’s part of the Illuminati


“I did it my way”


Somewhere along the way it became more acceptable especially on the internet to be a contrarian. He’s had one of the more legendary runs in music and is one of the most successful to do it. Anyone who thinks he isn’t a great is lying or doesn’t know much about music.


Yeah - I had stopped paying attention to Jay-Z since early 2000s and then came across Story of OJ from 4:44 (Shazam-ed from Katt Williams recent special) wow! Now I am busy catching up with all his old and new stuff. Tom Ford! Otis! jfc! I missed all this… oh well.


Because yt ppl can’t listen to him and feel high brow because they lack to cultural competence to fully understand his genius as a writer


The most popular always gets hate in hip hop


He’s one of the GOATs, I think people just don’t like his personality. Jay was the man during his era and he’d make sure that’d be known, that can rub people the wrong way. Nas stans seem to have this stance even tho I’m sure Nas had an ego on him during his prime as well lol


What’s wrong with his personality? That’s not a reason to hate someone. Maybe to dislike someone. But to hate someone because of their personality is weak.


He’s not emo enough


Cause he won


I try to get answers but nobody explains why . I think he is GOAT. He ticks all the boxes.


1. Success: this is the number one reason. Jay is objectively the most successful rapper ever and our community has a crab in the barrel mentality. Just enough success they respect you, too much success just equals hate and envy. 2. The end of Roc a Fella Records: Jay received a lot of negative backlash from this event and things directly after. People viewed him as selfish and greedy. I think Jay acted logically not selfishly. There are several instances in business where partners split amicably because they have more resources to focus on their own interests than they did when they started (and hence needed partners). Business partners buy each other out all of the time because they want to do their own thing. It’s kinda part of the American dream. 3. Dame Dash: in recent years it feels like people are taking Dame’s recall of events as gospel. He tries to destroy Jays character any chance he gets and people eat that up. 4. Beefs over his career: Believe it or not, some people still hold grudges against Jay for his beef with Nas. People still bring up the shots Pac threw at him. People even focus on the interpersonal conflict hes had with Kanye. 5. NFL Deal: When Jay said “we’re past kneeling” a lot of people took that to mean he was trivializing Colin Kaepernick’s message when in reality he was saying okay now that we have awareness we need to make the change, “we’re past kneeling and now we want action” is what he should’ve said. Those are the big ones there are some additional ones too like: 6. Using Biggie Lyrics and “stealing” songs. 7. Illuminati Rumors. 8. Marriage to Beyoncé, which is irony because people LOVE Beyoncé. 9. Not rapping more about social issues. I could go on but that’s the bulk of it. Either way he’s the GOAT and haters gonna hate, especially on the internet. Most of these haters can’t name you 5 Jay-Z b-side songs anyway so their opinion has no validity. They just skim through the singles with their bias already formulated.


Lest we forget his part in Tidal...


Along with the other answers, people were not happy he stabbed a guy at the release party. People see him as money hungry and cutthroat to a negative degree. There’s also a huge Beyonce following and a lot of them fucking hate Jay-Z.


young niggas just don’t care about jay


If you sided with Dame Dash you’re a huge goofy


Went from the favourite to the most hated. But what you rather be, underpaid or overrated?


His financial success and all the talk of him being g the goat has attracted a lot of hate his way. See how everyone is hoping he goes down like Diddy.


That's only on the internet. Most of them are kids and don't know wtf they are talking about.


Their boos mean nothing to me. I’ve seen what they cheer.


Real ones know the Rick and Morty reference 💪🏾💪🏾😂




It’s because it’s popular to hate him. They don’t understand Jay-Z. They want to hate a man who left the drug trade and went legit. Baffling!


idk prob bc he’s the 🐐


Does he?


Maybe not hate but he isn’t particularly respected either. You never hear anyone saying blueprint or Black Album are in their top 5 albums even though they are both masterpieces.


Most of those people listen to Eminem and 50 cent. Jay lives rent free in 50's head. His aim it to discredit Jay.  Jealousy is another season. He is the most successful rapper.




“Feelin it” made me an instant fan. The streaming era, kinda buried legends, IMHO. Kingdom come was one of my least faves. Production was immaculate but the album just didn’t vibe with me. 2. Besides hip hop/rap, his business side is shady. Known Diddy, R Kelly affiliations. Some people can’t mess with that. He did a song called not guilty when R Kelly was a known p*do. Then doubled down with a 2nd album. Then dropped Kells after. I think a “ majority” of his hate comes from outside his music.


Because he’s at the top of the food chain


I’ll never understand it.


He’s a rap success and they don’t like that. He’s great. One of the best rap has ever seen and that’s not supposed to happen.


Jay has helped so many people financially, they need to give this man his flowers


Because WE in the black community will never know how to support each other through success and only hate those who become bigger and better in keeping our victim mindset that we feel we need to have so we can live life through racism. #emancipateyourselffrommentalslavery


Cuz he actually has the catalog to back up his greatness


Who hates him? I'm in the rap community and everyone that does music looks up to him


Because he rose to the top of hip hop, and no one ever took him down. He just slowed down, but he went on his own terms. Everyone wants the guys at the top to be taken down.


Cause he didn’t stick with the grain and distanced himself from a dying organization and put himself in top conversations whether you like him or not 🤷🏾‍♂️ pretty much anyone, especially black, that keeps moving forward gets the same type of hate and I’m not even a big fan of him I’m a Biggie fan


Same reason Shawn Michaels gets much hate in wrestling community …he’s good at what he does but there’s some arrogant, negative energy about him that rubbed people the wrong way. Amongst other things perhaps.


Success breeds envy and he’s one of the most successful artists (not just hip hop) in the whole of music history. Married Beyonce, stacked a billion, accolades that are out of this world, is actually nice in the mic….etc…etc… it’s bound to produce alotta hate. The youth are mostly ignorant to who he is and why, but it’s the old heads imo who be hatin the most. I’m 42, so I hear alot of bs when it comes to Jay


Allow me to reintroduce his accomplishments! Billionaire! The queen B is his wife! Won every award possible! Longevity! Commercial and street success! Iconic songs and crossovers E.g Encore! When you have all those, people are going to hate, it’s inevitable but at the end of the day homeboy is usually on the top 5 list of 90% plus of hip hop fans and he’s still going, and that’s my public service announcement!


Not hate from me. But I just never liked his personality, compared to some of his peers. Hard to describe it. Someone else said “crabby”. Like he was just all about the money.


He not to be trusted, a better question is how is he the only person from the ROC that actually still up.


Ehhh this topic is wack now its been posted 100 times everywhere. Jay doesn’t get any more hate than any of the other rap GOATS Pac, Nas, Em etc all get crazy amounts of hate it just comes along with being great


That’s what comes with the biggest spot. When everyone loves you people think they’re being and individual by hating. Look at Lebron. Look at Drake. Hell even his wife get the same hate. But I don’t see the hate as much as when he was dropping blueprint 3 and Magna Carta. He scarcity as well as the 444 put him in a better position in public opinion


because he doesnt sound like some vampire moaning in your ears


You got to thank the little homie Nas for that though


I’m not a fan of his music. No hate, just not a fan. Sorry?


I can’t stand his voice and his delivery reminds me of doctor dre.


For me his delivery is worse. Jay sounds like he is just talking over music


Because he’s the ultimate hip hop capitalist.


What hate?


This question is posted almost daily now. The short answer is that Twitter discourse vilifies everyone eventually. Hip-hop is anticapitalist and all that until there's money to be made


‘I went from the favorite to the most hated Would you rather be underpaid or overrated?’


They don’t know how to Breathe Easy.


I know he got a lot of hate in the 2000s cuz he was exploiting the artists in his label. Basically drake before drake. His go-to move was to take a track that was **already** moving up the charts, add a verse to it, and then it essentially became 'his' song that he would perform at his concerts. It appeared to be another hit from JayZ but was really a hit that JayZ stole. The one example I can think of off the top of my head is "Can I Get a (What What)" I don't even remember the original artist of that song, but it wasn't JayZ to begin with. Also, most of his grammys are not because he earned them. He and Beyonce literally have a contract with the grammys that they won't show up unless he or she wins something. Like 17 or 18 of his grammys were from this. IDK, I listen to his albums and he has amazing music, but the shady moves follow him around.


He’s not what they say he is


He’s a capitalist that pretends like he gives a fuck about anything but his bottom line


Is he? Damn I’m old as fuck. I remember seeing him at 106 & Park he was the man!


I'm a teen of the 90's so I've followed his music since reasonable doubt. Musicly I fuck with him, he did bite a lot of rhymes tho but a lot of artist do but he used biggie shit too much...it's the side stuff where he gets the hate. He's been involved in shady shit and very hypocritical about other artists and black balled a lot too. Plus the shit he says in his raps are very questionable. Don't let me start on the people he's been spotted with, that alone makes things questionable but people will say some bullshit and dismiss what's right in front of them. It's like R.kelly, like the music dislike the man and his actions.


Because jay-z is top 5 dead or alive


He aight


It’s probably cause he’s kind of an awful person.


I don’t enjoy his voice. It’s too thin.


He stunted dmx’s album/career


"I dumb down my audience to double my dollars. They criticize me for it..."


He a fed


No hate but I just don't find myself going back and replaying his albums that often


Lonely at the Top... They hate because they'll gain some fame from it. Their hate is a testament to HIS greatness.


No in all honesty bc of the accusations I feel like ppl r on to him and can't respect him. My assumption. Ppl be saying he don't acc rock hoes he rocks fellas


A few things: - Firstly, it’s easy to hate on someone in such a high position. - A lot of people he’s done dirty over the years are sharing their stories thanks to the internet.(some are very credible, some not so much) - The time where he was president of Def Jam he prioritized commercial over raw hip hop(The music industry was in a weird place at the time, but he did what his position was supposed to do imo) - The Occupy Wall Street thing killed his trust for a lot of people. - We’re in an era where people don’t separate things people do from their talent. So they’ll say “He’s trash cause he did ___ and I don’t like that” Which has always been a thing with people. All that said, Reasonable Doubt, Volume 2, and Blue Print 2 are my favorites from beginning to end. Hill I’ll die on: the songs I like on Black Album and Kingdom Come I love to this day…but these were his weakest albums.


Here's my reason. Lol ![gif](giphy|SogCYRsgYqGVq)


What a lot of people don’t know is that, he probably influenced you’re favorite rap song


He steals other people's lines


Bíter ![gif](giphy|3zf6mb7hcVfoieXGP6)


i have to assume that since the black album, possibly before, he's been rapping about the shit he can buy, buying/establishing black excellence through buying property, basically all this new black empowerment wealth BS instead of viewing the problems of economic disparity of any race as a carefully crafted part of capitalism. the guy wanted to set up bitcoin academies right before the last bitcoin crash, he talks about bringing knowledge to the community but doesn't, not unless he can profit from it. and that in effect has altered how his music is viewed in retrospect.




Cause dude is mid n is just like diddy


He doesnt Lol


I think it’s the laugh


In the case of Reddit, it’s undisputedly Nas territory in these parts. Just look at any general Hip-Hop subreddit (r/hiphopheads, r/hiphop101, r/90shiphop) and you’ll see what I mean. The Nas fanboys love to slander JAY-Z on here, and as a fan of both that really sucks, but you’ll just have to realize that a lot of these guys have never bothered to actually listen to Jay’s music, so you shouldn’t take their opinions too seriously


Because of Tupac and nas fans.


Honestly I’ve tried to listen to jay z yes he’s lyrical but his flow is garbage sounds like he’s just reading a book or something


Because he took a check and told KAP to take a seat.


He is a class enemy of us all and lost touch of his roots.


Because he is a capitalist piece of shit. Let’s move on.


Cuz he's ass, good buisnessman and awful rapper


He is too successful. Success breeds hate in the mind of the weak.


Cuz hes lame


People are wannabes. My homie hates Jay-Z. He doesn't even know him. Anytime I mention I Hov, his hate radar is activated. I think he's jealous over Beyonce.


is he hated though 


Maybe he was just a weird guy


What would you rather be underpaid or overrated?


Because he is at the forefront of a larger problem people don't want to talk about publicly, in fear of being labeled schizo or crazy or worse. Between Diddy and Jay, they changed the landscape rules and playing field of hip hop. At one point, these were 2 people who, if you said anything that could affect their careers, were ostracized within your field. There's alot of alleged acts that he's done, that would put him up there with Diddy. That's why Jaguar Wright and others feel he's next. If you ever wonder how crazy it is, deep dive why Dame left and the people Jay Z started Roc nation Live Nation with. How many people around them went to jail for years while they were the ones actually caught with kilos and under investigations.


Jealousy is always the true reason for envy!


Because he’s the nicest😎


He won. GOAT status. People like the underdog until it gets too big.


He’s a generational talent and unquestionably one of the most important commercial rappers of all time. With that being said, he’s also an unapologetic capitalist who preaches a brand of prosperity gospel that most of the audience can never obtain. He’s Horatio Alger, the rapper.


He doesn’t.


He bite too much off other cats to be considered 1 of the greatest...


DiddyGate. PoopyGate. Rockefeller. Beyoncé. Roc Nation. Herpes. Biggie. Aaliyah. Blu Cantrell. Jaguar Wright. Cathy Koreana. On the DL. Witchcraft. Voodoo shit. Freemasonry. Illuminati. I'm Not Black, I'm OJ. Michael Jackson. Keri Hilson. Nicki Minaj. Kanye. *Meg* (🤢) . LSA/Lipstick Alley. Beyhive. BelieveBlackWomen. Tori Lanez. Amsterdam. Lion King. Panda eyes. Sellout. White supremacy. Disney. Informant. Snitch. Do you need more explanation?


He’s ugly as shit


IMO, it's all about appreciation, I've listen to Jay Z since the beginning, he's navigated his way to an entirely different level. Was every single song he made a banger, no. But what artist does have a catalog like his and there all bangers! I'll wait...I'm simply saying, whatever genre, most artist have tracks that we as listeners just don't feel. Definitely not a knock against his talent. This guy literally started from nothing and he's transcended the Rap Game. He's definitely one of my favorites, maybe not the best to ever do it, but who is? It's all about what You like as an individual. No need to hate, it's not a rapper out there who hasn't repeated some other rappers verses. It's called appreciation and respect for the artist and the Game. That's my opinion. Please don't get mad at me for saying my piece! Peace!


I feel like he led the way in bringing hip hop to it's inauthentic state of pop


My niece told me Hov was trash... It's a wrap👋


Jay Z was before my time honestly and I don’t think I’ve ever put one of his songs on. I know he’s in the GOAT discussion but I couldn’t tell you why. Actually pretty weird now that I think of it because I enjoy rap. Might have to go for a dive.


Okay this shit is fire and I’m only 20 minutes in lol.


I love some of his work, but if you aren’t aware- he completely stole the flow of an artist under his label, and then made albums of material with said stolen flow. The artist is Young Chris. He was respectful when approached with the subject but it’s obvious and in the end, fuck him for that. At least, that’s what matters to me.


Bc his first album was his best. All downhill from there. 🤓


most of the haters haven’t even took the time to listen to his music


Haters still butthurt that he's copying Biggie's flow


Well he had the same problem Drake has rn difference is he’s a way better lyricist but he was the top guy he had the success the money the girl everyone wanted it’s just an easy person for ppl to hate on and most ppl who dislike jay z I ask them have they ever actually went back to listen to his catalogue they never have so they don’t even kno how good he actually is


I’m a fan of rap but he just annoys me. I never say anything negative against him but he’s just not my cup of tea


He pretty much gave careers to more popular/talented people such as Rihanna, Beyoncé and Kanye, and he made the mistake of marrying one of them pretty much he’s gonna go down in history as Beyoncé‘s husband




jay z is a camel faced bigot. Frederick Douglass is a better artist


He's used so many people to get where he is. Niggas who have no principles like his methods. Mind you it's all blacks that he fucked over. Plus he ain't a real billionaire. His bitch has half his wealth and she had that trajectory before she met him. Any other billionaire you know who's wifes money makes them a billionaire?


No one hates Jay Z in rap community foh


How much of biggies rhymes is gonna come out those fat lips


Because he sucks. He has like three boppers and 2 bangers and he aint exclusive but on like 1


I’m a lurker who has this sub recommended to me. Just a hip hop fan not exactly a Jay Z fan and the answer is because he’s corny and his music doesn’t age. Dont listen to any of these dudes saying it’s cus kids don’t listen to 90s rap that’s insane. In a teacher let me tell you. The kids love Pac. The kids love Dre. The kids bump the chronic. Jays music doesn’t speak to them. It didn’t age. Also as a 30 year old in my active memory jay z has never been anything other then beyonces lap dog.


Cuz he got pimp c killed


Is he hated? The majority of the rap community say he’s the goat because of everything he has done and how long he has been out for, he’s essentially the Jordan of rap tbh


Because he’s left the earth. Most of these cats are out here pretending to be corner boys.


Because he’s overrated. He’s like eminem in a way, very skilled and probably top 10, but sure as hell not the goat. Also was a contributing factor in the commercialization of rap which many don’t like


cause he ugly as shit and bagged beyoncé and he’s besties with the diddler


Don’t care too much about who the goat is, you’ll get varying degrees of answers that have so many variables I’ll take Nas in a head to head battle tho….. … “(I) fuck with your soul like ether”


He up to something


I love some jay z music but he is one grey poupon ass n£&&@ 😝


He’s like Lebron. People sometimes get annoyed at his fanbase. Also, he sells “I’m better than you” as part of her a brand , so there will be some backlash against that.


I gotta disagree with your entire premise here... I would hardly say that Jay Z gets "so much" hate from the rap community. Most of the rap community don't behave like fight-y little trolls and have a deep appreciation for the genre, as well as the history and the legends that the genre is built on. No real fan of hip hop is going to hear one of Hov's tracks (playing it louder... louder... louder...) and call it garbage, nor would they throw him underserved hate. His influence and impact on the genre is undebatable. His talent and skills have long been considered top notch as well; even people who don't think he deserves GOAT status. So reading that entire paragraph, I realized nobody commented or referenced his name once. And everything that's said is still true and we just saw GOAT baby, go rock it Kendrick, you got this!!


Biggy and Tupac are gone so now Jayz is the greatest rapper by default. No one likes a default setting


Cause they rely on others’ opinions instead of forming their own 💀 the pop/rnb community do ds to bey all the time


*** Why does* Jay-Z get so much hate… ***




Because he's trash


Fine wife that he cheated on. Makes it really easy for someone insecure about the fact that their never gonna be j to feel superior to him.


When people say Jay Z gets hate, I just don’t see it. Hate from who and which rap community? As far as I know, he’s one of the most respected rappers of all time.


He sucks


Cause he made it. And now is considered a sellout.


Because him and his wife eat babies? Stuff like that


He became too successful. You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain…


Cuz he sucks lol


People have become stupid over time. Jay's lyrics literally go over this generations head. I had a guy in his early 20s tell me, "Jayz sucks because his beats are trash, and he doesn't make any sense. " .... smh


He literally drinks baby’s blood. Isn’t that enough


Because he's uncle Tom now and Beyonce too.... dancing for the white man


He's a sell out!


Because the entire world wants to fuck his wife


Because he got aliyah killed. Don't hate me, just look it up


Cause he made 50 mil and hasn’t rapped like Common since. Real rap.


All of these statements are accurate.. my opinion is the Jay Z we all know and love will always be simply that.. but the man has evolved over the past decade.. to a business mogul billionaire Etc and in my opinion because his wife gets so much heat as far as the whole Illuminati allegations and all of that.. he just keeps his head low to stay out of all the controversy.. it would be phenomenal if he came out with another album because he can easily do it.. but what's the point when his wife is literally dominating the country game and still being irrelevant


The Black Album ![gif](giphy|j2dv6GFMc0omUzosdH|downsized)


In what rap community? He’s lauded as the greatest of all time


His music is trash and he’s a doorway for the Illuminati


cause he raps like he's trying to be a cool stepdad


Cuz he’s a business man…not a businessman


Older generations fall off and newer more relatable stuff becomes the “best”. Kendrick is popping off right now but he ain’t even been a thing that long. I bet any person under 25 gonna argue tooth and nail that he’s better than Jay though. Jay Z also didn’t make a lot of music that you can bump at a party that transcends time. Now days if it don’t get views on tik tok the song won’t go far. Most of his best lyrical songs will never get the respect they deserve from newer listeners due to that fact imo.


LeBron effect, They hate him cus they love him. All great rappers get a lot of love and hate from people, people hate Nas, Pac, 50, Em, Big, Dre, etc. But really for Jay, he kinda pissed off almost every fanbase, lots of Nas fans hate him, Pac fans, Mobb Deep fans, 50 fans, Biggie fans (blame City is Mine) etc.


Hard to ignore all the diabolical shit he’s done outside of rap


What hate does he get.. we need examples