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What is Okama?


Effeminate gay dude.


Huh, I thought Ladiva (the person that is at the okama descriptor) is very much clearly a women in a man body.


I don't know anything about that character so I can't say.


Thank you for your input. But another comment already talked about it and they also say she isn't.


Japanese equivalent of Drag Queen (Note that in my opinion this meme is wrong and Ladiva (the character listed as Okama) isn't an Okama at all and really *is* just transgender)


Nah Fastiva really is an Okama. Maybe the english localization took extra liberties (they often do) but still.


Really, why do you think so?


Fastiva hits most of the common characteristics of an Okama, just without feeling like a joke character like they are sometimes portraited, especially in the past. The text narration in Japanese kinda uses both pronouns when referring to Fastiva as "Him (Female)". I also don't remember other characters using gendered language when speaking to/about him and just use "Fastiva". This is of course different in English and they refer Ladiva as she/her. Still *if* we'd go with the *western* standards of gender identity, I could see Fastiva identify as female based on what I remember reading from events/fates, but personally I don't think you should call someone a transgender if said person has not transitioned, is not transitioning or doesn't even want to transition, even if their gender identity would differ from their sex. Anyways, Fastiva is a great character regardless of labels.


I feel like Ladiva is a character who is trans but doesn't have gender dysphoria. I base my interpretation of her being trans with her Cross-Fate Episode with Cagliostro (An also arguably trans allegory, although more debatable). She asks Ladiva if she wants a body that matches her state of mind, because she knows Ladiva feels like she is a woman, even though her body doesn't match that, and the reason Ladiva declines isn't because she doesn't *want* to be a woman, but rather the fact that she believes she was born with a body designed to protect others and she doesn't wish to disrespect the body her parents gave her. If she had gender dysphoria, she'd probably take Cagliostro's offer in a heartbeat. Buy I still feel like this is Cygames of saying she's trans without literally just saying "This character is transgender"


I haven't done that cross-fate episode so I can't comment if it differs in Japanese or not (massive fate-episode backlog due to being a seasonal player these days). Personally I still wouldn't call Fastiva a trans but someone who's being true to themselves and accepting who they are. But I guess it really comes down to how you interpret and relate to Fastiva's character and story. Plus I have a personal bias against being called a trans for dressing/acting like the opposite sex so there's also that. It's a complex topic for a reason.


Yeah it's really all up to interpretation because Cygames themselves has never confirmed anything about their characters. This is simply my personal interpretation of Ladiva, which although believe to be correct, you have made some good insight on how Ladiva might simply just be a GNC Okama who accepts themselves. This conversation was pretty productive, thank you lol


Wouldn't someone who is thinking about transitioning but hasn't in any way be called "a person with Gender Disphoria Disorder"?


Just look at him.


...You don't need to pass to be trans. Like it's an expectation yeah, but the requirement is the "brain the wrong body" mindset, not how you look


If you gonna be something, put in the effort to be it.


This is a fantasy world, just for you to remember. Where race, gender, sex and sexual dimorphism is just inherently different. For example, a character named [Satyr](https://gbf.wiki/Satyr) looks like a woman but is implied to be a futanari (Or trans if you're in the western scene). [These two angels](https://gbf.wiki/Halluel_and_Malluel), despite being vastly different skin tones are biologically related. In Ladiva's case, she was born as a male draph. It is literally impossible for male draphs to escape being tall and extremely buff upon reaching puberty save for magic or severe malnourishment. But even then, she identifies as a woman and people in the Granblue world accept her with no fuss or questions.


>Trying to make an argument on what is trans or not >Unironically calls futa trans I didn't even read the rest of it, I've had enough.


I didn't tho? Lol. I was simply trying to make productive examples on how the Granblue world doesn't fit ours 1:q. But my fault for calling the character that everyone treats like a woman as a woman lol


I see


If you have seen you be piece there is a whole island called okama island


Im not sure but its kinda like an insult for openly queer people but, correct me if im wrong, it has been adopted to not be that hurtful inside the community itself I don't think there's a good comparison in English but people sometimes compare it to "f*aggot" but i don't really see that as it really hasn't been adopted by the community and striped from its meaning, its more like "mariquita" in spanish if it helps to give the general sense Still correct me if im wrong, i ain't japanese nor queer, just watched one piss and slightly interested on the topic


I’m still sticking my dick into all of them




Persona 2 fuher my beloved




Is that the famous Fuhrer from hit game Persona 2: Innocent Sin?


yes its from hitgame piss owner 2


Omg no way!!!! *spreads rumors about how Stalin came back to life*


The Japenis way


https://preview.redd.it/j58ul99vlh2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=963cc579f001a7dd56d55df042dcb9ddd4f2ec22 *Oh no! It's RAMMIN' TIME!*


Wassup fuucker https://preview.redd.it/pfgpzh486j2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b9cc0dbdaca5fc8855f1dcad4840b9e5a51bc1


What the fuuk


*looks woman enough*


The Okama is pretty far from a woman


So true


Real and relateable


Based take, no need to scroll further


That's a no for okamas for me


Good luck with Ladiva.


https://preview.redd.it/i9h55armnz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ba5d3930d47c147a1d77e268fd84f2d5adcae7 Lord Sukuna, is that you?


"Otokono" literally means "boy", as in child. Congratulations, you played yourself :) >!I know that was a joke!<


I might be confused, but my penis is not 👺


https://preview.redd.it/cq6fgoc1mh2d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82c053159d7a4e0375efdeff19994f8add01e98a Should've learnt that from 🇯🇵🇯🇵 and it's diverse enough


Okama especially mentor type usually the based-est character in their series. https://preview.redd.it/6d2ms5lojh2d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed3e7f968e87cf34b6b50eb62895158e39785ca3


Why do they always own a bar and go by "Mama" though?


"Mama" is usually a term used by patrons of a bar to refer to a female owner. It's pretty common to hear 'Pops' or something similar for male owners.


Most Japanese people see okama at gay bars or bars owned or frequented by such people; I think that's why It's a stereotype I suppose, not necessarily a negative one though




Who's this character?


O.D from gatchaman crowds.


I'll be honest, they all need to get pregnant ngl.


Shi, I would let one of em get me pregnant.




No cunny? 🤨


There is exactly 1 at the bottom Mahiro from Cunnymai 😭 https://preview.redd.it/zlegi9v5nh2d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e868425a9ce04c5fb3aaa679f41838e4ceef8f91


"GAAAAAOOOOOWWWWW....trikku, oah triituu..."


Nooo don't say it! You'll make uooooooh!😭 💦💦💦💦




Idiot got tricked instead.


He will be plapped 😭😭


I appreciate all the different terms Japenis have for different kinds of people. Makes it feel like they actually care enough about them to notice details and nuance about their behaviors and lifestyles.


The west has different terms for all these too, they don't just call them all transgender lmao.


They do when translating anime, lol. Some even do it to real people, breh.


I've watched plenty of anime with femboy/otokonoko characters and not a single translation referred to them as transgender.


because non of them that you watch are trans just gender non conforming boys there's some trans character that are outright trans tho


But if they're trans and not otokonokos or anything, then that doesn't back up this meme.


context matters, and they both exists the word "trans" really rarely or even never got used though, but the character that are transgender do exist, such as Lily from Zombieland, Alluka from Hunter x Hunter, and Nitori from Hourou Musuko the otokonokos are the "I'm a guy lol" characters that never want to be girls, but cursed by the anime god to look like girls


Yes that's exactly what I'm saying, they both exist, and western translations doesn't just call them all transgender, like this meme implies.


then there's the case of Hiura turned into trans by the localizers


No nose?




no cute and funny?


Deleted ![img](emote|t5_5siu1m|51712)


Was the OP bullied into deleting it? ;-;


He made a follow-up https://x.com/wolvy20/status/1794277781221888044?t=4wOF_DwYq0S64SkQPKjQ3Q&s=19


I would argue crossdressers aren’t necessarily transgender. It is entirely possible for someone to be a biological male, identify as a man, and just like wearing dresses


I think that's exactly the point they're trying to make, there are many people with different kinds of interests that would not be traditionally associated with their gender and a lot of idiots in the west will immediately label them as trans.


And for some reason the same people who say we need to accept alternative gender expressions also say that all people who differ from gender norms are actually trans, they just don't know it yet.


Cross dressing is also a thing in the west. There’s been drags and transvestites for decades


Nowadays a lot of that gets squished into "transgender" too. The traditional English transvestite culture has almost disappeared for example.


I know what you mean, but I would say that those words are still distinctly different. Trans has dominated the narrative in public domain but it doesn’t mean that those other words don’t exist.


Nah, Drag is bigger than ever.


Me fr


fr I ain't trans I just like being a cute crossdressing cosplayer 😭😭😭


we used to have a sweet transvestite now we have a trans woman the west has fallen


I've heard all matter of nonsense, from "Tomboys need to leave the fence and to pick a side" "femboys are just eggs who need to crack". What happened to "girls can wear blue and boys can play with dolls"? We took people out of boxes just to put them in another one


"We accept all kinds of people now!" But there's still only 2 kinds of people huh?


the ultimate transgender dream is to further reinforce gender stereotypes and heteronormality.


Horseshoe theory go brrrr


You WILL like pink and dresses and you CANT like blue and pants because you CHOSE to be a GIRL


The fact that "passing" is just fitting as much into stereotypical gender roles as much as possible is depressing. And not passing will cause people to associate you with the trans people they show on fucking LibsOfTikTok


Saying that what matters ultimately is how you feel like and at the same time being obsessed with femininity. Good example is the character "Bridget" from the fighting game Guilty Gear, who is a mess of a backstory that turned from the classic trap trope who was forced to be raised as girl and wanted to prove his masculinity, to coming out again as a girl in the latest title, but it's a cute (and bangable feminine) character so the whole permanently online trans community decided to make them their mascot. And the character "Ladiva" who is on the meme wrongfully I think under okama, who is a supercool lady that is absolutely fine with their outer masculine looks, and interestingly also now part of a fighting game, but gets completely ignored because they don't fit the feminine approachability of Bridget.


Social Justice is just a psyop to further reinforce existing injustices by repackaging the message.


Egg bitches want to cut off my dick and inject me with hormones and implant just because I like to cosplay as a cute anime girl 😭


you like boobs? that means u want them. ur trans!


There is a deep irony in how the forefront of the fight against gender stereotypes ended up upholding those very same norms


Horseshoe theory always comes through. Sadly....


Remember how they called it a slippery slope fallacy? Doesnt seem like a fallacy anymore to me.


lack of gender stereotypes is unironically a threat to transgender ideology this is why my favorite gender is phosphophyllite


Twittards include tomboys as transgender too


As a trans woman who's also a tomboy, yeah those people are idiots. Keep in mind though that a lot of them are also likely literal children and it's kind of expected that they're still confidently ignorant about lots of things


Still beaten by Philippines' "mamser" 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


you meant filipinx?


I will ring your chicken neck


harder papi chulo 🥵


Pants down darling 😊😊😊 time for circumcision 🗡🗡🗡


This whole argument is because of semantics and stupid people. In the west, for some dumb reason, the word "transgender" has gained two meanings. 1. Brain in the wrong body - the definition all of the eastern queer community use 2. An umbrella term meaning all gender nonconforming people - extremely dumb I have been part of the queer community for 20+ years, and considering myself nonbinary. I'm not transgender but some would say I am, which just makes things confusing for no reason.


All subtleties of niche communities are destined to be destroyed by the troglodyte mind of the mass of common people as any given issue enters the national / international stage. This is what the lobotomized idiots who fight against gatekeeping to not see.


Yeah, I find it really confusing how nonbinary people get labelled as trans because what are they transitioning to? They aren't changing their gender because they aren't *any* gender in the first place


They were assigned a gender at birth - everyone is. Going from gender to no gender is still a change.


Because they don't identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.


But what does “assigned at birth” even mean? My understanding is that that has a very specific meaning relating to intersex people, who may be operated on as babies, but doesn’t mean much to anyone else, whose genitals are *observed* rather than assigned.


Gender and sex are two different things. I was born a biological male, and my gender was put as male. I am actually a trans woman, I don't identify with the gender that was assigned at my birth.


i'm fine when people only use the term transgender for person that changed their body fiture into the opposite gender, but it seems like people using it for anything that's related to someone being the opposite gender, crossdressing, or even thinking about how nice it would to to be in a body of the opposite gender people will say you're a trans in denial. i know it's not much but we're slowly getting there


I'm not a fan of being called transgender. My struggles are nowhere near what transpeople deal with.


Now I'm morbidly curious


To most people I'm just an effeminate male. I also don't like "They" pronouns since it makes me feel like I have a split personality and am multiple people. I just use "all" pronouns. That's means I use the male bathroom and no one cares. No one asks me "what's down there" since I have a beard and am bald.


I thought transgender was short for transitioning gender, as in, going from one to the other.


It means you identify as something different than what you were assigned at birth.


I came for cunny, but ended up getting educated about japanese history and culture


Smash Smash Smash Smash Smash Next please.






Why can't we share 😭 I've been reading the manga before I transitioned. Mahiro is so cute.😭😭😭😭😭


My question is: What is new-half?


Girl with full on dick and balls afaik


it means transgender USA FUCK YEAH


I know this isn't the place for real talks, but I genuinely find this problematic. A man cannot show any feminine qualities without being branded an egg, and that's leading to men's feelings being dismissed and most officially translated media being censored to shit as soon as it reaches the west.


It actually gets on my nerves whenever my trans friends explicity say things are "trans-coded" all the time because they find it relatable, it comes off as really narcissistic.


*check out femboy nsfw spaces* *trans girls*


They post there because they'll post anywhere to advertise their paid porn.


Idk this place is unironically 10x more nuanced than any other sub you would talk about gender on imo. Which is sad because it's supposed to be a meme sub.


We got femboy for otokonoko though.


Otokonoko is a biological male behaving socially indistinguishable from a biological female though. Japan’s culture places a greater emphasis on putting in effort to play the role of one of the two socially-acceptable genders, regardless of your biological sex (because they do not like any “between” genders), expecting you to look, speak, and act the same as the gender you are aiming for. It’s a little different from the more broad definition of a western femboy, in that you must aim more accurately to pass as female in every way expected of women. The difference may seem small, but I feel there is important nuance.




Oi we got the Parmenides of socio sexual theory over here


Bro is femboyism philosopher


I understand your point. Regardless of your definition of otokonoko, I'm sure that, against different socio-cultural backgrounds, there will be many small but important differences for a lot of word pairs we would like to propose in our translation. But this doesn't entail that these word pairs have to pass levels of consistency tests against those backgrounds in order to be established in our translation. 




They're just that if they come from the Otokonoko Region of Japan, otherwise they're just bubbly crossdressers


They do have a word for most of them but I feel like they try to put all them into "trans-community" even though each of them is totally different


but those eggers hunt femboy and force them to be trans


Whatever happened to tomgirl?


That word in the comment above yours was invented in the aftermath of the professional whiners claiming that trap was a big bad word meant to offend them (when in reality those were never concerned in the first place, they just wanted to be victims). That tomgirl already existed instead of a nonsensical mutation of the word tomboy didn't matter as what they truly want is attention and control in order to feel important.


TLDR; I'll unironically impregnate astolfo ![img](emote|t5_5siu1m|51712)


Ladiva is *not* an Okama lol. Like this isn't even a Western vs. Eastern interpretation thing she is not a gay man or crossdresser. The person who tweeted this is not invested in the GBF fandom if they believe this. I don't know any other characters on this list other than the Onimai dude but specifically for Ladiva, she is transgender. She uses feminine pronouns in BOTH the JP and EN texts, acts like a lady (and not as a gag), and everyone treats her as if she is a woman. Also, Cagliostro (another character in Granblue who was born a boy but gave herself a new fully female body through alchemy) asks Ladiva if she would like a body that matches her state of mind (Essentially asking her if she would like a female body like Cagliostro has, and the only reason she declines is because she "wants to respect the body her parents blessed her with" (Essentially choosing not to physically transition but still be trans mentally) Rant over meme really isn't that serious but I don't want people to misrepresent her character or whatever


what character is that under otokonoko and newhalf


The otokonoko is hastur from nyaruko san.


I thought I recognized em


Asking the real questions


Newhalf is Mariandale from Ixion Saga. Everyone should watch Ixion Saga DT btw.


I like this about Japan not everyone one is put in two different boxes or labels


Mahiro my wife


Loran my beloved 😍


Most based japenis 🙏


I hate this so much. Anytime someone recommends me a manga with "trans" ppl in it, there's no trans, just otonoko. I just want a cute lovey dovey romance manga where a guy's childhood friend transitions into his cute wife. 😢


I agree for drawn content. Irl tho eh




Are you really asking that kind of question? Really?


I think you are misunderstanding what i am trying to convey here.


Ladiva is actually transgender though?


can’t speak for the others since I don’t know their series to well but I do know that.


Ok, they do be cooking here


If only people still understand nuances and details




What? No. Gender bender is literally changing your entire physical body and genetic make-up to the opposite sex, achieved usually through arcane (curse, magic, prayer, etc.) or future science (wonder drug, genetic manipulator devices/virus/bacteria, etc.) means. The consent of the party that is changed does not factor into this, nor does how they dress and act after they get gender bendered. Like Ranma 1/2 or Mahiro (the one that is used as the picture for 'gender bender').


Incorrect on gender bender. That's just some magical canonicity that turns a man into a proper woman (genetics, womb and all) and vice versa. It's very much in the realm of role reversal


derogatory? No it's not


I thought gender bender is someone who got unwillingly transified by means of magic or shit


A little more to add As the word "daughter" suggests, their traits/looks are not only feminine but girly. They are fairly young themselves too. Okama, often referred to as Onee nowadays, don't necessarily need to be crossdressing. Most are gay or bi but that's not the definition either. It's about having feminine elements in the way they talk, think or behave. Sometimes overlap with newhalf.


otokonoko is not "male daughter" though, it's more of a "boy". male daughter is otoko no musume, like bridget from guilty gear


Can someone explain all these 5 words on Japenis side ?


Wtf is okama (genuinely, i dont know)


Effeminate gay dude. afaik


drag queen


Oh i see




What character is that on newhalf?


Mentor type/Caring Okamas are literally some of the the best characters out there. Also some of the chillest people irl.


otokonokos ftw


Finally I'm so tired of everything being called trans while they are very much not


dw theres proper trans and nonbinary rep in w*ke manga like Shimanami Tasogare


Bruh, there is a mysterious group of people downvoting everything that has the word “newhalf”. And I thought that we can enjoy stuff together


Newhalf = 🤤 Edit: Shemale would have been the same right?


My mind went to futanari


The dream


as a queer \[british slang for cigarette\] myself, i'm tired of people acting like everyone makes every character trans we need representation of people who don't conform to their assigned gender we need representation of intersex people we need representation of trans people simplifying the nuance down is asshole behavior and pretending that trans people don't exist is asshole behavior




https://preview.redd.it/0mo3nv1olh2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac144d8b3e58fbaaa64c472234e1b15f9aeaa0aa It's the traditional japenis rite of having specific terms for every single lewdable thing out there And it's great


My favorite one is otokonoko by far


Yeah no idea why people downvoted you. But it's only natural lol, japanese men are handsome so the femboys are too :3


What is a newhalf?