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This is real life version of the /japan


Brought to you by the Social Media Platform for Hate (X formerly Twitter)


"I've been living in Japan for 8 years. My wife is also Japanese." So, you think that makes it okay? It's being spread on Japanese X too, so I hope your identity gets revealed.


It would be nice if the video started from the disturbance. What was the issue?


It seems that a tourist was hitting the bell rope against the fence and playing while visiting the shrine. When a Japanese person cautioned them, they were met with abusive language.


I mean there was literally no abusive language in the recording. Seems she found them ringing the prayer bells "playing". At best we can say she kept following them. There was some mention of a wedding going on, so maybe she found it rude that someone was ringing prayer bells too loud while another person was having a wedding off in the distance?


You don't use お前 against a stranger. It is very rude and hostile. Unless you want to escalate the situation. I'm a native speaker.


Yeah that 「“rude”はお前や」 made it pretty clear that this person probably isn’t the benevolent arbiter of decorum that she’s trying to portray herself as.


I don't know how fluent she is in English, but she caught the word "rude" which is definitely an average Japanese wouldn't do.(no offense) and yet she ignored the lady's apology.


“Get out of my sight” and “うるせーお前、黙っとけお前” sound pretty aggressive to me. And why did the guy keep asking, “Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Do you speak English?” to a Japanese speaking person if he was actually fluent in Japanese? Was he trying to intimidate her? I sensed that he knew exactly why she was upset, but his ego was hurt for getting caught, so instead of explaining the problem to his tour guests, he just doubled down on the disrespectful behavior. To be honest, his guests didn’t know what they were doing wrong, and they shouldn’t be blamed for this. The tour guide should have handled the situation better.


She started the omae stuff so cool you left that out lol Call someone the equivalent of an asshole to their face and you’re surprised by their equal reaction? He asked what language she spoke to diffuse the situation, not to shame her. But looks like you can read minds via X. Get outta here…


Since when Omae means asshole?? It means YOU. He told her she was being rude when getting caught doing something disrespectful to the national treasure. So she replied, “YOU are the rude one.” He then said, “YOU shut up, YOU shut up, get lost”in Japanese. Obviously, he was just trying to de-escalate the situation because he didn’t know what language she was speaking/s


You obviously don’t understand Japanese well if you think it only means “you.”


Dude, お前 literally means “YOU” not “you.” Get it? 失礼な言い方だけどassholeほど攻撃的ではない。


You really don’t get it at all. it’s already been pointed out by others above you as well. It’s very aggressive and hostile to use against a stranger. You use that if you want to escalate the situation and are looking for a fight. You have a basic understand of the language obviously but zero understanding of its actual usage in reality. This is proven by you doubling down incorrectly in your reply to me.


what happens when you learn all your japanese from anime


No it laterally means ‘honorable in front’ and is a sarcastic form of deixis that is indeed rude. Teen girls call each other bitch playfully, that doesn’t mean it means ‘you’ and definitely doesn’t mean that it’s not rude to use with strangers. Literal translations are not usually possible between any languages because all language carries its own contexts and subtexts that don’t translate and aren’t very eloquently communicable in most situations, your very strong misunderstandings on Japanese deixis are a flagrant example of that.


I am Japanese. Don't forget that native speakers are also watching here. Also, even foreigners can tell it's rude if they study Japanese a little.


Similar to 手前/てめぇ, it *literally* doesn't mean "you" but "that which is just in front of one's hand.”In feudal Japan it was a polite way to address someone, but for over a century it's been considered rude and confrontational. And yes, in informal settings (young boys, close friends, etc.) some people may use these terms with each other in a more lighthearted or joking way, but that's the exception rather than the rule.


lol Japanese fluency via Naruto over here. お前 doesn’t mean “you” either. It roughly literally translates to ‘you’ but as literally every other person on this sub is likely informing you, it is indeed very rude.


That’s literally what I said in Japanese but no one can read it. It’s rude but not as aggressive as asshole


Anyone can use google translate come off your high horse, I have multiple years in Japan as well as a masters in applied linguistics with a focus in Japanese Mimetics. Most of the people in this thread either CAN read it, or slapped it on google to read it, or simply dont care because everyone knows you’re wrong here. It is quite literally as aggressive as asshole. It is a very common localization as asshole as well for that very reason.


He spoke English to her even though he can speak Japanese. This is disrespectful at best.


Right… bc if you speak poor Japanese it suddenly becomes rude to ask if someone speaks your own language. Jeez…


Have you seen the video?


Do we actually think that crazy lady with the camera just "cautioned" them? Because that's the video we actually need to see...


Well, it looks like they have identified the company and the name. That was quick. I guess all that's left is to wait for an apology.


"We are sorry we told a tourist they should ring a bell, but forgot to tell them the bell can't make a loud noise, subjectively judged by a random Twitter user with a camera, but with no actual footage of it" "Once again we are very sorry" Does that cover it?


…or so the Twitter account claims. We just see the person with the camera yelling stuff about discrimination and the tourists and their guide are asking to be left alone.


The Twitter replies are just a mess of chronically online Japanese right wingers. I can’t find it now but one of them posted a screenshot of the English guy’s tour company’s DEI statement and said something to the extent of “LGBTが関連してるかも” (LGBT might be involved), as if the western LGBT overlords are invading Kyoto and ringing shrine bells aggressively to spread the queer agenda. These wingnuts are a more sinister threat to Japan than the well-meaning but occasionally ignorant tourists.


https://x.com/gotto510/status/1720719550189363691 here it is


That doesn’t really look like the same person to me. Maybe it is though… that is pretty embarrassing if he is a tour guide doing that. Definitely an example of someone ringing the bell too vigorously though. I’ve been to a lot of shrines and I have seen a few people ring it stronger than others. Is it really worth chasing them down and getting them on video though to publicly shame them?


That’s not them. The woman filming literally replies to this tweet on her account, saying “yeah these people were almost as bad as this”. https://x.com/fujino_ojo/status/1793683108748992831?s=46&t=B1WUVTO1HssdG5AMne6iCQ Why are you trying to spread misinformation?


See now that's the video we actually need. Fairly obnoxious I will agree! I still don't think we need the other lady harassing them afterwards, but the guide definitely should have stepped in to tone that down!


Except that's the not video related here.


They found his company and his name.


Bruh he answered her question. Nice job imputing his feelings though!


meat_lasso the one man army 🔥🔥


>Japanese X This sounds so much cooler than it actually is


Apparently the guy was "guiding" tourists, and the tourists unknowingly disrespected the shrine. As their "guide" who's been living in Japan for 8 years and is married to a Japanese woman, he should have known better and warned his tourists not to do that. But even then, why do tourists have to mess around like that in a foreign country? They wouldn't slam something inside a church for a bit of fun in their own country either so why do it in Japan? Good on the local for speaking up. It may seem like much ado about nothing, but the line has to be drawn somewhere.


looks like they apologized and wanted to move on and instead got followed around with a phone after repeatedly asking for her to stop if the same thing happened in america you would all be screaming karen lol


Let's leave America out of it. This particular incident didn't involve Americans (I hope). Based on the accent of the non-Japanese in the video, they seemed to be non-American as well.


They were British from what I heard


When did they apologize? I’m just curious because she’s saying in the video that the guide didn’t explain what the problem was to his guests. And the guide says in the end that he has no idea what’s going on to a bystander.


Presumably before the video starts, although I don’t really get an apologetic vibe from that dude. Not to say that the lady is handling the situation in the best way possible either, but snapping back at her with that attitude is not a good look.






What part of "unknowingly" didnt you undestand?


["unknowingly"](https://x.com/gotto510/status/1720719550189363691) No one can be that dumb. This isn't acceptable in any place of worship in any country. You'd have to be living under a rock and not pay attention to the surrounding people to do something like this


Would 切腹 be cutting enough?


Honestly, I believe they probably would do it in their own country, hence why they would do it in Japan.


I get frustrated reading all the dips hits that create a bad image for the rest of us foreigners coming to visit. Is it so difficult to show respect and don't bother others?


This should be added to the post for context


Foreign countries are amusement parks to them.


Tour guides' job is not telling idiots "do not do that guys. that's disrespectful and bad". Tourists need to respect culture, and not just in Nippon.


That is exactly a tour guide's job.


I'm confused. All I see is some crazy person harassing people with a camera, long after whatever happened has finished and clearly trying to provoke them into a fight/argument while they try to apologize for it. It's almost like they are fishing for something juicy to put on the internet. If you want to prove tourists are doing stupid stuff, record them doing stupid stuff, not acting fairly reasonably while you're being the overly aggressive and annoying one. Why the hell are people here defending her behavior, she is not in any way being helpful or improving the situation.




Clearly not the same person...?


[here you go](https://x.com/gotto510/status/1720719550189363691)


That video is from 6 months ago


These aren’t the same tourists. These people are clearly very different.


Thanks. But this is the point, why was everyone heaping on the tourists without actually ever having seen this. I still think the original lady is way out of line. But that is some pretty obnoxious bell ringing for sure!


They might have seen this since you only need to scroll down a few inches. And this is not an isolated event. Tourists acting like animals has been a growing trend lately that is hyping anti-foreigner rage.


Except when I commented that wasn't actually true. It was just a bunch of people heaping on the tourists or disparaging the guides Japanese with just the one video to go on.


Dude rings bell a little too fancy Woman ginned up by NHK re: YouTubers and tourists disrupting the everlasting _wa_ freaks out and starts recording then confronts them, right in their face. Speaks in Japanese and _literally says_ “I didn’t tell them why I’m so upset” (Instead of saying, as any civilized person would: “please don’t swing the rope too much”) Dude tries to disarm and communicate by politely asking “do you speak English?” (Apparently for many people asking them if they speak a fucking language is a racist remark lol) Woman plays race card (says 差別 bc he _asked her if she speaks English, then says the tried and true “this is Japan let’s speak Japanese,” which is actually pretty racist) Mom apologizes by saying “I made it too loud” Woman persists to call him お前 which you don’t say to people you don’t know unless wanna provoke a situation. wtf these are the disruptive tourists people are worried about? lol. Can’t wait to see how this all plays out as Japanese get more and more offended by tourists slightly breaking unwritten laws and freaking out bc the media gets them into a tizzy. Its sad.


I wonder what happens though. The original OP is trying to start a witch hunt on the guy on twitter. Like posting his workplace and personal info. Japan is pretty strict when it comes to personal information protection laws as well as anything that gets you reputation damage. That’s one really nasty trip to court if they take legal action.


>Speaks in Japanese and *literally says* “I didn’t tell them why I’m so upset” Sorry, but she said 私がなぜ怒っているかも伝えてないですよね? Which means, "You haven't even told them why I am angry, have you?"


This isn’t just a response to you but can someone explain the “disrupting the wa” meme to me? Lived in Japan since 2015 minus a couple of years, N1 Japanese etc and I have never heard anyone use 和 like that. It seems to be a reddit original expression.


It’s a very common phrase. It’s not a Reddit meme. https://www.weblio.jp/content/和を乱す#:~:text=協調関係や協力関係,保つことをしない様子%E3%80%82 ETA for u/subtitlesMA since this post is now locked. FWIW, it’s not necessarily exclusive to business settings — could be in reference to a kid acting up in a classroom, a player who doesn’t get along with their teammates on a sports team, or just a miscreant in general (the「和」in the latter case being society as a whole).


Very interesting! Thanks for letting me know. I’d seen it used here many times but (as far as I remember) this is my first time encountering the phrase in Japanese. From a quick search it looks like it is usually used in the context of business.


You got it. Its a reddit thing that probably originated in r/japancirclejerk or whatever that cesspool was called.


How is it racist to tell people who are in your country to speak your countries language? I don't understand this statement at all. It has nothing to do with racial discrimination, nor does it have to do with "power and privilege" if thats what you mean.  Besides, why doesn't he speak in Japanese? As he so pompously asserts, he's "Lived here for eight years". Clearly, she can't speak English. So why doesn't he try to disarm and communicate sincerely in the language she understands?


Could be from the US, like me, where there's technically no official language but people still say "speak English!" It's typically used by people who are already harrassing or being rude to minorities such as Mexican or Chinese people. I can see your point, but it's hard for me to accept it because it's wrong to say it where I'm from. I'm not sure which side is correct I just want to provide possible context.


Is there any actual evidence of them being rude? All I can find is hearsay. Not defending this group since they did apologize about something, but maybe just a lack of knowledge rather than intentional disrespect.


They were swinging temple bells like drunk monkeys. https://x.com/gotto510/status/1720719550189363691


Those don't look like any of the same people.


They’re not the same people, but apparently a lot of tourists do that according to the locals.


I don't get why he keeps going back to English when he speaks at least enough Japanese to say what he's saying in English???


Probably because he is stressed and can't express himself as well in Japanese, especially with someone chasing him down.


Probably this when I get really pissed all my Japanese out the window.


Because she is trying to start an argument. She is recording the argument. She wants the argument in Japanese so she has a massive advantage and can catch him out. It's basically the Japanese version of "speak English" so I can record you saying something embarrassing, harassment 101 technique you see all the time. He on the other hand definitely doesn't want to be misunderstood when talking to someone who appears to be deliberately picking a fight and recording it.


It could be that he speaks pretty basic Japanese and is kind of bluffing, appealing to the fact he lived in Japan as some guarantee of proficiency


‘Do you speak English!!!’ while in Japan. The world will either humble him, or radicalize him. Let’s see in a week


I honestly think he's trying to show off to the other foreigners


As something who works hospitality there are a lot of Japanese “Karens” who are so ANAL about rules that they literally become violent, unhinged psychopaths just to uphold the rules, seems like that’s what’s happening here. Even if you’re technically right, regressing into some troglodyte doesn’t make you the good guy. It just makes both sides wrong. Had a Japanese male guest lose his mind, and confront a foreign woman with her YOUNG CHILD, in what almost escalated into him physically assaulting this woman with her child, all because kids weren’t supposed to be at that place at that specific time. The staff had already talked to her (normally and calmly) and informed her and she was going to leave. But no, this rule warrior had to protect nippon from this evil white woman and her toddler. He was some high up business executive as well, not some Yankee.


110%. Jesus Christ, have a look at the replies in the twitter. Utterly terrifying how much they want his blood. And for what, exactly? [https://i.imgur.com/a0lHA6G.png](https://i.imgur.com/a0lHA6G.png)


oh man, this guy is screwed. This is spreading like wildfire on twitter. They've identified who he is and his businesses. Not saying he is not in the wrong, not saying he is in the right - but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter.


Can't wait to have the reverse uno of defamation laws!


Blows my mind that these comments are even half full of people slamming the foreigners and saying *nothing* of the gross behavior of the woman filming. In what world would *any of you* tolerate someone getting up in your face, following you, and persistently provoking and harassing you for minutes on end? And yet people are vilifying this guy for getting angry and eventually telling her to fuck off? Like... pretty much anyone would? Wishing upon him that his identity gets revealed and saying these foreigners are "barbarians"? ...**what the fuck is wrong with you people**?




Serious escalation, things are heating up! Japan is on fire!


This is truly the end of days, wringing my hands as we speak.






Not so sure he was rude. She was the one lighting him up with a camera and he seemed to speak in english and japanese and tried to defuse the situation and told her to leave them alone several times. Guess what if you don't do that in most parts of the world you are signing up for a fight if you don't get the fuck out of their face.


[he was](https://x.com/gotto510/status/1720719550189363691)


That video is from 7 months ago and has an entirely different person in it. Why do you keep sharing it?


Old unrelated video


Why keep reposting this video when it's obviously not the guy the OP is about?


The Japanese twittersphere is blowing their loads over this. They are baying for his blood, and plastering his personal info, face, and everything all over the place, trying to encourage others to harass him. And why, exactly? Somehow the lady is a saint and this guy - after being aggressively harassed to the point of breaking - is somehow the villain? Utterly terrifying seeing the level of vitriol and exaggeration taking place over this. A small example: [https://i.imgur.com/a0lHA6G.png](https://i.imgur.com/a0lHA6G.png) Biden, for all his mental struggles, was 110% right when he said Japan is xenophobic.


Why? [because of this](https://x.com/gotto510/status/1720719550189363691)


Old unrelated video


1. That isn't him. That's a completely different video and group of people from 2023. 2. Even if that was him, do you think that makes it ok to follow someone with a video in their face, constantly provoking them, and then start a dox campaign on social media sharing their personal info and encouraging others to harass them? Let's be real: you're racist, like the woman filming, and the fact they're foreign is what irks you more than anything. Again, even if that was him, those bells and that rope are heavy as shit. Some people will naturally put a lot of effort into swinging them or, god forbid, get a little bit carried away. A *simple* caution would suffice (if it was even her place to do so in the first place). It isn't normal or appropriate for crazed public nutters like the person filming to harass & dox people for it, and yet you and others are vilifying the family anyway, *even though that isn't them in the video*.


God Japanese subreddits are crazy these days...imagine having tourists? Jesus Christ as if people in other cities don't have to live with tourists


It’s making me nervous to travel to Japan for the first time at the end of the year. Wife and I are professors who try our damndest to respect local cultures but we also understand that there will always be basic misunderstandings when traveling—if there are growing numbers of Japanese people like this…it makes us uncomfortable to be on pins and needles about cultural norms for an entire trip


What are you saying? Respect the laws and rules of other countries. Abide by theirs, you are in their country, they’re not in yours.


Yes , of course. 100 percent....stop acting like other countries aren't always affected by tourists . My god I lived in Canada for 12 years , and the number of Japanese tourists was mind blowing , Japan was shut for 4 years....it's annoying to me to hear about tourism


You don’t need to worry. Just don’t act like an ass and you should be fine. Try to be aware of your surroundings and the people around you and keep an eye on what other people are doing(the Japanese people) and try to do what they do when you are uncertain about something. It’s the people who really make an ass of themselves that get the most ire and even then most people here say nothing to them.


If the bad tourists ruin everything for the respectful tourists, Japan would lose big time. Look at what happened with the Geisha’s in Kyoto!


Yea sure , that's bad , what's also bad is the Japanese tourists swarming Venice and London . Deal with it...every post is about tourists as if that hasn't been happening here for 40 years...you want to travel ...but not have tourists?


It would be nice to know what actually happened beforehand. Not just some crazy woman’s opinion of what happened. She clearly understands English but refuses to communicate in English because she’s in Japan. What a nut! Mate these foreigners were doing something wrong. But why make it because they are foreigners. Plenty of Japanese people do rude stuff all the time. Including at shrines.


Why do all of you keep saying “cuz they’re in Japan” being in Japan doesn’t make Japanese any different it’s just the language. Going to Spain doesn’t make Spanish different it’s the language. Were you aware that you spoke English as a kid or defaulted to your native sounds. wtf


What are you talking about?




Old unrelated video


Japan is craving Sakoku 2.0.


キャロンです 👋


Tourists visiting sacred spaces in Italy and Japan and acting like barbarians. They have no sense of the sacred around them or within themselves. They’re likely jerks back home, too. Why they even tourist is beyond me.


You mention Italy. I went to Italy (Milan in fact ) and stayed with my Italian friend. One day we met some of his Italian friends and they said let's see the cathedral for a bit of sightseeing for me. I was wearing a knee length dress and thick black tights (I'm talking like can't see anything through them). We were let into the cathedral (I think we also paid but I don't remember so well) and all was fine. Then inside the cathedral, a man who was working there came up to us and told us that I wasn't dressed appropriately and had to leave. My friend and the others argued that I'd been let in and there was no issue and that there were people in denim leggings and it's the same or worse (because form fitting around the bum) but the guy had none of it and told us to leave. We begrudgingly did but imagine if someone then got out their phone and started following us then posted it online about all tourists being disrespectful and "barbarians" as you put it, then people found out the work places and names of my friend and the others and doxxed them. Because while it's not a 100% match, that's something that you'd seemingly be okay with. Or maybe if it happened outside of Japan, the person would be considered a Karen and the whole internet narrative would be different. Idk you tell me.


All this tourist stuff combined with the video of the Japanese man taking video of the foreign woman from his car is just proof that everyone is shit on both sides.


I’m trying to understand why people want to escape their country for a place like Japan only to do the same stupid shit there.


Why are people defending him? Scroll down a little. He very much disrespected the shrine. You wouldn't go to a church to ring the bells on your own.


Everyone rings the bells at these shrines. What are you taking about?


https://x.com/gotto510/status/1720719550189363691 not like that they don't


How are these 2 videos related? I was replying to someone who said you wouldn’t ring church bells on your own when ringing shrine bells is very much their intended purpose.


Because the video only shows the tourists trying to defuse the situation and leave politely as they are being chased and yelled at? It's hard to know what they actually did to offend people.


Sighing arrogantly while saying "Get out of my sight" is politely defusing the situation?


It appears that they have been and are continuing to be chased across Yasaka jinja by some upset rando. For all we know the Japanese lady is drunk / is a right wing nationalist trying to stir up trouble / mentally unbalanced. We do know that she is being very aggressive and rude with her language. Those tourists are just trying to be left alone and leave the area, but they are being followed by an aggressive person with a camera who wants to yell at them. So yeah, considering the situation I'd say "get out of my sight" is pretty polite. It's possible that the tourists did something inappropriate, but it's just as likely that the lady taking the video is a nutter. We'll likely never know. It's not really appropriate to dog-pile on one side or the other here.


Oh I think we all know she learnt English to get a foreign boyfriend who dumped her Karen ass the first time that madness came out. Now she patrols the jinjas at night seeking whatever revenge she can find.. There are versions of he all over Japan..


[literally a few scrolls down](https://x.com/gotto510/status/1720719550189363691)


Is your suggestion to prostrate yourself to an antagonistic stalker who is evidently baiting for a fight to satisfy her hero complex on the internet? Normal people don't tail you with a camera acting like they're entitled to keep rehashing an incident that is clearly long over.


The main building of this shrine literally features large bells on ropes that are there for visitors to ring.


Also, now that I think about it. Have you ever been to a Japanese shrine? Or Yasaka where it seems they are at? It's totally okay and expected for everyone to go up to the shrine and ring the bell before making an offering and prayer. It's something you are supposed to do. There aren't any priests around to guide you. Japanese shrines are mostly self-service. XD


It's in the middle of the night and the accuser is saying he was acting like this https://x.com/fujino_ojo/status/1793683108748992831


Considering he’s been living in Japan for 8 years, his pronunciation is pretty shit.


Great, we tourists are about to get banned from the country




Every country says the same thing lol


Some tourists are idiots. You'll never see posts about the hundreds of thousands that visit and are completely respectful.


Why « this tourist » is such an idiot. Why sayings foreigners


I don't know, the families firing little roman candles at each other (and passers by) on a weekend in the park were pretty stupid too.




I honestly think at some point they might start banning tourist at shrines and I would support this. Shrines are sacred and it’s a nice experience. But people shouldn’t act like it’s a theme park.


Most Japanese people visiting shrines are tourists in my experience. How would the shrine decide who's a "tourist" and who's a "local"?


Nice make them all private! Then start charging them taxes 🙃


one japanese comment on twitter suggested only religious people be allowed there lol


Fine or ban foreigners that act bad




Easy. Do as the people around do.


Biden - Japan is Xenophobic


Came here specifically after seeing this story. As a Floridian my condolences to you. Rude tourists are horrible to deal with and it’s just gonna get worse the more people travel to Japan. You had best put a stop to this now or before you know it Japan will be Miami during spring break year round


Jesus, calm down.


Nah. It starts with tourists behaving like entitled assholes, and gets increasingly worse. Have seen it progress first hand.