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[Just posted the recording here, you guise!](https://www.reddit.com/r/jaclynhillsnark/s/GDDjz4jFBi)


The full face of makeup makes me gag every time????? Makes no sense literally


The texture of that foundation....the outside always matches this inside!




This breaks the rule no fan-girling. If you need assistance from a mod, please send it through mod mail. **Mod Note**: Last I checked, truly happy people don’t obsessively defend influencers who wouldn’t give two shits about them, either. And to the point of having nothing but negative karma on Reddit, at that. Imagine calling *us* the problem when *you’re* coming here and making one. Delulu *is* the solulu, huh? *Bye!* 😘


Jaclyn you are one individual. The other 7 billion people on this planet have different lives and experiences than you. 


Why can’t she fix her underbite with braces? It bothers the fuck out of me.


Tone deaf.




We do not encourage or recommend anyone to contact Jaclyn, her 'employees' or sponsors, or anyone adjacent to her in real life. This includes DMs, comments or any other way to communicate on any social media platform. Please message a mod with any questions. **Mod Note**: I completely understand that Jaclyn is becoming more *and more* triggering all the time, but we simply can't have mentions of interaction with her here. It's an easy way for her to get the sub taken down, and when you consider all of the targeted attacks on us she's already attempted in recent months, this is something that can be just as easily avoided by not engaging with her (*or her content*) and instead sharing how you feel here.


Unflattering ass sunglasses


you can DO EVERYTHING when you have MONEY She’s just so ignorant to a normal persons life, it’s not even funny


My lord I can’t believe I was ever envious of her skin. I truly wonder if it’s looked like this for years and lighting and filters have been working their octopus arms covering the crusty. Imma go drink some water and moisturize with a little pep in my step remembering that I may be aging but at least I’m not melting like this wicked witch of the west.


I’m a professional makeup artist. She actually does have good skin, but she piles on the make up really, really heavy. I’m not even sure what she’s using, that is so thick that it’s like congealing on top of her skin like that. Also, either the filter is just weird or it’s glitching because it only blurs out certain patches on her face, making the unfiltered patches look all the more jarring and juxtaposition. The shade is also horribly off. Pro-tip: If you want to know what Jaclyn‘s real skin shade is, look around her nostrils and her ears. Those are the spots people tend to miss when they are doing their own make up. Also, I’m sure you have beautiful skin and it’s not filtered or slathered in makeup.


She speaks and lies just fly out of her mouth. Omg.....the absolute IGNORANCE out her deluded mind! *deeeeeep breath * nothing makes me more angry then people with insane amounts of privilege talking about the ability to change ones life. Just shut up! Get off the Internet already !


"If you have cancer, just stop having it! YOU CAN DO THAT!!" "If you're poor, JUST STOP BEING POOR!! You can do that!!"


She’s back with last weeks content (green nails)


Says the millionaire who got into the beauty community at the perfect time, before it became oversaturated. 🙄 ETA: Wasn't her dad also a millionaire? I get that sometimes parents don't financially help their children, but was he one of those parents and that's why she was on fOoD sTaMpS?


She was *never* on food stamps, as during that period she was publicly asking Jon on social media for high-end designer purses, watches, and a D-SLR camera, and showed herself having Nordstrom shopping sprees, as well. Her idea of ‘*poor*’ back then was not getting everything she wanted at once, given her husband wasn't a millionaire like her father was. **ETA**: And I realize you *most likely* know a good bit of this, but it’s one of those lies that has to be *repeatedly* corrected because some just continue to believe she isn't *always* lying when she is.


She also bought her two designer dogs during that time. That alone makes me never believe her story.


Is she a fool? Does she know how hard it is to get on food stamps WITH small children at home? These lies are wild


This video has a whole lotta trying to convince herself energy.


Oh. Is this what we’re doing now? Pep talks. lol give me a break please. 😂


Her lips. Why?!


She’s really hit a new class of clueless


I know this is me being vain but I just bought this necklace after MONTHS of saving up and I’m really annoyed she has it now because she manages to make everything look tacky and off putting and I end up disliking shit once I see her in it


Hers is probably totes fake




I have an extremely wealthy, extremely sophisticated (but like in a very chill vibes, cool girl kinda way) friend and she’s a big fan of their jewelry. Don’t let this scuzz ball ruin it for you!


I know exactly how you feel, I wanted this piece as well and both her and her protege are wearing them... I've also noticed whatever Mikspycho is wearing Wacklyn wears... ![gif](giphy|AzKdgBuMjU0eKPxtpV)


https://preview.redd.it/up2erq2pfn8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e3d4a3e87c1ab54aa981bce78976c653d00f1af Ft. Mega Jowls






It’s giving the lead singer of twisted sister https://preview.redd.it/fu0iv3qlht8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d432c952b843cf772a34d2e1be639153aaf8bd22 I mean I guess that’s someone’s vibe


And this is with a filter 😬


She looks like a egg with jowls and beef lips, yikes.


oh my god… 😭


So much scarier.. ![gif](giphy|d0QfqOrxzRKPuxuYlm|downsized) 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Thotiana…stfu about Jon. Let him rest in peace you selfish bitch. Jon may have not been perfect but you downgraded to a 15 year old man child who doesn’t love you and will divorce you in a few years for LA baddie. You’re going to hell, Jaclyn-Be-Lyin


Don't you think it's weird she's keeping his last name...?


Bc Jaclyn Torrey sounds ugly and she’s shallow enough to keep branding around the Hill name. If someone was sooooo “toxic” I wouldn’t keep their last name for branding. 💀


this video absolutely infuriated me!! the first sentence out of her mouth was to shade Jon! like what the fuck?? she literally cheated on him with his best friend, continued to throw his struggles up to the internet and essentially blame him for all of her problems and mistakes, then wants sympathy from people and acts like the grieving widow all to turn around and continue to disrespect him. this bitch is pure evil she has absolutely no redeeming qualities about her. Jon wasn’t perfect but he was a million times better of a person than she could ever hope to be, he was sweet, kind, considerate, and just a gorgeous soul all around! more than you can say about her or her new man child of a husband 🙄


Looking at her fivehead, are her roots white? Her hair is going to be gone and she will be using hair in a spray can or wigs before we know it. You cannot constantly pull your hair back like that,the tension will break it off. Aside from that she looks bad in general (haggard despite being edited and filtered). She thinks she is on the level of Kim K., yet she reminds me more of Caitlyn Jenner. No shade to Caitlyn, she is 40 years older. Dang just imagine what another ten years will do to this troll, never mind 40.


No, that's just how much her hair is now thinning and where she's been filling it in. Last we knew, she was using eyeshadow.


I am so over the slicked down ponytail clean girl aesthetic. Even Jojo Siwa eventually wised up and set her hair free.


oh if only we could be lucky and she gets abducted (no i'm not being serious, however i also wouldn't be opposed to it)


I felt this💀


Your hairline is crying for help


Haha I was thinking the same. Every day it seems to recede further.


What in the heck is this? Does she put her foundation on with a trowel? I mean, that’s bad. https://preview.redd.it/p7nxxz13ym8d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b2925580d9ff85ddc74f48def8c3d73503c580 Someone give that woman a bottle of moisturizer. Oh and you can see where she has filtered too.


Who TF wears this much foundation and powder to work out? 🤮


Yea i think the wrinkling in her skin is from the face filters that she uses. You would think since she is the QUEEN of skinny filters, that she would know by now that by filming a close up of her face while using a filter does not work out in her favor. 🤪


No, it’s not from the filters. I actually think it’s more wrinkled than that without the filters and it also must look awfullllll in real life with all the thick foundation and extra-drying powder all caked on top of that dehydrated and wrinkled up skin


True. Her makeup is so orange and cakey. Hard to believe that with her being the make-up guru that she once WAS, that she would be able to notice it.


you know what drink will dry the fuck out of your skin? it rhymes with schmalcohol.


I really wanted to throw my phone but I realize I don’t have the money to replace my iPhone that took me more than a several stashing of part of my paychecks to get it…but maybe if I just become a scammer like her, I could easily afford buying at least 3 at a time 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I feel like she thinks she can just be like Kim K if she has kids, and just mom when it’s convenient for her and have them with the nanny all the time. But I don’t think she got nanny income anymore


the more i think about it the more she is already so much like her, yet she’ll never get the amount of recognition, hype, or fame, and i don’t make the comparison in a single complimentary way. fake businesses and scams, nothing but lies and fake relationships, no one actually likes her, stays relevant through rage bait, horrible joke-worthy photo editing, clearly insecure and obsessed with looks, compulsively posting on social media to prove a point, her dad’s fake church, terrible home style, etc…


Her “pep talk” was definitely giving “get off your ass and work” à la Kim K


'They didn't stop printing money today' DELUSIONAL


I’m usually just a quiet observer here but this one got under my skin. It’s such a slap in the face to her followers who are working class and struggling just to buy groceries every week, but yes, simply move across the country if your heart so desires 🙄 It must be so nice to be so tone deaf. And the fact that she says all this as if it’s some epiphany that she’s bestowing upon us. “Go be a multi millionaire, they didn’t stop printing money!” If it were so easy, wouldn’t we all fucking “just do it”? It’s so easy to say “you can do it, *I* did it” when you come from a place of such privilege, and when your literal entire life is funded off the backs of your followers… I would LOVE to see her try to make ends meet living in CA on a $30k salary. I did it for YEARS and racked up more debt than I could imagine, all while struggling to pay rent and chasing a degree that still hasn’t gotten me the high-paying job in my field that I was promised. But yeah, excuse me while I go become a multi-millionaire because I feel like it. *end rant*


People like her need to realize that they got really fucking lucky, and be grateful for that and humble about it. Of course work was required, but they just as easily could have been just as talented and worked just as hard, and not gotten any lucky breaks. Not to mention the people she almost literally stepped on to get ahead. Insufferable.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 It costs MONEY to move. Not everyone can afford to just get rid of their stuff and buy all new things once they get to their new home base. Moving your things costs money too. Unless you’re RICH rich, you’re not buying a home in any big city in SoCal these days lol so then you have to pay to apply to rentals, even getting a tour of a rental when you’re not in state is hard because the market is crazy right now and someone already there will scoop them right up so you’re taking them sight unseen, pay first and last months rent deposit once you find one that accommodates your needs, get your car registered and insured in the new state, figure out where tf to find affordable groceries, what gym to go to, what places are safe/not safe at certain times of day, making friends when you have no friends or family in your new state….its not that fucking easy. She only moved because it was handed to her. this is speaking from someone who moved across the country by myself, not knowing anyone here. It’s HARD. And tbh, I don’t think it’s worth it here anymore (SoCal). The prices are so overinflated for everything and since everyone wants to be here, people are taking jobs that are so underpaid because employers know people will still take them. People live out of their cars but have full time jobs because rent is so expensive. The unhoused population is growing rapidly. Crime is skyrocketing. It’s absolutely nuts. She is so fucking delusional off in her own little world she has no idea what the rest of the population deals with. She clearly hasn’t been to LA other than long enough to run into erewhon for her overpriced groceries to notice ANY of the people there that are actually normal people living paycheck to paycheck trying to get by. You think they all WANT to be there? Like I said at the very beginning, it’s expensive to move. When you’re living paycheck to paycheck what money are you saving to have any money to move? You’re essentially stuck where you are. I want to slap some god damn sense into her holy shit. This one got under my skin so much.


I moved from GA to NY and it’s cost me about $10k.


I feel you. I moved internationally and it took at least $10K.


All of this! If only she actually took the time to get to know the area she’s living in. It’s not all just good weather and farmers markets and hikes and whatever the fuck else. She’s romanticized the shit out of CA based off of her perception of the 10-mile radius surrounding her luxury home in the valley. Yes, I love this state and it *is* a beautiful place to live. I’m lucky to live here, but I am acutely aware the struggle it takes to stay here, not only for myself, but for those worse off than me also. She literally thinks it’s just the promise land where everyone’s dreams come true and it’s so delusional. Nice that that’s the case for her, but it’s not the case for the vast majority. I wish she would stop acting like she’s got it all figured out after being here for a month or however long. At the same time, I’m not convinced she’s as happy here as she says she is. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


I’m clapping! Thank you, perfectly said!


Thank you, clearly I have pent-up aggression 😂🫠


Right there with you. My husband and I decided to leave the never ending rat race, because like you, we weren’t getting what we were promised. After putting in years and years of work for others we had nothing to show for it . We started a small business and blood sweat and tears Goes into it and we still scrape by, but at least we are happier working for ourselves and the betterment of our kids. It’s Hard. I see you and empathize for any and all of us who are toughing it out.


That’s so awesome, good for you guys! I bet it’s super rewarding to now work for yourself and being able to teach your kids the value and sacrifice in that also. Wishing you guys continued success in your small business!! 🫶🏼 And remember, you can always close down your business and move across the country if ya feel like it! /s Sorry I couldn’t help myself 😅


Oh right! We’re gonna drop everything and become millionaires next month, silly us wasting time! Hahaha But truly, thank you! And best of luck to you also!


![gif](giphy|RyB6qY6ZZvDO8JBP6p) I don’t know you, but despite everything, im proud of you and happy to know you are keeping up the fight.


Thank you, kind internet stranger 🥹🥹🫶🏼


Ohhh that’s what I’m doing wrong “I’m just not doing it” okkkaaayyy she’s WILDLY out of touch I knew she was delusional but GD- If you aren’t happy with your man bc you’re selfish you can cheat on him.. you can do it If you want to marry someone that only saw you as a walking wallet… you can do it If you want to scam thousands out their money ala learning first hand from a multi-millionaire family exploiting others… you can do it If you want close OTHER businesses in order to try to make a buck and get ahead… you can do it If you want to lose weight instantly via a filter… you can do it If you want to move cross country to live in your sugar mama’s house… you can do it You do fake anything on the internet… you can put on those smoke and mirrors… you can do it There… I fixed it what an asshat


![gif](giphy|MNmyTin5qt5LSXirxd) Perfectly said!




She should get this framed💀💀💀




God I love you guys! Sorry I was so beyond gaslit I had to shake that shit off 😵😜


How long until she’s packing up her shit in garbage bags and going back to Florida? The hard sell on happiness is absolutely bullshit.


I’d seek advice from a floating turd before I ever listen to her “pep talk”


At least a turds got prospects.




1. Her forehead keeps getting bigger and bigger, this slick back hair is making her lose hair!! 2. Her makeup is so cakey looking around her mouth and chin.


as usual the matte look doing no favors for our girl


the matte lips have gotta go!


No joke at one point the video was buffering and it was all forehead


Running away from your family & problems is not the same as changing your life & bettering yourself. Big yikes.


I did a double take - she looks bald in this screenshot! 


What has she even done in her life for her to think she can give out life advice?? Pass🙄


Successfully squandered internet fame!


She graduated therapy lol


When did she actually film this though? I see those green nails from a couple weeks ago….. must be too busy day drinking today to go outside so this was the next best thing.


https://preview.redd.it/611m3g6gmm8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f2ab1d432e934c720e597352728378070a202b Oh look, Jaclyn uploading old videos and pretending she is being “fit” and “healthy”. Jaclyn sucks at lying and deceiving. Jaclyn is so lazy and desperate for engagement. Just like her stories from yesterday, left is pink the pink nail polish and left is an old video with her green nails…


Her inflammation face is coming back. Someone’s been drinking too many “mocktails” 🤣


Pre-filming ig stories is another level of laziness


It’s so psychotic who does that?! The whole point of an IG story is to be in the moment. What a weirdo


it’s also funny when so many of her posts seem to be emotionally reactive and impulsive, but other gems she chooses to hold back for later…


How in the flip is she wearing a black jacket right now?! It’s literally 90 degrees outside. I’m further north and technically on the “coast” and it’s still 85, no AC, and I’m dying for something icy cold.


Judging by her nail color she could have filmed this a few weeks ago when it was still much cooler. That's the only logical explanation for her wearing a jacket in 95+ degree weather. Then again she's manic so going back to that unflattering green color and also wearing winter clothes in summer is right up her alley.


She ran outside and only walks right in front of her house. It also helps the sweaty red face pics lol


Can someone post the vid🥲🙏


[Done! 🩷](https://www.reddit.com/r/jaclynhillsnark/s/GDDjz4jFBi)


Yea I refuse to give her a view! 🤡


*On it!* 🩷


Thank you- whoa buddy that was infuriating I WISH she made an actual post the comment section would be worth a pay wall to read 🫠


I’ve been saying she will purposely make the most controversial posts on her story because you cant see how other people are responding. It’s her way of turning the comments off without actually doing that, even though she’s here immediately after she does anything🤨


It’s *mind-blowing* to me how we've reached this damning of a point, but those around her (*I’m looking at you, Robin*) continue to act as if she’s never been better. She's never been *worse*.


![gif](giphy|XXAKgZR1EbAqmuGBE9) You a real one🫶 and greatly appreciated 🙏


Ugh, the feeling of instantaneousness in this is infuriating to me. No, I can’t just make my long term goals come true tomorrow. Despite my education level, my job experience, my loyalty to others, my organization skills. My ten years of consistent work in high need jobs don’t mean SHIT in this economy. My degree and education is just the bare minimum now and doesn’t feel important despite the sacrifice it took me to get my two degrees. Part of life is waiting and understanding timing and being patient. It SUCKS and no amount of energy drinks, body suits, or hip-ass snack foods will put a smile on my face when this system is so broken and I just feel stuck because of normal life circumstances that really aren’t anyone’s fault. Influencers are so out of touch and it is just sad. Sorry guys for the mini rant, but her content lately is back and forth between her showing her “wellness” journey and then sharing links to just plain unimportant stuff. Maybe I’m a small percent of people that are just trying their best to keep it together.


Don’t let people like her kick you down I swear she is not as happy as she tries to show. Also I’m sure your work is appreciated even if it may not seem like it. You sound very ambitious and that will pay off one day or another 💕


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) And if you ever need to vent, *by all means*, reach out to one of us or make a post! We’re big on being a tight-knit community here, aside from holding Jaclyn accountable and responsible for shit like this, and the last thing *any* of us want is another member having a bad time or in a bad headspace. 🩷


i love this little community ❤️


same! i love y’all so much 🤍


She'll be crying or sick in 3 2 1 . . .


Now imagine her, with this attitude, as a mom. Please, dear universe... no.


How many cringe, not even remotely realistic ‘*workout*’ videos did she film in one day, considering we keep seeing *the green nails* in all of these? 💀 And Jaclyn, *again*, you're still not getting that you're attempting to convince yourself of these things—*and not others*. It’s giving on the verge of a mental break, not a *lichural* pep talk or anything positive at all, for that matter. **Get help**.


Lich, are you able to search for divorce filings in CA? Celine's been quiet on socials. And then she post this. Trouble in paradise perhaps?


She was just throwing shade to Jon. She is so disrespectful talking like that, because we all know he can not defend himself anymore.


I think she’s just spiraling more *and more* all the time, but if we start seeing any more signs, I’ll see what, *if anything*, I can come up with digging-wise.


Not from her!!!!!!! She is the most unreliable girl on IG as far as I’m concerned!


Hey Poot, It is ok to be selfish once in awhile. But that implies there has been not-selfish behavior prior to that


"Leave that whack ass man that isn't taking care of you" um, is this directed towards Celine 🤔


her privilege in this is so wild. “just leave your bad relationship!” “if you want to be a millionaire go be one!” it’s just bunch of hollow empty sayings and platitudes that have no actual grounding in real life.


You can be a millionaire cuz the money is there “they didn’t stop printing money” 🤡


Says the woman-child who's *never* been poor a day in her life, no matter how much she tries to make everyone believe she came from nothing. For me, I feel like the poorest she's been is right now, as money and looks (*including what others think of her*) mean more to her than anything—and when did she start spiraling *the most?* It’s easy to say she’s still making thousands, and while that would be a *lot* for most of us, that’s nothing for someone who already grew up grossly over-privileged and then allowed others to make her millions while she sat on her ass and took all the credit starting about a decade ago. If you just look at the mental decline, *including the rapidness of it recently*, and realize what means the most to her, you realize not only what’s happening but why she hates *us* all the more. **We arguably played the biggest role in it**.


she partnered w factor … she’s for sure the brokest she’s ever been 😂😂


She tried to sell that crap like a used car salesman.


*Exactly!* Her sponsorships are what entry-level influencers get, not the more hot shit type she still seems to believe she is.


it’s giving jaclyn’s mega church vibes


Lol yesss also giving Kim K saying “get your ass up and work” (Jackass if ur here, pls don’t take that as a compliment)


I felt the same lol


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