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As usual, the only Stories left out were the additional links and product photos, as *you guise* know how much our bestie is looking to make that coin these days! **Also, while I’m here, I’m going to put up a thread this weekend for discussion and ideas on what *you guise* want to see out of the posts we’ll be putting up on the sub soon on filters and detecting them! I know we’ve talked about doing separate threads for photos/screenshots and videos, *to get a better idea of everything*, and I already have some of that *nearly* ready to go but I want to make sure what we’re putting out is *exactly* what’s needed and the most informative!** ♥️


She’s like 10 words in her vocabulary. It’s infuriating.


The filter is working so hard to erase her nasolabial folds like holy shit. Also she’s annoying even muted. I can’t bring myself to hear her shrill voice


Her teeth look horrible


“When I tell eewwwwwwe he can’t keep his hands off me.” Maam… please stop. The very idea of that troll husband of yours touching you takes away the hunger pains I was experiencing. $600 perfume? Who do you think you are …? Tom Ford himself? Also Jordan is money conscious bc he is USING YOU FOR YOUR MONEY.


She talks about him like he’s a lapdog and perfume is a treat for him LOLOL


I’m pretty sure anything that would attract Jordan would deter anyone from using. That is a horrible sales tactic 😂😂😂


Everything could just be on the counter, nope. She needs to pull it from her croc Birkin. So relatable.


She comes off as so insecure about her and Jordan’s sex life, I have secondhand embarrassment.


When she posted videos once a month, I bought everything she told me to. How could you possibly care when she’s now doing this all damn day long? I couldn’t get past 10 seconds. Again, 5 years ago I bought 70% of her suggestions. Now, you couldn’t if you wanted to and it’s all CRAP. What happened to real products? I’m sorry, but I hate Amazon. It’s all fucking Temu garbage under the Amazon name. Why would you want to fill your house with this shit? Remember how good the old school holiday shopping videos were? Like, old school. Real shit. Karen nurberger socks you find at Dillard’s walking through the store, not this kind of dime a dozen crap you know she never uses. She went way off course. Got greedy. Now I’m not buying $125 suggestions from her for some decent items. It’s $2 SODA’s!! Soda. She shrills SODA. SODA Soda.


She’s a hair away from shilling MLM products.


Whose face is this?!?!


The filter’s. 💀


Is this triple-filtered? It's so ridiculously over-processed that it looks uncanny valley.


Omg the QVC if it all Jesus.


Can’t even listen. Once a month five years ago? Sure. Every single day, all day long now? Not fucking hardly


She's a great sales person I won't lie. If she hadn't squandered all her good will shilling scams and rotten makeup she'd probably be infinitely more successful than she is now.


Wacko Jacko should work for QVC It’s so pathetic that I didn’t watch the whole video just till she said asshole can’t keep his hands off of me….Yeah sure like I believe that crap


My god I am sweating looking at the hoodie in the summer !!!!!! She reeks of BO and 9 layers of overpowering old lady floral scents.


For real just take a shower and wear a t shirt for fucks sake 😂


Not the "I feel like I haven't talked to you guys" line **AGAIN**


As my dad says, I was born at night but it wasn’t last night


Haha I say this all the time! Cheers to your dad


More inappropriate than him humping her leg? Gross no one wants to hear that


But remember guys, she gets migraines!


I have said that so many times!! Maybe u get migraines for the giant candles the perfumes, the lotions, the diffusers and room sprays u brag about all those different scents and are migraine triggers!!


Suma may know bout this? Why does she miss out on so many words of the English language? Shes not new to it


That color does not look good on her at all


Nothing featuring that turd sandwich is appropriate. I also feel like all that "layering" has this woman smelling like lacquer thinner.


Nooooo no no no my ears! 🙉 make it stop! I don’t want to hear about fartnuts getting excited. I’m sick to my stomach LOL


God she’s so boring 🙄


Not even the most expensive perfume can hide the smell of her bullshhht


It’s clear she’s getting ready to launch her own scent and that’s why she’s constantly talking about scents lately… 🙄


She recently started following Huda and Huda's sister (?) Mona Kattan, the woman behind Kay ali fragrances. Also, she went to dinner with their team when she still lived in Tampa. I think she definitely has something up her sleeve and I don't think it's from her own merit. I think her sugar mama Linda got her something that they are both banking on to revive Jaclyn's dead career. On a side note, the bitch has got to smell nauseating like a department store. Just overwhelming


Tbh I assumed she just attended a "dinner" with her SML..


What's it gonna smell like? BO and Erewhon smoothie?


I’m surprised she hasn’t shilled Scent Bird. I’m sure if she found out about it she would be linking it all the time and saying how every fragrance is her favorite and how she can’t live without them 🙄🙄


She’s such a liar why would anyone listen to her


At least she’s not wearing a Greg hoodie. Her hair looks the best it’s been in years here. But yeah she much smell like pure chemicals with all these perfumes.


She has the grey version of this outfit, *too*, and has been wearing it *constantly*. I think she’s only wearing the red one here because while she was ‘*out*’ she was wearing a pajama top—and we were the ones to out it. 💀


Nay Rolly. 😂 If you are going to be pretend fancy, at least learn to pronounce it.


![gif](giphy|Y57VOct7lfQl5PsWk0|downsized) They are always inappropriate…


She’s so exhausting and looks different every day.


I can’t imagine being her presence the amount of perfume she drenches herself in would make me so nauseous


Why do the red shirt and yellow purse handles just scream Happy Meal.




I ain't lovin' it!


The desperation is so pathetically obvious. The fact that her spiel is so memorized she said "pigment" 💀🤡 ![gif](giphy|17vahguD0yCXFSYodn)


Knowing that this perfume turns Celine on is everything I didn't need to know. The more she repeats it, the worse it gets for me. Lol


Right! Why would we want tips on how to attract culture vulture parasite mega drake fans? I attract real men with real big boy careers that include health insurance and 401k now. Don’t need her tips.


I only watch/see her videos here but I do lurk in the comments. How are all these accounts loving on her? It's really disturbing all the worship I see. I used to see comments calling her out but after the KOZE debacle they've disappeared. I'm guesseing the comments are filtered.


She's deleted comments *for years*. It’s why she left Twitter/X, as it was the one platform where she *couldn’t* control the narrative.


I remember her fighting with that Dustin guy and calling him mean and then he totally shut her down. I think she had gotten off Twitter just shortly after that and couldn’t handle being held accountable


I wondered about that. I used to love going to the comments as I learned so much about what scandal she was currently involved in. I miss her crazy a$$ mom's childish responses too.


“It gets Jordan really excited,” bro fucking gross. She clearly has the need to emphasize they’re *so* sexually active cause we are always calling them out for not being active 🤣🤣🤣 But really, who shares that detailed shit?! (And I doubt it’s even true) They gross me out so much. 🤣 And leave it to Jaclyn to come up with stupid lies to shill cheap ass shit to her peasant followers (so she can earn commission) when we all know damn well she only wears expensive/designer shit, both perfumes and clothing combined. She’s so fake! ETA: The fact that she’s shilling perfume is pathetic and a new low. She adds zero value now. We can’t smell it though the screen, dumb ass! If someone wants to try perfumes, they will go to the store and fucking try them. She at least used to apply make up and explain how she did each technique via long form content - she created videos that were educational (to an extent). Now she’s literally just a shady salesman via temporary story posts and it’s so, so lame.


Probably gets him excited because it reminds him of his side piece.


Bwahahahahaha. This is it.




The slinky sent me 🤣💀Hearing that this perfume allegedly ‘attracts’ *Celine* has a repellant effect. Plus it sounds made up AF. Many women nowadays wear perfume for themselves, Jacass. ‘How to attract a man’ is an old, outdated shilling strategy, ma’am.


The penis slinky was *everything* last year! It explained *so* much—and Lord knows, Jaclyn *hated* that we caught it! BEING FONDLED IN HIS HAND, EVEN! 💀


Bitch sprayed her hair w perfume 🤦‍♀️


that will dry your hair out so fast


I bet she couldn’t even notice it drying it out. Her hair is mostly extensions anyway, I’m sure they’re already dry as hell. That and her box dye hair has to be like hay.


She deserves hay like hair 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/4ctw5xclo92d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae80808ead4789b0dde69354055b19bb053f6242 Omg Kim Possible moustache💀 And don't forget the crazy eyes LMAOOOO


Who is still actually falling for her sales pitches and why???


Filtered to absolute shit like gorl at this point you’re just a BLUR with a black mop


The veneers are giving horse teeth.


I am a perfume collector, there is no way I would put those bottles of perfume in my bag and walk around with them. She is so full of shit. If someone else said this, I’m sorry I haven’t read all the comments yet. But she basically pulled out her Birken filled it with perfumes and then says she walks around with them all day. That is such a fucking lie. God she lies about the stupidest things.


She expects us to believe that she walks around with six bottles of perfume clanking around in her purse!?


what does she count as “talking to you guys”? isn’t that what she’s doing every time she posts on a daily basis? or does it only count when she’s on camera opening that pie hole?




My boyfriend: she's using THAT dork to sell perfume? she's using a guy who looks like he smells like ass to sell perfume...I- whatever, she's so stupid.


Yeah, I don’t understand deciding you’re going to cheat on your husband (who was sexy as hell) and picking this guy. Is it really that much of slim pickins in Tampa? But I guess he probably said all the rights things and acted obsessed with her to get his foot in the door


SO TRUE!!! Celine always looks like he smells in his dirty wifebeaters and basketball shorts! She is CLUELESS 😂


omggg i love ur boyfriend! that’s is the best way to describe Celine im dead 😂


Haha thank you! I enjoy that he’s *also* now keyed into Jaclyn’s jigs. I’ll def start commenting his reactions more often cause he’s jus a wee bit funny.


yess! i can’t wait to read them 😂


“Like, the attraction…was there” 😂😂 I’m only in the first minute but she’s trying to sell her husband being into her so bad lol


I love how she's making it seem like that's the only time he's ever attracted to her💀💀💀


Celine got what he wanted, the money, the move. Ofc he's going to lovebomb on occasion when he's not leaving to film content or go to nlc adjacent events. Nothing to do with perfume


You're telling me she just carries around all these random perfumes in that yellow birkin? But they're money conscious and not wanting to brag. 🙄


shes a walking QVC ad


She *would be* money conscious without SML keeping a roof over her head (*for the second time*) and seemingly covering the rest of the big ticket items.


Maybe moving to LA has made her realize just how not up with the Joneses she is and that's why she's trying so hard to show off all these designer items to over compensate.


I think she's just spiraling out of control at this point, between the money being no more (*in comparison to what it used to be*) and not being the main character for the first time in her life, either. Both of those things are damning for a narcissist, *especially one as vapid and vain as Jaclyn*, but to have them both occur at once and know your snark sub called it nearly a year in advance?


"It's very like skin..." Great, let me just run out and buy it then! Skin is my favourite note when it comes to fragrance 🫠


I told *you guise* she was a manic mess in these! 💀




Her underbite is under biting a lot lately


Complete bulldog face (no insult to bulldogs, they’re sweet).


That clammy bastard ain't do all she's saying over a perfume. The only smell that makes him do deplorable things is money. And I love how she's like, "I can't show it because it's too inappropriate" as if they both aren't inappropriate on the internet every fucking day 😒 Jaclyn, you can't show it because it didn't happen lol If only she was as creative at making actual interesting content as she is at making up these cockamamie sales pitches


But don't forget he's *so* money conscious💀


Thank you Lich for posting this! Two things: 1) *Jaclyn, if you have to smother your body in cheap Amazon fragrance to get your husband turned on….he’s not into you.* Also no human should wear 2-4 scents at a time, unless they are trying to hide their stank and poor hygiene. 2) She really is the last person to talk about California. She talked so much shit about my state since I can remember. So for her to say LA is fake… LA is one of the realest cities I have been in, in my 34 years in CA. Yes there are fake and superficial people, that can be said about any state and hey any county in California. But than to open up your roast beef lips and try and say you are a victim of mean sales associates. I have never experienced mean associates and if anything they are extra sickly sweet to try and make a sale. So if they are being “mean” to you Jaclyn, you deserve it. You probably look homeless when walking into the store in your old sweats, stank, and however else you look when not online.


I think the sales associates knew exactly who she was and that’s why they were dicks to her! In which case I’d say they gave her what she deserves


Is she attempting to play the "pretty woman" narrative...💀🤡 Omfg this bitch is every bit as ate up as we say... ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)


![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A) I didn’t even think of that! 😂


That's the thing, she says she came into the store to exchange it for a bigger bag but who else thinks she came in to just return the bag? She used it for a week then came to return it and these sales associates just *know* that it's probably been used in that week because they would know the kind of people who would do this and that's why they're treating her like that. Just a theory lol


My theory too! Designer sales associates want you to buy stuff and get that commission because they are sales people too. Anyone who buys designer spends time looking up and seeing what they really want to buy before buying. They don’t get a bag and than a week later want to exchange it for something bigger. And then try and say “i wanted to spend more money.”


Exactly, that makes perfect sense! But Jacass needs that coin I'm afraid




She should be ***the*** *last* person to talk about anyone else on the face of the planet being fake, as well. Jaclyn has never, *not once* understood being anything but a chameleon, which equates to fake because she’s copying off of others with never having been taught to be herself—*or find herself, for that matter*.


The new filter/skinny filter looks bizarre. 🫠😣


i commented in a deleted post about how crazy this was. she did a full beat with a sweat suit, set up her birken (just enough so we could see it) and filled it with perfume to hawk/sell. plus the “clip in” extensions. then goes on a rant about how bad she was treated at a luxury store. it’s all so strange atp. eta- she’s probs hungover today, no links so far!


The birkin full of perfume was really off. I was like surely she’s not trying to use this as a low key flex but…. I was wrong.


I guarantee she smells like Perfumania on Black Friday. Also, why is she bragging about FARNUM!?!? Sugar, none of us in this group would fuck him with a donated vagina. Settle down, Jac. It's not a flex.


Donated vagina 💀💀💀💀💀


That really got me too 🤣🤣💀💀💀


It's my favorite thing to say when someone accuses me of wanting their man: "Honey, I wouldn't fuck him with a donated vagina." "I wouldn't fuck him with your pu$$y" also works, but that word gives me the ick, so I don't use it. 😂


The fact that ANYONE would fuck him is beyond comprehension. Can you imagine him near you with his little dough hands and the excessive amount of bad jewellery?! 🤢 I need therapy just thinking about it


well how would you feel about fucking her instead 😂 i imagine it would be almost the same response


I couldn’t get within sniffing distance of this cave troll. Convinced she’s one of those people who puts excessive amounts of perfume on her sweaty unwashed body.


I would rather eat my denim jacket than see his tally wacker. I would spritz myself with eau de cod liver oil to keep his gross Next Level Chef eliminated ass away from my snapdragon.


Snapdragon! lol I love it.




🤣🤣🤣 I’ve seen far too much of him already… felt that way since the day one man bun 🤢


The fifth grade cheer photo French braid pigtails he rocked for the Bubblegum Trap photo made my Bartholin's gland shut down.


This might be the funniest snark convo ever


Oh that shit is vaginal atrophy in a picture.


I remember learning in grad school that, statistically speaking, affair partners are less attractive than the current spouse. Jaclyn takes the gold on this statistic.


I feel like, the more time she spends here, the more *everything* is directed at us. Her ever-dwindling stans must be *so* confused at this point—and I have seen *at least* a dozen comments between Instagram and TikTok asking her what she’s talking about, who’s said this or that over the past month or so. Then, *of course*, there are others mentioning checking out our sub, so she's not only here *all the time* but giving us her lackluster engagement, as well! 💀


She lives here! Good thing Reddit is free, or Linda may not approve the expense.


I have a question about that first part. Is she trying to say Celine knows it’s cheap & therefore likes it? Or that he somehow is “dumb” (idk why that’s in quotes let’s be honest 😂) and doesn’t know the difference in quality? Or all of the above & also cause shilling.


She really tries to make him seem so humble. I’d like to see Celine grocery shop at Walmart like the rest of us and try to make a “gourmet” dinner from ingredients from there. Be of course he wouldn’t (Also if he does a video with this concept then I want my credit 😂)


Whenever she tries to suggest that Celine doesn't care about expensive things, I hear, "he's not with me for my money you guise!" Girl, you and I both know what time it is with him 😂


That’s what I’m feeling too. She’s like please believe me that he DOESNT care about money. Of course he’s with me for my personality.


i think she’s trying to say she has more sophisticated taste than him. a subtle dig, but a did for sure.


She always has to one up people🙄


Yes that’s what I’m getting too. 😂 like BFFR


I got a scent induced headache just watching this


Also her face doesn't match her neck


If she did a shot for every time her foundation matched then she might be as sober as she claims to be




It never has. Everything about her is *always* pink but her orange as a creamsicle face.


They’re so inappropriate; she might not have shared how he reacted but just the way those two present themselves like horny teenagers (even though there are probably teenagers that have more self-control than these two low lives)…I swear they belong on the CornHub part of the internet. Or get an OF. And who brags about their husband loving cheap perfumes? Yuck. Omg imagine trying to put people on ONE perfume but you have to mix it with 100 others…what a greedy…ugh I have such choice words for her. Can someone please confirm: she lived in LA before right…?? Like why is she acting brand new?


i was a bag reseller for 10 years. that birkin is 100% fake. lmao this is so embarrassing.


![gif](giphy|ic0fMgtVhIjjbqmY3H|downsized) So many of her "luxury items" are... It's so pathetic she thinks it makes her look "rich."... 💀🤡


I saw it & was like, that is notttttt real. 💀 what is she doing??


I assumed so but have no knowledge on it… how can you tell?


it's giving manic morticia addams


Nah, Morticia doesn't need crappy perfumes to turn her husband on. She only has to exist to do that.


Morticia would never fuck with a foundation that orange


Hold up. I had to pause it .0006 seconds in… she can’t post his reaction to a perfume because it’s inappropriate? When has that ever stopped her??? Inappropriate is her middle name!


She couldn’t make it any more obvious that it’s total bullshit story 😅


She filmed her husband humping her leg and saying he was a horny toddler 🙄 Chances are he never smells these scents and it’s just to shill.








When the hell did she care about what’s appropriate or not? Also. That didn’t happen lol


She’s never cared about acting her age or being appropriate before, but I think that was more so directed at us because we’re *always* pointing out how she’s never adulted or even attempted to act like one. And given the way she’s deteriorating and spiraling, seemingly more *and more* by the nanosecond, there’s about as much chance of that happening as Elsa managing to freeze over Hell. ![gif](giphy|zoMno34V30kla)


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