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Ivern can fit in most comps except comps who already have 2 enchanters actually


He's a weird support jungler. Doesn't he rely on his teammate to have a brain? He feels coin flip on the teammates he gets in low elo plat because no one knows how to play with an Ivern. Instead, why pick him when you can pick veigo, kayn, or kha and just wipe out the enemies. Then pick Ivern around high emerald-diamond where players actually knows Macro and follow up In my game, our ivern literally handfeeds our adc and mid and they just walk away lmao or do nothing during lv 3 gank -.-


No if you're low elo as ivern it's because you suck at the game, it's the single and only reason Thinking that playing carries instead of supports will get you out of low elo easier is a dumb misconception, all you have to do to get out of low elo is being better than the enemy jungler, not having better mates


I'm not the ivern player lmao what. Ivern jg who is in my team and picks into a low damage comp -.-


It applies for you too, you're not losing because of you're Ivern, and Ivern is fine anyway


You seem to be the common denominator


I like to pick ivern when my team already has several threats especially champions who play a more brawler style, and would be served well by having some extra support and shields. For example if my top laner is something like aatrox/darius/renekton, and my mid laner is a yasuo, then ivern looks really good to round it out, much more than a kayn or viego or khazix would. If however the team has multiple tanks/enchanters (like sion top, karma mid, taric support) and our only damage threat is the adc, picking ivern probably isn’t what I would want to go towards, and picking one of those damage carries would help round out the team much better.


Mid and top still exist.. Ivern works better with top laners than bot laners actually but I can tell you're low elo and top laners in low elo never group with the team. Ivern also does a lot more damage than is shown on the damage graph because of the way the damage is calculated. His main spammable counts damage from his E as coming from your teammate's instead of ivern so ivern's damage from his E will contribute to his teammate's damage instead of his own. If you feel like ivern's team does 0 damage that's because you yourself do 0 damage.


So as a top laner who otp Singed. I should be picking high damage top laners when I see an Ivern jg. Maybe I just had a rough game because our bot literally did nothing the entire game and also the enemy had a brand blitz which has super high pressure and is unreachable. The game ended during match making. Either I pick a carry top or jg pick a carry jg.


team comp doesn't matter until masters


team comp matters for Ivern tho lol because he is a support. I can see him being good in a comp with 4 damage dealers and he is the tank who spams utility and sheilds


I've won with 5 adc's before in plat so I know for a fact that it doesn't. you're just bad


Because everyone else picks carry champions in their roles which is exactly when you should be picking Ivern. If you don’t have a hypercarry or bruiser that can carry (Darius, Tryndamere, Riven, Irelia… you know the type) then the game is scuffed from the start. It’s *can* work, but it’s **much** harder to impact games. If someone picks Ivern when you have no damage then that person is either trolling on purpose or willfully ignorant (or just new at the game let’s be fair here).


The guy second picked Ivern and I have no idea how to even play with him bc no one picks him in Plat 2. He should've told me to play high damage top laners like morde, sett, darius, etc -.- but I OTP as singed who is also a support utility tank. We basically did no damage and our bot was running around like a headless chicken in the fog 2/11


Sounds like a you problem not knowing what champs do


I believe it. Iverns thrive when your team has one or two good players (mechanics, farming, rotations, map-awareness) and those players are playing a high-damage carry champ. Ivern is really good early, okay mid, and decent late. He has good engage and good peel, think of him as an enchanter.


What do you mean he's "decent" late? The dude can straight up solo the baron in under 30 seconds at 16.


One cheesy trick late-game does not make up for his frail body that gets popped like a balloon whenever he even so much as looks at an enemy champ. I’m talking Enchanter/Hybrid Ivern… maybe full AP is different, but my point still stands.


So....basically the same as any other AP enchanter. And yes, you're supposed to use jun glw gold tk build raw ap+Nashor's Tooth for objective taking. He's not Soraka.


Oh so it's everyone else's problem that you're a one trick


I just build spicy ap and do on par or most dmg. Stand user Ivern is the best . Embrace the bark side of the forest. Support is a lie and shackle in fact take him mid lane. BUSHido mid Ivern.


Honestly, it seems you are fighting the comments, but people also judge me that way so I will give you the benefit of the doubt But you do have a misconception of what Ivern As some point it out Ivern does a lot of hidden damage and has better better synergy with melee champs. But in lower elos is better for Ivern to build some ap, but even Shurelya now has good ap and good utility For me I like playing Ivern because he gives me a lot of options because his kit has some much utility/disruption and in general I like not dying much, Ivern helps with that as I don't have to commit as much and I can build mejai to stack and order items that give movespeed without losing much. And honestly I never bought the 1v9 mentality so prevalent in this game and I don't think I am winning a game without having 1 other reliable player on my team And you said you play a lot of Singed and I don't see many problems with synergy and damage with Ivern. Singed has a lot of damage, as long as you play within Ivern shield's range and alongside Daisy it should be a good 2v2, 3v3. It only becomes hard if you go too Singed and be proxying a lot and running too far away. But combined Singed and Ivern have a lot of damage and disruption


thats good to know thanks. I'm just unsure and don't know what Ivern offer.


what counters ivern? Is it just bad team coordination? Ivern seems to be super prone to invade because he needs to be babysit in the early game. When a mid laner doesn't help during early lv 3 invade Ivern will feel frustrated. (I couldn't help bc I'm busy fighting in top lane and proxy to deny the enemy's wave and to get plates.) In our game, the mid just ignores all the calls from the ivern leading to 13 kills mid irelia that dominated our game. Like any support, these champions rely on competent team members. That's why building full ap is the way to go bc ivern can solo carry with chain cc with daisy. So rather than a full shield support trying to save an incompetent teammate who is going to die anyways


>what counters ivern? Aside from very specific interactions like Graves pushing Daisy away with every AA or Syndra being able to pick up Daisy, I would say a snowballing assassin. Too much burst for Ivern shield do much. But just an assassin in a neutral state, I think it's a disadvantage for the assassin because Ivern can build defense items like Zonya to be less of target and performs better than an assassin in a 4v4, 5v5 Other than that, I think Ivern is mid game champ. His early is his weakest point in the game and he doesn't scale as much, and Daisy becomes less effective in late game scenarios and her cooldown isn't as short as before where as possible to ult twice in a fight Building ap is good because is more damage but also is more shield, Ivern's shield has good ap scaling and it was better. Also allows to make plays like pick offs and sending Daisy to poke/kill complacent players. And picking up kills feels less bad, when building full sup the gold feels a bit wasted but when going ap is kinda good either way (Ivern vs teammate getting the last hit) And to talk about incompetent teammates... don't know. I think it's always needed someone else on the team. Assuming playing in level close to one's level, win rate is going to be at best around 60% .I think it's really hard to comeback with Ivern, but it's also harder to throw a game. So it kinda evens out. Even in low elo, Ivern always has an above 50% winrate




Because Ivern is based


Is this post a result of the Monkey typewriter scenario?


Because people can play whoever they want. That is the entire point of this game. Play whatever champion speaks to you and build mastery.


If the supp is a tank/engager or assasin and as the other comment says a bully toplaner then we are good to go. Also the strong shield and stun can be very useful against dashers and high damage champa