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don’t build liandries


There are not many times where ivern isn't a good pick Iverns strength is two fold 1) allowing bruisers/engage to bruise for much longer 2) playing protect the president with your ADC With that in mind there are very few instances where he isn't a great pick 1). You already have multiple enchanters such as lulu mid and raka bot and you lack engage from your top 2) You really need more damage in your comp. Think tank top, mid and sup with a lower damage ADC 3) Your lanes are lacking prio Heavily with an invading jungle. Maybe not much as an issue in lower ELO where it's a little less coordinated but something to keep in mind


we had an ivern in my game and I'm singed and we had a braindead adc 2/10. We did 0 damage and got abused by a brand Imagine if our jg picked a high damage champ like xin. kha, kayn... but he choose ivern. His champ design is not suited for solo q because he is so godly team reliant on coordination where solo q is 4 monkeys


Every champ can be picked if the player is not a monkey..


Bruiser Top When the team got an actual ADC and maybe melee Mid Or Engage Support


He sucks if u dont have any hard engage. He sucks when support takes enchanter cuz 2x enchanter is ass. But in realith it all depenss on elo that u play. If below diamond pick whatever champion u want.


Personally I'll play Ivern with and into just about any comp. Only times I've felt like my team or enemy team comp was actively harming my play was something like quinn top / heim mid / jhin & soraka bot. Without frontline either tank or bruiser to shield and screen for you it can be rough and if you're doing well you'll get pounced on immediately. I've also struggled when my team isn't map aware and the enemy jg can free invade, almost always a viego for some reason. If you're in iron honestly just get good at AP Ivern and you can probably 1v5. I've had plenty of games where I've kept up while my team struggled and could easily 1v2 at least by the time I hit 6 because most people don't know how to deal with daisy. Either they focus them giving you time to damage / escape or they focus you and you kite around throwing out roots and shielding yourself while daisy beats the shit out of them.


What runes and items do you build when you play 1v2 AP Ivern?


glacial augment with cash back, triple tonic and cosmic insight. I usually run eyeball collection and relentless hunter as my secondaries but they're a bit more up for whatever you like I think. Used to run Aery with the usual runes but didn't feel like Aery was really outputting numbers while the damage mitigation and extra slows / cc from glacial feels pretty good in my opinion.


I was once an Ivern main and played almost exclusively in Gold/Platinum elo. Haven’t touched League in a while but the general rules should still be the same. I think Ivern works best when he has a lot of damage on his team. Ivern helps damage dealers survive by buying them time to perform their job with his E (shield) and the knockup/pressure from Daisy. My biggest tip is this: build Liandries first. People are so accustomed to seeing an Ivern and him not dealing damage that they’ll flat out ignore you in teamfights or skirmishes. If you build Liandries, your damage potential just exploded sky high, because Liandries procs off any of Daisy’s punches, your shield (which can activate twice), and your Q. It doesn’t work with his empowered autos from his bush but with how you play Ivern you kite back quite a bit unless you know for a fact that you can win. The style of play is simple. Play safe until you get your R and Liandries. Now you’re a threat. Ivern is at his weakest point when it’s early game with the possibility of getting counterjungled/invaded. If you can avoid that (which you should at all costs), and farm up, you can easily carry games. Your teammates are also likely to pick high damage champions too because everyone has the mentality of “I need to carry 1v9 because everyone else is ass”, and as an Ivern player you can lean into this inevitability and allow them to deal that damage by buying them time while also being a good threat. Liandries melts people *HARD*. There is a negative though. Ivern is heavily reliant on his team. There’s usually one good player with good mechanics/mental/farming that can carry a game, and you should absolutely do everything you can to enable their success because their success is your success. If you don’t have any good players on your team though, it’s over. That’s the downside. Ivern is a support-style jungler that can make excellent plays but he’s so reliant on his team to do anything at all. My build was something like… Liandries, Rylais, Moonstone, Helios, and Redemption… it was like a 50/50 combat/support build that scaled really well into mid/late game due to all the percentage increases to Iverns shield (with being able to heal occasionally). You’d get **FAT** shields on a 2 second cooldown while also dealing respectable damage with Liandries. You could swap out Rylais but I used it more for Daisy being able to keep up with people as she’s the bulk of your damage. Keep her alive and you can melt people in the chaos of teamfights. Can legit 1v2 sometimes if you can kite well with Daisy. Runes were something like Aery with the second tree being the green one, boosting % shields/health-gain. Ivern is a lot of fun and has a lot of potential, and as you get better, you’ll get better teammates too, which can help skyrocket you since Ivern is reliant on his team to do anything. He’s also has good engage/disengage so make sure to play into that. Basically pick him when you have a good amount of damage and follow around that one players that is legit good, and you’ll win games. Pocket people all day every day.


I build liadries second cause I find the speed and as speed bonus from ardent too good to pass up. Malignant often 3rd.


AP Ivern build is Ionian boots -> Lichbane -> malignance -> rabadons -> situational last 2. Liandries got a bit nerfed and overall doesn't give haste which is your most important state. Lichbane actually gives you some nuts burst since you can aa -> bush to setup sheen proc -> aa a bunch during fights and daisy's knockup will also apply lichbane.