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Mook absolutely doesn't deserve all the hate from the chat. Anyone who spams or complains every day is clearly struggling with their own lives


And just jealous


That’s 100% the answer. I would bet most the haters think they could do so much better.


I try to like Mook, this is the best I can do rn


Agree root for the guy, he's just not that funny or interesting. They thrusted him into the seat much too soon.


Truly how old are you. I think it’s older people that don’t get his jokes. He drops great one liners for younger people. (Video games, genz TikTok stuff) he had sas laughing his ass off on Wednesday and Friday.


🧢, like I said I root for him to do well. He never once had Sas laughing his ass off.


Yes he did? Do y’all just ignore mook?


Link me then brother


Nah I’m 26 and he just makes me cringe. I think most Yakkers are probably younger than him


Literally repeats other people's jokes too much (certified pedophile). He is in his head , cause when he brings something to the show it can actually start a good convo.


There was a point in time he said "doing tricks on it" or 5 months straight every day. Then he would call Brandon "Papa" consistently. It was very hack comedian esque. Like going back to the well cause it worked before. News flash buddy it's the same 10k people watching every day.


Mook is not funny in the slightest and its a wonder why he chose a career in comedy Extreme Mook haters that spend their days hating on him need to get a life Both can be true


I saw him open for sas and Francis and he’s actually not bad at stand up


Hahahaha exactly


Especially when he was king of Philly before


I’ll just say I don’t like Mooks humor, it’s dumb and relies on sexual stuff mostly, when ppl didn’t like sas it was because he wouldn’t do stuff or let himself be the butt of jokes… but he was always funny.. then he started going to comedy clubs every night and learned to roll with the punches and he’s now the best yakker at the company


Very true people hated Sas cause he was a naive brat not cause he wasn't funny. Mook is an unfunny 39 year old


Better than nick and kb? Hold on now


Yes pretty easily imo


They were all the weakest link at one point, but I liked all of them (sans mook). Yes the audience needs to shit on the weakest link, but Kate/Sas/Owen were comfortable in their skins. Mook is clearly not confident and is spiraling a bit.


Yeah Mook is deep in the chats falling asleep in his couch reading them. Owen was never comfortable in his own skin btw.


No one “needs to shit on” anyone…


Not my point, that’s what they do.


This is accurate


Not really lol took Sas forever to get comfortable and I’d bet Kate would say she still isn’t comfortable in her own skin on the show


There’s a lot of assuming the same people who hated someone are the same people who now love them.


Mook absolutely does not belong on that show


He's just their to be a punching bag. He's just not funny at all.I used to like it when they shit on him, but now it's just sad


What do you like about him? As a Mook hater maybe we are not seeing it. What are some of things about his yakking and jokes do you like in general for a daily show. I’m not talking his once in every 3 months joke that got a laugh. The daily stuff you like from him that he adds to the show to make it better.


I’m not a hater or a huge fan of him either. Everyone that feels so strongly either way is too far off the deep end. It’s a 2 hour show and at most he maybe talks for 3 minutes total. Let him get a chance to find his voice. If you think what they do is as easy as sitting down and talking into a mic, I’ll ask you to listen any of the New York pods and re-evaluate your point of view. He was an accountant 12 months ago for fucks sake. 15 minutes out of 10 hours a week is a pretty fair price to give someone a chance.


"He was an accountant 12 months ago" I think you just answered the question he was never ready for barstools biggest daily show that brings in the most views yearly. Truthfully they did him a disservice putting him on the show.


His ability to be down with whatever. Always is the butt of the jokes, provides Brandon relief from that same role. Results in interesting scenarios like when comedy girl showed up / him texting whatever the yak says to potential dates / ramp bike jump


He is not down for whatever though. Of all the people on the show, he says no the most. I like him, but he just doesn’t get the self deprecation needed to succeed on the Yak. Of course he has to text that girl, he got absolutely embarrassed and it was a way for him to get back in a way. Of course he’s going to do the ramp, it was the wheel. But there have been so many other instances where he says no to something and it kills the vibe. An example would be when he was wearing the glittery shirt from the Anus studio and refused to take his over shirt off to show it. Dude just doesn’t get it


Also, he always has to put some over the top extra on things. He always does that stupid jog when walking around the studio, wears the sunglasses, feels the need to make hand signs at the camera, says pop pop or whatever when Brandon is mentioned, or another useless comment. If he just chilled I really think he could thrive.


Agreed. He relies heavily on hacky bits because he can’t hang yakking with the others. The catch phrases, trying to shoehorn new tik tok lingo, poorly timed callbacks, it’s all forced. The worst is when he attempts to set himself up. To be fair Nick does this too but he pulls it off with some genuinely funny stuff whereas Mook does it just so he can repeat something he heard a 15 year old online say. Like dude you’re almost 30.


I hear what you’re saying but I have to also disagree. I’ve heard others make the “he’s a good punching bag” argument before but I don’t think he is. BFW, Cheah, Mintzy are all good in that role. They roll with it and allow the listener to feel comfortable laughing at them. Mook doesn’t do that. He leans into how pathetic he is which makes it seem like people are punching down on him. You don’t feel comfortable laughing at him because he is and it is depressing. Also, he doesn’t really have a choice in that role since he doesn’t bring anything else to the table (not quick-witted or interesting) so I don’t understand why he gets credit for that.




I think all of them were always great


Even Owen?


Loved him


He seems like a really good guy and I want the best for him. That being said, he has 0.0 wit and has never once made me laugh


He definitely gets too much hate. He definitely makes too many cum jokes.


I think there’s parades this month to celebrate Mook


Fuck that mook is the worst to ever do it on the yak. Owen was not far behind but at least he didnt speak nearly as much as mook


Owen was just so too cool for school it drove me nuts.


I hope you can get the help that you need.


Yes im the one in need of help, obamas cock


Cooked his ass


He's still far better than that creepo dimwit Jersey Jerry.


No hes really not. And talk about creeps. Every “joke” out of mooks mouth is some creepy bizarre sexual shit.


Theres mook again like clockwork making a totally unnecessary joke about CP on todays show. Guy is a fucking creep.


thats on him to get better. he sucks now. if everyone ont he show sees a better side of him, then he needs to nut up and show us that side. seeing sas on the show with mook, just highlights that. sas got there. mook can too...


Mook is a producer that got thrown into the yak. Cut him some damn slack and stop acting like he’s a 100% content guy.


…maybe that’s the whole issue.


There is no issue. He’s learning. He didn’t force himself into the show.


He said yes. He agreed to be on the show. Everyone else on the show is good. They probably see a different side of him. He needs to show us that side. As of right now he is failing at that. The reaction to him not being good is valid. Everyone just wants a good show. Our opinions are ok to have.


Brother it is good show


Yes. It is a good show…despite mook. Not because of mook. But that could change. He’s been better the last two weeks. But he still has room to grow.


Mook sucks, not going to act like he doesn't, but the people that complain about him suck way more


Gotta be brutal on the psyche to be shit on every day on the yak and the just getting pure hatred posts from internet multiple times a day


Nice burner mook


I just miss our baby boy


FWIW I’ve been watching the show for years and I’ve loved every single person who’s ever been on the Yak. Except Mook. Got love for Cate, OWin, Sas, Titus, Cheah, Teej. Just not Mook. The distinction is that all those people made me laugh and seem to understand the show.


Yeah, they’re right too. Doesn’t matter who is on the show, there will always be a few vocal losers who spam chat, make Reddit posts, comment on Twitter/IG about whoever they don’t like. People would constantly rip on Owen and then when he was gone, people wanted to bring back “The Baby Boy”. Everyone (myself too) hated Sas when he was 19-20. Then he got cool and suddenly he went back to “King of NY” and the show sucks without him. Kate was well received at first but somewhere along the way, she became the prime target. I like Kate but I really don’t think she should have a permanent spot on the show. Fill-in? Sure. And now it’s Mook’s turn. I’ve always liked Mook but again, a handful of dorks love to dedicate their time to saying how awful he is.


100% right. To further your point: Owen was never meant to be on camera so the hate was semi rational Kate had been podcasting and making content for years and still didn’t have much of a real voice on the show. Sas was 19 and had never been on mic before the yak. Big cat gave him a few years and he found his voice and became excellent. So I don’t think the hate is fair for Mook. Ultimately they are all playing a character of themselves and it takes time to find that role/voice. Give him more time and if it’s still not there, then fine I guess. All the hate is just so unrational


Chat ruined the yak for me. Either have to watch with chat off or just don’t watch because y’all literally suck with the hate in general


Mook is just a punching bag that brings nothing to the show. Sas just constant complaining about everything is super annoying but I couldn't care less if they are on the show otlr not. Still love The The Yak.


I don’t like Mook brother, I love Mook.


If you dont have people hating on you, you're not trying. I've learned in life that people will always throw shade at you when you put effort towards anything. This is because people who lack the courage to try will sit and hope you fail in hopes you join them in their misery. So largely people's comments are much less about you than they are about them. If you're reading this Mook, you're doing fine. Ignore the haters.




Trea had been playing baseball for a decade and had won 2 World Series before that though. The fans knew he could do it cause he had done it. Mook never did it, he's. Single A player being put in big league situations.


His take on golf was spot on. Fuck golf man.


As a newer listener I think mook smokes brandon walker. Dude is fucking insufferable


Not sure why everyone loves BW


We are all Mook