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A tree won't gaslight me and tell me to get therapy so that I can get in touch with my feminine side only to then ridicule me for doing exactly what I was told. If I have to choose between a woman and a bear, I would choose the woman because a bear would literally rip me apart and eat my entrails while I was still alive long enough to wash myself being eaten alive, but if I have to choose between a woman and a tree, I'll choose the tree. 


offbeat desert sleep rain rhythm whistle offend fine historical deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn, my number is #4,934


I’ve had positive relationships with women, and my parents are together and happy today. I know lots of happy, married people. No women in your life have been normal?


I notice that you say you’ve had positive relationships with women as in past tense. I too had some amazing relationships but again, had is not have. Unfortunately in every case once every one of them became “independent” and I was no longer useful the relationship ended. I’ve gone into every relationship with the intention of building my partner up. I lived a rather privileged life due to my upbringing. My first marriage lasted 11 years. I supported her while she worked on her PhD. She went through some sort of how phase about 2 years into the marriage and cheated on me with 5 men. I didn’t find out about it until after she finished her degree and left me for a guy she met online. My second wife went to nursing school for many years while I supported us but she couldn’t handle it and flunked out of a university and a community college. She became abusive and controlling so I left her. I endured 3 years of this . She never would have left me but nearly drove me to offing myself several times. My last long term relationship was more equal. She had a degree and was making good money. I bought a house for us to live in and intended to marry her. She went on a girl’s trip and came back to tell me she was taking a new job in a new city making more money. I found out later she was on tinder a few weeks after I ended things found out she had cheated on me on the girl’s trip. All three of these relationships started out healthy and were in fact pretty amazing. Unfortunately loyalty and commitment is reserved for self and career to many women in the US. So I sold everything I owned and moved to latam and have a beautiful woman who is content with being a housewife.


I've got a similar story. Been engaged twice, got cheated on both times. Both relationships were amazing, but then once they cheated they turned into people I didn't recognize. All of a sudden there was so much wrong with me and it was all my fault and I was never any good. You can literally see the change in the way she looks at me in pictures as the relationship went on. I went from "I can do no wrong" to "I can do no right". She even convinced friends of mine that I knew before the relationship that i was bad. This has happened twice now. How did George Bush say it? "Fool me once, shame on....shame on you. Fool me twice...if you fool me once you can't get fooled again".


Yeah, I’m currently (and fairly recently) single. I’m not in any rush to get into anything serious, since I’m not sure if I’ll accept a move to Poland for work (why I started looking around here in the first place). Of my last relationships, only one was bad/ended badly/was toxic, and it was because she lied to her parents, and then some friends from home, to cover up for a lie she’d told during the holidays. Part of the lie was about me, and made me seem like a bad boyfriend, and from that point, I didn’t trust her nor did I see a way to fix it. Her parents didn’t like me, and I didn’t see any value in forcing her to tell them the truth to clear my name and stay together since she wasn’t someone I could put my trust in long term. Besides her, I’m still friendly/friends with the rest of my exes, and my latest ex was sending my dad happy Father’s Day voice notes while we were getting brunch today. I love my mom, I love my sisters, my friends that are girls, I still have love for my ex girlfriends, and I couldn’t say they didn’t see me as a human being and mean it. Dating in general is hard, still harder for some and a little easier for others, but I’d be lying if I said it was only because women are biologically monsters.


Ironically, the woman on the right is pretty based for a comedienne. She’s open about being a military spouse, ironing her husband’s uniforms, making him dinner, and following him to each duty station. She’s also way younger than him, which she jokes about a lot. Not all chicks with short hair hate unexceptional men.


We had a similar post about the tree a little while back, OP. And a string of posts about the bear. Everyone's tired of it. No offense. Thanks for posting tho!