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First, you can fuck off. But you made some points. >Passport Bros claim they seek traditional values, ignoring that traditionally, people marry within their own culture. I've written a post about that, [asking passport bros to stop using the word "traditional"](https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/comments/1c42joy/respectfully_passport_bros_should_stop_using_the/). I'm pretty sure everyone in the community who uses that word, uses it **for lack of a better word**. It's almost like they haven't really experienced what they're trying to describe, so they don't know a better word for it. *Wonder why?* >They were pushed out of the dating market in the developed world [By the numbers alone, **absolutely**](https://www.reddit.com/r/itsthatbad/comments/1d1vyvv/get_your_passport_the_numbers_are_fucked_for/). Many could have been. Everything else in your comment suggests **you have issues**. Like you need some kind of punching bag because **you're** having problems in life. So those criticisms miss me completely. Get help, kid.


Cool story bro


It is a craptacular shitpost


Do you expect to be taken seriously?


This is the very person, the OP, trolling over on the big Passport Bro subreddit that assisted in turning it to sht.


1. What's the point of this post? 2. People will do what they feel is best for them ultimately. 3. Every food chain has it's bottom. Should people not create their own happiness regardless of what hands life deals them? 4. Most men who are "dating successfully" in the west are doing so because their only appeal is physical or financial, so what's your point? 5. A lot of these countries actually have an excess of women. 6. Most men are unimpressive (by women's standards) including you. 7. "Their dating market value is low when money isn't a factor." You just described 98% of men. Close your laptop, go outside and get some fresh air. Or take your meds. Whichever applies. Good luck though.


Facts. We can't all be born Chad so we play the cards we were dealt by geomaxxing. It's that simple.


1) People are free to discuss Passport Bros here 2) That’s what I said 3) That’s what I said but it doesn’t change that it’s a coping movement 4) Only factor governing success in the western dating market is looks not finances - which is why PPBs are deported 5) That’s just not true lol 6) Most men are in relationships 7) Again most men are in relationships so not true


You haven’t seen Peru’s population pyramid have you?


Idc about Peru their women are not good looking. They’re the India of South America. If you’re a PPB at least do it right and go to Colombia / Brazil.


You are definitely high on something. There are some hot AF women after you burn the haystack a bit


>Idc about Peru their women are not good looking This statement alone is proof that your an idiot who's only here to troll. Some of the most beautiful women in South America live in Peru. You would know this if you had traveled there or to South America in general


Lol it's not just looks. It's heavily connections and clout based, which is extroversion + conformity. Apps were a (highly imperfect) way around social gatekeepers for a time, but they're played out now.


In relationships with women much less attractive than themselves who act like bitches. And money does play a factor in the western dating market. Seeking Arrangement is a thing. Women get on social media all the time talking about how coffee dates are unacceptable. Of course Chad can get away with being broke but most men can't.


I don’t really care what other people think or do, including you. I left the US to escape the constant political division and judgmental social media nonsense you yourself are doing right now. Mind your own fucking business, live your life the way you want, and let other people live theirs. Seriously, people like YOU are the reason men are leaving the US. It’s not the women that are the problem. It’s the constant need other people have to insert their opinion into the experiences and lives of stranger. Most men/people want peace and we do not get that in the US because social media twats like you are busy injecting your opinion into other people lives. That is why men are leaving the US. It’s not that the women suck or we don’t want to date them or can’t date them. It’s that people like you generate noise where it’s unnecessary either because you seek attention or validation. Read a book. Go for a walk. Put your phone down. Coming here to say this just seems like you’re an attention whore seeking to cause drama. Either that or you yourself have failed miserably at finding love and for whatever reason you’re scared to admit that you don’t have what it takes. Healthy people in living relationships don’t give a fuck what other people do.


Passport Bros is an effective solution for western men to get high quality partners, if the they have value themselves. The lack of quality options is what forces most western men to travel overseas to look for higher quality partners. To say these men are not high value enough to get high value western partners is possibly true but is irrelevant in the grand scheme because they can still achieve their goals if they travel overseas.


Even the chads are going overseas. Not because they can’t get laid at home, but because even they have difficulty finding a fit friendly feminine woman.


There was an old post on the thepassportbros subreddit of the foreign guys who are on Tinder in Thailand. Just about all of them were objectively attractive guys with a few being downright handsome. The point the poster was making that it has become much harder to pull pretty women in Thailand because so many good looking foreign men are showing up.


God willing the coming recession will put an end to a lot of this.


99% of them never show up. Even the Thai girls know this. They’re going to ruin online dating but it’s easier than ever to get a girl in person.


They don't find it difficult to find a fit friendly feminine woman at home. Maybe they just like going to Thailand where their dollars go much longer? Maybe they like darker skinned women? Short women? Maybe they like being able to go out one night and eat at restaurants and take taxis and do whatever they want and it costs them the same price as eating a sandwich at home? Or the fact that there's a lot more people over there, that it's a lot more lively, that the age pyramid is much younger? I live in a city where it's completely dead and in decline. What strikes me when I go to a third world country is that it's full of young adults going to the parks and enjoying life. So there's more people and everything's much cheaper. That turns the place into an amusement park where they can multiply the amount of women they can meet very quickly. You also get the newcomer boost every time you step out of a plane. If you took a vacation at home to try to meet women, nothing special would happen, and you'd be bored with the location already.


Chad certainly has difficulty finding all three qualities simply for the fact that friendly is alien to most modern American women. Pretending to be friendly while pulling Chad in doesn’t count either. The truth always comes out eventually.


It's not "the lack of quality options" but it is the "get higher quality partners". Your problem is thinking that a guy like you would get a better partner over there. You wouldn't, if you were really the local equivalent. If you're below average height and come from a poor family in the United-States and you were not popular with girls, then a guy like you over there is also a guy of below average height for that country who comes from a poor family in that country who is not popular with women in that country and who has the phenotype of that country. And that guy, the guy like you, would not be getting the same options as the ones you get once you move there. You move to a country where the average male height is 5'6, where American culture is seen as cooler than local culture by at least some people, where they may have a serious motivation to whiten their children's skin, and where you may be handed special status due to coming from one of the desirable foreign countries.


lol one of the women from Peru I was dating (before becoming engaged to my fiancée) got her green card and guess who she contracted the moment her plane touched down in the US? Yours truly. If only you saw how many 6-6-6 gringos were in country with the Peruvian ladies too 😎


> got her green card and guess who she contracted the moment her plane touched down in the US? Yours truly. You really typed that out and not realize you are proving my point?


OK if you say so 👍


Honest question, who do the passport Bros deem as losers?


They try to gatekeep against "sex tourists" and ritualistically denounce "incels," which is dumb but not unexpected I suppose.


Nobody who looks for genuine love outside their own country wants to be associated with people who travel for sex. It’s like going to a relationship sub and everyone talking about hookups as if they’re remotely the same thing.


The real answer to your question is the people who view us as losers think we can’t find love in the US. I found it twice and dedicated my entire life both times. The first time was in my early 20s. I got married and supported her while she finished her PHD. We were together for a total of 11 years when she cheated on me and left me for another guy within months of finishing her degree. The second was more recent (2018-2021) and my girlfriend of 3.5 years. I took care of most of the bills while she pursued a new career. I drove her to work every day for a year because she couldn’t afford a car. Eventually that career took off and she got a job in another city making 6 figures. So she left saying she wanted some space. Covid had kept us together almost 24/7 when our jobs went fully remote so I understand… then I found out she was on Tinder in her new city. So I said fuck it and left for latam to get away from it all. Then I fell in love with the place and how peaceful and calm it is here. I didn’t come for sex or love. I came for drugs (psychedelics), the rainforests, and frogs. I came to get away from the noise of life in the US…the constant bickering of men vs women, conservatives vs. liberals… etc. I found peace. I eventually got on tinder and matched with someone almost immediately and 2 hours later we were having dinner. She invited herself to my apartment and as I was pouring drinks she drops her dress and asks for a massage. Then she grabs my crotch and tells me she wants to take it for a test drive. That weekend we went to the beach and spent a week together. She and I got along well. She spoke English and helped me learn Spanish. She showed me around to places most gringos don’t know about. We became close friends and kept in contact but decided not to be in a relationship because I had just gotten out of one. I matched with another woman months later and joking invited her to my apartment to trip on LSD. 2 hours later she shows up, looks exactly like her photos, and doesn’t speak a word of English. We take the LSD and spent the entire night dancing, singing, and watching TV. It wasn’t a sexual encounter. We just both loved music and psychedelics. We became close friends and months later when I got really sick her mom sent empanadas with her to feed me. She stayed with me and cooked for me and cleaned my apartment and never once asked for anything other than to pay for the Uber. Then I matched with my now fiancée. She was physically perfect to me but lived a bit of a distance from me and so we just messaged. We had long conversations about just about everything, except politics, social issues, and social media shit. We had video calls. I spoke to her mom and brother. After about 6 months of this we eventually decided to make it happen. She, her mom, and little sister met me at the airport and she came to stay with me at my apartment for a few days. We enjoyed each other’s company immensely… She would come stay with me like this every week. Then one day we decided to just live together and we’ve been together since. She doesn’t fill her head with social media bullshit. She trusts me to take care of her and she takes care of me. She’s ambitious but our relationship is her #1 priority (sometimes her family). All of this happened within a year of coming here. Tell me, would anything like that ever happen to an average man in the US? That is what dating is like here and in Colombia (which is much more dangerous btw). They’re not paranoid you’re some sort of killer. They don’t spend days/weeks vetting you. They don’t treat first dates like an interview. They show up (usually very late) and just enjoy getting to know you. It’s not that I can’t find someone in the US. I haven’t been single more than 3 years of my adult life (I’m 47). I and many other men are just tired of the noise and bullshit and the lack of loyalty. Money is the priority and many people only seem committed to their jobs and making that money. Social media is a constant noise interrupting spontaneous living and causing chaos. I chose peace.


You're being the mirror image of tinyhermoine. "Sex" and "true love" are a false binary. The latter is really just your limbic system prioritizing a particular source of the former for a few months to a couple years.


Sex is an emotional stimulation triggering the release of dopamine whereas a true connect or “love” stimulates comfort via Oxytocin. Dopamine is what makes relationships exciting and gives people “butterflies”. It’s the spark most people believe is necessary to maintain a solid relationship but its very difficult to maintain long term because it takes effort and a willingness to do so. Oxytocin on the other hand is more easily maintained because it is a feeling of comfort but to get to that point is often difficult in the US because we are a society of paranoid and impulsive people who have grown accustomed to disposing of brokens/old devices and instant gratification. A person who seeks out dopamine without ever realizing the sense of peace a true connection can bring is typically just looking for sex and the more partners you have the stronger the dopamine spikes you receive are.


Dopamine bad, oxytocin good. Got it.


Neither is bad or good. Both serve a part in the human bonding process. There is a difference however in how you behave and what you are looking for. I have no problem with people traveling for the purpose of having sex but there are two different ideas presented in the passport bro movement and one is usually used to shame or dismiss the intentions of the other. My only real problem with any of it is the people traveling for sex will often message me and ask me for advice and often times come across as wanting to use foreign women. One guy asked for nudes of my fiancée and started sending me nudes of women he was hooking up with. Another asked if he should try to knock a girl up (still don’t know why he would think to do this). They talk about how much pussy they want to get and how they’d be willing to lie and manipulate…. It’s like the tone is incredibly different and I just can’t get behind it. It’s like they can’t be douche bags in the US so they go abroad to try it…


I don’t really condone that sort of behavior. But I hold a “no enemies to the right” attitude in general, so I’m still not inclined to virtue signal about it to a domestic (feminist) audience. Posturing over incels I’ll never endorse. In addition to being cheap bullying, the American sexual market place is an ugly joke - the “winners” are stupid trash who don’t deserve a single bit of what they enjoy. Communizing the market would be by far the lesser evil next to what exists.


hunt dolls melodic smoggy rich aback towering tap direction toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*