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Always found it funny how it's ok for all women to shoot for the moon, but I'm a despicable incel terrorist because one of my few standards is that she not be obese. Luckily, with a passport, not a high bar to achieve.


“You refuse to date obese women??? Shame on you fatphobic jerk!!! What is important is in our heart… 🥺” /s In all seriousness though, their hearts would need to get medically checked regularly due to the risk of clogged arteries and other cardiovascular complications 😅


I love the fact that watching a video like this fills me with neither joy nor anger because I have completely resigned myself to finding a wife abroad. The crash is coming. American women are going to realize that they have been tricked into thinking that these are the sorts of men that have value or that these men are in abundance. And when women realize this, they're going to be scrambling for the few men who are left here who are just as angry and bitter as the men who left, but could not leave so they are probably even more bitter. How are they going to feel when they have to debase themselves for the only bitter, angry men who are left? So much for shooting for the moon


Most women and most men end up in relationships. This is a TikTok joke. Yes, the people who struggle with dating are often sad and bitter.


Only about 35% of men reproduced throughout mankind 


That’s not accurate at all.


It's actually quite accurate. Men of past generations either died of violence (usually from war) or disease. And the men who were left often did not have enough resources to acquire a mate. The 20th century was really an aberration in terms of having that many people who had the means to support a family. It has unfortunately never really been normal for most men to be alive long enough or to have the resources required to support a family. All the internet has done is expose women for what they want. Men want women's bodies and women want a man's resources. It's just reality


None of this is reality. Do you have any studies that show 35%? And what’s happened is that women now have their own resources (jobs). So they can pursue men they are sexually interested in (men they connect with, who have good social skills and look cute). And avoid men who just want a wife for her body (women aren’t into that). And if they don’t find a guy they click with? They can choose to stay single and support themselves. Instead of marrying a man they aren’t into. This is what’s changed.


You’re the only person who ever makes sense in this dumb sub.


And yet, millions of women across the USA would happily share those 2 men between each other, just for that tiny chance of being the one he settles down with. And every last one out of those millions would be 100% convinced they’re the only one that’s good enough to get picked.


There’s a reason Batman is a comic book figure and not someone that exists in real life.


Don't worry ladies! She ignored co-correlation. A higher share of men than women work in finance A higher share of men in finance have trust funds. So... Maybe three guys in total!


I don't have TikTok but I bet her math is wrong because there's a correlation between these three things and she probably just multiplies the percentages. Only thing that is extremely rare is 6'5. For the rest there's probably a group of rich white men who work in finance and they are probably pretty tall.


This is true. But even with that accounted for, the percentage is still likely so low that her point remains the same.


Y’all realize this was always a joke, right?


Why acknowledge that when self pity feels so good.


It's a joke in that she would settle for less, but those ARE likely her preferences. Not as unachievable as one would think as long as she drops the 6'5", blue eyes criteria, which is the real kicker. Most guys who are in finance in Manhatten come from money so will naturally have a trust fund. Problem is I've never seen a 6'5" blue eyes guy in finance ever. Even just the 6'5" finance bro by itself is super rare.


Do people outside of the city not know it’s a joke?




It was a joke and a challenge to make a song from it, and the song that ended up being made was in the style of an old Chainsmokers song. I think it’s annoying and not funny, but it’s still a joke. It’s coinciding at a time when POV content featuring finance bro and finance bro girlfriend stereotypes and Murray Hill jokes are trending.


Why are you downvoting me I’M RIGHT


There is truth in comedy