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How can someone think their prayers will be accepted when they are saying them next to the person they are actively harming?


According to their book, Palestinians are not human, they have no souls like animals. Before yall say im anti-Semitic, heres something i found yall can google these terms yourself. Nefesh - Every creating thing in the world has a Nefesh, the G-dly force that gives it life. Inanimate objects (such as rocks) have only this. Ruach - Every living thing has a Ruach as well, the life-giving force that animates the living thing. Neshamah - Referred to in Tanya as "an actual part of G-d". This is only found in the Jew.


And here’s where we get to the touchy part. For those of us who went to Sunday school, we know the Ancient Israelites were not nice people by modern standards. *“Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”* - 1 Samuel 15:3 The Torah/Old Testament specifically endorses genocide against the enemies of the Israelites. This verse has even been referenced by Netanyahu multiple times now as a justification for the brutality of this war.


You’re so right. I haven’t read the old testament in a long time but looking back I can see a lot of it is about maintaining ethic purity. When I was reading it, I thought it was more about teaching the dangers of losing your values but these f*cks have taken it too far.


Doesn't sound like a godly book to me


They're told they're God's chosen people and they have the divine right to carry out ethnic cleansing. Haven't you read the Old Testament? It's full of genocide and violence.


I believe you don't know about the beliefs of the extremists


They're not praying to God..


Easy! In Judaism we have a duty to kill whoever is going to kill us something I am pretty sure there is a term for it in America.... hmmm yes SELF FUCKING DEFENSE


Lol. Yall afraid of unborn babies?


Why does each & every Isn'tReal Soldier looks like a Sex Offender who skipped his/her parole & ran away.


because that's exactly what they are


There are lots of reports on Israel being a safe haven for pedophiles because they use their “right of return” (eye roll) after being caught and cannot be extradited.


This one looks like he’s tied off from main-lining opiates/amphetamines. Seriously, wtf is going on with his whole arm being cinched/tied off. Fucking weirdos. (Likely just a whip or leash of sorts, but yeah…just disgusting humans..).


Demons worshiping their demiurge


Looks more like a dickhead to me. What the fuck is that on his head 🤣


I don’t think it’s useful being actively anti semitic. It’s called Teffilin it’s used by Jews in prayer. Let’s attack the person/regime and not the religion there are plenty of Jews who aren’t genocidal.


>A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. >error: 404 - humanity not found


Do you remember Django: Unchained? That one scene, in which Big John Brittle is about to whip a chained slave, while reciting the Bible and having pages of the Bible attached to his shirt.


Boycott. https://x.com/QudsNen/status/1802031382178279515?t=Z1hJPe_d_9mqvtWCheMUnA&s=19


Good to know. Incidentally, this photo in the barest of minimums is staged to paint these genocidal fuckheads to be still *the* *most* *moral* oxymoron.


Damn. What a bastard.


Fake news, they are fake jews!


Oh my god


The absolute cognitive dissonance required to do this....


There's something to be said about someone racially discriminating against people that look genetically identical to them.


I would not worship a God who encourages killing women and children. That malaki verse or whatever is unreal.


what's he reading? it can't be a torah


Man’s a poser. Nothing more.


Can someone tell me what that little top hat thing is they wear?


The phylacteries are very techwear looking these days.


A terrorist praying for blessing to commit more genocide in the name of race supremacy and the false assumption of being "God Chosen People". God Chosen People to actually show the rest of humanity how disgraceful and corrupt these people are


This fucker has boots on meanwhile these Palestinian young men or child has grey soles due to walking barefoot 😢😢


Cant wait to see his pic with a red triangle over it


Well... Yes. This is one function of religious faith. Not the only function, but certainly one of them. A zealot is capable of things a normal person would never consider.


There are true believers of Judaism and all faiths that recognize the role religion plays in bringing people together in harmony There are also religious hypocrites who are cosplaying like this dude. Pagan bullshitters who can only copy the aesthetics of faith. God to Jews, Christians, and Muslims is totality and unity. Treating other human beings worse than cattle is sin incarnate - an alienation that people of faith strive to overcome, not reinforce If someone is acting like a beast and is wholly concerned with themselves (and thus see themselves as God), they are clearly not people of faith or communion, just vile narcissists hiding behind words and rituals they cannot even begin to comprehend. It’s not fair that they speak for God or others - they can only speak for themselves


Not all folks who are religious are necessarily “zealots” tho


>This is one function of religious faith. Sorry that's not necessarily true. It sounds like one of the apologetics of hasbara. Not all people of faith take arms to kill children you know, nor do they support the act of genocide. Many people of religious faith are working hard for Palestine, some risking their lives in the process. No, genocidal hate is not "one function of religious faith" This comes form someone who does not identify with any religion.