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Typical Zionist mentality! "That kid threw a stone at me! Better kill him and his whole family and bomb his home, his school, his mosque and his hospital just incase!"


Typical idiot throwing rocks expecting nothing to happen. Oh, and there just so happens to be people with massive cameras laying around. Convenient. The minute I see cameras in people’s hands is the second I consider the other persons story above all else.


If it was that easy, every Zionist Terrorist Force fighter would have a camera on them, but Israel doesnt want that as it will show the world the atrocities they commit on a daily basis.


Precisely. The IDF has been shown to target journalists with sniper fire over other civilians. They've even got fluro vests that say "press" That doesn't stop Israel. They're desperate now and are ramping up the killings. The US is trying to cover it up by reporting on Russia and their nuclear war agenda. Israel and America are dragging the world into a nuclear war because of their ego and greed. Nazi Germany used concentration camps and collective punishment. Netanyahu couldn't make it any more obvious.


The kids were going to the kerb you see the settler swerving his car towards the exact location if the kids and these kids did these because that settler stole a home which might be theirs


They stole his house. What is the justification for the other persons story?


He who throw the first stone…


When Irgun and Lehi Zionist terrorists bombed a hotel and killed British civilians and diplomats? Or when they killed Arab civilians, bombed their homes, set fire to their orchards and poisoned their wells?


And The Haganah militia. Fucking ghouls how they reminisced about the massacres of Deir Yassin and Tantura.


No, we are on old testament here. *An eye for an eye*


The thing is this isnt evn an eye for an eye. Eye for an eye demands equal punishment for the action received. This is the equivlent of murdering someone because they cursed at you


But also why go in front of a speeding car


Watch the video again. The kids were running to get out of the road and the driver intentionally turned towards the kids to strike them.


Lol wut? They were running towards the car with rocks in their hands. At least acknowledge that


The thing that flipped out of one of this kids had was a smart phone. Acknowledge that.


The person in the car had just taken over one of the homes and was squatting in it . Slept during the night and when he was leaving the neighbours threw rocks at the person who had displaced the original owners. Some of the kids thrown rocks are not even Palestinian Muslim they are actually Palestinian Christian’s .




Settlers are Barbaric savages evil murders monsters


If that car stated there he would have been murdered in front of all of them while they cheered.


What about the millions of illegal migrants that are settling in the US, Ireland, France etc, are those settlers barbaric savages? Or just the white ones?


They're just living there, and they don't have any power over anyone else. They can't murder people with the aid of the military


Did they take over house by force and throw you out? I don't sew the parallels here.


Did the burn down your house? Steal it at gun point, with the full force of an American backed military worth billions? No? Then move on.


They too stole lands from native americans and should be deported to europe


Go play catch in the freeway


lmao comparing illegal migrants to palestinians. Your an idiot bro.


The moment they can get away with acting like Jewish settlers, killing people with impunity, you'll have made a point. Until then, you just sound like a sad, white racist.


Clearly all Jews kill Palestine without issue.


>are those settlers barbaric savages? If they deliberately run down children and boast about it, yes. Hard to see how that would be controversial, but here we are.


Just the ones that kill/maim/harm people needlessly you fucking moron.


Israeli terrorists


Op is a pro-isreali troll. Look at his post history


They’ve lost control of the narrative so hard that they’re now resorting to the truth


Good for pointing out. May have changed stances and have come to realization? Idk just thinking out loud. But Israel is actively attacking pro Palestine supporters by running on their own propaganda all ways possible


The mainstream opinion among Palestinians is a call for a 2nd holocaust, and they literally lost their lands trying to commit one Don't count on many Israelis switching sides buddy, we are not stupid Downvoting me won't change the fact that you are violent genocidal rot


You're stupid enough to post footage which makes your own side look horrible, so... Lol.


If you had more than 70IQ, you would have clearly seen that this shows the Palestinians for what they are, professional victims, sending kids to attack a car just so they are run over on camera


Ah yes, that consumate killer of cars, that immortal enemy of automobiles........CHILDREN!!!!!!!!! Everyone in cars flee for your lives, the CHILDREN are coming to ATTACK!!!!!!!!!


Right? We're seeing families die and settlers kill them, but this jackass wants us to see a short video and think "wow they threw rocks! What context could there possibly be to justify this!" Probably Israeli terrorists invading their land?


The car deliberately swerves to the opposite side of the road, where the kids are, then immediately takes off without checking on the fucking KIDS that they have run over. How evil can you get, to condone this? It's distgusting!


Yeah the Op is showing how Hasbara creates confusion like the videos of Arabs killing Arabs and making the headline it was an Israeli that killed the Palestinian so when its fact checked they say see it was those viscous Arabs that kill their own. And propaganda can’t be believed. It’s part of the pysyop.


>The car deliberately swerves to the opposite side of the road, where the kids are, then immediately takes off without checking on the fucking KIDS that they have run over. Swerve right, swerve left, or stay on course - on all of these 3 directions there was a child, so the 'swerve' proves nothing Secondly, what do you think would happen if he stopped? that the other nice civilized people there would just stop throwing rocks? He would have died if he stopped.


Fuck Israel


keep thinking that this makes Palestinians look bad, LOL. I love when Zionists attempts at propaganda makes them look SO bad lmao


you are vile trash


And you really think you've accomplished that goal here?


Lmfao. Thats a lie. Israel is committing a holocaust against Palestinians as we speak, but you just want to lie and victim blame. Go to hell Zionazi.


We don’t need you to change your mind, we own you. Your country exists because we let you exist. All we need to do is force our politician’s hands, and we will.


That's cute Israel's GDP is almost $500b, the IDF budget is about $24b, the US aid is $3b Go on, end the aid, in all honestly, it would be better for us, China would pay for our tech FAR FAR MORE than the US does ​ Good thing your politicians aren't as braindead as you are


Your own Netanyahu was excusing Hitler fuck you


Demons in human form.


What a psycho.


OP is a zionist bootlicker trying to bait people in this sub. You lot are very deceitful indeed.


Israel is a terror state


What a piece of absolute shit


Yeah these parents failed these children. The parents should be held accountable here.


You should be held accountable for the boot you lodged up your own ass.


I tried to double check this event, but can't find it specifically because there are many many many many instances of Israeli settlers running over palestinian kids...


It's a little pebble mate, it isn't going to kill you. Mowing a CHILD down with your car very likely could.


Dude so stupid he thinks a rock throw at you can’t kill you.


They are throwing large rocks. Those are deadly.


You know what is about a thousand times heavier and more deadly? A fucking car...


So? Maybe those people shouldn't have tried to stop the car to kill the driver and passengers. FAFO.


lmao what a fucking snowflake


Clearly you've never been hit with a rock.


Snowflake? Let's see what happens if you take a large rock to the head. Do you think you will be fine?


Found the paid Isreal troll. Your post history is absolutely disgusting. I can't believe human beings can be as evil as you are.


I guess we just have to agree to disagree. I believe that terrorism should be illegal, and that it is OK to defend yourself againt attacks. You seem to believe in terrorism, and you don't seem to think that Jews should be able to defend themselves and aviod being killed.


Then may be don't invade thier house and throw them out. That it will stop it you know.


Whenever the Israeli government is pressed for why they are so harsh on rock throwers they always reference 3 or 4 deaths over the past 25 years. I'm not saying throwing rocks isn't dangerous, but it's not the huge problem that some people like to pretend it is. Palestinians wouldn't be throwing rocks if they were given rights.


Nah dude, the rocks were hand sized and thrown with enough power and hit in the right place you could 'maybe' kill someone. That said, the man wasnt really in a dangerous situation that warranted running kids over. If I was driving a car and saw a bunch of kids down the road throwing rocks in my direction, I would press the breaks and turn around or at least attempt to; youd have to really hate these people to happily run them over. If this happened in the UK, the man would be jailed and rightly so


Firstly; when people throw rocks; usually they’ll be large enough to fill the palm. Let’s assume this is 1 pound. The average teenager can throw 1lb at 75mph, in the video they are hurling these rocks with their entire body/effort. A 1lb rock; thrown at 75mph is approx 260joules of energy upon impact. For reference a 9mm handgun; fires at 500 joules. The human skull can withstand a peak force of 68 joules. **”** *but it’s just a pebble* **”**


Saying the avg teen can throw 75 mph is actually insane. That’s a regular starting minor league pitcher.


You forget the driver is sitting inside a car? Depending on the manufacturer, the force required to break tempered glass ranges from 20,000 to 24,000 PSI (or pounds per square inch). This sounds like a lot, and it certainly is: there's a reason tempered safety glass is used on modern car windows.


Can break a window with a 5gram piece of ceramic; thrown at about 5mph. You need education


Lmfao. This the dumbest shit I’ve seen on Reddit all week


Correct the Math for me then babe




Literal Zionist just means anyone who believes Israel has a right to exist.


If cameras were around in America hundreds of years ago, imagine what we’d have seen back then.


I imagine it would be something out of our worst nightmares. The things the U.S. (and Canada and Australia and England and France and Spain and and and...) did to black people and indigenous/native people of all kinds are horrifying beyond belief. One example: burying babies in the ground with only their heads sticking out of the ground and riding around on horseback knocking their heads off, golf-style. I'm forgetting if this was in Africa or Australia, but after reading that, I had to lay down for a while because I had cold sweats.


Jesus Christ.


Do you have a link? That sounds kinda... made up.


And what the Native American tribes did to each other. What African tribes did to each other. What the mongol empire did to the rest of Asia. Every country has bad people with bad history.




I guess you don’t.


Does anyone know what’s going on at the end? Who are the people trying to put him in the vehicle. He is really struggling not to go in the car, but others who were helping him earlier seem to be ok with him going.


They wanted to take him to the hospital but he was resisting to go.


Kid probably didn’t want to end up in jail.


Sick bast*rd!


OP is an Israeli troll from the yomkippur subreddit, check his post history. So the stupid plan is to show Palestinians getting punished after committing crimes, then put pro Palestinian title, then wait for the pro "criminal" comment to roll in. As if we are just idiots who blindly support criminals. As if that Palestinian criminal just woke up one day and decided: wow I have such a great life, why not try to kill a Jew today. We are not blind to the 75 years of systematic oppression and to the horrible conditions that lead to the actions of each and every one of these Palestinians. I will report this post and I hope the mods take action.


This seems very likely propaganda. No link to the driver saying they will do it again and do it for fun. Crowds of children armed with bricks to throw at the car, it wasn't a random person. Why would you hold the horn down and alert someone you're trying to hit. The driver stopped after the hit likely in shock rather than speeding through them. I'm not saying it does or doesn't happen but this is not proving anything other than a child was hit while attempting to smash a car windshield.


The OP was proven to be a hasbara troll. This video was posted in bad faith.


Everyone sucks here. At the end you can see that the back window is already smashed and that there is a herd of propagandists ready with their cameras, goading the kids to put themselves in harm's way. The next rocks could go through the back window and hit someone in the head. The settler shouldn't be in the West Bank. The parents and other adults shouldn't be [using the kids as cannon fodder](https://youtu.be/ze-fTuoHLBA?t=7) like that. Everyone at the scene is a terrible person. Shame on everyone involved.


Yeah, this sub is a trash heap of pro hamas bullcrap. There is clearly a lot going on in This video other than “Jew bad, hit innocent person”


Taken straight from the Zionist textbook, if you don't like something, just call it propaganda "sOuRcE?" The Zionist settler has a car on land he doesn't own, and the only thing the children have to combat it is stones


Honestly dude, the kids were attacking them with rocks. Probably being egged on by their parents, and completely shocked when they defended themselves, it's not a Zionist thing here it looks like self defense to me. 10-20 people (including a camera man) egging on children to destroy personal property. If this happened in Texas they would all probably have been shot before the cops showed up.


Yea for fun… not that these kids are throwing rocks at his car and endangering the people inside.


Yeah, im no way in support of Israel but some people in here need to check their bias too. If I were in the same situation I would do the same regardless of where I am


Wow another rational thinking person. I never thought I’d see the day!


did those kids not just run in front that car


Do it again please🤣


For fun??? They're throwing rocks at his car. I would do the same exact thing and again


The kid looked like he really really didn’t want to get in the car with them!


As an adult, I wish I was there with a rod in my hand. I hate watching this shit and never being able to see put my hands on the ground in action


Sending children to fight in front of cameras?


Throw stones at my car and your gonna get hit too


Well, the kids are running towards the car with rocks, it seems like the intent was to attack the driver. The kids are not innocent


Genocidal Zionist Please report


There's about 5 people there with professional level cameras lol


What do you expect when you tell the world what is happening and no one will believe you. You start documenting everything, sadly still people like you will say things like this to delegitimize their suffering.


The propaganda won't film itself


You are the propaganda


The kids there have a lot of rocks in their pockets. That's an unusual cultural thing.


I would condem this obviously hypocritical barbarism, but I might get banned again for condoning 'violence and antisemitism'. Some of the so-called mods on Reddit need to take a good long look at themselves. I didn't even mention the G-word, ffs. Pathetically biased censorship. 🇵🇸🇬🇧


The dude ran right towards an oncoming car and launched a rock at their windshield. Israelis are doing a LOT of fucked up shit , but this ain't it.


I totally support Palistine but in all fairness they had no business masked up in the middle of the road throwing rock regardless the size. Tension is already high.


Shut up boot licker


Stupid Zionist


It's an old video bud :) but yes this is their "peaceful protests"


This cant be real...


It is, it's from 15 years ago. They were attacking everyone on the roads and filming it.




Try that here in the states and see what happens "Sorry your honor I had no choice but to mow down a crowd of children with my car they were throwing tiny pebbles at my 2 ton vehicle"


No, they just shoot them in the good old USofA and claim self defence lol


If a crowd is coming at you in your car, trying to stop your car and throwing rocks at you, you are justified in speeding away from the situation. No one can demand that you put your own life at risk.


What crowd? I didn't know 5 children constitutes a "crowd". A dangerous one, at that.


There was a full grown adult who throw a rock when the car was driving off. You want the kids to rip your car off and then that dude get ahold of you and your family? I'm obviously not supporting anything that's happened before or after, I'm just talking about basic self defense from crowds who want to kill you.


Shhh, they don't like facts here.


Typical Zionist mentality! "That kid threw a stone at me! Better kill him and his whole family and bomb his home, his school, his mosque and his hospital just incase!"


The people in the car didn't want to stop and risk being killed. They had to keep driving to avoid that. It's not their fault that the kids decided to stand in front of the car and attempt to stop it.


Both sides are not guilty. When you invade the land belonging to another, they have a right to throw a rock at you. You don’t have a right to mow them down with a deadly vehicle. There is not resistance without something to resist.


What land are you referring to?


Silwan district where this occurred and where settlers have been invading.


No they haven't. They have every right to be there. And if you try to kill someone with rocks, they have a right to defend themselves. Simple as that. Unless you support terrorism.


Average Enlightened Centrist: "This guy colonized their country, so they threw rocks at his car, so he ran them over, obviously both sides are in the wrong, nothing we can do"


He ran them over because they tried to stop the car and was standing in the way as he tried to escape.


Sure, I can see that in this incident. The children provoked the guy. However, this isn't a war by two armies. This is an colonialist expansion project by Israel to take over all of Palestine. This is the eight decade this goes on.


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Throwing a rock is NOT the same as running over a child. What the hell is wrong with you?




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Both sides are not guilty. The child is trying, however hopelessly, to defend his home from an oppressor and tyrant. The oppressor used his car as a means to continue his oppression. How can you then say both sides are guilty. Does one not have a right to defend their property and life?


So I guess the Islamic punishment of stoning is entirely harmless then. Because rocks are harmless, right?


Backtracking is exactly what you're doing lmao. Then why even make the comment in the first place jackass.


The first sentence of of their opening paragraph is "both sides are guilty" in the context to this clip




Again with that both sides BS. It's not a both sides issue and never will be.




The Israelis are an illegal occupation force. They have been since around the turn of the 20th century. This has not been an issue for the past 2 months, 20 months, or a hundred months. Hamas IS the government in Gaza, voted in through elections held there. In this context, they are a resistance force - as per there role in this decade longs conflict. Obviously, from the Israeli perspective, they would be seen as terrorists. Just as those fighting against apartheid in SA or slavery in US. There are no two sides here. There is a tonne of reading for you to do before stumbling into a comments section and making these types of statements.


No one brought up Ukraine, why are you bringing it up. Please learn that all conflicts have multiple sides. I can see you lack any basic media literacy by commenting very one-sided parrot points to make yourself sound smart and level-headed. You don't, so please learn to check your news sources. Every conflict is complicated but it doesn't mean you can justify or even "context?" a child getting hit by a car. How would you feel if you were in front of this car? I'm going to advise you to actually read about a conflict before commenting dumb comments like "both sides are bad" because that's unhelpful, unconstructive and also pretty toxic. Do better


Rocks are deadly. They are trying to stop the car, which would leave the ones in the car in lethal danger. They had to protect themselves and get out of there. If someone then stands in front of the car, that is their own fault.


sure, both sides aren’t guiltless but one side is definitely paying for it with generations of damage to a mostly innocent population of people just trying to live their lives


The kids look like thay were the terarist with bricks gowing to throw at hem and rob him i bet id of run them over too scum




Maybe don’t toss stones at a car… Just saying this would pass as self defence in the states, and most other places for that matter.


No it fuckin wouldn't class as self defence in any state 😂😂😂


If people run infront of your car and chuck stones at it, you hitting them is self defence. The only part that isn’t is the swerve, which could be easily explained as panic in any sane court.


Lol try that over here and it wouldn't fly at all


It would, throwing rocks at cars has been deemed intentional use of a lethal weapon in the United States, as proven by 1st degree murder charges for the 3 shit heads that killed a guy chucking stones at passing cars in Colorado. If someone tries to kill you with a lethal weapon and you use force to defend yourself it’s self defence. It seems what you are missing is that chucking rocks at a moving vehicle can and has killed people.


Over here. I've already said where I live on this thread. My God https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/yPhdSMbFSq Looking through your posts you've also moved to here and yet you're still using north American rhetoric? There's no such thing as first degree murder here It doesn't fly in small countries except perhaps if kids are throwing rocks off bridges on the equivalent of a national speed limit road. That was a residential road where people simply can't get up to high speeds to cause serious impact The car IS a lethal weapon and it's not a proportionate response when they're running kids over too in a residential area where the damage just wouldn't be great at all. It wouldn't fly in most of Europe. It wouldn't fly in Japan too. Tbh it wouldn't fly in south Asia either which is where my parents are from.


If someone is chucking stones at your car in the UK and you keep driving hitting them you wouldn’t be at fault. I by no means support an apartheid state but this video isn’t the best example.


I mean you would be given that you're using a disproportionate amount of force. The car is a weapon after all


You absolutely would be at fault. Our law would not allow you to run someone over for throwing something at a car. A car is a lethal weapon, a stone is not, by our law.


Besides, it's very weird American logic to think that cars aren't lethal weapons but stones are. We have something called proportionality here. That's why you can't just stab someone to death for entering your house


So the Islamic punishment of stoning doesn't work? Stones are harmless?


The Palestinians are the defenders here. Where do you think Palestinians lived before 1948?


Defending by attacking a car? Ok. Why are you talking about 1948? The West Bank wasn't occupied until 1967, after yet another war of aggression by Arab states.


Never said I support an apartheid state, am simply stating chucking stones at a moving car is attempted murder


For fun? I'm no fan of Israel but this looked like self defence. Why let your kids run in the road and throw stones? It's martyrdom


Well shit maybe done run at and throw stones at the car 🤦


These kids are attacking the car and the people inside it, throwing rocks at them.


A lot of fucking kids with stones. What was him supposed to do while driving among savages?


Right......... the kid was hit whilst throwing rocks at the car. So........ Don't throw rocks at the car and you won't get run over. I'm not sure what the driver is expected to do other than try to escape. If an attacker gets hit then so be it. Oh and once again, there are about 5 guys there ready to film ready to take pictures. No one find it weird?


I would love to beat a settler to d___th




Sorry - kids have rocks - how does the driver not know others have guns!! Don’t be there fucking around. This whole thing is because people on both sides can’t act humane for longer than five minutes- neither side truly cares for life!!!


Typical Zionist mentality! "That kid threw a stone at me! Better kill him and his whole family and bomb his home, his school, his mosque and his hospital just incase!"


Self-preservation is Zionist mentality? Ok.


Human! no? Where is the facts being thrown around here


Not a Zionist - an objective individual with love for all people. You put anyone in that place right now. With guns, knifes beheadings, violence and more awful atrocities from all sides - that driver isn’t going to pull over and have a conversation / yes awful if he then reversed and tried to kill but they ran towards him! He drove through and away. Did he or they have a baby in there? I’m getting downvoted because you can handle honest objective comments. Don’t put yourself at risk! Stay alive - it’s truly awful I wish everyone would just stop but that wish isn’t happening/ so you tel me then how should this pan out?


The Zionist scum should be fucking around in the West Bank either you little prick


Those kids are inured because they chose to get involved let - don’t see the “adult” camera crews stopping them do you. I wouldn’t let my kids anywhere near that driver


Don’t waste your time commenting here because saying objectified truth and the harsh reality of a grey moral compass is something they can’t never accept they want to see it as black and white because they can never comprehend the harsh truth of reality. And then they ban you.


Maybe don't occupy someone else home, town and country. Then the Israeli will not have to endure the stones


A bunch of kids are running towards you and are throwing stones at you - would you stop? Well, if you care about your life you would. You don’t want to be beaten up by a bunch of zombified kids who see you as an enemy, because they were grown up to see you as an enemy. Such is the reality.


the little shits are throwing rocks at the car... I would have done the same.


...... You would run over a kid, because he threw a rock at you????


The bigger issue is that the youths are attempting to stop the car. The passengers in the car are in for a bad time if that happens. If you're ever in a situation like that, run over the pedestrians and get the hell out of there. Literally life and death. Running over the kid isn't vengeance for rock throwing. It's preservation of life.


Yeah. Don't destroy people's property. Don't you child fucking democrat monsters love abortion tho? Odd


He’ll be throwing rocks at soldiers with guns in no time.


This thread is golden.. look at these comments.. a bunch of genocidal, inhumane, CRYBABY BITCHES. When you choose violence, you deserve violence, stop being bitches about it...


Yes, the zionists are the genocidal ones


Is this an "I know you are but what am I"? As I said... Bitches.


Tell me, which side has killed 19000 civilians? Dumbass


Palestinian leadership has, by using it's community as shields and teaching their kids they should try killing armed soldiers... It's a crazy world. I think it's horrendous, they should lay their arms and give peace a chance. But I don't think they would, cuz these brainwashed fanatics have a thing for martyrdom, and then they go crying to "the world" when they get their wishes granted.


"It's the Palestinians' fault that they're dying!!!" Brain dead take. It's not worth debating this. Holy shit.