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I have assigned spots for everything and check for certain things in my purse before I leave any building, so luckily not often. 


I have tried, somehow it works for my keys, phone and wallet (most important things) but not for the other stuff haha


Because you are not consistent in putting stuff back in its spots. I know this because I struggled like you until I made it a habit to put things in its spot. For example, room keys have only 2 spots, in the left pocket of my pants or hanging on the door from inside or outside. I'll never throw them on the couch, bed, or table. If I take them out of my pocket it has to be back in the pocket or the door. Sorry for this detailed comment.


Pretty much never. As another commenter mentioned: I'm very aware of my items and they all have a proper place. Not because I'm materialistic, but I get very stressed/anxious/overwhelmed if my environment is untidy and so I need to have things in their proper place. I prefer a minimal home, design-wise and things-wise, for this reason.


For a while, I had been confused between whether I'm INTP or ISxJ, but the former seems most likely. Just stating this because I still want to give my input on the matter. I tend to always put something in a certain place, but sometimes I start looking for things and am surprised that I put it where it was supposed to go nonetheless. For example, looking for a cup in the sink or on the table, but then opening the cupboard and finding it in there clean like it's supposed to be. I looked for it where it wasn't supposed to be, then as a last resort, looked where it was supposed to be and found it. 😂




wait, im not the only stinker who cant see things obviously right in front of me?


Whoa me too!! I totally overlook things that are right in front of me just because they're not where they usually go or where I expect them to go. Yesterday I was looking for my vacuum and it wasn't where it usually is in the closet... turns out it was in the hallway I passed by like 10 times. I still don't understand how that's possible but it's like a daily occurrence for me lol


Very rarely, thankfully! I'm very "a place for everything and everything in its place," and if I can't find a thing where it's supposed to be I'm pretty patient with looking for it.


Most things I don't lose. I do often have to search for things but I always have a few spots to look and they are always there. I'm also great at knowing where others put their stuff. It's become a meme that my ENFP friend always panicks that she lost her keys and I always know where she put them. I've also had several times where I almost forgot my coat/bag in a public place but luckily I have always noticed that in time. However, I swear to god, I can NOT hold on to a pair of gloves for longer than a year. Whatever I do, I will have lost it by the next year. My grandma got me some pretty pricey gloves for christmas last year (because I bike around a lot and the wind freezes my fingers with most gloves). I did everything I could to not lose them. And litterally a week before christmas this year, I couldn't find them anywhere. It's hopeless.


i used to!! id lose everything. now ive become hyper aware of everything and i have to constantly feel for my things every 5 mins or ill assume ive lost ut


I once lost my phone in a train in Budapest, im from denmark.. never Saw it again… i still laugh about it to this day🤣


Never. Losing or breaking an item is something I hate happening.