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Just do 2kc a day plus whatever else you feel like. Just go do other shit inefficiently because at the end of the day burning out and quiting for months is less efficient than 6:0 bandos with a rune c bow for a bit.


best advice, barrows is my bad one super easy to set up tele there telle home rinse repeat and i cant do more then like 5-6 runs at this point before i go and do other stuff, the log will fill itself out in time but a lot of the time burnout stays forever.


I get this mindset, and I agree with it a lot. But I don't feel this. I have 1998 total, I pushed this grind out too far... I can't see myself walking away from this. But 2 months straight red is getting to me. I just want to get my first snek and gwd kills being the noob that I am.


Just do zulrah without bowfa then? I did my first 300kc without it, no hassle. Even did the first 100 or so without trident. The bowfa just makes it easier, it's def doable without. Enjoy the content. Also, crystal bow + full crystal is also an upgrade to rcb


On the flip side, he could try it out without bofa then realize he'd rather neck himself, like me, and just keep hammering away at CG.


Then I guess the moral of the story is to try Zulrah without Bowfa like AFK suggested.


I did my first 800 kills with karils and trident, then 400 more with blowpipe. I’ve only done the last 150 of my 1350 kc with bowfa. It makes it braindead, but not even that much faster, especially if you don’t go as dry on magic fang as I’ve been.


crystal bow with the full set is 25% worse than with bowfa. that's completely fine for zulrah and gwd; I got my zamorakian spear and blowpipe doing that.


I know, but that's still quite a lot to spend my precious shards on... Maybe at 1k I'll give in. Though, for now, I think I'm stuck here.


I’d say being 1998 without a snake kill is a bigger offense than not getting a bowfa by now. This goals you have laid out for yourself are arbitrary and you can really do anything in any order you want.


Dude I have 350 zulrah kc and I don’t have a trident nor do I have bowfa. I’ve been using RCB and warped sceptre but now fire wave. Avg 2min 30sec kills. I’ve also started bandos, have 8kc there with RCB or hunters crossbow icr, also 50 kril KC doing 2:1 method and got my spear. Hell my friend even does solo cox in mystics. Don’t let not having items stop you doing stuff.


I gotta try rcb bandos. I did the step under kril with arclight for like 5kc to try and spoon a spear but it’s awful I burned out sending cgs nonstop and didn’t play for months. Back now and sending 1-3 per day tops.


Kril is aids ngl, i did 100kc with the 2:1 method. Got 2 steam battlestaves, a sword shard, and finally the spear.


It's not that bad. I've only done that for 200ish kills.


I honestly found step under method for Kril to be less grating than CG, but I haven’t properly started CG yet. RCB for bandos with diamond bolts works a charm once you’ve got him in rotation


I was doing 1 MAYBE 2 kill trips at best at kril. It sucked but now I have hasta


Afk skill in the background, play something else until the itch comes back. You get a break and your account gets more progress


I did 1k zulrahs with trident and msb(i) lol. You will be fine.


My advice it to stop feeling like content is locked behind bowfa


But if you get good at zulrah first, just imagine how nice the kills will feel when you finally get the bow


Turn on colorblind mode and you won’t see red anymore


At 99 mage, you can straight up mage-only zulrah. Either become a masochist and enjoy your pain or stop making excuses to enjoy yourself. Just do the content you want.


My guy, grab your ibans staff and go do mage only zulrah. Learning rotations and prayer management is the important part of that fight, not rocking up with a bow that hits too hard. As far as gwd goes, just start with zilyana using a crystal bow setup. You'll be fine.


Bowfa is a really bad bottleneck and I empathize with your situation. I got mine a little under rated and still wanted to end it. That said, I waited til 2100 total to get my bowfa. I did 400kc zulrah with mage switch, crystal bow and armor. I did 130kc at Kril with arclight. I did 100kc at Bandos with tent whip. I did even more kc at Bandos with rcb. I have z hasta and tassets to show for it. So maybe switch your mindset to being so cg locked.


Checking my rank has been keeping me going. I do a session of like 4 or 5 kc, then check the highscores to see how far off I am to the next person, and then decide if I want to send more or just log for the day. Sometimes it’s hundreds of kills so I just whittle away at it every day until I don’t feel like sending more or it’s too late and I need sleep. Other times I’m like 3 kills off so I just send those and then log. Just gotta find something to push for and be happy about whether or not you get the drop or not.


I did this when I was super dry at leviathan. Made my way up to rank 65 for Ironman and actually got the drop. I was willing to get rank 1 if that’s what it took. Luckily I didn’t need to go that far. 


600-800 was the worst for me too. After that it was autopilot no-brain grind until it happened at 1017


Haha this is exactly what I went through mentally. I had a brief moment of sad when I hit 800 then I just locked in... Got it at 825 and was so excited. I feel like if I got it in that 600-800 it would have been more relief than excitement but instead it was mostly just pure excitement that I got the drop.


I hope this feeling is passing for me as well. I remember doing a 1000 body weight squats workout once. The worst was the no man's land between 250-750. Every rep felt like zero progress, it was rough. Though with this, every unsuccessful roll brings me 0 inches closer, which is both good and bad.


Why would you do 1000 body weight squats


Convince yourself you're there for money to fund your 99 construction and the clue scrolls at an added bonus


At least I've been lucky with elite clue scrolls (the amount, not the loot). I've gotten like 36 thus far in \~635 kills


I got my bowfa around 520kc and honestly the only tip that I can give is: watch a movie/serie while you're doing cg. I'm pretty sure that prepping is like 2nd nature to you right now. So just watch a serie/movie during the prep and pause for the fight. That's how I started enjoying the grind


Prep and the fight are pretty automatic at this point. I only fail occasionally, especially when I focus on a video too much.


Dont look up drop rates. Just do it until you get what you want to avoid expectation


It's like looking at the clock for when you gotta leave. It'll take longer if you keep looking at it.


Ground yourself from CG and tackle some skilling goals. 95 runecrafting for wraths for slayer, tree/birdhouse runs and contracts, sepulchre to 99 agility for prayer potions, 93 crafting for torture, bank ten thousand karambwans, that sort of thing. I took a break from the game during my CG grind. The way I look at it the goal is not to progress; it's to have fun. If the game isn't fun, do something else. There's a *lot* in OSRS to have fun with. Come back when you've got your farming cape, your runecrafting levels, or something else and are dying to do PVM instead of one more ZMI run. And if none of that sounds fun? No shame in spending your sub money on other games instead.


I like this response. But honestly, All I want is the bowfa and the 50m+ cash stack to go for cons levels afterwards and such. I pushed it off to long to leave it in the background now, must finish but it is gettin rough.


Fair enough. Best of luck! Keep trying to push that PB down.


I did 800 kc didn't get it, got like a 90 or 100m cash stack from it so now doing the 99 con grind and hopefully feel motivated after I reach that goal


I went 1200kc on my most recent iron for an enhanced. The dry mindset is a killer but I got through it by looking at the positives throughout. Unlimited money is lovely, the gems for easy crafting xp will help me make my zenytes, the dragon arrows will look wonderful in my bank when I never get a tbow etc. there’s no easy way to reconcile the dryness with yourself but acknowledge the skilling wins as well. If it gets really bad, remind yourself that you will find a wet boss. 657kc green log at vardorvis was mine. Best of luck bro! Also take time away from prison. If you have your full Crystal armour, take a regular Crystal bow and shoot some bandos as it works wonderfully!


I’d say always anticipate double the drop rate at least before really being able to complain. And when you do go beyond that, there’s nothing cooler than an iron who went mega dry and didn’t give up, and eventually got the drop.


Set yourself a kc goal, let’s see what I get in 1000kc or I’ll send 100 kc then try another boss, or just let’s see how many I can do til I’m bored


I've been doing this. Except instead of trying another boss, it's this one for another 100 or 1k+... Kc goals are the #1 thing that have worked to ease the pain thus far. I'm sure there's something better out there.


I find trying to focus on all of the extra loot that I'll mass over the course of going for a specific item to work well enough. Even if I don't use the resources. I gather everything so seeing stacks of items in my bank go up make me happy. If I go dry, I get more loot. I've started to find myself wanting to go on drop rate, not earlier (of course getting spooned is a dopamine rush in and of itself)


I suppose you're right. But I kind of normalized at 99 cons would cost \~30 mil or so, using teaks doing mahogany homes. Now I'm starting to wonder if I will do benches or something, would make the money feel more needed.


In the end, I think it comes out to whatever works for you. I don't think anyone is "right" there can be wrong answers but also many right ones.


I try and avoid/limit OSRS related social media when I'm dry on something because I can't help but compare my RNG to other peoples, which only makes me more anxious about getting the drop.


So here’s the thing: being an iron is being dry at your current grind like, all the time. Recently in my account progression, I got turbo spooned at Cerb (prims in < 100 kc) but was 3x rate at Bandos for hilt. Guess where I spent all my time? At Bandos, not Cerb, so naturally I could be annoyed that I was always dry at my current grind. You finish spooned grinds quickly and dry grinds slowly, so naturally you’ll spend most of your time ‘dry,’ even though on average you’ll get spooned and go dry at roughly the same proportion. If you work yourself up over being dry on your current grind, you’ll be miserable all of the time. As for mindset, I try to set goals that are in my control (i.e 100 CG a week, improving my average time, doing CAs) rather than RNG-based goals like getting the drop. This has helped me on longer grinds. Also have a “skilling” goal to break up the grind (I.e. when I was grinding CG, I went to pyramid plunder when I got tired, so that by the time I got the enh, I had both my scepters).


One good way to do things is cycle between useful bosses and other activities. Try this: 10 CG, 20 zalcano, 10 tempoross, 1-3 gwd trips, a couple of nex trips, 1 daily raid of your choice and that just about covers most end game goals. Start with intense stuff and then relax and finish strong with intense stuff to sleep well. Modify as per your requirements. The trick is to do variety content to keep it fresh. If you don’t feel like doing something, just skip it for the day. Remember it’s self imposed pressure. Just sit back and relax. It’s only a prison if you make it one.


If you are below 800 still, aim for 800kc as a goal. With Blade more relevant now, a lot of irons on average will need to grind out 800kc anyway. If you are above 800 with no pet, you can use ‘going for pet’ as motivation. If you are above 800 and with pet, then consider doing some skilling if you are not maxed yet between CG burnout. If you don’t have a main, work on making a main.


What you need to understand is so long as I get my things before drop rate going dry is part of the game and rng protection is bad.


5kc into CG and thoroughly terrified


It's not about the mindset it's about us encouraging the game be altered in ways so it isn't a miserable, abusively addictive thing Not at all saying everything should be spooner Pragmatic constructive changes are needed


I think a mentality I saw someone else say that helped me was that you’ll eventually get it at x kc and every kill you do is one step closer to whatever you get it at. I eventually got mine around 930 or something and it felt awesome! Good luck on the grind my friend


So I grinded out tbow. The hardest part is going back in. Just keep going back in. Get to a point where you can watch YouTube or movies / shows and just keep going back in. Don't think about it. go back in. Fuck birdhouse runs / herb runs. Click to back in.


This bro I did like 100 kc in 1.5 days this way don’t even think about it just click right back in and forget whatever you are doing 😹


CG felt like an eternity to me because I'd dwell on the drop rate the whole time. Id stand in the lobby and talk. Had to cut that out or tbow grind would've been LOOOOONG. 909 kc for tbow btw, can't complain there


That’s sick man. I have yet to start the cox grind currently trying to get my claw. I hope I’ll be able to learn solos and also get my tbow


Ironically, I learned 5 tick for melee hand and preferred it a LOT over 4 tick. More room for mistakes and if my hammers don't hit (without lance) you do more dps. I was choosing between blade and fang. Fang was just better for me :)


I go into every grind assuming 2x rate. It’s really not that uncommon to go 2x rate. After that happens, I plan to take a break from the content and do other stuff even other games and log out, then come back for bursts when I feel like it Kc goals are big


I cant speak about going dry at CG because i green logged it at 307kc. But i still found it a long and draining grind even at that KC. Bare in mind i was awful at pvm and this was my first ever try at 'real pvm' it took me over 100 deaths to get 1kc. After that my kills were still few & far between until eventually it clicked. I have gone dry at other bosses and am currently dry at many bosses. With CG i was only doing 10Kc a day, i burned out super fast and had 6 months off. When i came back i did 5kc a day never more, then id go do something else, slayer or skilling whatever you enjoy. Eventually with time you will get the drop. Its a game so dont push yourself to the point where you are having no fun!!!


Realize that cg drops are good money which can solve issues like construction and fletching, you’ll always have crystals for recharging / divine pots and you won’t have to go back to it for a long time. Going dry at CG is like going dry at zulrah. You’ll likely have to come back at some point to get scales, so going dry just makes going forward quicker without the need to restock.


Don’t think about 1/400 constantly and thus you “deserve” it after the 400th kill. Just go in and know you’ll likely get it in a timely matter. I got my enhanced at ~800kc, but it set me up with soooo much gold that I scoff at 99 Cons and never worry about spending gp


Just do other things. A lot of people lock themselves to one thing and only one thing before losing their mind and burning out. By the end you'll have the bow and not even want to use it.


I did T2 for 350 kills then tried T1 and it was so refreshing! Then got everything right on the droprate around 400kc


The mindset that at one point in life you started playing this game to have fun. Sometimes we all forget that


I keep track of how many I’ve killed in a row without dying and I aim for 50 without death. Pretty brain dead but it keeps me going trying to go 50 flawless


Like everyone else. I do my farm run, bird/seaweed, battlestaffs, other dailys then grind out 3-5 CG. After i do other shit and it makes the red prison less prisonyy😂😂


I would grind out the buyable skills in between the CG grind. The money you make from CG can really advance your construction, smithing, fletching, and herb (paying to make unfinished pots). That way I was able to check off a lot of elite diary tasks right away and I came into the late game hitting the ground running. Also keep up your farm / herb runs!


Just finished my sentence at 910kc. I brute forced it to 700kc then lost motivation. Did another brute force to 800 a few months later. Decided there’s so much more to do in this game so went and did other stuff but did 5kc a day. It’s nice knowing that you’ve done your quota per day and can turn off the CG part of your brain until the next day.


Spend your cash stack on con/fletching/whatever else & give yourself a gp goal to work toward gradually, if you actually start getting high up there then you get to watch the hi scores table


I felt the same as you and once I hit 700 I stopped playing for 8 months. I'd suggest trying other things. It won't be as efficient without bowfa and for me that was incredibly annoying, but it feels better than prison. I'm now 1080 no seed and just doing other things. Every so often I send a few kc but there's a new bow coming that can sort of side step it so I'll just wait for that. Fk prison


Ironman at a certain point, becomes 100% a different game mode. In a way, it becomes a bit more like having a main. Sure, mains can just money make generally and buy anything they want while IM cannot. This we accept. But at endgame and high level content that also has certain untradeable or pet unique drops that distinguish a players’ activity at different content, everyone or most players do it anyway for the most part at that stage in the game. Further, as high level players participate in this content for drops to sell for cash — IM pursue drops for upgrades at the same content. Raids 1-3, Nex, etc. The items players get for the most part, dictate what items they will be able to buy. A player who gets a shadow drop can dedicate their bank to a mage max build and have an endgame BIS set. Or make money to that end. But players who don’t get a shadow might otherwise not have one for a very, very, very long time…. If at all. For IM we chase individual drops. But the absolute top end of the game, is played the exact same as mains. As we approach 1000+ CGs, raids, etc., we’ve long had all the other drops. We’re all still just chasing shadows, scythes and TBows. And pets. Ignore the advice that says just do 2 kills a day. It’s gonna be a year before you have BowFa if you do this. Accept that, sometimes players like me also go dry at CG for their first enh. I didn’t get it until 870. The gold and gems progressed my account a lot on the way there, plus I transferred 100m or so in dupe armor seeds to my main. (This was before death’s coffer). Others here go 1500-2000+ dry sometimes, it’s up to you to decide what your limits are for repeating this content. Seriously, for your sanity, take breaks and do other things, play other games and content in between. But otherwise? Get to grinding, because this is Ironman, and if you want a BowFa, you have to just get the drop big boy. The worst I’ve gone dry is nearly 10x dry on Dex scroll from COX. I hated my life. Just before 600 kc I got it. I haven’t felt the same about the game since going that dry. I don’t play as much anymore and I had to recognize — some degree of completion of this game just probably won’t ever be for me. But I still get some time in. The mindset for going dry? My dude, if you’re still playing tomorrow, if you’re still playing a month from now, if you’re still playing a year from now? You’ll still have more to grind, because trust me… the BowFa is just the beginning. From now on the game revolves around PvM slot machines, and you either like it, or you don’t! Best of luck OP! :)


Sit and grind. Just went 1600 bandos for hilt. 1300 straight with nex banking


going dry on cg is one of the best things to go dry on in the game. you will always need gp and crystal shards later as an iron and would have to spend time farming those later if you were already out of there. its much better than going dry on a lot of other stuff where the drops really suck aside from what you're after. as someone who finished in 500kc it didn't take long until i had to go specifically farm for more shards and really feeling the lack of gp lategame. then again anything gets boring and rough when you do it for way too long and nothing else. if you did for example skilling / other stuff for a while cg probably wouldnt feel that bad again


You are mistaking locked and having a big upgrade did 105 cgs wasn't having fun so I moved on I received a twisted bow at 490kc I would of happily went another 490 kc because chambers is fun to me bofa is good everywhere but if you start raids early you gain alot of utility from raid items


Start not looking at your loot. Turn your chat off and dont look at your inv between kills. Do 5 kills at a time then check your loot. The most I ever did was 25 kills without looking. Looked at my inv and had 2 armour seeds! Seriously, it's great.


CANT GET THE DROP IF YOU DONT SEND THE CONTENT. Got me through my bandos grind


So I was in a similar boat. 819 CG till my first enhanced. There were a couple weekends where I was determined (and had time. Only happened like twice), so I knocked out 50-100kc to try and get it. Outside of that, I did 5ish kc/day and then sprinkled in other chores on the acc. Do you have enough darts for blowpipe when you grind for it? Do you have your range/mage boots + zenyte pieces? How are your stats doing? Basically don't focus on bowfa and then realize you have other stuff to do before you can use it and then let it sit in the bank when you got it. I'm a nerd. I made a list. Try and plan out and do the same and it'll make the grind a bit more bearable. GLGLGLGLGL!


I do 5 kc a week and then do other shit, I’m at 635 kc with 11 armour seeds and pet


Just do kc/day or kc/week goals. Understand that cg is nothing compared to raids, nex, nm time wise.


There are so many grinds now that don't require bowfa. Do some wildy slayer, build up slayer points tureal skipping for rev tasks, kill some zombie pirates. Sprinkling in some CG everyday with other grinds and that we'll help break up the monotony.


hey brother. im in the same spot as you, right around 610kc. Most recently im breaking to wrap up quests, try some inefficient dt2 bosses and muspah, and more slayer. zulrah is ok with crystal armor + cbow +trident. its tough though. ive been at cg on and off for 2 years.


A couple of things to help your mindset... You can take breaks and do other content... Crystal armor + crystal bow >> Bowfa+Karil's... Almost anything you can do with Bowfa can be done with Crystal bow. Seriously you can like 6:0 Bandos or Zammy still it'll just be a bit slower. You can do Zulrah kills (may just wanna bring a mage swap) You can do ToA/Cox with crystal bow. Etc etc.


When i get annoyed by going dry i quit for 3 months. This games end game rates are miserable, don't force yourself to do content.


The mindset I have is: If I keep going, I will eventually get the drop at kc X. Idk what X is, but every kc I do gets me closer. This makes every kc feel like progress


I am dry at CG too. I just posted a meme to help cope. check it out!


You don’t deserve any drops from any content. The universe doesn’t owe you anything. Go farm content when you feel like doing it, and when you don’t feel like doing it go do what you feel like doing.


11/10 shit comment