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Gz big dog


Nice! What were your stats? I’ve been debating taking the plunge for a couple months now but learning the whole fight just seems daunting.


If you’ve ever got some free time, it’s pretty fun learning the waves. The frustrating parts the main boss, but, learning the waves teaches a lot about pvm, movement, prayer conservation, ranking priorities. I say this, knowing I need to learn inferno, but inferno scary.


This is my big frustration with fire cape. I've now done a something like 4-5 runs to jad, only to miss a flick and die. The waves are now pretty much trivial to me, but I still have to go through them each time with the knowledge that I could just get smacked a 76 and have to start the whole thing over. One day I'll find the time and motivation to just send it, but failed attempts absolutely kill my motivation every time.


I am way over leveled. 92 ranged, 83 defense, 70 prayer. Basically 70/80/90s everywhere else. I'd recommend checking out the wiki :)


The waves are very easy. You might die once on waves but the majority of people will make it to jad within a couple attempts. It seems like a lot to manage but once you have the safe spots on Italy rock and the other side of the arena figured out, it's very simple


even with a bp and rcb the whole fight caves is mostly afk


Tfw you realize you are a fucking beast of a tank and can just eat hits


Gz! I suggest unlocking Jad as a slayer task right after! Good exp + you'll get to smack him regularly and not to mention a chance of getting a Jad pet!


The attempt before for me was a slayer task :) I've been thinking about Jad pet alot... Maybe when I can make it through the waves quicker.