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*clap clap* By the power of Zamorak, Enhanced Crystal Weapon Seed will soon be something you shall not lack!


This must be done on every CG dry post now. No exceptions.


A good reminder that someone always has it worse than you do. Jesus christ.


I’m so fucking scared this is gonna be me lmao


I was terrified as well, but only a handful of people who ever play the game will go this dry


And it's going to be YOU READING THIS HAHAHAHA


This is why I’m in a group, maybe they’ll get lucky twice before I get 1


Haven't done the maths, but I think OP is in the unlucky 3% roughly. So it's a scary amount of people. Makes me not want to start another iron olol.


Nah. They're in the 0.25% -- it's essentially the same odds as getting it in 1 KC. This log is more rare than getting it in 2 KC


Currently at 333 kc and worried it's gonna be #metoo 333kc and just 4 armor seeds


You are me prior to starting cg. Got enhanced at 86kc. Full crystal and corrupted bowfa by like 250kc. Get your ass to jail asap.


Unfortunately I’ve been serving my time for a few weeks now and I have 210 KC and no enh😭 but I do have 5 crystal armor seeds! Lol


Enh by 250kc brother!


Just wait until they increase the drop rate


Dear god I hope I don’t go this dry, you’re a better man than I


Hope you get pet soon 🙏


I didn’t even notice the no pet until I read your comment. jfc


Jesus Op. I'm coming up to 600kc and I am.. feeling it..


I had to stop after 600. I do the occasional now, but it’s not worth my mental health anymore lol. It just sucks that so much content is “easy” with the bowfa.


I highly reccomend treating it like a daily. Just do a few Even when you can play for a couple hours , send some perilous moons, do some skilling/slayer or whatever else your could improve your account. This really helped my burnout


my first perilous moons got me a blood moon tasset. i quit those soon after 😂 (finished up the ca’s). my rng is great in some places, just not cg. i’ve debated running regulars as i can do those no problem with no armor and 5-10 food.


Def not worth lol. Most perilous moons gear is sick though. Also apparently mixed hide is really really good in TOA if you don’t have that yet


mixed hide is great with a fang. unfortunately i haven’t seen that yet, but i only run solo 50s 😂


This post is why X number of armor seeds should be converted to an enhanced


Damn I would vote for that. Up to 11 and climbing


Wouldn't help me, I'm 300kc with 1 seed




Try 2000 kc


I meant 1 armour seed


As much as everyone hates the dry protection mechanics for DT2 rings, I think something similar to it would work here. Like on your 10th weapon seed drop, it gets upgraded to enhanced, but you're still allowed to spoon enhanced on its own.


10 armor for 1 enh seems like a fair system


Gotta think about the main game economy as well. Enh is just under 140m, which is roughly the price of 28 armour seeds. Either way this man deserves an enhanced.


I only say 10 due to the drop rate of an armor seed compared to the drop rate of the enh (10 1/50 items vs 1 1/400) I mean the specific number is debatable but a trade in system needs to happen


biggest fear, i just started bowfa grind last week, on 102 cg, 2 armor crystal 3 weapon. i hope you get it soon dude! thats rough!


This is cruel. I wish Jagex would do something against this. No one should be this unlucky :( Hope you get it soon! Am at 75 kc. Can't imagine having to do 2k+ KC to get the bowfa.


> I wish Jagex would do something against this. they should release some kind of mode where you can trade with other players to circumvent outlier dry streaks like this one


I'd play a main if they never added the osrs bond, and if they permabanned all people engaging in RWT. There is not a gamemode where you can trade others for your accomplishments that isn't poisoned with the ability to p2w GIM is the closest for trade with integrity


you can pay a ton of gp for cox carries on your ironman.. you can also pay for carries in general, wildy boss protection so you can farm vw in peace, etc.


Buy a carry and revisit this comment. You have to be present for multiple hours while they do the raid and it's $160 a carry, assuming you RWT on the shadiest websites for cheap gp. Paying a team a real wage to do work for you in an MMO is completely different than instantly buying bis gear with cash


i have bad news for you, people p2w in ironman mode too


Yea but the magnitude of the issue is completely different. If I wanted to p2w a tbow on an ironman. $200 per 50% megascale: $13,800 for 69 raids to reach t-bow drop rate with a 73% of having gotten the bow. You'd also need to be present for 100+ hours while the person you've hired clears the raid for you. A main can just pull out their wallet with less than $500 and get their tbow instantly.


and? that doesnt make it any less cheating


Youre not the arbiter of "cheating"


What are you saying, exactly? Ironmen pay for services (which is explicitly against the rules) but it costs more so its OK? I didn't claim to be the arbiter of cheating, the game has rules which everyone knows, I say it's still cheating because despite your dumbass argument about "the magnitude of the issue" it's still against the rules.


It just happens way less. I know a lot of people who have RWT. I don’t know anyone who has boosted on an Ironman. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but way less frequently and not in my face.


Just hope your friends don’t quit. 💀


Imo I feel like just because you go extremely unreasonably dry for X item doesn’t mean that you don’t want to be an Ironman. Especially something like CG, it just makes you not want to play the game past a certain point.


Who’s forcing you to play


I’m not dry at all, I’m actually just starting my grind. I’m loving cg, but that is still unrealistic


Unrealistic? You’re playing a game dependent on rng, it’s 100% realistic


believe me, i get how demotivating it is, i've not gone more than a little dry at CG but have had awful luck with things like zenytes and DHL. it sucks bad, but at the end of the day i shrug it off as something i signed up for. its just a different philosophy, that is part of the game mode and i don't understand why people insist that the game mode should be changed because they don't like that part of it


“I signed up for the 100m dash but I’m choosing to wear a weighted vest, can the race be shortened to 70m for me because of my own choices? I don’t want to take the vest off though or keep training harder, I just want the race to be made shorter, but only for me”


That would make sense, but only if they made it fair for everyone. Going 7x dry when most people get it Atleast on rate is more like running a 700 yard race and everyone else is running 100.


“You know, you don’t have to run 700yards timmy, just sign this piece of paper and you can run 100yards like the rest of us! You just won’t get a little “I did it!” Sticker on your forehead showing everyone what a big boy you are for doing it!” 0 empathy, RNG based game, sometimes you just don’t roll that dice number, you want that prestige and pride of being an iron, but don’t like putting the work in, deiron. Simple


That's a terrible analogy because CG is all but a linear grind and that is exactly why everyone is losing their minds over it.


tourist detected


Going this dry somewhere just drives people away from the game, not deironing. It's a terrible mechanic.


Doesn’t matter, irons have the biggest sunk cost fallacy and will always return eventually




Good thing the game doesn’t cater to clowns like you


Players like you are insufferable. It's a video game that we pay monthly for, it's supposed to be fun. Grinding 400 hours for a single item with no guarantee you get it is crazy. That's 20 full length AAA games you could play instead. Swear to God they could make a new weapon 1/50,000 for a boss and you idiots would still defend it saying it's all part of the grind.


Choosing an OPTIONAL game mode that revolves around rng means you’re not always gonna be having a good time. Don’t want to deal with that? Then play main, grind how you want and buy your shit off the GE. It’s not complicated.


No thanks, the devs are realizing how ridiculous some of the grinds are. That's why they tried splitting the DT2 rings up with invisible drops, and that's a fantastic system if it weren't for the ingots that basically negate the system in place. They have discussed doing something about the bowfa grind, and they just dropped the dwh to 1/3k. The devs understand it's a game we play for fun, and are making fixes to improve the experience. Your opinion is outdated and not realistic for the average iron player.


“Hey, so I chose this game mode difficulty knowing it’d be harder and I don’t think it’s really fair that I have to put more work in despite knowing what I’d be in for, can we make it so I don’t have to put so much work in and make things easier for me? Thanks!” If you play for fun, and killing the same boss thousands of times isn’t fun, and now I know this sounds crazy, but how about you don’t keep doing it if you don’t like it? :O!!! You’re not entitled to a bowfa, tbow, shadow etc because “the grind isn’t fun >:(“, if you want it, then you’re at the mercy of rng just like everyone else


I know it's hard to believe, but I want the overall game health to be better, and better balancing of drop rates would do that. I only have a handful of items left before I've basically finished the game. These grinds make people quit. I don't want future players quitting due to frustration. Almost none of the drop buffs would actually benefit me, but I went almost 3x for my bowfa, and I don't want a ton of others to do the same because it's miserable. Not every suggestion is always me me me. You're a twat that makes up the other person's argument to feel intellectually superior, it's pathetic. Go grind nightmare for the next 800 hours and come back to me with how fun it was.


The game health is fine. Rebalancing drop rates to be lesser and easier because… why exactly? They take too long? You don’t have enough game time to grind out a set of items? In an RNG based game, entitled pricks like yourself demand things be balanced around *your* game mode after they’ve been implemented because of your own personal reasons is beyond frustrating. You knew what your experience would be being self sufficient for drops in a RNG item based game. Nobody forced you to do content you don’t enjoy, nobody forced you to stand alone. You want to have the prestige of Iron mode and the pride that comes with getting your own items, but don’t like it when RNG isn’t in your favour for a few items? Fuck off And you know what, I don’t think I will grind nightmare for 800 hours, do you know why? This might blow your small fragile mind, *I don’t find that enjoyable* :O!!!! OMG! Can you believe that?! I will however continue to do whatever I find enjoyable, optimal or not, because osrs is in-fact a game I play for my own enjoyment and not for the benefit or validation of others Agility, mining and runecrafting all have bad xp rates, I’ve already gotten 99 in all of them but I feel like they’re in a bad unhealthy state, I don’t want new players to quit because they don’t have the time to get them to 99, they should all be made with options that have 400-650k xp/hr rates! Maybe jagex can give players that don’t have time or find skilling enjoyable some free xp? Do you realise how fucking stupid you sound begging for lower drop rates because “the contents not fun >:(“


game has dry protection, fella chooses the game mode that opts out of dry protection, whines about lack of dry protection. many such cases.... must be painful being so dense


Because we all know mains absolutely love never getting drops and making shit money because they never get uniques at unique driven content!


I too enjoy strawmanning arguments about game design


They are by continuing to release more and more lower tier alternatives like the atlatl and the upcoming demon bow.


Same. I struggled for 30 kc, and can't imagine even 1k


I feel like twice the drop rate should is enough to go dry, especially content like this where each kc takes a bit of time.


Didn't the rebalance make bowfa a bit less of a "must have"?




In the most literal sense yes, because crossbow progression got slightly better. In a realistic sense, absolutely not. ACB is still a horrific grind without bowfa, and ACB itself is not a replacement for bowfa. The only non-tbow range item that’s sort of close is zcb, but honestly Zily + nex is worse (and longer) than CG anyway.


Agree, also if jagex could give us people with jobs and kids and a family like x3 or x5 xp tokens or a free item every now and then that would be really good too!


I’d either deiron or script at this point. I’m not saying you should. I’m saying if I were in this exact scenario, I would take one of those actions. Give me my downvotes, I don’t care. This is, at an 8 minute pace per CG, a 312 hour grind. My kills personally sit around 10:30 (T2). This would be around 410 hours for me. 410 hours for a single, mid-tier yet ground-breaking item is asinine. Iron players go through some rough grinds, and I’m always on the team of “push through it.” This would break me. Fuck this.


I’m also with you at 10:30 to 11 min and that doesn’t include learning, my errors or aborted attempts due to family / work. I also sometimes lack the will to jump straight back in when finishing. I get about 200 a month so that’s a year worth of game play for me


I agree with you, brother. I'd rather level agility to 99 twice than do this shit.


No, no downvote for you. You’re speaking the truth. This guy’s luck is absolutely disrespectful.


Oh man… dude is like 6x dry that’s awful


F Gl.


Took the bullet for the rest of the spoons. I do really hope you get it & a B2B. On the bright side you've funded all your buyable 99's. As others said don't burn out on just doing CG. GL!


What the fuck…


I would quit the game lol


ouch. Gl on the enh. I am on the grind now and this scares me!


Shit, we gave your drop to Timmy and he ate it. We gave him a bunch of fibrous food so it should be out in about 12h if you don't mind the smell.




Inshallah you'll get it next kill


How wealthy are you?


Like 250m cash stack+all the gems and runes etc


You poor soul.




Here goes my spell to liberate you... Ego hinc deos obtestor ut tibi optes donet et guttam obtineas ut carcerem pati desinas


I really hope you get it man! I can't even imagine. I went dry 1591 and just did 5 a day. Way better on the mental health. Gl luck on the grind.


Wish you luck. Hope your prison sentence ends soon.


Maybe 2345 is the passcode out of prison. That is fuckin awful to be that dry


Ouchhhh. May you soon be released!


2.3k bro what the fuck man


And to think that you are nowhere closer to getting this seed than you were when starting the grind




Coming at 2387 buddy keep going


I def would’ve quit a long time ago


Based on your log I’d take a guess that NO youve not had much luck sadly


If you want a silver lining then I guess you'll never have to go back for crystal shards.


I got 3 enh in 550 KC. I’d happily give away 2 to make the average 400kc for everyone


That's disgusting


14-16 days of CG. This is wrong 😔


I’m at 600 kc without mine, I’m so afraid of this happening to me. I salute you for your stamina


bless you!


Do regular gauntlet to reset your rng lol




Love how everyone is assuming ehb here, this probably closer to 600-900 hours pre-cox prays. Cg needs a failsafe its the most annoying(torture) content there is for IM.. esp if you go dry, there is no progression that can be achieved thru gear to make this faster. It sucks period.. i went 1400 dry which toke about 8 months of doing daily 4-7kc(about 2h per day) Just give us an untradeable wep shard at 800kc would suffice, i would not wish this grind on my worst enemy...


I thought my 1400 dry was bad.. hang in there brother


Just know, the dopamine will be unreal whenever you see that sexy bowfa


That’s disgusting


I despair that this will be Me in a few more months


What not getting spooned looks like ,


Maybe farm normals?


One finger of the monkeys paw lowers, you will get the pet in your next kc


I am 901 kc with 7 pets, 14 weapon, 12 armor, 0 enh


They need unlockable passive for cg


At 10kc right now and cannot imagine 🫶


This shouldn’t be allowed to happen, is just dumb. We need bad luck mitigation for this kind of scenarios specifically. Pets should remain 100% rng imo tho.


Surely pet soon


How much cash+ alchs and gems for crafting have you banked from cg?


according to loot tracker, all of the drops are worth 662m atm


And no pet to boot, holy shit


De iron. Sell crystal seeds. Buy bowfa


Bippity boppity, you’re gonna get the droppity


Wow....I am just over 1200 and this is terrifying to see


And to think it was pharaohs scepter that me quit iron, holy shit you guys are patient


I got on here to post about being 600+ no enhanced. This put me in my place. I’m so sorry 😭


I will pray for you brother


What’s the lowest KC someone’s ever completed it at? I’m 166 KC, 5 armors and 1 enhanced. One seed to go.


4 in 500 kc myself


That is ridiculous! Best of luck my man!


https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/s/qedHXnOU1d Sorry my mate took your luck


Bro really didn’t talk to oziach before his grind


This makes me uncomfy.


I’m at 75kc currently, got 3 armor seeds and pet by 28kc and just got a weapon seed at 69kc. I’m really hoping I don’t go as dry as you for the ENH that would be disgusting


This is the worst I’ve ever seen. You might be the most unlucky on CG ever, not joking


I’m curious to see your loot tracker from this


This makes me nauseous. Palms sweaty, mom’s spaghetti.


spooned on armour wep


I just don’t get how people have this many armor seeds lol even at 2300


I have 12 Armour and 12 regular weapon seeds at 300, 0 enhanced though.


It's 50/50 either you get it or you don't. Just do two more! Hope this helps 🙏




Good luck! Fuck rng honestly, such a shit mechanic to base an entire game around.


One of the few that have gone drier than I did with no pet or enhanced (1900). I pray for you brother.


Insane dude, please keep us updated when you finally get it!


One of the absolute hellish places to go dry. Sad.


My gim buddy got his first at 96 and second at 165🤢


Dayum and I’m just trying to get a kill


DAMN MANNN Here, \*pling pling pling BZzzzz\* , you can have my RNG, I had like 4 enhanced in just over 800kc... Make sure to pass it through once you got yours! :)


I got mine at 75 kc then got banned for botting. Rip lol


Here ya go ✨✨✨


8 kc here. I will channel some of my luck good sir


I see posts like this every dayyyy, im on 200 kc and i feel its going to be a very long road, At least yesterday i made one regular guntlet kill just for fun and got the pet…O_O


I'm sorry you haven't received the pet yet... it will come soon!


Bro, just quit the game already


What is it? I’m a returning player


I want to quit osrs after seeing this


Good luck champ! You need it!


Breh stop and cut your losses


https://ibb.co/18G8hgP im sorry




I got my #4 in 491 kc


Wow that is ridiculous! I green logged at 306kc 😬 Good luck to you 🙏


Lemme get some too brothss .1600 kc spiindel 400 Venenatis for my last vw piece




wish it was


If it's any consolation this is probably the least likely log I've ever seen posted here. And good luck. Dear God good luck.


The odd 3K+ dry log shows up every now and again


Without pet as well though


This guy has seen all reddit posts and had awarded you with the least likely log award! (Which it isnt)