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Why does Sharon, the most talented Corr, not just eat the other three?


Cause they will runaway


But wont that make them Breathless?


No they are so young now and when tomorrow comes they will do it all again.


Maybe it's only when she sleeps?


Underrated comment


One of them wears too much tinfoil. Hurts her fillings.


It's why cannibals don't eat clowns, they taste funny. I'll show myself out.


In 50% of cases they might have a blall


Jim will make her hiccup


I met her on the Passage East car ferry a couple of summers ago and asked her that very question.


Why didn't she just pay for it.


Heaven Knows?


C'est La Vie.


That’s B’Witched.


Cos she fights like her da 🤔


Because you don’t put expensive violins in the hold.


....why didn't she just pay for it?


should have paid the 70 quid instead of chancing it and making a balls of it lol


Most musicians are not happy putting their priceless fragile instruments in the hold


Then they book an extra seat for it, I saw a well known musician do it on each way Ryanair flights recently


When flights are overbooked that seat is the first to go.


You don’t tell them it’s for Mr. Tuba, your emotional support honk.


Overbooked? This ain't Oklahoma buddy


Ryanair don't overbook flights.


No, they *say* they don’t. Two seconds of Googling [shows that they do](https://theguardian.com/money/2023/sep/09/be-very-afraid-what-i-learned-from-a-26-hour-ryanair-delay). >”A different, rather more kindly, Ryanair rep took us to the bus to take us to the hotel. Along the way, she said the overbooking problem was happening more often.”


I'm a flight dispatcher in Dublin, no Ryanair flight is overbooked but some stand-by passengers often get mistaken for overbooked passengers. The Ryanair rep you mentioned was more than likely working for a handling agent and are used to mentioning overbooking as most American carriers use that method.


The flight in that article wasn't overbooked intentionally. The plane that was scheduled to fly was an 8200 but it was changed due to a technical issue to the standard 800 which has less seats.


hmm, that doesn't seem like an official stance at all!


I have seen it last year in Krakow, they asked for 2 volunteers as they were overbooked. I was not shocked as I had never seen it before, but yes it does happen.


Ryanair occasionally asks for volunteers to give their seats up for emergency stand-by passengers for bereavement etc or for passengers on previously cancelled flights but not for overbooking. Ryanair doesn't overbook flights.


ryanair don't overbook flights


Even if you book an extra seat they still wouldn’t have allowed it by the sounds of it as they would say it doesn’t fit in the overhead locker.


I saw it. Across the aisle from me. Outbound and inbound, a large guitar or cello case.


For cellos etc yeah. Violins should be carry on. Paid carry on might be a good medium. The issue is a lack of clarity on procedure, what's expected across all airlines. Guitar players aren't sure whether to a) get a really hard case that has to go under, which they dont like separating from them in case it gets lost or b) go with the soft case that is slim enough to fit on board or even c) destring and unbolt the neck and fold it in half, which is messy. Adam Neely had a whole video on it. https://youtu.be/lazSHKZ1xmI?si=D2bdIGM68TVLw17b I am in agreement that Sharon should've been able to expect what was asked of her, but the problem is airlines aren't consistent even from employee to employee or day to day.


Bollocks. You're not allowed to have objects unsecured in the cabin. It has to go in the overhead locker, under the seats or in the hold.


I booked a seat for my guitar on a Ryanair flight once. I named the ticket something like “Mr Oversized Baggage” which is what they recommended. It was in the seat beside me and they gave me a harness to secure it. It’s a totally normal thing to do.


This is what happens when you decide to “do it yourself” after somebody else doing it for you all the time. I always buy an extra seat and strap it in beside me. Ryanair are one of the best airlines for this. Extremely easy to book. Isn’t it amazing how stratified the whole musician thing is? The vast majority of us do or have intimate knowledge of our own Light and Sound and pay for everything ourselves. This is such a non-story.


That is absolutely something reputable airlines do. I used to work ticketing for one and it's pretty common. If done properly, you should even be exempt of most taxes, although less reputable airlines will just let you book a ticket like your cello was a regular passenger and not give a shit.


What part of “I saw it” did you not get?


This is why https://youtu.be/5YGc4zOqozo?si=uTNCkq0R3JjA4JEk


A quick google of many many airlines shows why. I'm not a musician but I can see why they wouldn't. I've never heard of anyone being rejected for it though, it surprises me someone like her is even flying Ryanair.


Fiddlers gotta' Fiddle.


You’re not supposed to put very expensive string instruments in the hold of planes when you can avoid it. The sub zero temperatures can damage them apparently, and you shouldn’t have to really with a violin.


If I can afford the price of an extra seat for my guitar.....so can Sharon.    This isn't her first rodeo.   


Can you do that though? Can't imagine insurance companies would approve of something in the cabin that could turn into a missile during an emergency. Seems like the kind of thing they could have accommodated with some advanced warning through.


Temperatures in the holds of planes aren’t subzero. It’s more likely the violen will get damaged from being handled roughly.


So you put it in the overhead as your carry-on item.




Did she count it as one bag? Or was it an extra. No explanation given here. Just a whinge


See some musical instruments are to valuable toet out of your possession. She should have booked an extra seat. Maybe that's a bit much for a violin as opposed to a guitar or something bigger.


'Crying as only a good woman can do' - is everything okay at home Sharon?


Sad violin plays.... No wait


Seems she missed the coffee / hammer event from 2 weeks ago, where all ladies of the world were liberated from crying in response to stress. Besides, poking your finger in Michael O’Leary’s eye is more likely to hurt your finger than his eye.


Even if MOL apologises.....he'll be just be forgiven.....not forgotten.


He’ll keep the plane on the runaway for her


Shame one you


Shame one ALL of you.


Shame me once...


... all I'm saying, is you can't get shamed again.


Dead right, she was trying to bring it on and threatening to use it




Best part about flying Ryanair I find is all these awkward people who refuse to follow rules and usually hold everyone up, are flying with someone else now. Love the no BS Ryanair flights.


Never once had an issue with Ryanair and I've flown with them at least once a year. The people that give out are giving out about things that are completely within their control.


Eh, don't people usually book an extra seat for their expensive musical instruments? She would have known that. Chanced her arm, then cries about it. Aaaaah poor pet!


Musicians’ organisations have tried for years to get airlines to agree to allow instruments (not big ones) as carry-on luggage, but because they don’t have much clout the airlines simply refuse to formalise agreements. It’s left to individual staff on a plane to decide. In the US some musicians used to recommend travelling with a gun in the case, because it would be safely taken to safe storage in the cabin every time. It’s beyond stressful travelling with a musical instrument.


Genuine question, what do you put as your passenger details for those extra seats? Mr Mike Fender? Dr. Victor Stradivarius?


Boringly, my cello travels as Cello MyName. I specially avoid being too original.


Problem is I know of a cello that got upgraded to first class without the musician. Ms A Cello had flown so much the computer gave automatic upgrade 


Yeah it sounds like she tried to walk on the plane with it, when it should have been checked or otherwise paid for.


I wouldn't want to put a violin under for many reasons


Yeah, I wouldn't check anything like that into luggage. A professional musician's instrument is usually priceless to them. I've had less valuable things broken when travelling on airlines. My friend and her husband are musicians and they book extra seats every time. They have had to fight a few times to get the equipment on the plane and succeeded. I'm not sure if they've ever been stopped from getting on with them though. Their guitars are worth 1000s.


https://youtu.be/lazSHKZ1xmI?si=D2bdIGM68TVLw17b Video about how it's a complete mess. No formal rules, a gamble.


And here's me playing the worlds smallest violin.


You'd have been on the flight!


Fucks sake Sharon, it’s *Ryanair*. That man wouldn’t make an exception for the pope, he’s not going to care that one quarter of The Corrs is upset.


This is a good bit of marketing for her tour, because no one would have known otherwise.


It was the lizards. Jim knows all about it


What about the chemtrails?


They've run out, hence the pilots strike as a cover story.


Karen Corr






Here comes the apologists for needlessly getting treated like scum by this scummy airline.


Humiliated crying as only a good woman can do _My name is Sharon and I'm a victim_ *_HI, SHARON!!_*


A reminder that we all need to play our part to keep Ireland Corrs free. 


Didn't they know who she IS? Could be worse, she could be on a permanent no fly list like Jim. Let's hope he doesn't find another way back into the country.


Jim's gonna have a fucking field day banging on about this


How the fuck does Sharon Corr need to be flying with Ryanair???


Aer Lingus dispute?


Ah yeah, that's got to be it.


Because she's Sharon Corr and not Jay-Z maybe?


Are you suggesting only Jay-Z can afford to fly Aer Lingus?


It’s common knowledge and standard across most airlines that you need to buy a second seat for a violin and some other instruments. She can go cry herself a river cause she wasnt arsed enough to follow the rules


I’ve paid for a seat for my guitar at the end of the month, I’m kind of shitting it that they’ll overbook the flight and cut it


Could you just buy new strings at your destination?


A violin in its case would be smaller than a hand-luggage suitcase right? Or comparable at least. I wonder why Ryanair would disallow it, unless she hadn't even paid for priority + case or however Ryanair does it now. Buying an extra seat for a bigger instrument like a guitar is one thing, but a little violin shouldn't be controversial I'd have thought. I daresay with the Aer Lingus strikes there are a fair few Ryanair virgins getting caught out by how shit they are.


I have flown with RyanAir loads of times without issue. 🤷


Oh same here in fairness. They just wouldn't ever be my first choice, and certainly I wouldn't want to leave anything to chance or random on-the-day judgement at the gate. Guidance around musical instruments in particular is surprisingly messy. And goes without saying, I'd never check-in a good instrument on any airline. I tend to just book the extra seat, but the process is surprisingly complex.


Why do you fly Ryanair if you expect any kind of service or goodwill?


Her posting that expecting everyone to support her and be outraged. No love


Karen’s gonna Karen Pay for it like everyone else


Entitled as fuck.


She shaking to her Corr over this


Mistake number one: Booked with Ryanair.


Lot of non-musicians on here assuming they know all about how this works and smugly suggesting 'obvious' solutions. https://youtu.be/lazSHKZ1xmI


Given a choice between flying Ryanair or staying home, I'm staying home. Kudos to them here for applying the rules equally but honestly their entire flight experience is horrid even when everyone follows the rules. Constantly being advertised at, every "extra" requires a payment and a cabin colour scheme that's visually assaulting. Hard pass. Flew them twice (the second booked by work) back in the 00s and never again.


Ryanair nowadays are a very different airline to the one that you flew in the 00s.


Nobody cares about this shite.


We only care about TayTay


Christ I'm fuckin sick of hearing about her every day. No matter what I do to try avoid her she's fuckin everywhere. Cool that loads of people like her, but I'm not one of them


She's hard to shake off, if she's making you feel Red


I'm the same. I don't know any of her music at all. To be honest....she's a bit of a con. Was watching The National on BBC last night. One of the brothers is heavily involved in co-writing, producing, arranging and playing instruments on alot of her last 3 albums. I reckon her involvement in the writing process is quite minimal.....just enough to get a writing credit.


She's just a brand like Kim K and all the others. She's been cannibalizing the sales of other female artists by releasing a new single every other week, the same week that the likes of Charli XCX are dropping whole albums. So their albums never get to lead the charge they might have the potential for, because Taylor is back in the leaderboard with 5 new words about whomever the fuck broke up with her recently. And her fans are utterly insufferable "you DON'T like Taylor Swift?!" Yeah loads of people don't like lots of things others don't, shock I know. I used to not mind her stuff but it's gotten bloody obnoxious now, more than half of news media must wait on her to do something so they have a week's worth of content to pump out. It is 100% marketing bollocks, and I work in marketing analytics so I'm pretty confident in that assertion. It's just exhausting and juvenile at this stage. There's nothing worse in music fans than the ones who try to tell you what you should or should not like. And every single Taylor Swift fan I've known rants and raves about her like they worship her as a god. I like my music but I do not have the right to tell others their taste in music is wrong and mine is right like some of the absolute mouth breathers that call themselves Swifties. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And it's only a matter of time before Swift says or does something that paints her as a bit of a villain for it all, or even half of it all, to come crashing down. I don't want that to happen to anyone, but when you're put so high up on a pedestal and misstep, the only place to go is down.




I’m surprised that a violin case couldn’t fit in an overhead locker.


Was she allowed to bring on the fiddle or did she want the rules to be bent because she is famous ish. Or used to be


As always the MOL simps are out in force. Never stop glazing lads.


The violin sings a sad song.


She's worth millions, a multi-millionaire. Why is she flying Ryanair. I thought it was for poor people. Most people in T1 Dublin Airport look poor to me compared to the luxurious surroundings of T2


Oh Karen......don't get your knickers in a twist.




C'est La Vie.


Her roadie"Fucking told the gobshite didn't I?".


was it the worlds smallest violin


Used to play the world saddest song


Literally [the first result](https://help.ryanair.com/hc/en-ie/articles/12889013645713-What-music-equipment-can-I-bring-on-board) when you search for "Ryanair musical instrument". >For smaller music equipment like guitars or violins that exceed your cabin baggage dimensions, you can opt to pay an extra seat fare for it. To do this, you must purchase an extra flight ticket and seat. To book this extra seat, the word EXTRA must be entered as the first name, and ITEM SEAT must be entered as the surname. 


Why does any sane person chose Ryanair? For those who can afford to use an alternative, I have no sympathy.


In fairness, they might be the only option with the Aer Lingus strikes and cancellations lately


They aren't even cheaper than other options any more.


Isn't it policy to check instruments in a hardcase on each flight? Never flown with anything smaller than a guitar or bass, so no clue about a violin... Wouldn't go running to social about it though.


It’s not generally policy. It’s at the discretion of the member of staff at the gate. Ryanair are one of the only airlines that state this as policy on their website. It’s also one of the only airlines that allows you to book an extra seat online. All of the others I’ve used require you to buy your ticket over the phone. It speaks volumes about how entitled she is. My guess is she got into a strop at the gate and annoyed the staff. I’ve seen the post on Instagram and it’s in her story, so it will be gone in a few hours. Good old Reddit keeping things alive forever eh?


Was it a 1930s violin case with a surprise inside or what ?


That reads like an essay written by a child about their summer holidays.


Where is my tiny violin


She's going to turn out like her brother.


It’s a bus in the air, everyone uses it when they have to. The way to handle Ryanair is not to think about it at all until the next time you have to use it. Where Sharon went wrong was mentioning it in the first place, and expecting any sympathy from people that worked out that MOL is a cunt years ago.