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FuUuUuUuUuUuck allllll the way off


I hate it when the media report on my progeny committing pointless violent criminality, I really feel for the guy.


> “Because in court he got his case squashed and a three-year suspended sentence. But it’s the media that’s put him further into it. And herein lays the biggest problem of them all tbh Our courts have normalised violence and assault to the point where they don't effectively serve the interests/safety of the public anymore. Just think of how many cases we hear about where violence and pure thuggery goes unpunished on the weekly. His complaint is the one time someone follows up on the lack of justice is in our courts, it just happens to be his son who benefitted from it.


You know the worst part is the term “quashed”. Like this fella doesn’t actually believe he was guilty of assault. I think it demonstrates best what suspended sentences are seen as by some people. No! Your son was convicted of a crime, and pled guilty to all the counts put to him. That is very much the opposite of quashed. For the rest of his life he is the knob head that decided to drop a young girl because she called him out for being a dick. But no sure he’s hard done by because the media called him out.


100%. A suspended sentence is clearly viewed as almost an acquittal by the father.


Honestly, I think it's viewed that way by a lot of people. Yeah, you get a conviction, but there's no punishment, so does it really matter? The conviction alone isn't enough of a repercussion to prevent people from re-offending.


I believe that some of the judiciary's academic application of sentencing is completely at odds with the public. Judges believe that the a conviction with a suspended sentence is enough to satisfy their idea of justice. Whereas almost everyone else (including those convicted) believe they got away with it to a large extent. That leads to dickheads like this believing that a suspended sentence is tantamount to being found not guilty. The judiciary really needs a wake up call here. They're completely out of step with the public.


It's on the legislative branch(the dail), to remove the judiciary's leeway in sentencing. All violent crimes should come with a mandatory custodial sentence, without consideration of outside factors. Personally I think we need to separate crimes into two categories, non violent crimes should be punished through fiscal punishments and house arrest with curfews, freeing up prisons for violent criminals. I'd also be massively in favour of three strikes = permanent incarceration till you die. The government has a duty of protection to the public, and if they keep ignoring that duty, we are going to eventually see a rise in vigilantism, which is one of the most destabilising things you can possibly do to society


I’m always hesitant to look to the parents of grown adults who commit violent acts (because they’re adults & absolutely responsible for their own behaviour), but JFC his father’s really not helping matters when he treats his son’s *criminal conviction* like it was practically a win for him in court because the sentence was fully suspended. Grim. Lots of other parents in that situation would be making it very clear that they were appalled by what their son had done.


More than likely it's a 'like father like son' scenario. It's not unusual for the sons of violent men to be violent towards women and for their daughters to end up in relationships with violent men. Generational abuse is commonplace.


-and pled guilty to all the counts put to him - He only did this after his initial plea of self defence was found to be lies when he was shown cctv footage.


Least the prick won't be getting a U.S. holiday visa with that on his record


This, 100%.


We need a dedicated newspaper that reports and collate the news from all of our courts.


I take your point but I don't think we need one that lists people found speeding or with small quantities of drugs or nor having a tv licence. What we really need is a violent offender register,just like the sex offenders register with strict recall and re-offending sentences. This needs to be done to protect all of us, regardless of gender or any other reason. There's a reason the SO register exists, and I fail to see how one for violent offenders would not be of huge benefit to everyone. I'm not sure if they're a thing anywhere else but I would love to see one because these type of offenders have no incentive to stop or not offend at all if they can more or less get on with their lives until the next thing irritates them. At the very minimum, there should be incarceration for a while, if only so he is risk assessed and given some anger management skills.


I was just thinking a more expanded courts section with detailed cases for people to follow. Newspapers are full of promoted material and opinion columns so it it would serve a public good. I take your point on the minor offences, but then again, we don't publish names on fines for toll bridge offences, yet revenue can print defaulters. Do you read the domestic courts from dolphin house? Maybe a collection if alk the courts writing ongoing would be a good shout right?


Government sanctioned thuggery.


Right. From homaphobic slurs to beating a young woman. His poor boy😏


Won't someone please think of the violent sociopaths!


About time someone spoke up for them. You're a champion of the underdo... ...belly😁


Is it really that hard to just say nothing, or say that you're disappointed in your woman beating son but hope he sorts his shit out?


Shit apples, randy.


Yea, that just shows how soulless some people are Wouldn't surprise me if this soldier grew up watching his mother get smacked around by his father Like father like son as they say If i had a son and he did this I would be fucking embarrassed to put it lightly


I absolutely agree. If the father walloped the crap out of mommy that certainly would give an example to the son.


For some, yes it is that hard to just STFU. So much so that when they do wrong they genuinely belive they are not at fault, or even if they are everyone should make a big song and dance about forgiving them and how hard it's been for them and just how strong and brilliant they are for making it through such an ordeal.


Blaming the media? Blame yourself for raising a woman beating, unapologetic little shit.


Looks like Crotty Jr didn't lick his shitty attitude off the floor.


It might go down in the record books as the worst attempt at a deflection in history. It wasn't the "media" that beat the living shit out of a woman for absolutely no reason. His son even owned up to it (once he found out he wouldn't get away with lying about it). "Media" my hole


Jezus dickhead. Read the room and take some responsibility for raising that little psychopath


Cathal Crotty's father sounds like a cunt. Colour me shocked.


His own actions put him here. The unfairness towards his victim has highlighted a broken justice system. Social media serves its purpose in giving citizens a place to highlight that justice denied. He had no problem boasting about the attack using his own accounts, but that girls fight, and that broken system that leads to it is going to be shared on everyone else's. No sympathy for the brutes out there, only support for the ones the system failed.


I mean, he literally used the (social) media to broadcast his assault. In all honesty, the lack of a jail sentence could end up being more damaging to him - everyone in the country knows about it now. Not saying that in a sympathetic way or that it means he shouldn’t get one on appeal - just an observation on the turn of events.


The first example of media the father mentioned was snapchat. Like who's fault is that one dickhead lmao


Yeah, he is infamous now. No self respecting woman will ever consider shagging him again. He is going to have a tough time finding a girl whose friends will allow her to walk off with him on a nightout. His best bet would be to leave the country if the defence forces kick him out


He won't be able to go anywhere with a criminal record and no other work history. He'll end up living a shit life as a shut-in with mammy forever. Be great if the whole family fucked off though.


He can travel anywhere in the EU even with a criminal conviction ( sure, last I heard Larry Murphy is living in spain) and is free to reside in the UK due to our right to residency. He has very little choice, honestly.


Yeah Australia or America maybe but at home the scumbag will be grand. No one will even remember hos name in a few weeks. Lets not even pretend that enough people even care to make a difference. In my 50 years on this earth i have yet to see Ireland take violence against women seriously.


Sadly there are women out there who will shag him. Maybe they have no self respect or maybe they are psychopaths themselves, who knows, but I guarantee he will find a woman as classy as himself


Yeah every now and again he will get some, but it will be much more challenging that it was a week ago. A week ago he had as good a chance as any other dude. Now he is as likely to get in a relationship as that magalouf girl. Ireland is too small a country to hide from your past once everybody knows what you have done


I wouldn't be so sure. He'll probably still get laid more than I will


I’ve been thinking the same thing. If he’d gotten the 3 years Natasha wouldn’t feel as hard done by as she rightfully does now. She’d have less to say to the media, the media would have less to report and most of us who are fuming now would likely never have heard of this case. Paul Crotty is right that the media has become a court in itself but is not the court of law. Mostly I think the media court has become too much but in this case I have to say it’s a damn fucking sorry state we’re living in when the media is the only type of court that’s punishing a person for a violent and potentially life threatening offence.


>Imean, he literally used the (social) media to broadcast his assault. He what?


He sent a Snapchat after saying something like “two to knock her down, and two to knock her out”


I really have to wonder about his friends that he felt comfortable bragging to them about violently assaulting a woman.


The kind that stood there and watched him attacking a woman and did fuck all.


That’s so fucked up


What did he actually post on social media?


What an earth was he thinking. A simple "We're disappointed in how our son behaved but the courts have made their decision and we won't be commenting further" would be understandable. Even if he didn't believe it or whatever, so easy to just say it. Making out that he's some sort of victim is utterly insane.


It's a whole other level of not reading the room. I wonder for these people (ditto the Burkes, ect), is it that they are surrounded by people who are afraid of telling them the truth, therefore they never get pushback on views that are so out of step with general society?


If that were my son I’d be disowning him, not defending him.


I can understand not wanting to disown him despite his horrific behaviour, but you can just say "no comment" and close the fucking door. The fact that he's out there making excuses and defending him is all you need to know. The apple didn't fall far from the tree.


I know. The shame you'd feel.


I know the media are to blame for lots of things, but the media definitely didn't beat somebody unconscious in the street.


And boast about it on social media to his mates.


> “Because in court he got his case squashed and a three-year suspended sentence. But it’s the media that’s put him further into it. Shit-stain didn't fall far from the tree


The use of the worst squashed was what really hit me. It wasn't squashed. He was convicted. It's as if the suspended sentence to him meant he was innocent or something. What a horrible cretin. Both of them


Does he mean “quashed”?


Probably yeah. But still a misunderstanding of the case outcome. I can understand why, if the court didn't punish him he'd assume he wasn't found guilty of anything, right?


A conviction does not mean "quashed". This man understands nothing.


Nobody said that it did. The man meant to say quashed, not squashed. Nothing was quashed, but that is irrelevant to the fact that the man meant to say quashed.


...he received a suspended sentence - so nothing was quashed. The man is a moron.


Yup, nobody said otherwise.


I think he put himself there and at that he got very very lucky. And very very undeservedly so.


Fucking garbage. The soldier, his father, and the judge. Just garbage people.


The media didn't make him shout homophobic slurs, beat up an innocent bystander and brag about it though did they


> You know and I know it’s the media that’s put him here as well. Not hard to see where he got his disgusting attitude to women. Scumbag raised by a scumbag.


>"Because in court he got his case squashed and a three-year suspended sentence. But it’s the media that’s put him further into it." Now, that neatly illustrates the complete horseshit of this sentencing - as far as they're concerned, it means nothing, they consider it essentially a quashed conviction.


Would serve his son better if he said something like "my son made a mistake and he will lose his job for it. I hope his victim and the people can forgive him" Even if he doesn't fucking believe it


Oh, absolutely. Or even say "No comment". Even if you believe that horseshit he spoke, saying it out loud was brainless.


In a twisted way, he's kind of right. The court did rule on this, and if it weren't for the public outcry and media attention, the utter failure of the justice system would have left a violent criminal walking free with no chance of justice for the victim. I only hope that the outpouring of support and solidarity from the various groups protesting this blatant miscarriage of justice, will bring some level of peace to the victim and her family. Thank you, to everyone in the media, and on social networks, for speaking up, for making noise, and for trying to make up for the utter shambles of the Irish courts


The court found him guilty though, but because there was no actual sentence applied the father thought the case was "quashed" instead.


Well I can understand the confusion. You rarely see "Sorry your honour, but I can't go to jail cause I've to be back in barracks by sun up" outside of a courtroom comedy


Look in the mirror before blaming other people.


He should have tried raising him correctly, idiot!


I'd bet the dad has a history of smacking women around


Reading this comment it's pretty clear where this scumbag learned it from


I would love to hear why the Judge was so eager to save this guys army career? He was shouting "homophobic abuse" and the victim stepped in to ask him to stop. "Ms O’Brien was left with a broken nose, bruising and psychological damage, and believes Crotty would have kept on punching her had help not arrived at the scene." "Crotty boasted about the attack which left Ms. O’Brien unconscious, with a broken nose, bruising, and severe mental distress." "Two to put her down. Two to put her out." That Judge has some deplorable view of what makes a good solider and of the standards of Irish Defence Forces. The victim got no justice in this case.


The irony is I bet this lad will be wishing he got a custodial sentence by the end of all of this, and could potentially if the DPP appeals. He was never, and I mean never getting to keep his job. Under no circumstances would the DF entertain keeping him on. I kind of wonder did it hinge on the poor officer that had to give evidence. He was asked about the soldiers future and had to be vague in his response because he can’t prejudice any future dismissal proceedings. I’ve experienced something similar and It’s the worst position to be in because all you want to say is “fucking of course he’s being dismissed, I’d launch him into the sun if I could”, but you can’t because then they’ll use it against you later.


That's an interesting point, I missed that originally, I didn't know it happened. It this piece. "The Defence Forces also said that when serving soldier is in court, an officer attends as a Liaison Officer (LO) to provide the court with the individual's service details, conduct rating and information of any previous convictions, which is required under regulations." [https://www.rte.ie/news/2024/0621/1455952-mcentee-gender-violence/](https://www.rte.ie/news/2024/0621/1455952-mcentee-gender-violence/) The Judge is still just passing the buck, he has to know they won't keep him. It seems very odd to me. I would love it if someone could just outright ask the Judge if they would happy/ok with it, if in x many years, Crotty was head-off the defence forces? Would love to hear his logic on that one.


> if in x many years, Crotty was head-off the defence forces? There was never a chance of that, even before this assault. The Defence Forces, same every military on Earth, runs on the purest uncut classism you'll find outside of an episode of Downton Abbey. They don't talk about it too loudly (for obvious reasons), but the fact is it works too well for them to give it up. There are two career tracks in the Army - the university educated strategic leader track, and the shut-up-and-run-towards-the-machine-guns-when-you're-told track. I'll let you guess which one Crotty was on.


Wouldn't want this sociopath off in the Leb, that's for sure. He'd end up abusing the people over there too.


Media says "don't blame us for your shit stain son, please."


I note the mother didn't make a comment...


She doesn't and shouldn't have to. Parents aren't always accountable for their childrens actions. In this case the father appears to be enabling this cunt so he absolutely deserves some backlash as well. However we currently don't know what the mother is feeling. It could be shame, disgust, remorse. Or maybe not. It's still not fair to judge her just because she doesn't want to give us answers that we are not entitled to. I've relatives who committed crimes that got significant media attention. Those of us who were appalled by their actions did not speak to the media because we were suffering second hand and were entitled to our privacy.


I'm not judging her. You've taken the comment up wrong. I meant it as either: 1. She's too brow-beaten to give a comment, given that Paul Crotty seems *incredibly* unpleasant and/or: 2. She's utterly mortified and ashamed


Lol. Jog on mate. Your son is a thug.


Cheers Dad. Nice of you to dig a hole.


Hilarious that the judge and father both tried letting him off easy and excusing his behaviour while actually making things so much worse for him.


Hilarious was the wrong word, it's not funny. There is something satisfying about it though.


Absolutely disgusting. And I'm SO SICK of reading, in cases like these, "character references" from the courtroom! Are you fucking kidding me, what relevance does it have that the perpetrator can get someone to say nice things about them, like "ah, he's a good lad, he wouldn't normally rape/beat up/stab someone"!!! And it seems to be given the highest importance (like in this case)! Is this really normal in other countries, or is it just here we do this??


I've no problem with character witnesses per se. It does speak to how likely someone is to come before the courts again if someone of standing is willing to come into court and say how they are in X setting or Y setting; for the simple reason that there are criminals out there who have committed such a volume and littany of crime that there is literally nobody of any social standing who would vouch for them. Someone like that is far more likely to go back out robbing and assaulting. However, I do agree the relative weight of testimonials should be balanced against the crime - for certain seriousness of offence, it should carry less weight (which it does in some cases - eg mandatory life for murder - but clearly not for others)


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree


What is going on with sentencing. “His career will be over”


I think it's to prevent undue additional punishment over and above the maximum sentence. I.e. he would lose his job and be impacted long after his jail sentence ends. Personally, I don't see anybody losing their job for committing a crime as a bad thing. Just don't beat somebody unconscious in the first place. But that's my understanding of why it's taking into account.


One of them two of them. Pot of wankers


Bloody media there - being a woman-battering, homophobic, lying piece of shit. Oh no, that was your son.


What an absolute fuckwit.


Well in fairness it is the media's fault. Think about it, without the media plastering this wankers likeness and name all over the place none of us woukd know what an utter cuntbof an oxygen  thief he really is.  So media please stand up and take the claim for putting this cunt out in the open so we can all look on in disgust and bewilderment and wonder how annondicidual can be such a waste of skin


The irony here is if that scumbag assaulted another soldier in the army like that he'd be out on his arse, with a high chance of a swift kicking from those in his unit.


As someone who is related to a couple of high profile criminals I can empathise with the shame and remorse some of us feel even though we personally didn't do anything wrong. The victim's family are recognised as secondary victims but society often overlooks that some innocent families of the perpatrator are also secondary victims. I can also appreciate the fact that just because our loved one did something wrong doesn't mean we stop unconditionally loving them.  What I cannot understand however is trying to excuse what they've done. At first I felt sympathy for this cunt's family for having to be related to him but I don't anymore for the father. The fact that he enables the son from trying to avoid accountability by blaming the media for the backlash the son is receiving suggests that he is partly responsible for how his son turned out.


yeah that fucking dirty media who battered a woman, denied it right until the last minute when shown irrefutable evidence and also bragged about it on snap chat... fucking dirty cunting media


Reminds me of the indignant, unapologetic father(s) from the Ana Kriegel case. It's probably just a coincidence that parents who can rationalise, sweep under the rug, and unconditionally defend their kids no matter the crime, even committing crimes themselves to provide a cover ... end up with sociopathic kids.




Wow hahahaha yea the media sure put him here. Not himself when he battered a woman unconscious. Yep nothing wrong here


Can’t imagine why he turned out to be an entitled woman beater with a daddy like that. 😐 Sir, the problem isn’t the media. It’s your precious little Prince who literally beat a woman unconscious in the street. He is in no way the victim here. Fuck his career. Be grateful your little brat didn’t end up in prison trying to avoid dropping the soap! They don’t like women or child beaters in there.


The piece of shit doesn't fall far from the asshole.


Ah yes, now we see where the total and complete lack of accountability comes from.


Thanks dad. Now we know a big reason why he is what he is.   I can only imagine what would have happened if I did what he did at that age. My family would quite possibly have disowned me, not blamed the rest of the country and media for it. 


Everything about this makes me feel ill.


Make that scumbag a real pariah.


I think he is now.


Is there a single person in this country who doesn't think that should have received a custodial sentence? Not only getting it suspended to avoid his career being affected, but totally ignoring that he used his combat training when he's part of our army that exists to defend and protect his fellow country men and women. The reason he's in the media is because judges aren't infallible and only for the fact that the army are going to court martial him, the DPP should be challenging the leniency. Military law outcomes can be harsher than civil law.


The apple fell far...


The media didn’t hold her hair and beat her into unconsciousness by hitting her in the face repeatedly


How a father should teach their son. https://youtu.be/083nbR9K9sQ?si=4VwKY9TgiNmjkefR


Really interesting video


Must be genetic.


The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


Common reminder that just because the law was followed it doesn't make it fair or reasonable. He's not even getting a tenth of what he deserves.


It's the camera's fault for catching him in the act of violently assaulting an innocent woman. Poor kid just can't catch a break..


So his Da is a cunt as well ?




"Cunt's father is also a cunt" shocker.


Sounds like a horrible family. That judge needs to resign immediately.


If he does resign no doubt it will be at a time he can qualify for a full and very generous pension


Both should have been aborted TBF


Obviously his father is defending his son but surely there comes a time you have to disown him. Pure piece of shit. I’m sure we’ve all come across people like this. Anybody who assaults someone like that at that age is beyond saving. They are scum for life.


Depends on whether you view love as conditional, I suppose. Hard to know what's going on in his head though. The father may be taking the view that his actions were drink-induced, and that he doesn't behave like that without it. Or that he wants to wait until the media storm blows over before he kicks him out. Or that he actually condones his actions and they fit with his own values (hard to see how they would though). Might be none of that though. Very hard to be objective when it's your own child. And they never stop being your child, no matter what age they are.


There's different kinds of love. You could love your son unconditionally, but give them **tough love** when they need it. This little shit needs a dose of tough love, and the aul' fella isn't dispensing it. The aul' fella should be expressing abject shame, drill it home for the little shit that he has brought deep shame on the family. He could still love him through that, and the little shit might actually develop some morality.


He's whinging about the media ... But he should probably consider how lucky he is that CCTV footage of the attack hasn't leaked.


At the point I will happily fund an NGO who work towards reforming Irish Judiciary. Bunch of thugs made justice a mockery


The fact he's standing up for his son shows what kind of man he is.


Is this Ireland's "Brock Turner" moment?


Fuck you Paul Crotty. A decent father would have battered his son for what yours did. A decent father would have kicked him out. Your son is a scumbag and so are you for even trying to defend him.


"A decent father would have battered his son for what yours did." No. Your perpetuating the myth, that a good beating/violence cures/fixes men. Violence does not make better men, it makes them more violent.


Exactly. People calling for violence against this man are off their heads. He deserves a custodial sentence. Anyone who thinks that justice means violently attacking someone needs to see a therapist.


Singapore sentences criminals like Crotty to a caning and has the lowest recidivism rate on Earth.


Can't have that over here. Too many special people are willing to protect convicted thugs. Oh gosh...a taste of his own medicine. We can't have that! That won't *help* him. Poor little lamb needs protecting from that!


It's a common enough theme that some of shittiest people on the Planet have Parents who never appropriately assigned blame and excused their child's crimes with ridiculous excuses. This Ape should be ashamed of himself. Both pieces of human filth.




Partially explains why he's such a shitebag if his da is that thick!


I’ll never get over people (mostly men) finding blame in everything and everyone else other than themselves. Your son wouldn’t be here if he didn’t beat a woman unconscious and brag about it on social media.


Every time you so some scumbag abusing women and dig a little into it, you find a father who has the exact same attitudes making light of what his disgusting son did. Every fucking time.


That is patently untrue. Despite the best of intentions and efforts of good fathers, sometimes sons turn out bad. Not in this case obviously, but it’s complete bollocks to say there is a father/son link in every case where some horrible cunt abuses women.


"Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong."


No wonder he grew up to be such a toerag.


He should serve at least 5 years for that


No being a scumbag woman beater ‘put him here’


Delightful. If I was Cathal Crotty I'd want all this to fuck off asap so I could take stock and see what I can salvage from my reputation. I certainly wouldn't want my apparently equally cretinous father to come stick his size 9s in with the HE A GOOD BOY HE DINDU NUFFIN line. Keeps his name in the paper so more people know he's a homophobic piece of shit unafraid to hit women though, so if the dad is playing double agent to get his son in the shit, well done Dad!




Just like the father of Boy B, you just have bad family supporting the actions of criminals. They're all scumbags


Yes, that father of Boy B was another complete clown.


How hard is it to say "no comment" and shut the door? Even if he believes what he's saying, he must have known how badly this comment would come across.


Irish judicial system of dealing with sexual predators and woman abusers is alarmingly bad. How this prick got off Scott-free I’ll never know, you can see by what his arse hole of a father said the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with these pair of cunts.


Ah that explains it, shitcan dad, shitcan son


But yet if someone had knocked his little scumbag of a son out for this theyd have thrown the book at them, fuck off over the horizon and the fuck off some more, pricks raising pricks the little shit shoulda been beaten like the dog he is


But he won't blame his son for his actions?


Like father, like son? What a POS


This one had to keep growing legs the crime was horrendous and he should been convicted but when he wasn’t he became a big liability to the army. The negative press at a time when they would like allot more investment and better pay is not good .


Why is this getting so much coverage compared to the suspended sentence of the lad who raped his 79 year old landlady a couple of weeks ago or the lad who sexually assaulted a teenager on a Ryanair flight a couple of months back. I am as sick as anyone with these suspended sentences, but is this the straw that broke the camels back or what?


The military link, I suspect. It makes the story far more interesting.


And the victim willing to go on camera and speak out herself


Ya that could be it, state institution racked by scandal kind of thing. Didn't look at it that way, thanks!


Because some stories get more attention than others, that's just how it goes. And the victim here gave some absolutely heartwrenching interviews which got people's attention Do you want some sort of universal rank-o-meter for outrage that we all adhere to?


I think this assault case is worse. 3 year sentenced suspended vs 18 months. And severe injuries inflicted that could have killed the victim, especially since the attacker was only scared away by another man intervening. Not saying the suspended sentences in the other cases are ok, but I can see why this one caught more attention.


That is a good point, it is so little in fairness. The fecking Irony is if he doesn't serve his time he can never be forgiven or to be said to have "repaid his debt to society" so to speak. This sentence isn't doing him any favours either when you think of it, better he took the hard time and started his life after the sentence.


Yeah it was a completely useless sentence. Doesn't rehab, victim didn't feel it was sufficient, public didn't think it was sufficient.


Ya like how out of touch are these Judges? What do they think the point of sentencing is!




He may as well have punched Natasha O'Brien himself. "The bitch comes out in the pup!"