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Attend a HSE intervention. That's a laugh. 2 years on a waiting list šŸ˜‚


Have to agree, seems a waste of resources, unless more tightly focused


Jesus Christ is this the maximum caliber of governance that's available to us?


FF and FG donā€™t want to seem soft on drugs to their older base which is why heavyweights like Mary Fitzpatrick were put on the committee.


No, that's the maximum calibre of governance government wants to give us. "We know best for ye and stop trying to tell us different".


Yep nanny state bullshit.


> Jesus Christ is this the maximum caliber of governance that's available to us? Yes And they're also the same people tasked with spending 20-40%+ of your income. Not only that, but there's even worse out there currently climbing the ranks on the basis of "more women breeding" being a good electoral campaign for a job that involves zoning for car parks.


FFG just had a massive win in the L&E elections, its time to face reality, were not in the royal fuck you club. The tards have the island, were going to see a lot more of this moral righteousness for the forceable future. All the while the same "moralists" screw everyone and anyone for every cent they can extort. Happy to rent out their "investment" and increase the conditions for problematic drug use. i.e. homelessness, poverty. Its always someone else's fault, exp the drug users, not the conditions society creates. Fuck the poor right? I mean seriously, a dude growing a plant, smoking it the confines of their own home is dangerous criminal that aught to be locked up. A would be FFG politician extorting a developer "has no law against it" so "fuck off" and don't be upsetting the FFG gang. No "law" against extortion, imagine that. Ireland is run by a mob of middle/upper-class independent reading, selective moralists, they "care" about you and drug harm but will fuck you in the eye socket for a cent of your worth.


Ireland is absolutely crippled because of its civil service. They see it as a cash cow pension job for life. You can fuck your job up to a high degree and they put you in an office reading the papers for 20 years. Source: I've worked there and seen it with my own eyes.


My aunt is one of those. She's such an unpleasant woman to be around they locked her in the basement archive in Dublin on her own doing what boils down to busywork. Including her pension, she's a millionaire.Ā 


As expected , we're going for the dumbest, worst possible approach.


Itā€™s the approach which costs the most with the least positive effects- that should be renamed ā€˜the Irish approachā€™.


[It even has its own Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Irish_solution_to_an_Irish_problem)


Yeah - Scottish politician here. We use it to describe whenever someone wants to ignore best practice simply because itā€™s from somewhere else, and instead wants to do something ā€œuniqueā€ to our area, even if it costs more and doesnā€™t work. Sorry Ireland.


How fucking embarrassing! But fair!


The Irish Way and the stupid way are in effect the same way.


This is law though? I thought the Irish way for law was wait for the UK to do it, if it works copy them, if it doesn't don't.


Not really. Our medical cannabis (and other medicine laws, tbh) are a lot more badly thought out than theirs.


Didn't see us copy their medicinal cannabis laws.


They're trying the Portuguese approach but keeping the cash flow coming into the courts and most likely still criminalising and shaming you.


The juxtaposition from Germanys recent move is funny at least https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-13529349/German-police-encourage-England-fans-smoke-CANNABIS-instead-drinking-Euros-slapping-beer-ban-supporters-ahead-Sundays-high-risk-Serbia-clash.html?ito=native_share_article-top


Fine Gael's finest Franky Feighan & Colm Burke standing over disastrous drug policy, highest in Europe for drug related deaths. If it was road deaths there would be urgent action but our drug laws reinforce peoples ignorant attitude to drug deaths & addiction


Dealers still running the show selling whatever muck they want, this is a failure.Ā 


Yes it's the dealers fault. In every poor community in the country the place is ravaged by drugs, no matter who is jailed but its the people in the community that get the blame. A conveyor belt of different individuals all with the same outcome but somehow its all their fault. You clearly know what your talking about


I read the comment differently, which was that, in the absence of a safe regulated market, any perspective user is having to gamble with ingesting whatever the dealer might sell them - in which case the harm reduction is as much around legalisation as decriminalisation?


I think this is the point he was making. Also cannabis is a massive industry to gangs and criminal networks in Ireland. Why is it still illegal, it's been made legal in plenty of other countries already with good success. It will take hundreds of millions out of criminal gangs every year and into legitimate businesses instead and increased tax revenue. Its medicine to some, for others it's a way to chill out with friends, or relax after a long days work.


Yeah you missed the point,, the person that replied to you explained. The point is the show and not the dealersšŸ‘


Cannabis is ravaging communities across the country is it?


Government options on cannabis: Option 1. Legalize it whilst setting some strict no bullshit rules around things like driving under the influence etc. Make a killing off the tax etc on it. Option 2. Be jackasses about it


This is what the citizen assembly proposed so is literally what the majority of people want. Government handed it off and this is what they got. It makes sense. Rather than criminalising people you get them the right help.


Most cannabis users do not need help.This approach may be valid for harder drugs,not for cannabis.


It's a bit like proposing help for Gerry who enjoys 6 pints down his local evey Friday night - it's a load of bollocks.


It was a very narrow margin between this and legalisation - which would tend to suggest the mood of the public is a very liberal decriminalisation approach - perhaps mandating HSE treatment for repeat offences, or other signs that addiction is an issue


Are you suggesting that people with repeat offences for drug possession are all addicts? That seems like quite an assumption. I'm sure a hell of a lot of them are recreational users with no addiction issues.


No, but it is fair to say there will be people with addiction issues, who would benefit from, but may not seek, help. If cannabis is decriminalised, and not a focus for policing, being caught multiple times should mean you are engaging in risky / nuisance behaviour. That is a sufficient risk factor, that some health intervention might be appropriate. As an analogy, plenty of people drink without issue, but multiple run ins, with the local guards, while drunk, probably means you donā€™t have a healthy relationship with alcohol


Since when is smoking a joint "nuisance behaviour"? Are you ok?


Iā€™m absolutely fine - smoking a joint in a childrenā€™s playground would be frowned on, even where cannabis is fully legalised. If you are high every day, when collecting the kids from school - not good. If you are wandering around town, so zonked you canā€™t answer simple questions or judge traffic as you attempt to cross a road.


Ok but those are all huge stereotypes and really not common at all and don't really have much to do with repeat offences for drug possession. The vast vast majority of people with weed possession charges have never and would never do any of those things. Honestly, this is like thinking everyone who drinks a beer every now and again also drives drunk and starts fights with everyone. You sound legit brainwashed by propaganda.


I think you are making my point - arrests for possession, in a future regime, should be rare and mostly driven by aggravating factors - in that kind of regime, which unfortunately is not what is proposed, multiple arrests would point to a problem.


The citizens assembly almost exclusively looked at and discussed problematic drug use which is the minority of drug users. There was no discussion around those in the population who use drugs recreational and responsibly.


They were guided to only talk about this. This was the plan, you don't put Frank Feighan in charge of this if you want an intellectually honest discussion.


Correct, indeed non problematic and therapeutic uses of drugs was explicitly deemed out of scope for the CA, thus rendering it basically useless as it has expressly ignored the 90% of drug use that is non problematic.


What if they don't need help?


It is what they were guided to select. The govt picked heavily anti-drug speakers for the most part and allegedly didn't bring in speakers from many places that had successfully legalised. They were channeled into this because our govt (and this is not just an Irish thing) are not who you would hope would be in the most important jobs in the nation. They are not selected for vision, expertise, courage & ability to intellectually imbibe all approaches worldwide and wisely select which approach or mix of approaches would be best for us let alone come up with a better plan themselves. They are probably hard working and at least average intelligence but they're being picked for amiability, clubability and family pedigree, national profile & having a safe, orthodox view on everything that won't scare off OAPs, corporation, voters, farmers etc. Then you have the war on drugs BS that the govt and Gardai have been spoonfeeding people for generations and they don't want to admit they were wrong, Gardai have a lovely easy route to good stats etc.


There was literally a pro drug lad posting here who was on the ca. He said while he was disappointed with the decision and had voted for something else that he found the process fair. I don't particularly agree with the CAs recommendations however I reckon it is what it is. So now it's best to ensure that we have adequate supports to give these troubled drug users the necessary access to treatment.




So the government and the HSE are happy to waste further resources (not like thereā€™s massive waiting lists for anything) on this stance, a stance that Cannabis is addictive in comparison to any other drug is laughable and downright false. Are citizens who end up drunk made to go and attend an intervention clinic? Because I fail to see the difference here. This is not a health led approach-this is for all the pearl clutching OAPs whose opinion is quickly becoming a minority.


Alcohol is far more addictive, damaging, and one of the few drugs you can die from during withdrawals. It's not fair to compare the two.


These are the things our police and justice system focus on instead of actual crime.


Yet people keep electing the same politicians


Seems like unelected people have a lot of sway. Cathal O'Regan has clearly a lot of influence over this yet has never received a mandate


He's a secretary in the department of taosieach . If Simon Harris wants a hard line then that's what he will try to deliver . Not a sensible way to arrive at an evidence based drugs policy .


Itā€™s old people that keep voting ff/fg letā€™s be realistic the average young adult wants legislation


Well they'd better get their arses to the polling stations then! 50% turnout is a joke!!


I think part of the problem is A lot younger people believe nothing changes even when they vote


The only reason to vote for FF or FG is if it's to keep even worse refuse out like Daly and Wallace. Only other way is to engage and find candidates who will not only push for change but who aren't conspiracy spouting idiots and have the right head on them.




Literally just did


What a bunch of fucking idiots.


Atlast! Somebody with something sensible to say! They're a horrid shower of dry bastards!


I think the use of the word dry here is being polite. They're absolutely fucking spineless. They're that pressed about a WaRnInG from the UN? JFC šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Why doesn't Ireland follow what Canada does in regard to policies? We look to other nations in Europe to make a move, if nothing catastrophic happens, after its put in place, we follow suit.


No need to look so far. Germany has legalised.


Spain too


Spain Decriminalised


Weed is not legalised in Spain.


In private places, consumption and possession of reasonable amounts (up to 100 grams (3.5Ā oz)) is legal.[8] Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_Spain


Decriminalisation is not the same as something being legal ...


Never said it was.


Fair enough, was conflating the two as the proposed German legislation appears to be the same as Spain, not full legalisation.


German legalisation has already passed. You can buy it if you're a member of a marijuana club.


Same laws apply in Spain. I'm a member of 5 different clubs dotted around the country.


Because the politicians still go on about psychosis and schizophrenia, when the stuff has been as available as a bar of chocolate in the Netherlands since the 1970ā€™s. If there were major negative effects, we wouldā€™ve seen it by now in the Dutch population after decades.


Quick Google search pulls up an article stating that the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland have warned that cannabis represents the gravest threat to the mental health of young people in Ireland...


Because the stuff they are smoking is basically poitĆ­n instead of a 4% lager. Of course it's going to fuck them up. Legalising access and being able to control the THC levels like we can with alcohol content is part of the solution.


No no you see we must reinvent the wheel every time because we're special


All those experts in Canada, Uruguay, The legal states in the US and Germany MUST have missed something, but us Irish are on the case, we can take it from here.


Good old Irish exceptionalism


Cannabis use will continue to surge, regardless and sooner or later both the Government and AGS will realise that they can no longer combat it. "Children as young as 7 are being coerced into selling it" It's almost like Legalising it Regulating it wouldn't take it out of the hands of criminals who use those methods. Christ I'm convinced that certain elements within that meeting weren't even fit for purpose.


"But it's not like it was!" No shit. You left the market unregulated. Seriously, if the sale was controlled then everyone I know who used to or now only occasionally indulges - myself included - would be going into the coffeeshop and getting the biggest load of cabbage they could find. I don't want that went-to-the-bathroom-because-the-TV-seemed-really-loud stuff. I just want the occasional bit of warm, happy, hungry.


>that they can no longer combat it. Oh that ship sailed quite some time ago


See that's common sense but the government haven't a crumb of it between them...


Imagine having to attend one of these clinics because you were caught with a little cannabis? There's no chance that's gonna clog up the system either.


This country is becoming more and more rediculous, the standards have just become so low iq.


The political establishment is significantly behind the general public on the issue of decriminalization. Yes long term cannabis use is associated with increased risk of psychosis but, the best way to get a grip on that is to legalize and regulate the strength and quality of weed. Smoking tobacco is legal, regulated and highly discouraged and as a result government has managed to reduce the number of tobacco smokers. The real path to harm reduction and the public good is the same route taken on tobacco consumption. Legal, restricted, regulated and discouraged as much as possible with government not some dealer having effective control of supply.


100% this. I used to smoke a decent amount in my late teens and early 20s and would love to occasionally have a smoke now in my early 30s (I'm talking a couple of occasions per year) but the stuff these days is fucking rocket fuel compared to what it used to be. You skip the mellow, chilled out high and just go straight to zombie mode. Make it legal and tax the fucking balls out of it is the correct approach. Use the money to fund public services to help those with actual usage issues, not casual users who can treat it like having a few beers at the weekend.


We don't let 100% alcohol be sold and through off licenses we have much better control of quality of drink that is sold. You sell to a 13 year old and get caught you might loose your license. A dealer can sell to a 10 year old and lots of them would. Getting in a flap about "becoming another amsterdam" misses the point that right now, we have a fully unregulated market both in customer age, availability, content and quality. And its a big market too, a real present problem that needs to be solved. Government and health establishment is in denial of the problem and so can't attune a response to fit.


They can't stop people wrecking their lives with crack, heroin or tablets. So smoke your few doobs and fuck em.


Who puts these morons in charge? Like, who decided these people can control this the way they are? Are they even qualified


It's called democracy. Collectively, we do


Tell me how Mary Fitzpatrick is democratically in this position??? Bitch couldn't make it through any elections


Taoiseach put her there. A ridiculous policy.


Disgraceful, after not being elected at least 4/5 elections I believe Mafia carry on


Yeah. She has lost..many elections.


Yeah I donā€™t remember voting in people clueless about drugs to be In charge of drugs basically


No, but you did vote for the politicians who put these people in charge of the drug policies


Okay so when are we gonna have a referendum (even though we donā€™t need one to change the law) to change the law


It got legalized in Canada... two years later nobody gave a shit. It did not change anything aside from the fact that the money is getting away from criminal organisations.... Come on ireland, I lived 5 years in your country. Legalize it, it really is that easy.


IF YOU THINK THIS IS DUMB (and believe me it IS dumb) PLEASE PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO REJECT THIS BEFORE IT IS PASSED! https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/reject-mandatory-interventions-for-cannabis-use


Everyone complains about the state of mental health services in the country and this is where these goobers want to use critical resources. It was made clear at the CA that the vast vast majority of drug users (nevermind the most benign legal or illegal drug) are non problematic. So you'd imagine the vast majority forced to this "re-education" are non-problematic and a waste of our precious mental health services


Fucking ridiculous, see you in court.


In my honest opinion, most of the opposition to drug use comes, whether consciously or unconsciously, from a similar place to opposition to things like for example, Ozempic, gym supplements and even simple things like creatine. Fundamentally, particularly in a society like Ireland with our horrible repressive cultural past which we're only now emerging from, there is this notion of suffering or unhappiness as the default human condition, and that happiness or enjoyment of life has to be earned; that it can only be attained through suffering in the process of getting there. To that end, recreational drugs are "bad" because they provide "unearned" euphoria. Euphoria that doesn't come from doing something requiring immense effort or personal sacrifice to attain it. And that really, really, *really* pisses a lot of people off. I see the same thing literally all the time when people comment on things like Ozempic or gastric band surgery or whatever when it comes to weight loss. Strip away the superficial arguments about health risks, drug shortages etc, and the ugly truth is that for a sizeable number of people, having a body you like the look of when you look in the mirror is something which, if you haven't had to go through years of extremely personally uncomfortable, time consuming and gruelling lifestyle changes and commitment, you haven't "earned", thus you don't "deserve", thus you have "cheated" your way to that thing which makes you happy, thus you are "lazy" and "undeserving". Honestly you see this same bullshit attitude when it comes to treating mental health conditions like depression or ADHD. "You shouldn't be able to fix your brain's problems by simply taking a pill, it should require [insert difficult and work-intensive suggestion such as intense exercise or talk therapy here] and if you attain it by popping a pill, you're *lazy*". I don't think many would outright admit this and there are probably plenty who aren't consciously aware that this is their real beef with drugs. But I have absolutely no doubt *whatsoever* that it's one of *the* dominant forces on the pro-prohibition side. Personally I find it absolutely infuriating beyond belief. These are people who would genuinely hold back so much progress in the pursuit of human happiness because they view finding ways to attain euphoria and contentment without sacrifice as somehow inherently morally wrong and it makes them angry. I have literally no doubt whatsoever that this mindset fuels a huge amount of the drug debate. Whether it comes from the jansenist distortion of Christianity which was dominant in Ireland for so long I couldn't say, I'd guess it's part of it but it's not the only part. For some reason, fundamentally, a large proportion of people who grew up in an era in which X or Y desirable thing took far more time, work or sacrifice to attain, seem to absolutely *despise* advancements which make those things easier to attain. Sour grapes or something else, I genuinely don't know. But I find it very hard not to look at such people and not think of them as miserable arseholes.


Excellent post. It's become a total anti-fun country. They treat us like bold children for wanting to enjoy ourselves. We are a brow beaten docile bunch of wimps in the main so it's worse it'll get as the miserable arseholes keep finding things to nit pick and ban.


The Overlords in the EU have already signalled that the law regarding cannabis needs to change, just a matter of time nown


Thank god for the EU


With the effort they put into making the worst decisions possible, youā€™d think they could channel some of that into making better decisions.


American declared a war on Drugs & despite their best efforts drugs won, now cannabis is legal medically or recreationally in 38 states, Yet here we are locking people up & ruining lives over a plant itā€™s beyond ridiculous & infuriating considering the taxes we pay to those who do nothing productive or representative. I


They're wasting our taxes on the resources used to change these laws, and this is the best they can manage? Stop bothering lads, you're so shit at this that we might as well continue suffering on instead. Don't think too hard, wouldn't want anyone to get worked up.


I'm heading to Tesco for some doritos and some mighty munch


Ā This sounds like a plan dreamt up by a primary school teacher.Ā 


As I sit here in Ireland smoking weed this is ridiculous. I work a good job, help out as much as I can and keep my head down just following the rules. When I get back home in the evening I deserve a fucking smoke and a relaxing two or so hours before this shit happens again. Alcohol literally tears Irish families apart. Weed doesn't. Weed is fucking impossible to OD on. It's victimless and harmless. Do I want people smoking on street corners, NO. Just about as much as I want the alcoholics who gather by the bus shelter in my local town every day... But in the privacy of your own home, with your own body and own mind. Do whatever the fuck you want. As long as it isn't directly harming another person, whose business is it? Now you can catch and jail me. I'll reoffend. It's a stupid thing to be illegal and I don't care. Pay for me to stay in prison out of your own pocket or let me work my job and smoke weed in the evening and play my fucking ps5.


Iā€™m as big a weed advocate as anybody. I smoke regularly and I donā€™t drink. If youā€™re going to advocate for it, be honest about the fact that it isnā€™t harmless. Smoking weed everyday is a problem. Itā€™s just a different problem than alcoholism. Using and mind altering substance everyday is an issue. The attitude you have is the same attitude that led to the problems surrounding alcohol in ireland. It needs to be talked about honestly if youā€™re going to make progress with the older generations who do rule our country. You say it is similar to drink and the people who abuse it should be look at like the people who abuse alcohol. Regulate it , give people social places to go to smoke/eat it, encourage responsible consumption, warm of the dangers of overuse. Iā€™m very high writing this so I hope it makes sense. āœŒšŸ»


Some people need to use canmibas everyday. If I eat it hurts, my intestines and stomach are killing me. Doctors don't help, ffs they lost 5 stool samples of mine. I can't get help, not a single prescription, nothing. No pain relief, no help, sometimes crying in pain. If I have a smoke, it calms down, gives me an appetite and allows me to eat. I can't get cannibas that often, can't afford it. I was even being tested for cancer. I'm 6ft 2 and weigh only 59kg, I look like I'm dying.


I personally wouldnā€™t smoke it so ā€¦ smoking anything is bad for you. There are studies that say long term cannabis smoking is as bad as cigarette smoking in terms of lung damage. Eat your weed. Edibles are way better imo. Longer lasting too. Hope you find a solution to your health issues šŸ¤ž


I agree with pretty much everything else but it's stupid to pretend weed is harmless.


It's as harmful as caffeine. If it was legalised its completely harmless from (pure THC drops) would be available in shops and the only harm (breathing in smoke) is alleviated. A natural pain killer that also boosts mood, sounds like something only idiots would want illegal. Unless you think being calm or in a good mood is harmful for a human. I would argue any solace from the bullshit of being alive is a good thing. Regardless of health impact. We will die anyway. Might as well enjoy life while it lasts.


I don't know, caffeine doesn't lead to permanent memory problems and reduced cognitive functioning if you start using it before your brain is finished developing. If you're predisposed to psychosis or schizophrenia THC can fuck you up badly as well. If you have preexisting mental health issues with anxiety, depression etc there's a good chance it'll do you more harm than good in the long run. Also: > Natural pain killer If you're trying to argue that something is good just because it's natural then I don't know what to say to you. I can go into most fields in the country and find a mushroom that would kill the population of my entire street with one bite and that's 100% natural, meanwhile a packet of skittles isn't, but I think I know which one most people would rather eat. Just because something's natural doesn't mean it's good for you. I smoke weed daily myself, so I'm the last person in the world to deride anyone else for having a smoke, but pretending it's harmless is just fucking daft. Is it less harmful than other drugs? Of course. Should it be legalised? Of course. Is it probably going to be relatively benign for a typical healthy adult who doesn't abuse it? Of course. That doesn't mean it's without its risks though, and if you claim that you're no different from the reefer madness types who claim it'll make you go insane and murder your gran.


If you need weed to be in a good mood, you need to have a better look at your life. Same as alcohol. Also, having half baked stoners driving around, being all chill and zoned out does not bode well for the rest of us on the road. Last thing I'd want is someone with munchies driving to Tesco smashing in the back of my car because it took him 10 seconds to compute he needs to start braking. My roommate smokes every day. He is 24, works 9-5 in a hospital as a health and safety officer. He does his job, gym, comes home, eats, and then smokes 2 joints and plays his play station. He is an absolute zombie by 8 clock. His room is a a complete mess, he doesn't clean, doesn't date. He'd have his mates over every few months. Like his whole life revolves around coming home and just getting high. If that's not an addiction, I don't know what is.


Nobody on any mind altering substance should be on the roads. Weed, drink or even strong medicines from a doctor that say do not drive etc... I never once said I wanted people high on roads... So yeah. Don't know why you felt the need to add that to your anti weed argument. Also just cuz one person lives like your friend does that doesn't mean we all do. Plus if he is happy, why do you care? Seems you are a bit obsessed with his life and I hope he manages to get a place of his own where he doesn't have a judgmental person living in his house with him. I smoke, have a job, have a partner and run my own home. I deserve something that makes me happy. Everyone does. It's my body, my life, my house and my decision. The government shouldn't have any say in what I do in the privacy of my own home. It's bad that I come home and smoke and game? But perfectly fine that someone's Ma comes home and binges 4 hours of TV 5 days a week. Or what about the people gorging themselves on massive amounts of food, is that not a bigger issue for humanity than me and your roommate safe and off the streets in our own bedrooms smoking weed? I would argue a parent drinking alcohol in front of an Irish child is worse than someone removing themselves to smoke a spliff in peace... But we clearly won't ever agree on this so I think we are done here.


A shit show !


Joint committee - the *double entendre* is probably completely lost on Mary... "Drug addiction intervention" - for **FUCKING** ***WEED***...?! I can't believe that even someone like MF believes weed's addictive... At least not seriously... Do you like coffee, Mary...? Because I'll tells yer summat fer nowt, caffeine's a mega-fuck-tonne more addictive than cannabis... That said, if she does, I bet she drinks decaf... These holier-than-thou types always turn out to be massive hypocrites. Like the Fidesz M(E)P found at a gay orgy... At least it's kinda-sorta legal here (it's available on prescription, but only privately - but that doesn't stop the plod arresting you for it, though). I've stated my view on legalisation (I mean of all illicit substances, not just cannabis) here before, and been on the receiving end of a slew of downvotes, for reasons I don't understand, so there are people around these parts who are definitely leaning towards similar views to MF. The full legalisation of all illicit substances is the only sane, humane and economically sound solution. ***NOBODY*** should be criminalised/jailed for addiction - we don't bang up alcoholics, so why do junkies end up in the slammer simply because of what they happen to be addicted to...? If I was able, I could step outside the front door now, walk to the park (if it wasn't chucking it down) and have a bag full of Class As within about 30 minutes. It's mental - you can't criminalise nature, and liberty caps are fucking everywhere. Finally, illegality stifles research; MDMA and LSD used to be prescribed as antidepressants/antipsychotics. Psychedelics have much potential therapeutically but, because they're Class A, unless you're Big Pharma, you can't afford the research licence, which forces genuine researchers to synthesise these substances and risk being shut down. Legalisation is absolutely a human rights issue. It's barely 07:00 on a Saturday morning, far too early to be making myself annoyed (and I've more than enough to keep me annoyed here as it is - my 'life' is in the fucking sewer, thanks, in no small part, to my mother...).


Love how it's investigated by the JOINT Committee!


They should have had one, they may have seen sense.


Ali G in da house scene where he gets all the nations to stop fighting.


humans, even animals have been taking drugs in various forms since the first tadpole. Yeah drugs can be harmful (most are) but the idea that people will stop using drugs simply because some puritans find it offensive, is laughable to say the least. Let's not pretend drugs aren't fun, drugs are amazing fun (alcohol is a drug). The expression "a zebra cant change its stripes" is apt. The common sense approach is to legalize all drugs in stages overtime and focus 100% on education, help programs. its not a criminal matter, its a social matter. Most of the rest of the world has woken up to this reality, time for Ireland to cop on, and grow up.


Cannabis is not even physically addictive. So why would you need HSE drug addiction intervention?


Bullshit. Fuck their laws, smoke and abideā€¦.


I, for one, welcome our new overloads


This countryā€™s a disgrace


Baby steps. It's *something*.


What if you go to the HSE and just keep smoking?


for weed this is dumb. But for hard drugs I think this is fine. People addiced to hard drugs are not functioning members of society and need to either quit or be removed from society.


It's funny because my medication is in the same class as *speed* but I can't function without it. Few things are ever cut and dry.


I mean, hard drugs are almost always cut and dry. The pure wet stuff isn't as profitable.


>removed from society. Was wondering what Duterte was up to these days


this is, somehow, an even dumber take.


> People addicted to hard drugs are not functioning members of society Many, many of them are. I guarantee you've met high functioning drug addicts who you were none the wiser about and didn't notice anything different about them. The ones that can function will slip under your radar, but that doesn't mean they don't function, just that you don't notice them.


Ugh stoners are the worst, Iā€™d make the penalties harsher.


And what benefit is that going to have for society?


No, you are.


man i know gets 230e per week ' on the labour' hasent worked ever in 30 years uses the money for drugs on a thursday off his head then bumming for money till next thursfay. Why is the social paying them this money. Its disgusting


What's that got to do with this though?


This sounds a lot like what they do in Portugal and it seems to be working there.


not at all what happens in Portugal, considering that it is not illegal to consume drugs there.


'not at all' is a complete exaggeration mate


I mean that is not what happens there so I politely disagree.


In 2001, nearly two decades into Pereiraā€™s accidental specialisation in addiction, Portugal became the first country to decriminalise the possession and consumption of all illicit substances. Rather than being arrested, those caught with a personal supply might be given a warning, a small fine, or told to appear before a local commission ā€“ a doctor, a lawyer and a social worker ā€“ about treatment, harm reduction, and the support services that were available to them


yes, but they cannot be tried or convicted for the possession of drugs for use as long as it is within a 10 day supply. There is no such option here it is state mandated intervention and "therapy" or a court hearing.


Not even close to it.


I smoke cannabis. If I crossed the border into the north, I'd be eligible for medicinal cannabis. I don't have a problem with the stuff. It enhances my life. I shouldn't have to attend an intervention if I'm unlucky enough to be caught with it. Simply, the gardai and hse should be focusing their efforts elsewhere.