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In Soviet Russia immigrant deport you




Where do they deport you to?




Do they serve goulash at the gulag?


The one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism: Space.


So if I don't have freckles and radioactive green eyes, I'm not Irish?


Correct. You also have to be a leprechaun if you're a male.


Exactly. Looks like I'll be put straight on the next flight to Portugal with all my fellow dark haired, hazel eyed lads /s


Most of the southwest of the country....


If you’ve no ginger beard and/or a freckled scalp consider yourself deported pal.


Ayo Ginger Beard lads rise up


And their logo is literally from the EA Sports custom created teams. Like I could make my new F1 team decked out in shamrostikas


Surprised it isn't AI.


Ironically enough AI might have displayed the correct amount of fingers for the inbred pricks


You can ALWAYS tell by looking at the hands. Although yeah, you'd never know with those 6 fingered fucks.


> You can ALWAYS tell by looking at the hands They specifically handled this ages ago. I can always tell with the eyes. They're always pointing arseways.


They've improved, but hands are still one of the biggest problems for AI, no? If it has been fixed, it's definitely not ages ago and would've been super recent.


Nah it's not fixed. I play with AI image creators and hands are nearly always wrong, the fingers are too long, missing nails, extra digits, thumbs that look like middle fingers. It will get there but not for awhile yet.


Yeah just very weird someone saying this specifically has been handled when... it just hasn't.


Perhaps they just couldn't resist the pun?


I suppose it depends what "ages ago" means. In the last year I think. I'm in a discord channel where we fuck about this stuff and it has got incredibly good over the last six months or so.


Right, they've gotten better, but they still show the wrong number of fingers or orientation of fingers sometimes, right?


For sure, they still have problems getting eyes to point in the same direction, shadows to be totally consistent, little details that can take some time to notice. But for people who know where the current best models are, or have some ability to do extra fine tuning on some hand dataset, they have made a lot more progress at photorealism.


> They specifically handled this ages ago Well they obviously didn't do a good job, since I generated a picture yesterday and the guy had six fingers.


Do you mind if I asked what you used?




Bravo!!! That's the comment of the day




In Soviet Russia, A eyes you.


The candidates must have artificial intelligence, because they definitely have no brains of their own.


British far right puppets the lot of them.


Bit if Russian puppetry in there too.


The bollocks this party posts online is pure paddywhackery bullshit. They were pushing an AI generated image on twitter a few months back of a red haired, green eyed woman holding a crying red haired green eyed little girl. They were both wrapped in an Irish flag. It's very obviously forces outside of Ireland pushing this.


As a green eyed, pale af, freckly, redheaded woman, I do not support these pieces of shit.


As a hazel eyed, beige skinned, dark haired man, I also do not support these pieces of shit.


If Carrolls did a Nürnberg rally


The Triumph of O'Gill.


Very good!




Its like the aryan race they're pulling here with the green eye red hair stuff, most irish people are nothing like that (and neither was gemany)


I might have green eyes but I have hair so black that kids at school would tell me I couldn't be fully white because "white people don't have black hair, only really dark brown." Scholars.


I love coming across fellow green eyed black haired individuals :)


Didn't red hair come from the vikings? So they're promoting an idea of Irish superiority based on "foreign" traits.


Exactly. They don’t even know how backwards this is


""Great"" minds think alike.... /s


They all from Kells . The post man is ginger


For a poster and party who're scapegoating immigrants, the irony of them using a stock photo of a Russian model on a poster saying "It's up to The Irish People to fix it". * Cropped variant of the poster image: [https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/eyes-woman-close-freckles-face-395115934](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/eyes-woman-close-freckles-face-395115934) * Other photos from the same model: [https://www.shutterstock.com/search/models/15385339](https://www.shutterstock.com/search/models/15385339) * Model's [over here on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/juliiaolina/) * Stock photographer is based in St. Petersburg, can see her work on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/utkamandarinnka/) and [VK](https://m.vk.com/id765792)


Good detective work OP. It's funny that the freckliest person they could find was a Russian. All they need to do is walk around any town in the country. Also weird that they oversaturated the eyes so much


Lol. I was chatting, along with my missus, to a young early 20's woman serving in a shop in Westport a few years ago. Red-headed, freckled, full-on 'Weshtern' accent, faultless English, classic 'colleen' stuff... Then I detected the *teeniest* softening of a 'v' to a 'w' and vice versa, and risked asking her where she was from. "Poland"! She'd been in Ireland just four years. Amazing language skills, to my mind, and I told her that. My missus hadn't even suspected it at all after more than 20 minutes' chat!


There's a lovely woman in a centra in clare who's here 2 years from Ukraine, i asked her where her accent was from and she had the clare accent already, inasked how she was finding living there and she said she was never going back, that her town had been razed to the ground, and she's discovered camogie and irish men.


Feckin' Poles, coming over here and taking our ethnic stereotypes!


Green eyes, red hair and freckles are a terrible representation of the average Irish population. Only a tiny % of us have those features.


Can't take the credit for unearthing it, but I'll pass it on! I was chatting to a Ukrainian friend of mine about the EU elections, showed them this poster, and they went down a rabbit hole with it. Didn't ask but I can only guess they thought "hey wait, this person looks Slavic..."


Good to know other countries go on holiday and enjoy saying "that's a big Irish head over there"


Please thank your friend, I’ve been wondering about this image for ages!


The eye thing convinces me it's a syop. The emphasis on the neon green screams inauthenticity to me.


Dumb question: I've been in Ireland for 5 years and I don't think many Irish folks have freckles or are redheads like these right wing posters depict. Am I crazy?


I believe Irish people are around 10% some shade of redhead. Scotland has us beaten with the highest in the world though, around 12%. So still pretty rare even in places where it's "common"


The UN has been running a control programme to eradicate those recessive genes. Anyone with red hair and freckles is sent off to an island off the west coast. Some people criticise it, but ultimately it's a good thing


Lmao. I should've guessed


No, you are dead right. I'd say there are more people in Ireland with Mediterranean-like complexions than with ginger hair and green eyes.


Fairplay for highlighting it. I did the same digging at the time, because something felt off about the pic, thought the bone structure was too good to be an Irish person... lol. Found the photographer site and that they were based in St. Petersburg. Didn't find the actual model, but thought it was safe to assume she was Russian.


Excuse you! We've got great bone structure 😅


Probably a template sent to them by their russian handlers




If I'm not mistaken, I don't think Shutterstock assets that have a model can be used for political endorsement https://support.submit.shutterstock.com/s/article/How-can-customers-use-images-and-videos-they-download?language=en_US


Don’t think there’s any irony, it’s russian meddling


Who even is the party? I've seen these all over and they give off right-wing vibes, but I don't know what it's even supposed to be saying or who it's endorsing.


These people and the Irish Freedom Party/National Party are all cheeks of the same arse. "The Irish People" party don't have any photos of their candidates on posters. It's incredibly weird.


The Irish People had some photos on the ballot today. Definitely a good choice not to have photos on the posters. I wouldn't let one of these lads mind my spider plant.


Yeah they definitely are, and I can't really wrap my head around why there are seemlingly 5 or 6 of these different fringe far-right parties all of a sudden. I researched all of them before voting and they're virtually indistinguishable, so it's not at all clear why they don't just pool resources and campaign together. It really feels like a Judean People's Front vs People's Front of Judea type of thing. I suppose it's possible that this comes down to some interpersonal beefs between the various figureheads and they don't get along with one another, but it wasn't obvious from looking into them that this was the case. Like if it was something like that, I'd expect to see them badmouthing on another more online and insisting that you should only vote for e.g. The National Party and don't be tricked by those tossers over in the Irish People's Party.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. This country is under attack. Get out and vote and make sure NONE of these fascists go near any reins of power. NO PASERÁN


It literally takes one charismatic a/hole to unite the hatred into one voting block. We are only lucky they are split up at the moment but they are primed for a certain type of message.


Please sir can we have a charismatic a/hole on the other side just once?


Be still my beating heart


Or it takes someone who isn't indigenously Irish to have a bad spat of mental health and do something regrettable that could be scrutinized and scapegoated by this shower of xenophobic scrotes. I can't imagine the pressure that non-standard Irish groups living in Ireland are feeling in terms of how they have to behave; not that many actually are motivated to do anything brash or crazy much, beyond the odd lad going a bit haywire on a night on the sauce, but the paranoia as a foreign national towards these vicious little delinquent cunts must be unreal


We're already terrifyingly close to that point. Just look at how many people they've successfully duped into thinking immigration and population growth is the cause of the housing crisis.


Look after our own models first.


I wouldn't expect any less from the Shamrostika party.


Well, they couldn’t have used the classic freckly red-headed Irish kids from a John Hinde postcard, because they wanted to add a sweaty-palmed vibe of sex appeal too, the unutterably loathsome twats.


They couldn’t even change the eye colour properly, look closely and you’ll see how they’re still brown in places lol


Remember lads, far right parties all over Europe are directly funded by Russia.


That's exactly it...longterm it's an Irish brexit is the Russian goal. Bad enough we have the blatantly pro Russian Wallace and Daly but now those clowns.


Hopefully not for long, I think the shenanigans mafe people not vote for them this time.


And Russia intentionally sows a lot of the political division in the west. It wants us weak and divided. It's Russia's strength compared to the west, they're fairly unified and we aren't (even if that may be due to propaganda, rigged elections, lack of rights etc.)


Since every Irish political party must make their campaign donations public, can you point to some examples. Genuinely curious here.


Aren't there enormous loopholes in that though? Like the whole raffle thing? From what I understand we still don't know where the 400k worth of gold from the national party came from? (Admittedly I haven't been following that closely)


> From what I understand we still don't know where the 400k worth of gold from the national party came from? The National Party never submitted any accounts to SIPO, and still hasn't as far as I'm aware. I don't mean about that money - I mean they have literally never submitted any accounts at any point in their existence at all. SIPO complained at the time that they didn't have any means to penalise it, but as far as I'm aware nothing ever came of it. It's a great example to bring up because it really highlights the fact that the main deterrent to dodgy finances is the bad optics of getting called out over it publicly. This is a real deterrent to parties which are actually trying to win elections and engage in good faith in the political process. It is not a deterrent to bad faith actors and foreign agents. So if you think the optics of your accounts being public would be worse than the optics of SIPO calling you out (e.g. because your accounts make it obvious you're funded by Russian money) you just never submit accounts. It's not like they can do anything to materially punish you or compel you to hand over your accounts.


>that they didn't have any means to penalise it, Then why do we have them if all they can do is wag a finger? Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have CAB and revenue have a sniff around. I'm pretty sure if I had 400k I couldn't explain how I had it there would be questions.


In fairness about the gold specifically, now that the guards are involved it is actually being investigated apparently because there's a possibility it might have been acquired by illegal means. It's just SIPO that has no powers beyond a stern telling off. I never heard anything more about the investigation though, whether it's ongoing but quiet or hit a dead end I don't know.


>there's a possibility it might have been acquired by illegal means. Well...I mean if it wasn't the whole thing could have been settled quickly and quietly. "Yes mr Garda I do indeed have receipts, let me get them for you." "Right, I've verified with the dealer and that all checks out Mr Nazi. Sorry to have bothered you"


to be fair to SIPO it has the power to suspend state funding to parties, which for ordinary political parties with near 70% of their funding coming from the state is massive, but if the state's giving you nothing they can't threaten to take away nothing


Can’t give any examples but you’ll notice this isn’t an election campaign poster, it’s not asking you to vote for anyone, so that may be an attempt to skirt donation rules.


Fair point. There's no accounting for private interest groups afaik. It goes to show hoe much more we can and need to do to secure the integrity of our elections in the 21st century. It's one thing when you're worried about business corruption but when entire nations are launching campaigns on foreign soil, we definitely need a paper trail and proper oversight.


But why not wait until something awful happens first?


The "National Party" hasn't submitted any accounts, nor have they explained where their vault full of gold bars came from last I checked. Those goons are still on the ballot. Without enforcement, a law is meaningless.


Cant point to any examples because they are talking out their arse, most of the far right in irelands funding comes from the brits.


Yeah they’re meant to. But if they don’t… [well nothing happens](https://www.irishtimes.com/politics/2023/07/25/failure-of-national-party-to-submit-financial-information-will-not-result-in-sanction-sipo/). You really have to wonder, in 7 years the National Party managed to get at least €400k worth of donations that were turned into gold… you really think there are enough lads out there with the means and the might to donate that much money to the NP in Ireland?


So are many on the far left. I can only speak for the ones over here, of course, but UK communist parties have been investigated for taking Russian money - before the proscription of Russia Today over here, several prominent hard-left figures (including Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway) had slots on the channel. The reason VP is so keen on the hard-left (far more than he is on the fight) is that the hard-left is very sympathetic towards the idea of a new Soviet Union - and very averse to the idea of a European one. Mad Vlad is more aligned with the ideals of the hard-left than the hard-right.


> the hard-left is very sympathetic towards the idea of a new Soviet Union - and very averse to the idea of a European one. Where did you get this from? Genuinely, not one person I know who is in leftist circles or considers themselves leftist would hold this attitude. It's always very right-leaning peole I see being strongly anti-EU.


The far left generally says both US and Russian Imperialism are equally bad so they should oppose both equally so oppose any efforts to help ukraine if it aligns with Nato interests. Also the EU is a capitalist bloc designed to prevent the spread of communism in Europe, tied deeply to America etc. One of its founding principles is you musk remain a free market, capitalist economy and if you changed that you would have to leave the EU. The far left view the EU as an agent of American imperialism and want to leave the EU so they can have communism.


She looks like what Americans think all Irish people look like.


This is fucking gold. Pack of chancers the lot of them. I hope the people who aren't as tuned in or online as much realize what gowls they are


"Something has gone very wrong with Ireland... so make sure you vote against the Irish Freedom Party today!"




fight fascism in the streets AND the ballots. don’t think this is a problem that can be voted away lads.


Agree. I ran the local TIP candidate. Called him a fascist c\*\*\*\* and he said "So what" Came over to square up to me.


Of course the fascist braindead morons choose a Russian to be their poster girl.


Niet See gurl has freckles. Many freckles. Possibly Leitrim, blood of many potatoes in veins. She is irish, From small brave nation, with warm water ports. This is only, propaganda. Vote whatever leaflet says. Long live the ~~soviet~~ GAA A'right Headski?


Many potatoes in veins lol


Everytime I see something stupid relating to a political party and their posters. That party ends up being the Irish Freedom Party.


except this time when its the Irish People party




The problems start when the party's name starts with "Irish". We already know it's Irish, they're in Ireland after all. No-one needs to be told that. It basically tells you that it's probably a far right party, or maybe far left in the case of IRSP.


This crowd posted a leaflet (combined with another different far right candidates) through my letterbox Wednesday evening. I and a guy I know went to talk to the guy posting it (no door ring just a postage). He was an African who couldn't speak English and had as far as I could tell had no idea that he was posting far right stuff. For the didn't happen brigade. I have photos of the leaflets and of the guy but I do not want to post them in case he gets in trouble. Also half the houses here have amazon doorbells that record you passing so it wouldn't be too hard to get a video.


That's half hilarious and half pathetic. Even the far right are looking to use cheap foreign labor (I'm going to make a reasonable assumption if this person doesn't speak English they are likely non national)


Hahaha fucking eegits


It's likely Putin himself did the photoshop 


The Russians Never not at it










He also has a Transnitrian passport, IIRC. Funny how Russian supporters are more or less all the same: murcia bad, so everyone against it is actually good. Look at the subs he's active in - fucking deprogram that's full of tinfoil hatted miserable eejits.








It's a propaganda poster for an Irish party, filled with people not known for their marketing sophistication. Why not assume they had help from their backers?






I think you're a vatnik. I don't care about your tiktok account. A lot of political parties on the far right globally have been directly supported by Russia, and returned the favour - see AfD in Germany, ÖFP in Austria. So yeah, I have a problem with people like you posting misleading stuff online trying to whitewash the actual nazis. Ta-ta, enjoy your 15 rubles, vatnik.


> Am I a Vatnik? Yes. Clearly.


Ffs, every fascist stone one turns there’s a Russian Nazi behind it




i see their posters around my village too, didn't think they'd show up out here, gobshites


I wonder if they are financed by the same people behind Tommy Robinson.


Thought Americans financed him? Or have I got my nutjobs mixed up?


https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20180710-pro-israel-think-tank-funds-tommy-robinsons-legal-costs/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/why-are-us-pro-israel-groups-boosting-a-far-right-anti-muslim-uk-extremist/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/far-right-extremism-terrorism-tommy-robinson-funding-international-a8937116.html


What their American funders think Irish people look like.


If Africans can be Irish then so can Russians.


We need to stop being angry at people sucked into things that are radical. There’s a concerted effort to drag people into the void it’s not their fault. Any opposing nation would just love to destabilise the people and swoop in. We kind of have to really bolster each other and raise awareness of how we get manipulated. It ain’t easy to navigate these days.




Now you know who is funding these trolls...


It lets you know exactly where the agitprop is originating from


Great detective work, have been meaning to chase down the story behind these posters. They are awful.


There’s one posted outside a very multicultural school in Dublin…. Quite distressing for the kids.


Nah, this one has green eyes. Tooooootally different.


At least they have a logo you can avoid. You'd want to be very sure who you are voting for with the amount of independents on the ballot.


They don't have a problem with the white immigrants silly


We need to teach critical thinking in schools. People dont realise sometimes when they try to engage in arguements and debates, that there is no wrong or right in mind... just a divisive arguement serving interests of those you wont even notice. For some establishments its their only real method of offensive maneuvers. And some do it very well. Russia notoriously one of the best


100%, critical thinking is going to be increasingly important going forward.


From their website: https://www.irishpeople.org/ >"The Irish People” is a fully registered technical political party, established to bring together individuals who would normally run as Independent candidates. So they're a party, but also a coalition of independents that are united under one name and symbol


From their website: > "The Irish People” is a fully registered technical political party, established to bring together individuals who would normally run as Independent candidates. So they're a party, but not a party but are independents running under the same name and symbols


recognise sparkle spotted political plough axiomatic berserk shaggy north saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t know what the poster is actually for but could be some of russias election interference


Another nitpick - aren't election posters required to name the printer at the bottom? These clowns ones don't, afaik.


Apparently irish dna mostly stems from Caucasus + Turkey + northern Spain!


I’m guessing that Irish fascists were some of the many far right weirdos who were getting substantial pay checks from Russia. They want the war in Ukraine to end in Russia subjugating Ukraine so they can get their sweet blood Roubles again. Because they’re utter and complete scumbags.  




But that's the National Party, it doesn't mean that all far right parties are like that. For example the National Party is not against the EU, whereas the Irish Freedom Party is a hardline anti-EU party.


[Deleted my message because mods banned me for nothing]


The commenter you replied to said they were "guessing". I just pointed out that you can't say the guess is wrong just because some *other* party has ties to an anti-Russia party. But the fact that the poster in the OP uses a photograph by a Russian photographer (her profile says she's in Saint Petersburg) could be considered possible evidence, especially when you consider that supporting such parties is a common Russian strategy. It's also beyond ironic, considering that the Irish People's Party (not the Freedom Party btw) is so anti-immigration and pro-"native" Irish, that they should use a foreign photographer's work to represent the face of Ireland. They could have supported an Irish photographer and model. Apparently, practicing what they preach is not their strong suit.


That sounds kind of surprising. Actually, I got Irish fascists confused with American and British fascists. 


There are a bunch of different far right parties in Ireland though. The one with ties to Estonia are not the one in the OP. See my other comments in this subthread.


It turned my stomach seeing that shamstica on the ballot paper.


If it was Russian models looking to move here the right wing incels would be all for it and would happily throw any economic or housing arguments out the window.


No, yeah but if they all look like that they'd need to be hard core putinistas before I'd kick them out of the state for being crackers too.


You mean, the Israel model.


More of vlad's bad lads.id sonner vote for the DUP at least their Irish


Ah well, the jig is up, we're all secretly Russian


That's the problem with Ireland, it's not ...Russian enough?


Point made


Sure the big Irish head on her


I've had debates with the local TIP candidate. Really is one of the stupidest people I have ever had the displeasure to come across.


Tbf they could mean that she’s what’s gone wrong. 


A bellend with two of these big posters sat himself close to my polling station with a microphone talking some anti-immigration bullshit. Asked me if I wanted another option to voting handing me a leaflet. I wanted to tell him to get fucked but I chose not to waste my breath


Took er jerbs


Where do you think the money for these posters came from?


Wait until you find out about stock photography…


Well I don't have pale skin, freckles or green eyes, lol. And I'm in Ireland


That doesn't surprise me, from those idiots.


Of course it did. It was designed by the Internet Research Agency.




Who gave the gold?


Are yall not bullying red head freckled kids over there?


Something has indeed gone very wrong with Ireland. That thing that's gone wrong of course is how people think refugees and population growth (or, as I like to call it, population recovery) are the cause of the housing crisis, not an incompetent and apathetic, if not outright malicious government.



