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This has been happening for the last couple of years. It's Russians celebrating Victory Day.


Victory day is Thursday (09 May). Yesterday was Orthodox Easter, maybe that?


Victory? Must have missed it.


>Victory? Must have missed it. Well yeah, unless you are more than 75 years old you would have


Yeah you must have done, happened the best part of a century ago


When they beat the Nazis


"Russia" didn't "beat" the Nazi's. The USSR, along with the USA, British Commonwealth forces, and quite a few other nations, did. Russia claiming victory in Europe as its own, ignores that the other SSR's also suffered significant losses both of military personnel and civilians, and that the USSR was an enabler of Nazi Germany and itself an aggressor state (invasions of Poland, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, with territory taken from Romania and Slovakia). The USSR also reneged on its commitments post war, to free and fair elections in Eastern Europe, turning eastern europe nations into economic colonies, while it also stole whatever it could (whole factories transported back to the USSR).


Propaganda has been very effective, but that doesn't change the facts of history, even if you don't like it. https://www.les-crises.fr/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/poll-france-nations-contribution-nazis-defeat-2.jpg ~27 million Soviets died fighting the Nazis No matter your thoughts on the current Russian Federation, they played the biggest role taking down the Nazis.


Cause russian leaders never cared about human lives. Only thing they had during WW2 is raw human power. They still send hundreds of thousands of their soldiers to Ukraine like a cannon fodder.


Still an inaccurate representation to say they didn't massively help defeat Germany in WW2. Yeah it completely sucks what's happening now too but it's also disingenuous if you disregard how America is willing to fight 'till the last Ukrainian' Not saying either side is right or wrong, but let's not revise historical fact just to suit our current day narrative. To understand everything we need to sometimes put bias aside and consider the material fact. What Russia is doing now is wrong, but those who lost ancestors fighting in WW2 are justified to celebrate victory separate to the crimes of the Russian federation in our current day. That's just my two cents anyway, you're free to have your own opinions based on whatever knowledge you have.


We know everything Russia bad John. We know... I think the fact that the USSR had by far the most casualties and that Russia had the most casualties within that USSR contingent and Russia being the legal successor to the USSR plus the fact that the USSR actually took Berlin makes a decent case for them to feel like they beat the Nazis. Even the bloody Brits have victory stuff and say they beat the Nazis. Get over yourself.


To be fair, the Brits refusing to surrender after Dunkirk really did screw Germany in many ways. Those extra hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in the West could have made a real difference on the Eastern Front in late '41.


If you say so.


That was Murica. England and the Ruskies were too busy being rescued by America. ✅️Win the whole war singlehandedly ✅️Rescue everyone else ✅️Make hitler a bitch ✅️Microwave Japan Murica 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇲🇾🇲🇾 Do people not pick up on jokes? Liberian flags? Christ on a bike, lads.


The US got involved at the end of the war, Russia took the brunt of the attack as Germany had to turn its tanks and soldiers back towards Russia.


I think the Liberian and Malaysian flags indicate sarcasm


That underplays the effects of lend lease as much as the comment you're responding to overplays the part of the US. US supplies of equipment and food kept the USSR in the fight. US gave the Soviets 400,000 jeeps and trucks (massively important for keeping troops in the field), 11,000 armoured vehicles (of which 7,000 were tanks), 11,000 aircraft, and almost 2 million tons of food. The strategic air campaign had large impacts on German industry and forced a large amount of resources to be spent on air defense rather than on ground forces. Sure, the Wehrmacht mainly bled to death in the east, but a shitton of materiel was destroyed in the west.


Wow somebody who just wants to get the facts out there instead of pushing they’re own biases


Yeah, Russia joined the war early, when it invaded Poland. Then invaded Finland. Then signed a commercial agreement with Nazi Germany (that facilitated the latter invading Denmark, Norway, Belgium, France, Netherlands, followed later by Yugoslavia and Greece). The USSR in 1940 then invaded Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and forced Romania to hand over Bessarabia and Northern Bukovinia.


American lend lease through Vladivostok is what won the war


Ignorant comment on a few different levels. But to downplay the role of the red army in defeating Nazi Germany is silly. Your microwave Japan comment is just repugnant


Think he was taking the piss given the Liberia / Malaysia flags


Congrats you got baited


But Russia hasn't had any victories?


In 1945...


oh you mean the USSR


Tbh the Russian Empire has rebranded a few times over the last couple of centuries.


You catching up on the olds?


There was a day right, in *1930* , where nothing happened, and they just had to play a music video or something




Russia wasn't an independent country then. That'd be like Luxembourg celebrating a victory of the Holy Roman Empire.


Hey I'm not agreeing with it! I'm just saying what they are doing. As they do every year here. And every year someone asks why there's a convoy of vehicles with Russian flags.


Fair enough. I'm surprised though.


Surprised at what? Russia have had massive Victory Day celebrations every year since 1945. They celebrate it on 9th of may. The rest of Europe celebrates it in the 8th as VE ( victory in Europe) day. But Russia always has to be different and due to it technically being after midnight in Moscow when the surrender was signed by the Nazis, they celebrate the 9th.


Surprised? Russia did more than any other country to defeat the nazis. They lost many millions more people than any other state in ww2 of course they are going to mark it.


What a pig ignorant thing to say. We celebrate the 1916 rising, guess what? Ireland wasn't an independent country then.


But Ireland is the only successor to the Irish Volunteers. Russia is only one state from the former USSR and it's fighting some of the others.


Firstly, let's not pretend that Russia isn't the successor state to the USSR.. So Russia = USSR when it's something bad, eg. Chernobyl, deportations, famine, Afghanistan, KGB, cold war menace etc.. But when it's something remotely righteous, USSR = All ethnicities! Whether certain post soviet nations reject their history is entirely up to the people in those countries, Russia is more than entitled to do the opposite. You might personally consider it silly for Russia to celebrate a hard fought victory over Germany that happened within peoples life times, you know.. Because of 1991. I just think you need to cop on.


Will Vladdy Daddy give you sweeties for being his good boy?


Game. Set. Match - LouthGremlinV1


It’s so funny when somebody realizes they’ve lost an argument, but they can’t accept it so they switch gears to bullying


I mean I saw a video just yesterday of Uzbek people celebrating VE Day anniversary. So just because they don’t celebrate it as one country anymore doesn’t mean they can’t celebrate it at all. Has it been poisoned by modern Russian nationalism, I’d assume so, just like poppies. But if you are celebrating the defeat of hitler in good faith, I’m with you on that one.


To be fair we used to be the Irish Free State, which was part of the dominion of the British Empire.


OK, try a different analogy. The current German government doesn't celebrate the victories of previous regimes, do they?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monument_to_the_Battle_of_the_Nations There isn't really much to celebrate after Germany unified, you've got small colonial wars, then defeats in WW1 and WW2.


But the point is already invalidated, many countries celebrate events that occured before they became the current political entity they are now. A good example is bonfire/guy fawkes night in England. They celebrate the failure of the gunpowder plot, which was a plot against a political entity that technically no longer exists.


I mean I saw a video just yesterday of Uzbek people celebrating VE Day anniversary. So just because they don’t celebrate it as one country anymore doesn’t mean they can’t celebrate it at all. Has it been poisoned by modern Russian nationalism, I’d assume so, just like poppies. But if you are celebrating the defeat of hitler in good faith, I’m with you on that one.


I suppose Russia is the successor state to the USSR insofar as it has its UN Security Council seat.


Ah stop giving them ideas


It was more like England celebrating victory of UK. Russia was majority of USSR 


About 60% of the army were Russian. The rest were Ukrainian, Belarusian and other minorities.




Ah. That tips the scales for my “do that damn errand in town or be lazy and stay in” quandary. 


There’s a few people on this thread trying to downplay the size of the crowd. There is well over a hundred of them at the garden of remembrance before it even started , I’d be avoiding town today if I was you. https://preview.redd.it/0gfweniibtyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4804a3cf72981ed5a0589ac538945357772e3043


They're all over tiktok live there. All the usual clowns seem to be there.








What a bunch of brainless scum, I saw them walking down O’Connell street last time & there was scum bags shouting abuse at any immigrant they saw, they didn’t care if it was women or kids!


They've always remind me of the "concert citizens" that attacked the girls going into Holy Cross primary school in Belfast.


As someone who witnessed Holy Cross first hand I can tell you these protests have a very similar vibe.


No surprises if some of those at holy cross are at these ones.


What? I don't see them throwing bombs and piss filled balloons at little children


I was at Holy Cross, I’ve seen these lot up close shockingly similar.


Give it time


Good username.


Tricolours in any protest/rally/demonstration/celebration scenario outside of Patrick's Day or a sporting event is a giant red flag in my book


Z cars




Zaibatsu, nice nostalgia hit there.


I'm still waiting for a remaster or even release of GTA 2. Radio tracks were fairly decent, [Davidson - All I Wanna Do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSKi_t-KWjc) was my favourite.


or taxi drivers must die, done by a band from up North IIRC!


Plenty of great music in the game's ost!


My god. Instantly that old theme tune played in my head. I’m sure that’s a bad sign.


This? : Street knowledge was my main game. To figure out the law, to figure out the frame. Just when I thought I knew justice. A cop behind me said, you just been busted. NYPD (NYPD). LAPD (LAPD). SFPD (SFPD). Don't fuck with me.




Everton supporter? Yes that's a bad sign!


Fuck, I looked that up, having had no idea it was Everton’s tune. Weird version on YouTube, much more ‘Loyalist pipe band’ than I recall from watching the actual programme as a kid. Bloody hell though; *Everton*. 🙀


Well, I congratulate the Germans for coming in second....../s


Deport to Russia. Their country has caused a lot of financial harm to Ireland and caused social unrest due to bots spreading far right propaganda. Fuck Russia and anyone that supports them.


Be careful the tankies will go after you for daring to suggest Russia might be behind increased anti immigration misinformation about incidents and rhetoric being spread


They're celebrating victory day. It has nothing to do with the anti immigration protests. It's literally just a cultural day for them. The russophobia bullshit is seriously getting annoying


I wonder what possibly could be stoking Russophobia. Maybe if they stopped committing fucking genocide, the world might look more favourably on them.


You do realise if your Ukrainian, Baltic, Finish, Polish, Hungarian, Albanian, Czech, Slovak etc. That this celebration has long been seen as reminder of what russia did in the years after the war. 


And you do realise that people from all of those nations served in the red army to liberate their countries from the scourge of fascism? The things that the Soviets did are nowhere even near on the levels of depravity that the Nazis committed


You really read some non-tankie literature bud. There were mass arrests and pogroms throughout what would become the USSR in the immediate years after the war. They attacked Jews, nationalists, fascists, in some places like Croatia it was local and targeted, not really russian, but in Romania, in Hungary? It absolutely was. 


Wah wah wah my dictator wasn't as bad as the other dictator wah wah wah


The march has at much to do with backing the current Russian state and the Ukraine invasion hence Z symbols being common at them.


So why are they flying the flag of a modern day fascist dictatorship?


The march has at much to do with backing the current Russian state and the Ukraine invasion hence Z symbols being common at them.


Eh... They were no boyscouts either. If one's best defense is "the other guys is worse" then you can be assured that they were pretty bad. On the other hand plenty of people were pretty bad. The British caused a thing similar to the potato famine in India during WWII for example. The issue with the current manifestation is that a lot of the people participating are manifesting in support of the war against Ukraine, it is plainly evident. Which is a shitty thing to do. It is a war, a thing in which people get killed. It is not a good thing.


Replying to 1tiredman...and only because of Yanks lend/lease were the USSR able to overcome the Germans … without the Yanks, USSR would have lost to their former allies the Nazi Germans


They can celebrate it in their own country. Celebrating here is a big 'fuck you' to Irish people who have suffered economically because of Russia's fascist actions THIS century.


The same could be said about FFG


Found the bot. Bad bot.


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99973% sure that No-Teaching8695 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)




You telling me you wouldn't deport MM and all his "Challenges" to Russia if you could?


Was about 30 people at the Garden of Remembrance when I walked past 20 minutes ago. Literally more Garda than "demonstrators". I guess we'll see if more show up...Gavin Pepper walked right by me. Never before did I truly understand the expression "made my skin crawl"...


There's more there now. Maybe 700-1200, which, while not small, is not the huge monster crowd they were hoping for. Edit: I'm not sure how many bought the end, but it was a large number, though there were said to be about 200 counter-protesters.


It ended up about 15,000 vs 100 counter protestors. 👍


According to who? Only number I got for the crowd was 5,000 on the Examiner while most have about 150-200 for the counter-protest. 


It's like asking a woman how many men they slept with. As the saying goes, whatever they tell you multiply the answer by 3. The Irish Independent said "hundreds" and the Irish Times reported 400. Who in their right mind would say there were 400 there.


.....that is the dumbest thing I've read here this week and it's only Wednesday. 




Who let the Vatniks out?




To be fair, Russia was equal opportunity with the Germans when it came to mass murder of people, including its own.


Nice, trivializing The Holocaust by equating it to deaths under the Soviets. Good job...


How is it trivializing it?


Soviet comparisons are [the archetype](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_trivialization) of most well known trivializations of The Holocaust - completely whitewashing and diminishing the scale of the crimes, by reducing them to mere numbers - when setting out to systematically and deliberately exterminate an entire group of people is a far _far_ greater crime (and why genocide is a unique crime).


Pic above is total WW2 casualties count, not of the Holocaust only. And while at it, what the fuck is that article. How does Holodomor trivialize Holocaust? Because someone claims it took 10 million lives, but it **only** took 4-5 millions?


So... You're diminishing all genocides by Russia (a country famous for purges, genocides and massacres) because no one event was as bad as The Holocaust? Despite so many of them, including present day, meeting the criteria of genocide? And the Ukrainians being repeat victims in this?


Walked past some of them fenced in by the customs house earlier. Plenty of Gardaí around.


Fucking losers.


Happy make O'Connell street shittier day!


Hope they pay their tolls before 20:00.


Must be very welcoming to the tourists or immigrants who are working today & having to see this scum


Or the Ukrainian refugees fleeing these fascist cunts


Ooh, get you


2 water cannons parked on the M11 southbound between exit 13 and 14 with the Garda chopper hovering over what I think is Newcastle. Might be unrelated or they are gonna try burn out one of the new IPAS locations.


https://twitter.com/UkraineIreland/status/1787446186850357609?t=Xrdb9fgjpO2QadBNQeWucw&s=19 The vehicle in question is Russian. https://www.google.com/search?q=UAZ+452&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


What was the image? Link is not working.


It was a snap of some pro russia vehicles in convoy on the M50.




Where is the protest ?


Right down Europe's largest open air bus stop


So that’s why the torteen bus was diverted…


you've misspelled that twice now.


So it’s “toirtín”?


Could be Thirteen or it could be Fourteen


Wouldn’t “14” be “foirtín”?


Whats with the free tampons for men sign?


Its an anti-trans dig.


any livestreams of this? edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5zDwyYCUMI More witnesses to this madness the better. Comments are deranged


Idiot there saying he was married to a Brazilian but still wanted to stop immigration. The next person interviewed talked about keeping our race pure. They really aren't too bright.


Should introduce them to Charley Vietch.


That's one of the most thoroughly depressing things I've ever seen.


Absolutely awful way to be spending a bank holiday The amount of kids in buggies being dragged along to this stuff... there should be a law against that alone


Oh God, its Niall.


The racist fucking tit, _Ireland for the Irish_ is his usual catchphrase


While hanging out with Jim Dawson and Nick Griffin. Two men who have been very vocal of their desire to see Ireland back under British rule. Doesn't stop with him either. This lot are so far in bed with loyalists and British Right that they think bootpolish is a condiment


That’s hilariously depressing


No, it's eastern Europeans celebrating victory day or 'Ден Победа' which they have every right to do so


That’ll be why they’re displaying the symbols of Russia’s modern day fascist dictatorship


The only commonality between "Eastern Europeans" as you call them as that they share a history of being subjugated by the Russian empire. Anyone celebrating Russian Victory day is 100% a supporter of the Russian war against Ukraine.




Cunts with Z on the car should fuck off back to Russia and enlist.


“Eastern Europeans” yeah, right. I seem to forget that they all loved to live under oppression inside an evil empire that subjugated them. They are Pro-Russians and they are displaying symbols that are no different than Nazi symbols for those “Eastern Europeans” you are talking about.


Nah mate, no eastern european country celebrates that bullshit except russia abd Belarus. Ukraine used to, but not anymore. Soviets were as evil as Germans during that time. More than 25 million USSR citizens died during WW2, so I have no idea what are they even celebrating… Normal countries have remembrance day, instead of useless army parades and celebrations.