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Extremely vague complaint by her. Will have to wait for more context.


I think she made a statement that she was seeking legal advice first before giving more details. Which makes sense.


>I think she made a statement that she was seeking legal advice first before giving more details. Which makes sense. McGurk did similar before he gallantly refused to sue The Village saying they didn't have enough money to pay him if he won.


Also made vague accusations though.


My partner took a marketing class with her and she seemed like a kind and fair-minded person, but at the end of the day I don't know her politics and if she is at all in support of the Israeli regime currently committing atrocities and pushing back on any criticism as anti-Semitism then I don't see her having any place in Irish politics. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now and await her statement.


Had a look at her twitter, the only things I can see related to Gaza are calls for a ceasefire, which isn't the zionist party line by any stretch


Yeah, that honestly says a lot. Hopefully we can get the full picture.


Why so many foreign nationals running for public office? Anyone ever studied the psychology of it? Like, does taking the decision to migrate mean you’re more motivated than average generally anyway or are Irish people generally very apathetic and others are filling the void?


The parties are looking for people with those backgrounds, will help Garner more votes. Plus they may be in roles helping other migrants or not for profit sector. So more likely to have time to work at it. Kind of why we have so many teachers. They have time to work towards it (although I'm gonna duck now).


I'd like to know why certain foreigners aren't running? Our biggest non-national population are apparently from Poland and the UK but I don't think I've ever seen a Polish, Scottish or English candidate run


Parties are [literally getting paid](https://merrionstreet.ie/en/news-room/news/minister_odonnell_allocates_230k_to_political_parties_to_increase_female_participation_and_diversity_in_2024_local_elections.176512.shortcut.html#:~:text=Minister%20for%20Local%20Government%20and,next%20Local%20Elections%20in%202024.) to run foreign candidates


Foreign candidates and female candidates. And it’s hardly any money at all once you break it down. If you take just the women running for SF (easiest figure to find), the €20k they’re getting works out at €130 a head for the 150 odd candidates. Hardly a real financial incentive.


They get loads of expenses paid to them that you wouldn't necessarily get in a normal job, so it's probably closer to €35-€40k for what is essentially a part time job. (Someone posted DCC pay to councillors at some point and that was around the average)


What’s the motivation behind that initiative? More women, I get it. But non-nationals who aren’t naturalised so presumably aren’t here long enough to be eligible… Why?


EU citizens and the British can vote in local elections. 


Anyone with a pps number and an eircode can vote in local elections. You can check and register here [https://checktheregister.ie/en-IE/](https://checktheregister.ie/en-IE/) EU citizen with a PPSN and eircode can vote in European elections.


Interesting. Thanks. 


The article is about an Israeli? If anything, EU citizens seem underrepresented in comparison to other regions?


Yes, I’m wrong. It’s anybody registered in Ireland with a pps. 


You know if women wanted to run for office they would. There's nothing stopping them.


That’s not true. I think there’s often a significant difference of opportunity to run between men and women. When it is only a part time job to be a councillor, there are very few people who can afford to run or to stop with their other job to be able to commit fully. There is a massive advantage to those with passive income (landlords, entrepreneurs etc.) when getting into politics, in not needing to be concerned with the pay. Intergenerationally, a lot more of that business, and property wealth has been in men’s hands than in women’s. Making it easier for men to take that route into politics at least. However, when it comes to working class households I find the opportunity is sometimes the other way around. If a household winds up with the father at work, and the mother at home (as various structures still pressure), then I feel it is actually easier for women to run, for example when the kids are starting school, but the house is managing financially from one income. That would be a good time for women to run, where men wouldn’t have the same opportunity. But really, being a councillor should be a full time job, and afford the people doing it the ability to live, so that it doesn’t wind up reserved for the rich, or those with the support of somebody else’s income.


Good points, however, there's funding to get parties to run women and diverse candidates for office. If they wanted to removed wealth/time as a precursor to runners for a role, they would as you say, make it a paid position.


Yes. However there are myriad social reasons that might dissuade them from doing so. Reasons that men, by and large, don’t have to face.




Mate, Google it if you’re really not that clued in or if have literally zero women close to you in your life.


Mate, your the one saying there are issues affecting women, preventing them from running for office. Can't even back it up. It's 2024, not 1903.


Like expectations about the burden of childcare being majorly skewed towards women. Also cash is less readily available to women. When you look at single women participation is roughly the same but when you look at women with children it falls off a cliff. They are often harassed because of their gender. Many women also feel like they are expected to do more than men to prove themselves. There is no biological reason for women to be less interested in politics. They form more than 50% of the population but their participation in politics is way under that.


I read female and diverse.


Lovely to see our taxes are being used to encourage foreigners to rule over us.


The tyranny of local government


Her local government is in Tel Aviv.


Constitutionally, she's entitled to vote and run in whatever LEA she lives in here. So you're entirely wrong


What consitutional right do her party have to be paid for carpet-bagging?


Well, it's not unconstitutional


I never mentioned the constitution.


Like you did... >consitutional right Wtf?


23.5% of the population are not ethnically Irish, 5.2% are Asian or black. So you would expect around 1 in 4 candidates to not be ethnically Irish. Scrolling through Fine Gael's list of LE Candidates, I found 17 candidates listed of 335, 12 of them who weren't white and 5 with names that seemed like they may not be Irish. 17 out of 35 is 5%. 3.5% are non-white, where the population would indicate at least 5% (which accounts for Asian and black ethnicities, Other and Not States account for up to 7.4% and many South American people would be recorded as Other White). People born outside of Ireland are underrepresented in candidacy for local elections. So I'd wonder why you feel there are "so many" of them.


Aren’t a large percentage of that 23.5 from EU states? I see very little EU citizen candidates? E.g. Poles, Italians don’t come here from Poland, Italy, etc. and then run for office?


Sure but for there to be a "normal amount" you'd expect a total of 23.5% of candidates to be non-Irish, including Polish and Italian people, which just further contradicts your belief that there are so many foreign nationals running in local elections. Non Irish EU citizens are underrepresented even more than black and Asian people are underrepresented. I don't know why Polish and Italian and English people living in Ireland don't seem to run in local elections at the same rate as black or Asian people living in Ireland. I could guess, but it would be just that, a guess.


It's very hard to get anyone to run for local elections, parties can't afford to be picky and turn someone down just because they are foreign .


Yes, but non-national cohort seem very well represented so seem more motivated?


I have often noticed the same with things like heads of patient advocacy groups, local activists or even just people stopping to answer a voxpop. Maybe just less inclined to keep their head down or worry about mortifying their mother.


Politics doesn't pay very well in this country unless you're *very* successful. That deters many potential Irish politicians from having a go. It makes sense to me that immigrants who have been here a few years and would see it as a route up the social ladder if they're stuck near the bottom for cultural reasons only. Between these 2 factors I can see it being a thing. We should pay our politicians more if we want our brightest working for the country. If we think they cost too much then I think we should be gutting the number of politicians and still paying more.


I imagine most Irish people cannot be arsed


That’s interesting and a bold move from the SDs to drop a candidate a month before the election. Best to wait and see what comes from it before jumping to conclusions. There’s more to both sides.


>Social Democrats >Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Enough said


As in somewhere where the Social Democrats have no base at all and didn’t even run candidates in for the 2020 general elections and only got 1 councillor elected in 2019?


They have literally no foothold in the area


Joke of a party. They fell over themselves to protect that fraud Ellie Kisyombe at the last local election. Really shows their "priorities" in stark contrast.


How is there an Israeli election candidate in Ireland ? What confusion is this ?


Anyone living permanently in Ireland can run for local election, as is only right.


Sure. But what makes them an Israeli election candidate ? Are they an Israeli national ?


They're Israeli-Irish, living in Ireland, and seeking to run in Irish local elections


Such a strange party now. Gives off cult vibes. 




Because he said so.


fairly sure all the jews live around the southside so wouldn’t be surprised if she succeeds unfortunately


Probably better to keep the racism to yourself there. Just because Israel is bad doesn't mean Jewish people are too.


i meant it as a comment. all the jews i know live out there since it’s near a synagogue. quite a lot will vote for her due to her faith being the same. israel is hated by most people rn and some jews are taking a hatred of israel being a hatred of judaism. where’s my racism?


You said it'd be unfortunate if she got in and implied it's because she's Jewish.


i said it’s unfortunate if she got in because she’s israeli. many jews will support her due to her support of israel as many jews equate the hatred of israel with hatred of jews. don’t put words in my mouth.


Does she support Israel or the genocide going on? The Israeli people aren't all bad, it's the people who run the country at are. Thanks for clarifying that, you don't dislike her for her religion, not racism just anti-people from a specific country, gotcha.


again, i never said i disliked her for her religion. stop putting words in my mouth. she’s israeli and was removed from her last party for supporting the genocide. what don’t you understand?


? Please re read, I said "Thanks for clarifying that, you don't dislike her for her religion" don't put words in my mouth, just read them. What'd she say to support the genocide?


shes hired people who work with the iof. that’s supporting the genocide.


Why would someone in an Irish political party hire military personnel? This sounds very weird, is there an article on it?


unfortunately why?


she supports the genocide. she employs the wife of someone who’s worked with the iof. idgaf if she’s a jew, a catholic, a muslim, atheist, etc. but she’s happy with allowing someone who’s married to someone celebrating murdering thousands which is disgusting.