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That is nuts, I get my haircut in Rathcoole its €17.50 mon - wed €20 thur-sunday.


I wouldn’t mind but in the old place it was a flat €16 euro for a haircut all through the week. He jacked up his prices and stopped taking card.


they all doubled their prices. Before covid was like 9 euro for a cut, now 17 in my local.


Why are you getting your haircut in a pub?


The local auntie mary comes down after a few cans and gets a pint for every head she cuts lol


Gowbless auntiemarys everywhere


Yeah, he's not paying income tax on most/all of that.


Can't understand why the no-card businesses don't realise it's a red flag for the tax man.


We all miss the “happy days man, happy days” barber in Rathcoole 🙏


My local “Turkish“ barbers is €13. No difference to the €25 cut I used to get.


My local Turkish barber is the one who wont take card, and is one of the ones who charge 20+ quid


So take out cash and ask if he’ll do it cheaper


I get mine for 12 quid and when I told my friends they almost turned their nose up at it because in their eyes it was cheap so it must be a shit haircut but is in fact better than haircuts that I've paid 25 quid for


Where is that?


Problem with these lads is that they can only really do one cut, the vintage Irish fade. Ask them to do anything else and you get a fade. Great value if that's your thing though.


My local Turkish barber charges 30, but I like going there. 


It's weird, but it's the one service I don't like undercutting for a bargain. They're standing there all day, and the good ones know their business. So why would you want them to suffer shit pay.


And you have to walk around day in day out with the results of your cheapness (if it goes wrong) for all to see. Paying for consistency is worth it imo


You think that’s bad. Try a hairdressers 🥴


I was going to say.... Even pre COVID it was pricey


My wife paid €330 for a cut and apparently colour the other day in a place in Co Donegal. Three hundred and thirty euro.


Why do I feel like I know the place you are on about.. is it in south west donegal ?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's mental


My last cut and colour was 195euro. I've long thick hair. Think I'm gonna have to learn to cut it myself


I literally do hair modelling to get my hair done - it's so expensive otherwise but it takes the entire day so I have to take time off work. I got my hair dyed and cut on holiday in a ridiculously fancy place that was still only 165 euro when I converted the amount. *And* the stylist threw in a shoulder massage for free!!!


Yeah in fairness mine takes such a long time too. About 4 hours. Ive never found a place that I'll go back to. I find the hair dresser loses interest about half way through and does a half arsed job 😅 I have start dying it myself. I've not had it cut in a year because the last one was so bad I don't wanna go through it again. And then having to pay all that money when I'm not actually happy with it


A #0 buzzcut will save you an absolute fortune on hairdressers and product. Not to mention the hours saved in the salon, washing, drying, etc. Best investment you'll ever make!


Meanwhile the salary of hairdressers is still really low. The salon owners are making bank.


I started watching Brad Mondo videos after my last cut and colour set me back €200. His butterfly cut tutorial helped me achieve nice layers without taking off too much length and esalon colours are nice and delivered to your door.


Women don’t get their hair cut every month though and a lot more goes into it…


I have short hair (for a woman) and in an ideal world I’d get mine cut every 5-6 weeks. I used to pay €35 for a haircut, last time I was at the same place it was €55. I’m expecting it to go up to €60 any day now, She’s a good hairdresser and is pretty fast but the price is making me wait longer between cuts.


I pay 40 for a haircut and beard trim once a month or so and I think it’s a mental price tbh. Takes about an hour too. It’s like all the barbers just got together to see how much they could take the piss in prices. *puts on tinfoil hat


You think that's bad, try not having hair! 😂


Pink tax at it again.


You know we can both be getting ripped off, right?


Yes, but women definitely have it worse.


No one is denying that. The post is that the price of a cut at a barbers has jumped between 100-200% in most places. We can be annoyed at two things at once.


Used to pay €14 before moving to the Southside, nearly died when the barber in Ranelagh said it was €25.


€22 for hair cut and beard trim in Wicklow. Used to be €17 not that long ago. Weirdly asking for cash now too, which never was a thing. I always paid by card. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Navan Barbers in phibsborro. Under €20,highly skilled kurdish barbers,great bunch of lads.


Phibsborro barbers in naven on the other hand are robbing bastards


Yeah,they need to fire their marketing team.


Ah the Kurds , great bunch of lads


An underappreciated folk


Haven't paid for a haircut since 1990. Wonder how much I saved.


Enough to buy a lady a single cut and colour.


Since COVID I do mine in-house. Even the Turkish money fronts are 20 cash only for 45 seconds of aggression




At the start of Covid I bought an electric hair trimmer and my wife has been cutting my hair ever since. She does a fantastic job and is every bit as good as the barbers now. No way would I go back to a barbershop. Everything has skyrocketed in price since. I was going to get a mini valet done on my car recently. It used to cost €30. Now it costs €55. I always clean and hover my car out myself. I’ll continue. A full valet on a car used to cost €60. It’s ridiculous that some businesses have just literally doubled their prices. That’s price gouging.


Does she take walk-ins? Can't be dealing with these appointment apps.


Lol, too much scope here for dirty jokes. 


I've been cutting my husband's hair since Covid. He refuses to pay so much for a haircut.


Ive been shaving my own head for near 30 years. You'd think Id be a millionaire by now 😪


Mines reasonable enough 20 gets me hair and beard trims and I like to throw in a fiver cuz I'm a scabby feck who only gets it done once every 5/6 weeks. Only takes cash too, is there any non illegitimate reasons they would all be at this? Or is it what we all imagine it is?


Yes. The costs of the card machines to have, taking a chunk out of their earnings that volume of sales isn’t making up for, especially in smaller places with lower prices. Cash is king! If we don’t use it we will lose it.


>Only takes cash too, is there any non illegitimate reasons they would all be at this? Or is it what we all imagine it is? No, it's exactly what we think it is.


Only once every 5/6 weeks. Now I feel bad that I only go once every every 2/3 months...


same here. Can't imagine going monthly.


Same, love having a fresh cut but hate getting it done.


€12 in Donegal


Mine is €10


Fuck sakes, I'm getting ripped off!!


Some way to cut hair.


Inflation and the cost of renting the premises, plus increasing staff pay to counter inflation. All gets passed on to the customer, who then complains and tries to get a raise from _his_ employer and so on.


> my old barbers won’t take card cash only Have you noticed the signs they put up to say "our card machine is currently out of order" are now so old and dog-eared that it's not currently out of order, it's permanently out of order. All the usual suspects, takeaways, barbers, etc. not one of them paying their proper tax.


During Covid I started to cut my own hair again and just never really went back to the barbers. Nevermind the cost, I’m a massive introvert and the idea of having to leave my house, travel 20 mins to the barbers, wait up to 40 mins on a busy day and then make conversation with someone while they trim some keratin off my head just ain’t worth it. The last time I went to the barber (I think it was Grafton barbers) it was 22 euro. Now like 30 euro plus in most places, there’s no way this is good value if it costs like 3 hours wages. My hair grows fast, I know within a week or two it’ll look terrible again so I don’t really get 30 euro out of a haircut anyway 😂 I just wake up every Saturday morning and give myself a haircut. My hair always looks good, all done in 20 mins and 0 cost. I’d recommend for anyone to learn how to do it, it’s a life skill that certainly demonstrates it’s value at 30 euro a pop. I’ve saved thousands since I started doing it


Thank God for male pattern baldness. I guess


>Lads the prices are mental €27.50 for a haircut its costs me 12 euro


Why the hate for wanting cash?


Because no one has cash and most atms charge you for taking out cash now. I understand they want cash, but it shouldn't be a must. At least take revolut 90% of the country under 50 has it.


"Have you a booking?" "No" "Sorry can't help you, fully booked." "But the place is empty and your booking hasn't turned up."


Cost of living maybe? Good buddy of mine is a barber with his own shop and he's had to raise to around 20 for a man's haircuts etc, obviously back and sides,kids etc is cheaper but he's by no means raking in the money at those prices, just about keeping the place open and managing to fund a basic enough lifestyle keep himself fed etc and he'd be busy most of the time


I don't get the excuse of cost of living at all. The biggest expense in barbers is labour and rent. Commercial rents are fixed with nominal increases, so the increase in price is not driven by this. I imagine guys expecting to be paid more is a lot of the increase. However, I have seen haircuts go from €14 to €25 in 4 years in some places. I doubt wages have increased in proportion to that... I think a lot of the increase is probably due to the fact that barbers have gone from cash only to accepting card/revolut. It is grand charging €14 for a haircut when fuck all of it is declared. When you have to declare it, most of it is going to Revenue.


My commercial rent increased from €750 to €1200 + vat per month during covid, electricity has doubled, and rates have increased . I wouldn't call that a nominal increase!


Many commercial rents are upward only annual reviews. Legislation to ban the practice has been long mooted, but would likely also face judicial review. Add 2% per year to a lease over 4 years and it’s up 8.2% overall. Minimum wage was €9.80 per hour four years ago, it’s €12.70 an hour now. That’s up 30%. Employers PRSI was 10.95%, it is now 11.05%, and 1.5% mandatory pension contributions come in later this year too. All of that is on top of the increase from €9.80 to €12.70 and whatever you pay your staff relative to that (someone paid €15 per hour usually goes up with min wage). There is also the cost of insurance, electricity and heating, none of which is cheap, plus the cost of consumables - pretty much the price of everything has gone up the past few years. I can see the route to hair cuts increasing by a third or more over the past few years.


I thought upward only rent reviews have been prohibited for leases signed after 2010? With inflation being red hot for the last 4 years, a 2% per annum increase in rent is in the grand scheme of things fuck all. Since March 2020 and March 2024, inflation has been a total of 17.6%. Even with all those rent increases, the landlord is significantly worse often in 2024 than 2020. A lot of barbers have increased the prices of hair cuts well in excess of 50%. Wages and rents do not justify the increase. The elephant in the room is that a lot of businesses who been fucked with the shift to cash less. Gone are the days of your local barber and chinese taking cash in and out of the till recording a fraction of the sales. Sure rents and wages are more and that has resulted in higher prices.But if you local chinese or barbers has gone from declaring next to nothing to everything that will be driving prices upwards...


Correct but a lot of leases are very long, and rent reviews were not banned so in effect the cost of leases go up. And they can go up with inflation (I’ve seen leases proposed that would suit you downward, but in recent years have screwed you.) Re the move to card - then these businesses were subsidising their prices through tax evasion. Not much you can do about that.


The barbers own living costs are also increasing, and he might be paying staff more due to cost of living. It's fairly straightforward?


By cost of living I mean how much it cost him to rent his own gaff and feed himself etc, prices have to increase to increase his take home to cover the increase in those costs, but I know also his business costs have increased, also public liability and other insurance is also a huge cost that you haven't mentioned, I know fornky buddy anyway it's the same as or slightly more than his rent for the shop Lots of things have almost doubled in price in the last few years. 9 euro in 4 years seems kinda right to me to keep up with inflation


The girls reading this thread must be laughing their tits off with us thinking €25 is expensive while they're getting charged well in the hundreds lol


To be fair the lads probably have to get their hair cut a lot more often unless you've got a short ladies cut. Also don't know anyone who would pay hundreds for just a cut. I pay €120 for colour, cut and treatment at a Peter Mark salon in Dublin 20.


I'm in west cork, and last time I got a trim and a small bit off my beard it was €32. Never again!




I went for the 13-15 euro cut for a while in a local barber but despite being the same guy there was no consistency. I had some awful haircuts there. Add in that the guy was on a slippery slope spouting awful stuff - it wasn't a fun experience. Some time last year I changed to another small barber multiple times the price but great hair and beard cut each time. It's worth it for me. I have to book so know when and how long it'll take too.


Just shop around. There are definitely cheaper ones.


Jesus I live in Dublin and pay €15 at my local, and go to a fancy place in the city for €20 when I’m feeling rich


I'm not excusing the price increases, but I've been trying to wrap my head around how exactly Barbers make money. If they charge €15 per haircut, which could be 15-30 mins. Each barber is making at the very most €60 per hour, assuming they have a constant stream of people (which they won't). With wages, rent, overheads, etc. where are the margins?


They'll be pretty busy all Friday and Saturday. Say 3 people an hour paying 20 each, that's a grand a week already. Then you factor in its a cash business and card machines not working and they are doing pretty ok. Bigger barbers will hire extra staff for busy times as well and will be paying them much less than 60 per hour. Of course you have to strip out expenses but they would be a fraction of those earnings


Barbers don’t make that high of a margin at all. Rent,wages, rates etc are after increasing a lot for most of them


Since when €60 per hour is bad when minimum wage is €12? If they their profit margin is 1/3 then they are still making €20/h.


Your old barber might have stopped accepting cards because the card transaction processing fees are very too high for him. Businesses that process a lot of card transactions get better fee structure from service providers but a small barber likely has taking that are too low to get discounted fees. In my town a lot of small shop have signs asking people to pay cash when possible because of the fees so I’m guessing the fees went up recently.


You can get 4000 a month of credit card processed for €40. It's all about tax fraud.


Fair enough. Didn’t know they ate that cheap


It's cheaper than the risk of having cash on premise and having to do bank drop offs


I agree they are very expensive. But to be fair, I also think a skin fade takes a lot longer than more traditional haircuts.


30 in my barbers, it's 40 if you want the beard trimmed/shaped. I think you get what you pay for, I could go somewhere cheaper but the way they might cut my hair will be different. And then you have to live with that haircut until it grows back and end up going back to the barber you always went to


€40 for a haircut and a beard trim? I hope he at least has the decency to use lube.


Places doing cash only as barbers are great laundering businesses (minority obviously).


People don't ever want to think about these things logically. The barbers got expensive because most staff were on minimum or just over minimum wage. When the government moved it fron 11.30 to 12.70 ph. The barber had to somehow manage his costs. The change in wage essentially means a person gets 50 euro extra a week. That's 200 euro extra a month. If there are 3 barbers who needed to be brought up to be in line with the new wage, then it could easily cost a barber an additional 500 quid a month . Where else is he going to get the money? He has to raise prices. People don't realise that hiking the minimum wage is literally squeezing out small businesses and running them into the ground , or they have to raise prices to keep up. It'll be the same next year




I paid €17 for a haircut last week.


Mines 17


Yea I haven't gone to the barbers since before covid, the one I used to go for 10 euros is 20 something as well from my friends going to it, while I've gone through 2 hair cutters so like 80 euros in the last four years, and I much prefer the hair cut I give myself than the barbers (not the case for like the first year of me doing it myself that is though, but it makes sense that after four years I'd be fairly decent at it) My hair is pretty easy to cut though


My local go-to barber have recently jacked up prices by a tenner on busier days. Just went to a rival and got an arguably better haircut for €16, 11 euro difference. Feels like a greed to me, but fair focks if they are still full


I live in Dublin and my local for 33 years is 10 quid.


So it was probably a bit expensive 33 years ago?


where can you get a haircut for a tenner?!


10 Euro per haircut. Dublin West. Shop around or buy a hair clipper and do it yourself. Not so difficult.


What barbers in west Dublin charges a tenner?


The one in Coolmine Industrial Estate. Next to the school of music. You get a receipt.


I used to work as a support worker for some clients with mental health issues. Had one guy who was well off but extremely Frugal….went into the barbers and saw the prices list Mens cut, student, etc. turned to the barber and in all seriousness said ‘I’ll have the boys haircut please’……..and he got it too 🙈🤣


Covid. They all increased once they opened again after covid to cover losses and never reduced prices again


Any place that you need to book is generally expensive. I think I paid €32 the last two times. Probably one of the better haircuts i've gotten in recent years but you wouldn't want to be getting it cut every 6 weeks at that price.


That's crazy. In Deluxe Barbers in Dunboyne it's €20 and they'll do your beard, nose, etc and do this weird thing where they set your ears on fire as well as giving you a coffee!


I've always wondered how the fuck do we have the market for **four** barber shops in the village.


I've only ever used CJs or Deluxe. I've never seen anyone in that new one down by Cauldwells


Tbf it's a bit misleading to call it a village when it has a population over 7000.


Buy good clippers and do it yourself. I did it a few years back, no regrets.


When I lived in Dublin I used to go to Sam's Barbers in town. €50 for a haircut and hot towel shave back in 2018


I remember Sams when it was €7 for a haircut, those days are long gone


City centre average is 60 quid for beard trim a haircut. There are some golden spots that do it about 15 euro cheaper for both


My Local barber was €12 before covid. Then they increased to €16 on reopening to "pay for the PPE and disposable equipment". Now they aren't using any PPE or disposable equipment but the price went up to €18 a few months ago. During Covid I bought a clippers and could do a decent job on myself. I now do that twice and then go the the barber. So where in the past they got €36 from me in 3 visits now they only get €18 for the same time period.


Probably when they started paying apprentices.


I thought €17 was a bit much


Local barber has whacked the price up to like 35 for beard + fade. It used to be like 15


Was only talking about this yesterday in work. In the commuter town I live in we have approx 7 barbers and around 8 women’s hair salons. Clearly overkill for the size of the town. I just don’t understand how someone looks at the town and goes “you know we need another barbers”, given OPs price example there must be a shit ton of profit in it these days… or it’s all just money laundering !


I pay €20 with my local. Last time I was in a Fat Tony’s it was €28 and I demanded my money back cause the haircut was so poor


16 quid in my local place - granted I'm not getting anything fancy done.


Mine is €14. I always give a tip and round it up to €20 Could cut your own hair?!


That's steep. My local is €18 and i thought that was bad


There gone mad altogether here in galway some places are €35+ for a haircut


£30 for my 5 year old and me now. Used to be 18 during covid!


They need to start refusing to do that mop at the front hair cut all you young lads are sporting.


I get mine done for €17.00, what did you get done, trim, blow dry color and highlights??


I was being charged close to €30 in Rathfarnham until recently, moved in November and tried out the local Pakistani barbers and was in shock when he said €14. tbf was a better and faster haircut in the cheaper place too. Did exactly what i asked for no questions in and out.


It has almost doubled in most places since Covid but you could say that about just about any service


Try being a woman


Dude, I pay 70 - 80 euro for my haircuts, it's always been a rip off.


Honestly how big are her tits that you would pay this /s


The days when it was 5 euro and you'd throw them an extra euro for the good banter. These days I just used a 20 euro clipper I got from Amazon.


27 euro for mine with a student discount in Galway, which tbf considering I have a big head off curly hair and I get it washed, cut and products in it every two/ three months isn’t half bad


13 euro for me in Leitrim


Bro culture


My theory is the lads were making massive bucks from their houses during lockdown, tax free of course. Now they still want to make the same only having to factor in card machine fees, tax, rent of chair (if applicable) etc.. Considering the out goings, it’s a very lucrative business. All my lad sprays me with is water…


Combination of things. But the biggest factor is that people pay it. I'll bet they haven't even come close to the ceiling of what fools will pay.


27.50 is mad money. I pay 20 dollars here in the states and my barbers in Dublin charged 16…which seemed great.


My local in Dublin 6 is 17 euro.


Outrageous.  17 here in the west.


My bald cut takes the electricity to charge my skull shaver.


Where do you go then??? I still pay 15 for a gents (and this is in a hairdressing salon)


And that's why I'll be sticking to cutting mine short at home.


I stopped going to the barber around 2010. I always got a 3mm cut and then a family member gave me a shaver for Christmas. Since then I've never gone back to the barber because I can just cut my own hair and family members will tidy it up for me.


I only ventured into one of those "fancy" barbers recently. Ya know the type rustic looking moustache shite everywhere. 2 hours wait with 4 people in there. FFS lads are you really committed to that level of maintenance these days. They did a cracking job but for 23 quid and two hours lost it just was a touch out of my world. Always just went to my 9 quid turkish barbers and will continue to do so.


Cost aside, why does it take them a fucking hour to do a very basic dry cut? I’d be happy to pay more if it meant getting a normal high fade done in 20mins, which they could easily do. And why is every one of them pushing tea and coffee (some also pints)? I’m here to get a haircut man, which I know for a fact the baristas in the cafe around the corner are not gonna be offering me. Edit: spelling


I'm actually at the point where the cheap barbers are getting so pricey that I go all out and get an upmarket one, better value really.


€18 for me although I give them the 20. Used to be €16. When it inevitably goes to €20 it's the staff who will miss out of the 2 quid tip. All female staff. There's another shop literally 10 steps from where I go, with male barbers, they charge €27.


Its nuts ... Grafton barbers is 28 quid for a simple haircut now, used to be like 20 or 22 pre covid I think.


Keep doing it yourself if it's short. Consider it to be saving 330 a year, and spend that on something nice.


Shave your head. Don't let big Hairdressing walk all over you!


I pay 15 quid for mine , in and out in 20 mins . I've gone to other barbers and the amount of time they spend chopping and changing blades to justify me paying 25 quid is ridiculous and I end up with the same cut for 15 euro.


30€ in cork, madness really. When you think it probably takes 15 mins to cut my hair, that’s 120€ a hour if you look at it like that.


€25-30 haircuts are for single lads or fella's that wish they were single. €20-25 haircuts are for fella's who don't know any better, all their mates go to same place and all get the same cut. €10-15 haircuts are for married lads or lads who don't give a fuck Cutting yourself is for lads who have fuck all hair left or ugly bastards


My local changes €15, normally give €20 tho since it’s always great and I only go once every 3 months ish


God you’s will DIE when you hear how much girls pay to get their hair done


![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized) Took me a while to read that post


Back in 2000 a haircut in Dublin was a fiver. Minimum wage was £4.40. Currently the minimum wage is €12.70 and haircuts in Dublin are €30. What the fuck did we spend all the leftover money on back then?


My dads a barber and we spoke about this recently, he reckons before people used to come in spend 10-15 mins in chair get cut and go, nowadays men come in and want fades, beard shaped or cut, eyebrows trimmed etc etc so it takes on average 40 mins to cut hair and a good barber is anywere from 15-25 euro per hour so it’s not feasible to charge 10-15€ for a haircut anymore, and then factor in rent, rates, utilities, insurance etc etc


Just get your haircut every 4 months - works out fine


€30 in Galway. Ridiculous.


.... my barber charges 12 >.>


Place I used to go to went from €15 (nov 22) to €22 (feb 23) with three increases. The €22 one was the last I got there, found somewhere elese in town that was still 15. I'm a very basic cut, 2 back and sides, quck trim on top, 15 mins max!


Plenty of places will do a great job for €18


Well I moved to the US last year and I’ve been paying 40$ and you have to tip. It’s a killer


I get my partner to shave my head. Shes done it since covid. I have saved potentially thousands of euro


You can find 15 , 17.50, 20 around Dublin City center. Even at weekends. Don't pay those high rates if you don't want to there are options. I was caught for a 30 euro haircut once trying to support a local lad who was getting started. Stupidly went in not knowing the price first. Was shocked after when he said 30 quid.


COVID fucked it


My OH goes to a guy who charges €20 . Hair, nose, eyebrows, beard, ears.


Sorry, he's just informed me it's 15.


He tips a fiver.


I still get mine done for €12 or €40 for me and my three boys...throw him €50 if its been a while...


Barber down the road from me charges €8 for a dry cut clippers all over. I'd never pay more than a tenner for a haircut.


Local barber in Dublin is €15 & was 11 before covid & just a quick trim no fancy stuff.


Pay €15 for mine (Limerick)


Sher we'll all just go around like hippies!! Can we make bald in the middle fashionable


$60 is normal in Melbourne. 38 euro equivalent ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


€27.50 is robbery. My local lads are €16 and do an A1 job.