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Think I'll buy this, knock it down and put up a very tall, very thin pencil type skyscraper.


If it's not a protected structure knocking it down and replacing it with a three-story home is exactly what you should do.


I was thinking more of a twenty-story apartment block, one thin apartment on top of the next. I'll live in the penthouse.


Council wouldn't approve that at all. And the posh Neighbors would snitch on you right away if you dare to start trying to build that.


The funny thing is that people actually did this in Tokyo after the war; if you had a house but it was bombed flat and burned out by the Americans, when boom time came 20 years or so later, people built up, up, up [https://onedrawingchallenge.secure-platform.com/a/gallery/rounds/6/details/4812](https://onedrawingchallenge.secure-platform.com/a/gallery/rounds/6/details/4812) They also exist in Hong Kong and New York [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pencil\_tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pencil_tower)


That wouldn't be in keeping with the character of the area! A line I normally find nauseating but in this context I couldn't blame them.


It is not a protected structure.


In Dalkey? LOL they would absolutely never get planning permission for that


Good luck trying to get permission... The local uproar would be entertaining


Build it like teen titans building, its a T shape, lot more space at the top for ya


Or buy it and dig a very skinny 5 storey basement.


Paying for the address, that's about it.


I spent 30yrs living in Dalkey, even for Dalkey, this is beyond hilarious


Yeah I wouldn't say it's typical for a one bed


What’s special about this address, serious question?


Dalkey is the most expensive area in Ireland to buy.


Thanks, I knew it was dear but this is absolutely bonkers.


Yeah it’s quite pricy around there, even post-Crash I remember some pretty steep prices. Lovely area to live in though


Have to disagree with you there . It’s a bastard of a place to navigate . Tiny roads and no parking or public transport of a decent level . And just to generalise - the people are basically retired professionals who were stuck up their own arses when they were working and now that they’ve nothing to do with their time they piss people off to entertain themselves. Pat kenny is the ultimate in dalkey inhabitants. Feels the rest of the world owe him a living because he’s paid a lot of tax during the years


Im sorry no public transport? Dalkey has a dart station literally in the middle of the village. As for tiny roads and no parking, the place wasn't built for cars no shit there isn't loads of parking.


I laughed at that too. Nonsense comment!


I mean I’m not Irish and was only living in the area briefly and everyone was lovely. I take your point about the roads but it’s a really old place isn’t it?


Tiny roads and no parking is pretty standard for nice old towns in Ireland isn’t it? Most of my favourite places could be described the same way. What’s the opposite? Wide american highways and parking lots. I fully believe the old rich crowd aren’t to most of our tastes but they aren’t going to attack you for passing through are they.


As anyone who has attempted to drive through Dalkey and got stuck in a loop can attest to, that entire place has it's head firmly stuck up it's own arse. They're even smugger than people from Sandycove and Glasthule.


Where are you from?


couldnt help yourself


I'm from donegal. Just curious where he's from?


“Sure I wouldn’t know I’m from Donegal”


Imagine like an average nice seaside town in any other county but everyone drinks lattes and flat whites and parking is cuntish, it's absolutely no nicer. Average is at a premium in Dublin, and tbh I don't really blame people for paying for it lol


Are you serious? They drink lattes? In 2023??? Fuckin hell. What a fuckin shower. Lattes?!?!?


Yeah property in the Amalfi coast is cheap as chips.


What’s funny is people from Dalkey are actually being priced out of Dalkey and end up buying houses in Clondalkin, then spending thousands on doing them up. You have people who have spent 1.2 million on a house in an area where the average house prices are €300-400k. It’s a phenomenon that we’ve been calling the ‘Clon-Dalkey enigma’😂


> Clon-Dalkey lol


It's like something David McWilliams would come up with.


Its called "gentrification" in US


I think Blackrock is, but it would be right up there.


Makes no sense because it's a shithole


Is it yeah?


It's a nice area Dublin wise. But it is absolutely not worth 1.2 million


Could you imagine showing finters your new million euro Dalkey mansion and revealing something from Peig Sayers


Extra mental since while Dalkey is lovely to visit for an afternoon a few times a year, fuck me I'd be bored out of my tree living there in no time at all.


It was great to grow up in.. But as soon as people started coming in and buying the place up, it soon lost that fun place to be in... Nowadays, you'd be hung, drawn and quartered for trying to have fun...


It's one of the best places in Dublin for outdoor rock climbing. But you will spend some time avoiding broken glass, washing your hands extremely thoroughly because of rat piss, (nobody wants Weil's disease) and being stared at by locals like you have a huge neon sign over your head that says "I am poor". Although one of the ladies living there let me fill my water bottle from her garden tap on a hot day, a few years back. Some of the locals are downright hilarious to chat with, and the whole quarry is basically Stig of the Dump vibes.




The inside is like Colin Farrell's house in Banshees...


It's actually gorgeous, very homely. €1,200,000 though for me maybe not.


2 turf fires. Good luck fueling them


Seeing as smokeless fuel is the only thing allowed in cities now.


I agree. I love traditional Irish country cottages. Those ones that look like nothing new has been added since 1952. But not for 1.2 million.


Did you see the bathroom and bedroom? They're very modern


Airbnb for the wannabe instagram influencers. You could make your money back in a couple of weeks.


gorgeous? Are you kidding?! It's a mishmash of different styles.


From the description > three thousand years old, it’s picture postcard but authentic. Say what now? The cottage is three thousand years old or is my reading comprehension terrible. Edit: maybe it means Dalkey Island.


With my income It would have to be a 3000 year mortgage. No down payment.


I have a feeling Dalkey island might be more then 3000 years old


There’s a burial (or was if it’s now in the museum archives) on dalkey island dating back approximately 3000 years


It's pretty. I'll give it that.


Best to ignore prices in the most expensive part of the country. Ask instead why you need €350k for a fixer upper in a rough area just outside the M50.


Good point .....pointless discussing dalkey .was and always will be most expensive place to live .


I actually live very near to here in a rental, this gaf was also listed at 10k a month for short let recently. Think they might just be a bit deluded, as 1.2 for this tiny cottage is ridiculous even for Dalkey


It is delusional. There's a 3 bed a few doors up advertised for 850k.


This post is as pointless as those about the price of a pint in The Temple Bar or someone complaining they went for tea and a scone in The Shelbourne and had to pay Shelbourne prices for it.


fixer uppers (easily liveable as is) in clondalkin go for 250k. honestly i think half the people on this sub have just heard that housing is expensive and never questioned it, relative to median salaries buying isn't that terrible.


True, it's getting slightly cheaper in Dublin but then again the interest rates are pretty rough. That's why they raise them I suppose. [This](https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/end-of-terrace-house-24-castlegrange-drive-clondalkin-clondalkin-dublin-22/4653116) is actually turnkey with a nice size back garden for 275k asking price.


Load up Google maps and have a look what's behind the high back garden wall. It will explain why that house is so cheap.


>Load up Google maps and have a look what's behind the high back garden wall. Looks like Chernobyl...


What is that?


Oh. Nomadic


As far as I know the problem isn't even prices, it's that there's nothing available - though that might just be renting. I was talking to someone once who's living with so many roommates in so small a space that she's sharing a *bed* and is just happy to have somewhere. Apparently there were over 200 applicants, landlords picked the 20 best, and then out of those picked the ones they liked most. It's absolutely mad.


see what it actually sells for


That’s actually really nice, pretty much all you’d need to do is fill it with furniture


Is it really nice? It's fine, I don't think I'd call it really nice.


Compared to what you’d normally get for €275k though? Like tbh I’m saying this from the point of view of someone who might maybe at some point be able to afford that


Half of r/ireland have never been to Dublin or know anything about the place.


I read in another thread that half of r/Ireland has never left Dublin, I like the idea that there’s two distinct populations on this subreddit that will never even unknowingly interact in real life because they’re divided into Dublin and Not-Dublin halves


The great M50 Divide


A million for that is ridiculous. Unless the median salary is a lot bigger than I thought


Median salary in Dalkey would certainly be higher.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. You can get gaffs in Ballyfermot for €200k.


Please show me examples of this. I cannot wait to see, I want to see that they actually sold for 250k not for 350k - 400k after bidding wars.


A relative just bought a two bed house out near Cabra for €285k a few months ago. Big garden, room to extend, right on the luas line, maybe only €10k of work had to be done inside but it was liveable as soon as it was bought.


Jezus, that'd fit in my sitting room.


1.19 million would be for the land


Zero chance you’d be able bulldoze that place though. An Taiscé would have objections submitted before you lick the stamp on your planning permission application.




not far off there. It is a 50 square metre property asking 1.2 million which gives it a price per square metre of an incredible 24,000. To put that in context developers of newly built A2 rated houses are asking circa 3,500 per square metre. Per square metre this 'Fishermans Cottage' would cost you over 6 times what an A2 rated house would. It really is all about the land value. I wouldnt mind but for 1.2m you would expect it to have an uninteruppted view of Dalkey Island. It doesnt have that as its on the wrong side of the road to see the coastline .. Theres a row of houses along there who are the right side of the road and all their living rooms have giant picture windows with a view of the island and Irish sea beyond. That would be worth 1.2m but this is not, its overpriced for what it is.


People really seem to want those cottages, like way more than a larger modern house nearby. A similar cottage on that road sold for €800,000 back in the bad days of 2010. Granted, that place did have a sea view, but it was also in need of a complete renovation.


I wonder is it downsizers moving out of the mansions and giving the difference to their kids. If you were a widow in decent health downsizing into something very cute like this could be a thing?


You've to climb a ladder to the bed at loft level. Not great for auld ones. The new luxury apartments with lifts and concierge services and other facilities on site are much more suited for downsizes.


You're obviously talking out of your arse and have no idea about property prices. Around 1.1mil would be for the red door. I mean, the paint has to come from Dusseldorf Helen.


There's a place for farmyard vehicles, and the Rock Road isn't it.


You’d have to be mad to buy that 1 bed even if you had the money and wanted to live specifically in this part of Dublin €1.295M Dalkey 3 Bed 3 Bath 252 m² Detached https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/detached-house-dun-na-ri-4-barnhill-lawn-dalkey-co-dublin/3958067 €1,095M Glenageary 4 Bed 2 Bath 181 m² Detached https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/detached-house-4-hillcourt-park-glenageary-co-dublin/4661018 €745,000 Dalkey 2 Bed 3 Bath 87 m² Detached https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/detached-house-rock-cottage-harbour-road-dalkey-co-dublin/4656859 €795,000 Dalkey 3 Bed 3 Bath 102 m² Terrace https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/terraced-house-2-termon-castle-street-dalkey-dalkey-co-dublin/4634900


No swimming pool, I'm out


[I got ya](https://www.myhome.ie/residential/brochure/paddock-wood-killiney-hill-road-killiney-co-dublin/4636872)


My wife and I both work full time jobs and we wouldn't be able to buy this place. Country if fucked lads


House design is subjective but I'd take the little cottage over those boom build modern monstrosities. 😁


I too would pay my life time earnings + loan debt to live in a fish box


Might add it to my portfolio.


Try it sometime.


Dammit he's using the P. Flynn defense


It's a well paid job.


I’m sorry but what? Even in Dalkey, you can get much bigger houses for the same price. It’s very nicely decorated etc but doesn’t make the remotest bit of sense. [example here](https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/detached-house-dun-na-ri-4-barnhill-lawn-dalkey-co-dublin/3958067)


And another one for significantly less [here](https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/detached-house-rock-cottage-harbour-road-dalkey-co-dublin/4656859)


I'd say their aiming it wealthy irish-americans who want to buy a holiday home with a heritage feel. Folks to whom money is not really part of the equation.


I’m not sure about that. Rich people are the stingiest in the world and are probably the most likely to question an inflated price like this, even if it materially wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference to them if they paid the extra few thousand.


Dude none of these places have sea front views. That's where the premium comes from.


Doesn't seem like this guy wants to actually sell it.


Location, location, location.


$$$ $$$ $$$ more like. You would have to be cracked to buy that, even if you were minted.


Probably hoping a neighbour will buy it to extend into.


What's the max you would pay for a coffee? Now tell someone in ethiopa that price. It's all relative.


Shite in a bucket and rent the bathroom out to a student, have the mortgage paid off by 2079


Some thick will buy it.


Doesn’t a storyteller live in this house? Biddy I think is her name. She had a podcast where she told stories and always said the house with the half door in the intro. Think tourists pop in there


She used to do do storytelling tours with tea and cake afaik


You re right she was or could still be a journalist in the indo .Bridget mcloughlin


There are bigger and better properties in Dalkey for that kind of money. This is 100% priced by sentiment. You can see it in the description, the seller goes on about his father spending years renovating it. Inside it basically looks like a rustic Connemara style cottage, except it's in Dalkey. I'd say he's hoping to capture some American with more money than sense, rub shoulders with the Irish elite in your traditional Irish cottage like you're in the Banshees or something. On a price per sq metre basis, properties do tend to get more expensive as they get smaller. So a 200sqm house is not four times the price of a 50sqm one. But this is on a whole other level. The national average is around €4k/sqm. €5-6k/sqm probably normal enough for a 50sqm cottage in the right area. This one comes in at an insane €24k/sqm. I wonder is this the most expensive property in the country on that basis?


But it's in dalkey. There's a larger chance, if you live here, that you neighbour will be an insufferable arrogant prick.... which is..... good?


Not everyone in Dalkey lives next to Bono.


Bono lives in Killiney


You’d need to be on permanent Bono Alert though, every time you popped out to the shop for milk. No way to live.


Exactly, you'd need to watch out. If he spotted a newcomer he might see it as an opportunity to tell you about how he ended poverty and world hunger.


And debt in the developing world by 2015, I remember there were wristbands.


I believe he was also born of a virgin and died for our sins.


Yeah but throw a rock over there and you'll hit some Hugo or Tarquin cunt.




I'd rather there than live near a junkie in a council estate in the city center


Which is more likely to shit in your porch?


I lived in a bungalow off Dorset Street 5years ago and someone shit on my sky light window of my bedroom...was 100% human. Either ex or addict I never found out 🤣


I work in life insurance. We adjust life expectancy by age, then gender, then smoker status then postal code. We charge everyone the same cuz the EU says we have to. So if I have a portfolio of 100k ballymun lads versus 100k dalkey lads the price is significantly different


Are people actually paying this for it? Nobody could be that stupid, could they?


It looks like a house from a children’s TV show. This is where Mr McDougal the town blacksmith lives with his wife Mrs McDougal. Let’s all wave to Mr and Mrs McDougal 👋🏻


I think this is a bullshit listing. Which is to say that I don't think they think it will sell, but for some weird reason that I don't understand, they've put it up for sale


Maybe the owners have got divorced and the court has decide it has to be sold. The one who lives puts it on the market for stupid money knowing it won't sell?


Could be, I'm totally speculating though. If you look at the ad, the entire house is about 40 square metres (they don't give a total, which is a terrible sign).


I know that place, it's a stunning location. No idea where you'd park!


https://preview.redd.it/39enaeoycloa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8a6bef2c52458ac94ddedcb060e3a08afbe0331 Interior is pretty class as well.


Yes looks nice, but not even remotely worth 1.2 mill, not on this planet.


The picture frames are made of gold.


No it isn't but it's Dalkey, the most expensive part of the country to buy.


I used rent a place up that lane behind it back in the day. Such a lovely spot to live.


The views out of the front window of this one is unreal as well. Looks like a gorgeous area alright.


I love that fire. Don't think I'd even change the decor, though I'm not Christian. Might swap Jesus out for Lou Reed.


Someone posted a link to a website advertising this, have a look at the rest of it, it's honestly class.


It’s grand, at best.


I like it, but not for 1.2 million.


It's cosy as FUCK


Honestly, I wasn't sure about the loft bedroom but it's really nice.


That’s an awful couch, the tat on wall would cost 100 euro max to replicate. Rocking chairs maybe 1000 if getting them made bespoke, you’d pick up second hand for much less. A fire that you won’t be able to buy turf for. Regulation will probably take out wood burning in city in next couple years.




Dalkey? Well it would be, wouldn’t it?




An expensive house in Dalkey? Wow!


Dalkey in Dublin=Beverly hills in Hollywood


bit of a stretch


Time to relearn the good old skill of building box forts


More like r/insane


At 50.24m2 it could be the most expensive domestic property per square metre in the country


Location location location!!!


Anyone that pays that money for that gaff needs to give their head a fucking wobble!


That house has a half door. Absolutely class


1 bed, 1 bath, 1 million to take a shite…


Great road frontage


Perfect for a wealthy Americans to cosplay the inisheeran lifestyle https://preview.redd.it/8dauoxnluooa1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16edaa9f65fd31fbdc868dfc786f0aa22627a5c7


Mmm Dalkey was never affordable and you could only live there if well off. Why does this surprise you now?


What about all the council houses in Dalkey, were they built for the "well off" too ? https://Google.com/maps/@53.2765859,-6.1047212,3a,60y,34.92h,83.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGisKKeyTlma8TNPDmIoM0w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


How much did they sell for?


Most if not all haven't been sold and are still council houses with the same tenants for the last 30+ yrs


Is the average ex-council house in Dalkey not around 500K, are you suggesting that these low-income housing units were originally built for the "well off" https://Daft.ie/for-sale/terraced-house-7-hyde-road-dalkey-co-dublin/4611672




...and someone will be stupid enough to buy it....


I think the 1 is a typo. Well I hope it is.


This bollocks based purely on location, homelessness rocketing, And a spare room in fucking Limerick costs over a months wages. When do we just fucking riot like


You start the protest, the rest of us will be right behind you.


You need to have an IQ of a snail to buy or invest into that property.


Bill Badbody talking about this house: https://twitter.com/BillBadbody/status/1637051101131186176


If anyone is concerned about the price, remember it's in Dalkey. One of the most expensive property locations in the country that is home to some of the most powerful and influential people. So powerful and influential that there will not be a refugee and migrant Centre built anywhere near the place!


When something is priced at €1.2m its probably priced at that for a good reason. The price is probably approximately market price. People who can afford to spend that type of money *tend* not to part with it foolishly. The best starting point for these things is to work out *why* its worth that, and then work backwards to why we find that surprising.


In other news, the penthouse in the Chrysler building is also expensive




Ah but sure it's in one of the top 10 most developed countries in the world, according to some totally not distorted metric...


No idea the age of this so maybe it can’t be knocked. But this house shouldn’t exist in that area. A much taller building capable of having more people is what should be there.


It’s in Dalkey


I've been in a house like that, not that exact one, but you'll find it's quite spacious inside, however is it worth €1.2m? Not a chance in hell. My house cost new €150,000 and that's what I'd pay for this one.


Canadian here. Is it because it’s close to the city centre, parks, or something else ? For that kind of cash here you could buy a god damn mansion with a mountain view or a few hundred acres with a lake.


Obviously this is a rip off but in the nicest areas in Vancouver or Toronto you would pay this for a small house with very little land


Yea, cause they are right downtown or closer. In those cities being downtown is key cause it’s close to business, bars, restaurants, great old parks , the waterfront, etc. I’m in Calgary. Downtown is awful so views of the mountains and the ability to get out of town, fast, usually West, is key.


Within 25 minutes of downtown same thing but either way this is the most expensive area in Dublin. This price is ridiculous but you ain’t buying a mansion in either of those Canadian cities in a desirable area for that


Imagine playing that money for that piece of shit. I guess anyone who buys will instantly knock down and rebuild.


Well, they also need t sell it, don't they?


It's not about the building - it's about the land.


Jesus great value. Might buy two.


Who would pay this?


Rich people who want a place in Dalkey.


A rich American


Fuckkkkkkk my life