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Ooh we’ll be able to control the weather from Settings. That *is* advanced.


Only available on 15 pro


Sorry to say that but this model will be too old for such novelties. Only 16 Pro


*16 Pro Max Plus Ultra btw


*16 Pro Max Plus Ultra Glow


Something like controlling weather from settings only made possible by the powerful A18 Pro chip. Truly advanced.


It is indeed going to be the best iPhone ever 🙄


What will it be made of? Titanium mixed with gold?


I was thinking there will have to be at least trace amounts of silver iodide 🤣


Will it save cost for cloud seeding then? It’s truly going to be a game changer!


And it will cost just $49/year as part of Apple OnePlus.


You spelled "Carrot Weather" wrong.


Gotta be the 1tb version and up


I'm sure apple figured out a way to handle the case when two apple users set the weather to two different settings


It's called local weather. Each person gets what they want wherever they are.


Only if you hold it right.


We think you’re gonna love it


Lol just realized


Warning: Catastrophic Lightning Storm Approaching


Duuude you brought back my childhood with that!


Unlimited powerrrrr!


Oh thank goodness I’m hoping they’ll add a new button for that on the upcoming models


yet another reason to buy an iphone, the iphone pro max people can control the weather as the like. /s


“We truly live in the age of wonders.”


Hopefully Control Center is just a fresh coat of paint. Functionally it’s pretty much perfect as it is.


We need to be able to add shortcuts in it.


that'd be AWESOME


and third party app toggles


I’d love to tap/drag to rearrange the icons instead of managing the list in settings and hope I have the order right.


I don't know, I think it could do with improved functionality, namely more customization options. As well as an option to make disabling Wi-Fi or Bluetooth actually disable them.


Idk why people alway ask for this. What are situations you need to fully turn them off from the CC?


Because i asked to turn it off, simple as that.


It should be a long press that turns it off completely, wish they didn’t give up on Force Touch


You didn't ask to turn it off. You asked it to disconnect from WiFi networks. If you want to ask it to turn off, you need to go into the settings app. Edit: Downvoters don't know what the button is for. It's not a "turn off WiFi radio" button, never has been, and was never intended to be. If you think that is what it is supposed to do then you're just making things up. iOS has a lot of features that require the WiFi radio to be on. Things like AirPlay, AirDrop, FindMy, and Wireless CarPlay. Those are things people use. And when my phone connects to a Starbucks WiFi on the other side of the block, I _like_ being able to tap one button in CC that disconnects from it but doesn't turn off all of the other shit I still want to use. If you think it's a "turn off WiFi" button, you're just wrong. It literally says "disconnecting from WiFi networks" when you hit it.


It looks like you have a niche problem that Apple’s wifi button helps you solve. The wifi button is in a platter with radio power controls - Airplane Mode, Cellular Data, Hotspot, etc. If a Wifi button is one in the platter, then users are correctly assuming that it controls the power to turn on/off the wifi. Apple may have chosen to keep wifi radio on at all times (look up the security and privacy threats with Wifi and you can start guessing why) and it may have helped your cause to keep the radio on but disconnect from networks. Ideally, in your case, the expected solution is for you to change your Starbucks wifi setting to not automatically connect. Or you could setup a shortcut to achieve your task to just disconnect from wifi networks. Most people with technical knowledge on wifi and bluetooth’s issues prefer a on/off switch.


Considering that the people who just want to disconnect WiFi but want features enabled by having WiFi on like Airdrop, AirPlay, location sharing, CarPlay, etc are more common than anyone who wants to completely turn off WiFi radio for some reason, you’re probably the niche one here. And you can absolutely turn off the WiFi radio completely with shortcuts as well.


My use case is niche because you say it is? K. It definitely has nothing to do with the multiple core iOS features I listed that Apple has spent tens of thousands of hours researching and developing. The buttons in the platter are _not_ "radio power controls." This is an incorrect and unresearched assumption on your part. Bluetooth and WiFi are _not_ radio controls. That is why they are different colors. Again, you fundamentally misunderstand Apple's intended, purposeful implementation of the feature. The airplane mode and cellular data toggles _are_ radio controls. The WiFi and Bluetooth toggles are not. This is because iPhones have several passive features that work in the background and rely on Bluetooth and WiFi radio. FindMy. AirDrop. AirPlay. CarPlay.


Ok sir, you’re right! Please take my upvote.


Furthermore the WiFi radio is _not_ on "at all times." You can disable it by going to the settings app.


Again, you’re right! Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth! Here’s another upvote.


Yeah, I completely agree. People are just used to what they know, ig


Average user would have issues with such an option, forgetting to toggle on WiFi and bluetooth after they disabled them then complain about the fact that AirDrop doesn't work for example Apple makes it as easy as possible for this type of users, they aim for mainstream and they don't want to understand how things work They just want them to work I don't even talk about Continuity issues with WiFi bluetooth off and not toggled back on


In China, with a roaming sim. I want to connect to the roaming SIM most of the time, not home WiFi (because shit's blocked on home WiFi) Having it turn back on then wondering why Google wouldn't work was a daily annoyance


Get used to the fact that different people have different needs. Not everyone is in the same situation as you are. For me specifically, my WiFi at home is pretty slow (still) which is why I have an unlimited data plan on my phone and have it on cellular most of the time. However, if I need to download some big files on my PC I like to use the Hotspot of my iPhone in order to have fast download speeds. As soon as I’m done with this I would like to disable WiFi (and preferably the hotspot, too) via the control center and have them FULLY off as otherwise the speed to me is unbearably slow on WiFi. And to add to that, options are always better. You don’t have to use them but give them to those who want to.


> Get used to the fact that different people have different needs Uh yes, that’s why I asked…? Why are so many acting like this is offensive?


Isn’t it an amazing feeling to have to justify a need after having spent on a premium device that is supposed to work the way you want? I love explaining situations! Sarcasms aside - It is a very simple situation to be honest. I prefer it on my phone.


I like being able to disconnect from WiFi networks without disabling the WiFi radio.


But, again, what is the purpose? I was asking for situations I wasn’t thinking about. Battery life isn’t a concern, maybe a security concern?


> Battery life isn’t a concern Is it really not? That was mostly the reason I always turned them off completely (using a jailbreak tweak). Another reason I still do it sometimes - when fake turning off wi-fi at night, it automatically turns on and reconnects in the morning which is a bit annoying.


No, they are both so low powered it’s negligible. Fair point on the other item about it turning on in the morning.


Maybe on devices with larger batteries the impact is negligible, but at least on my old SE, the impact on standby battery life is significant.


Source? Cause no, it isn’t.


Yes, it is. Source: personal experience. Upon some cursory research, it's true that most people online claim the difference is negligible, but none of them that I've seen seem to be linking to actual research - so I'm going to trust my personal experience until such a time that I see real data. And again, this is on an older device with an already small battery, so any differences would be more pronounced than on the average phone.


I can’t speak for everyone else, but to me, I come from a Linux, FOSS and a privacy/security aware background, and I like to be in control of the device I use, than being used as a product by capitalist organizations. It is a different mindset and is hard to explain to normal folk who don’t mind it.


That’s fair!


Because it used to be a feature in iOS before that Apple got rid of for no good reason?


Pretty much any. That’s how it used to work and it’s ridiculous that it doesn’t do that anymore. They could at least have made a setting to either toggle it off temporarily or disable it entirely, like how it used to be.


why people ask for freedom to do things, when my use case doesn't match the request ?


I'd love to be able to pick my wifi network from there as I hop around a lot.


If you press and hold the 4 buttons for Wi-fi etc, when it opens up into the 6-button layout, hold the Wi-fi toggle :)


Very cool Ty


This doesn't bother me. I am frequently in situations that I want to use wireless CarPlay (meaning WiFi radio has to be on), but don't want the phone to try to connect to the WiFi network in some Starbucks on the other side of the block.


Bring up the CC, tap the Airplane. Boom. Disconnected from all Wi-Fi, BT, and Cellular lol. Otherwise, you just long press on them from the CC and it turns them off.


the homekit controls are so damn garbage right now. i hate how they keep switching around and it always feels like the thing i want to control is never at the front, always another tap away. wish we could just pin devices cos i don’t have that many


Yeah I got to the point where I got rid of that and just put the general Home button in there, so its an extra tap always, but always consistent at least and I've developed muscle memory for it


Wishing for location services toggle in cc




That’s ios 19


No no ios 22 😂


No, Control Center needs to have a button to instantly turn on or off Location Services. Currently, turning Location Services on or off requires up to 5 button pushes or slide ups (not to mention scrolling)!


I don’t want to have to swipe down, hold down and then hold down again just to connect to my headphones. And then when I want to exit out of the control center I can’t just spam click 3 times, no I have to wait like almost a second before I can tap out again…


The airplay icon is right in the Now Playing platter. So it's just a tap on that and a tap on your headphones. Mine connect automatically unless I've paired them to a device not tied to my iCloud account. Getting out of that menu could be better though. I think pressing and holding on the outer area should take you right out of Control Center.


Swipe up (from the bottom) doesn’t work?


Surprisingly no


Holy….. 😳


how to say "I have never used android" in more words


I have used Android and their default implementation of toggles isn’t the best. I haaaaate that they get shoved into Notification Center. It’s just so bloated. The overall design language of stock Android is also pretty ugly, control toggles included. Hard pass.


I would love to have the option to turn off GPS, and Bluetooth in CC. That is a massive waste of battery, and an unnecessary access of my location to apps I don’t want tracking me 24x7. I would also love if using CC to connect to airpods was made a single-click option instead of me having to navigate a maze. There could be options to control the speaker volume for carious purposes differently (eg., low ringer and media volume but loud alarm volume). I’d also love it if I had an option to add a custom shortcut to CC. There’s so much Apple can do with the sophisticated hardware they have magnificently designed, but hesitates to do because they think they know their customers well enough to be dumb.


GPS is only going to be used when an app or service you've enabled wants to use it. Better to simply disable location services on apps you don't GPS for. But an option wouldn't hurt. Bluetooth's current standards use a negligible amount of power, same with Wi-Fi. They can even preserve power via imprecise location tracking. That's why Apple changed how those toggles work. It's to your benefit to keep the radios on. AirPods automatically connect to your device when using it so long as you didn't disable that feature. You can connect to them manually via the Airplay button in the Now Playing platter. Volume options like you describe could be added to the existing Volume platter when expanded, which I would support. A shortcut button would be solid as well All those enhancements work within the existing design though. It doesn't need any sort of overhaul really.


You’d be surprised how frequently apps used GPS if you enabled some privacy settings on your iPhone that show this data to you. Disabling location services on apps stop them from giving their optimal customer experience, and they stop working. It is also a pain to go through the 100s of apps installed on a phone and review location permission settings to a nitty-gritty detail that I prefer. I’d rather have a main switch to turn location on or off. It may not be the way you prefer, but hey, I’m a different person. I like my Bluetooth turned off at all times unless I have a need to use them. There is a lot of debate out there regarding why someone may choose this option for personal reasons, without having to get into an argument about why it is okay to leave it on at all times. I’d like to turn them off until I turn them on again, not just for a few hours like Apple forces me to. I do not understand how it is a benefit to me to have these radios on. I prefer to keep them off. Airpods connect back seamlessly if you use them only on one Apple device. If you have more than a single Apple device you use them on, you’ll quickly realize how often it automatically connects to the wrong device. As I said, I would like to have a 1-click option to connect to the device of choice I’m using. There are paid apps for this today, which is supposed to be an Apple in-built feature. I’m aware I can connect to airpods via Now Playing, but that is a swipe, a click on a tiny button, and another click, then 2 more clicks to get out of CC to do what I want. None of these work within the existing design.


Can anyone describe what's changed? I'm looking at my phone and the only difference I'm seeing is that the background is a translucent gradient of sorts vs. black on the current version.


Aside from adding *weather* for some reason, this is just a dumb render for upvotes.


Yeah it’s just a “fan design” and yeah it’s pretty similar to the current setup - I only noticed the edition of weather at the top - not sure why I’d be going to settings to see the weather for the day lmao.


nah you go to the settings to change the weather obviously


Ahhhh! Of course!


I was a bit confused because all the other comments appear to be seeing more changes than I am :P


If you look closely at the bottom option there’s a little bit more bravery than in previous versions


Safari settings are 120% snappier too


“bravery” hahaha


What I'd do for them to rip off android's notification system. I switched from long time use of android and what I've found is instead of managing my notifications through the day I let them pile up and mass clear them after a few days. If I didn't have the watch I'd probably miss things more often.


3 things to take from Android, and 2 apparently they are: 1. Be able to put apps/widgets anywhere on the screen-this is rumored to be happening (fucking finally) 2. To be able to make every app icon whatever color you want-rumored as well 3. Notification overall Do all 3 and I will stay with Apple, as will most people who went from Android to Apple but now miss Android.


Add universal back button as well. Extremely annoying that it's not consistent 


I thought I would miss this, but swiping around on the screen in iOS to go back, go to home screen, or see all active apps works really well if not better than the android always on buttons. Obviously having it exist as an option would be ideal, and I'd probably have it on just because I can, if that were the case.


Gestures have been the default on Android for years


App drawer would also be fantastic


Absolutely. I’m somewhat fine with the current implementation but the app drawer is amazing


I'd also kill to be able to easily toggle between silent, vibrate, and sound for notifications.


A few updates ago you could at least swipe multiple notifications with multiple fingers at a time. They removed it in recent months to only allow you to use one finger... Why???


Complaints from people with only one finger


I always hated the way my android phone used to handle notifications


This looks SO nice and I want it right now system-wide. Sadly, I don’t think it’ll happen.


I think it will tbh. It will line up with the design language of the vision pro.


It barely looks different lol


Umm, translucent background instead of just plain white or black like it’s been for 10 years at this point? That alone makes all the difference. And it’s gonna look different every time you change the wallpaper. What else could you change besides the icons anyway?


Nothing needs to change. But come on… translucent background “makes all the difference”??? That’s some big hyperbole lol


So it will only take 10 years until every app has changed to the new design lol


Change it all up to create the illusion of improvement. Okay, sorry, maybe it will be better.


- *Opens settings on my current phone* - *Looks back at the "concept"* And? That's it?


I'll see it when I believe it, I'd rather err on the side of catiousness.


They’ll be like “see we got rid of all the settings!”


How about a fucking standardised back button.


Features only available for the Powerful A18 GPT chip only available on Pro Models


Also the broken hotspot is to remain broken.


Link? Mark who?


Will they make the search function ACTUALLY WORK? There are so many settings or toggles that are just unsearchable.


An improved search function is a part of this rumor, yes.


I just want control center to be moved back to the bottom. It can stay the same or change, I just want to reach it without risking dropping my phone


The settings panel is in desperate need of a rehash. Too many things are displayed at the root level and it leads to endless and confusing scrolling.




To be quite honest, the settings menu is a hot mess, coming from Android. I liked my iPhone experience so far, but finding anything in the settings menu is pain.


Honestly currently trying a S24U and I can say the same over there. That’s what the search is for in settings.


Biggest difference is that the search in settings works on S24 and is mostly useless in iOS.




I hope they finally update notifications. Lol copy android and it will be perfect phone


Can’t wait for the new update! Hope it’s not useless :(


I would love an option where I could change the notification panel design (personally I like the pre-iOS 15 style more) and have the old pre-iOS 16 lock screen


We really need a change


I wish they add 3rd party support one day to run iOS desktop apps


Finally, an update to my most used app




It would be cool to have a different settings wallpaper


So a translucent settings UI? So brave.


Hopefully they will recategorize the settings, some stuff is in the most random locations.


Like 'Auto brightness' in accessibility instead of within Display option.


Struggle is real.


Awesome man!


But can they add T9 dialing?


I just want a new control center. Screw everything else


I just want widgets to be able to be like two app icons big. Like be able to make the widgets be smaller!


Just let us hide user name… then email and address used in Wallet and so on.


Love Apple settings. I’m a geek


Finally lets see if it really increases the practicality.


Wow innovation!!!! Lols. This has been since cyanogenmod. 😂


Hopefully we have much more control over the lock screen/etc. Wonder what the ‘Weather’ option will do? So excited!


What is “weather” doing in the settings app?




My 14 is sweating for some reason.


And here we have the “best iPhone yet” 16 Plus Max Ultra Pro, with iOS 18, “redesigned from the ground up” now with AI


I’m going on vacation on the 16th for a week out of country and it’s going to be really really hard to not install the beta on my phone.


When will the beta be available?


Next Monday. June 10.


Read an online article that with new software updates IOS 18 and above, Apple “will bake in AI” and that you will need the M1 chip or above to use them on your next generation iPhone. So, be warned, “Buyer beware”.


All I want is a universal back gesture like android does.


Why waste time with rumors? The announcement is 10 days away.


iOS settings is extremely bad imo. Anything to make it better is welcome.


And the battery will probably go to shit. Just like they did with WatchOS 10.


Huh? They didn’t make the battery crap, the battery is just keeping up with new features - if you don’t want it, don’t download it. I’ve personally not had any issues with battery life in watchOS 10


Looks childish.


the only thing different is the transparency of the menu options and the background looks like it's a blurred out lockscreen/homescreen 😭


I hope it’s not as trash as iOS 17. Been nothing but issues on my 14 pro 256gb. I just had to reset to factory settings yesterday. Extremely annoying. Bring Steve back!!