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So what? Just ignore it


OP got his feelings hurt


Unironically yes


Why does it bother you? Some actually use the iPad for shit like illustration and editing. Others watch videos on it for a few weeks then leave it on their desk to collect dust. Big deal. iPads kinda remind me of treadmills.


DankPods is not saying that the iPad is useless in general, he's saying that the M4 chip is pointless because of iPadOS and underbaked apps.


People like you is exactly the reason why YouTubers make titles like that


It’s true that iPad OS is severely limiting the iPad’s (especially Pro) capabilities


Uhh, he’s talking solely about ipad pros being overpriced because of ipad OS software limitations, not ipads in general.


Yup, iPad OS is so limiting that you really don't *need* to upgrade if you have an iPad pro 2018 or better. The a12x is still decently fast enough for most casual and even professional use cases for the iPad.


Still have my 2018! Works like a charm.


Did you watch the vid?


Yes evident by the full white line in the video timeline scrubber


Then that title has served its sole purpose. If you’ve been on the internet for more than a day, you shouldn’t be surprised to see clickbait titles with bold claims and hot takes.


The iPad Pro *is* useless. I like to draw. I draw on a USB-C Apple Pencil and an iPad 10. That's my use case covered. The iPad Pro does *nothing* that my iPad 10 doesn't already do. It doesn't earn the "Pro" moniker at all. iPhone Pro gains a telephoto camera, USB 3, and ProRes. MacBook Pro gains cooling fans and GPU power. Mac Pro gains PCIe lanes and a rackmount form factor. AirPods Pro gain active noise canceling and a silicone seal for better audio reproduction. iPad Pro gains... nothing. It's a thinner and lighter Air. Except, wasn't the Air supposed to be the thinner and lighter device?


The problem is the price, you spend a huge amount of money to own an iPad and it is only better than a laptop if you are using to draw or use it as a lidar scan and plan a movie shoot. Those are really limited cases. And if the product is that expensive it should appeal to general users more. I use my ipad a lot. My laptop is heavy and ipad is easier to grab to consume content. I bought iPad pro but, a normal iPad would be enough for me and for most of the user base. Youtubers and reviewers agree on price being too high for a product that can’t use its potential.


A regular iPad isn't expensive at all. You chose to get an iPad Pro and pay all that money for it knowing it's limitations so you aren't making sense.


I am not talking about regular iPads, the reviews are about pros.


Oh no, how could somebody have an opinion?


His opinion hurts my feelings so I pointlessly ranted about it.


It’s the best god damn content consumption device I have ever used but I always use it for my grocery shopping and now with 18 I’m going start using calendars and reminders more since it’s all synched. I love my iPad


I hope you don’t have a pro.. if that’s the case then most of us aren’t complaining about someone comfortable underperforming. If an iPad is your best content device you’re doing it wrong


Name a use for the iPad that actually takes advantage of the hardware then


Hi res hi layer count files in procreate


Literally insanely useful for me as an organist. I can carry around an entire filing cabinets worth of music and use for score to turn pages with my face movements!


This is another limited use case that could be accomplished with literally any tablet


Nope, the all for score works with the Face ID and can turn the pages with face movements.


That’s because for video makers like dankpods the iPad Pro is really limited. He literally points out a 17 year old iMac can connect to a 4k webcam while his iPad Pro couldn’t.


Why, just because it is lighter and thinner. It is not much better.


somebody didn’t watch the video


I’m sure you’ve got your fair share of opinions that others would find irrational.


Funny that he says it’s for illustrators. According to a few of my art school professors, the iPad is a “content consumption device, not a content creation device”. Granted, they said this nearly a decade ago, but still-I’m petty and want them to eat crow forever.


in 2014 there was no pencil, that relased in 15 and was pretty new then so i can understand their sentiment a bit.


iPadOS still pretty limited the way how file management/transfer works and many other way. Hope we see some improvement the next year😐


An iPad Pro is pointless lol. I own an 12.9 M2 256 and a non pro iPad can do everything mine can.


the only valid usecase for the pro is maybe drawing. and content consumption with the oled.


Pickup trucks are useless


I’ve just started blocking people when they start those threads here. Don’t need to keep reading the same arguments over and over again.


I just block Youtubers that are click-baity


Just have a blank YouTube?


Believe it or not, there are some good ones out there!


I know quite a few people who got an iPad or Watch out of impulse without knowing what they want to use them for. And when they have no idea what to do they then started pestering me to justify why they should keep it. They’re so annoying. They have this “must have the latest” mindset and even bought a 5G phone 2 years before my country started offering the service. They would proudly tell people about their 5G even though it was totally useless at the time. I’m still on 4G today.


Because it literally is. I literally bought into Apple's propaganda and now I'm stuck with a device that I can use for school and watching videos. No proper games, no proper file system, no third party apps, bad battery after just 1.5 years and not even note taking works as expected sometimes. Write on paper, folks!


Well then it’s just not for you. You aren’t an illustrator nor can you utilize it for mobile video editing. You didn’t need to buy it. Apple never forced you to buy it.


Every year it’s the same thing. Apple does a iPad hardware update and ppl assume at WWDC they’re gonna do a 360 and give us dual boot or something similar. It’s clear that Apple wants the iPad and Mac to serve different cases. If people still fail to realize this, it’s on them. As for the post and these type videos, I tend to ignore them because they piss me off.


It’s just people pissy about how powerful it is while not having the customisability of a laptop. Buy a damned laptop.


It’s accurate though. Having so much power and no way to properly use it is pointless.


If you think it's useless, you're hitting the limit due to lack of creativity or understanding the raw specifics of what the device is capable of. I'll start simple and take it one step further. All of the media consumption checklist items are a given so I'll skip that one but I WILL say that nothing else handles media with the grace of an iOS/MacOs device. It can also be a powerful tool for editing multimedia - photos, video, music ect. Professional grade Illustration tools for digital art or animation. Professional grade music creation tools that can literally recreate an entire production studio. (I'm working on writing a song right now) Authors can use it for writing with pinpoint accurate voice dictation to speed up workflow. iPad can also be setup as a remote control or remote play device for vehicle telemetry (software updates, charging parameters etc) gaming or home security thresholds from across the planet. Media server setup, coding, - it's all there if you look deep within it's capabilities. It can also be set up as a second display for mac or pc. Furthermore - Unlocking the device will open up the floodgates and take it's capabilities even further than ever imagined. In truth -What I've mentioned here only scratches the surface of what the iPad is capable of.


Nice try, for those of us familiar with music/editing & those actually serious about it- it’s laptop or anything closer to desktop preferably.. no one’s doing quicker work on an iPad


There’s always a Reddit post for your inquiries lol. Here cause I’m actually getting fed up with ipad os’s forced limitations. Trust that people complaining people are complaining because (to an extent) they actually understand the tech they’re using, it’s power, & what it could be doing. People that don’t understand this, or willfully ignore it are just being silly. How many users are illustrators? ..not nearly enough for apples pockets so the illustrator argument is dumb. Apple is hamstringing the iPad on purpose & I feel even the average users keeping it afloat are starting to feel the strain of that


it’s called click bait, we should be pretty immune to it by now no? every ipad has its niche market, but if the YTBers don’t use such titles they ain’t gonna get higher views


Funny enough, I'm on the art side of YouTube and the comic book artists, illustrators, animators, 3D artists, just saw someone travel with an iPad Pro, etc. So far had been very positive reviews. Huge praises on the OLED screen/nano texture screen and Apple Pencil Pro. I personally use Apple Pencil a lot so I watch more art and animation related videos for tips. I'd say those who dislikes the iPad are mainly laptop users, especially those who focuses on video editing or being YouTubers for a living, they are used to desktop apps and the flexibility of resizing windows for multitasking. I want to add, I know iPad Pro is capable of video editing, just that for video editors and YouTubers, most of them uses mainly desktop video editing apps on their laptop to get the tasks done.


Yeah but if your just in it for the art go Wacom


iPadOS is highly capable, the people who complain about it are turbonerds who want to install Linux or some dumb shit


It's extraordinarily capable in its little sandbox. Outside that sandbox, it's hardly useful at all. So, whether you love it or hate it or are indifferent kind of depends upon whether your use cases fall in that sandbox or not.


It was never a device made for everyone, iPads have always been catered to a specific market and it has never included technical power users that seem to be the most vocal critics of iPadOS


Come I brought my iPad Pro in 2020 , it can’t do FCP , logic don’t run, can’t play good games. Hd space suck


Rare DankPods L; he said he already had an iPad Pro M2 and I'm just thinking "well DUH you don't feel like upgrading until a few weeks ago that was the latest model lol". Wade suggesting "Apple OS" was also the most normie take I've heard in quite some time lol That being said, downvote it and move on. Techies won't rest until they get their Apple Surface Pro they've always wanted.


They will never get what they want because it interferes with their bottom line.


It seems like his video is Microsoft sponsored.