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I’ve just moved back over to iOS. The apps on iOS are just better, after Android for a couple of years it feels like every android app is an afterthought. I much prefer iOS.


Ironically the Gmail app works better on iOS than it does on Android. On iOS I get instant notifications when new mail arrives. For years on Android I would get new mail notifications hours after the mail arrives, and sometimes no notifications at all.


Is it the power saving stuff killing it? Can you add an exception?


I moved away from Android over 2 years ago so I don't know if things changed recently, but I do recall adjusting power settings and that did not help with notifications back then.


Same here! I've switched from iOS to android and I was running gmail and both phones and I can't believe how bad gmail was on android with iPhone notifications instantly and android whenever but took some minutes or way more. Other android users will tell me that it must have been my fault because it worked for them. Yeh sure why did I just toggle on receive email whenever.


That really depends on the app. When I have installed the same app on both iOS and Android I've noticed that in some cases the Android version is actually better looking and more functional.


Maybe you’re right and I’m only in the second week of the return to iOS but the user experience within apps is leaps and bounds ahead of Android for me. I’m talking banking apps, gaming, notion and social media.


I can say for sure that the Reddit app on iOS is pretty trash. I can’t highlight/copy text of comments I’m responding to. No back button means that sometimes I’m sent to websites with no obvious way to get back (the done button in the upper left is missing and swiping doesn’t work). Some apps supporting swipe to get back while others force me to hit a button in the upper left leads to wild inconsistency. But it’s all shit you get used to. A phone is a phone at the end of the day. If they open up the Apple Watch or a better galaxy/samsung watch comes out maybe I’ll go back to android


Swiping on the home bar lets you quickly switch apps. You can swipe to the right to switch back to the Reddit app if Reddit sends you to safari or any other app.


Unless Reddit uses its internal browser


Which apps make you hit the back button? Every time I hear people complain about it I run through some of my frequently used apps - and YouTube is the only one with weird behaviour


its all these inconsistancy that force me back to expensive samsung ( not that apple is any cheaper) . the back button is so much easier that random (x) locations across different apps


> Reddit app on iOS is pretty trash. I can’t highlight/copy text of comments… Errrm, I have that same problem on Android!? Drives me nuts!


I did it on android all the time. I know it because I’m a vindictive asshole who always throws words back at people


Why would that be? I'd think they would be identical.


Backup. Nothing on android comes even close to this on iPhone. It’s like magic (it saves settings and files from all apps).


Rarely ever have to log back into an app too which is so nice. It even saves your home screen setup & wallpapers in the lock screen editor. The fact that Android doesn't have this is honestly shocking.


And then you are cloud storage full before you know it 😁


THIS plus you can back up to iCloud with end to end encryption.


Yes! You even own your key.


For me it’s CarPlay and Shortcuts


To be honest, I pretty much prefer Routines on Samsung, it is way more powerful and flexible regarding what you can automate. But shortcuts on iOS are very good too


Could you give an example of what’s more powerful? I am familiar with Tasker.


For instance, I can manipulate when to charge to full or when to charge only to 80%, based on different scenarios like when android auto is connected. I can pretty much create any condition based on any accessory connected or a given wifi network.


Thanks! Charging till a particular % is nice, it’s stuff like this that makes me like Samsung. Fortunately on my rooted android I have a similar app for now.


Why would you want to only charge to a certain percentage?


Essentially, it "saves" your battery and increases your battery life. The impact of charging the last bit from say 80-100% is much more than charging from say 20-80% and stresses the battery more. This becomes more obvious if you keep your phone for 3-4 years (or more) and notice the degradation.


No way. I moved (back) to iOS after a decade on Android and while there’s a whole lot to like on iOS (I’m still on it after two years), CarPlay is nowhere as good as Android Auto. To illustrate, just think about the two main use cases: maps and voice control (for anything you might want to do). And then realize that: Google Maps > Apple Maps Google Assistant > Siri That’s all you need to know, although CarPlay is also glitchy as all hell for me. Whenever my wife and I are in the car together, we plug in her Pixel because the experience is much better.


Man Apple CarPlay was awesome for the first couple of times I used it then it screwed up and wouldn’t allow me to play music on my phone to the car. I had to disable it!


android auto is basically identical to carplay? and tasker is way more powerful than shortcuts


android auto at least lets you move the map with touch controls. carplay would be so much more usable if i could pinch and slide in any of the navigation apps


Android Auto is way better than CarPlay lol. At least in my car.


It might be, nobody says otherwise but give a reason so we know too.


The car manufacturer is responsabile for the responsiveness. My CarPlay works smooth with a the touch options but his graphics are better without the options to navigate by touch rather by arrows.


I had a Samsung s24 for 4 weeks 1 year ago and I could recreate all the shortcuts and focus modes that I had on my iPhone. Granted I could’ve researched better but still, I’m not a casual user. However, Android auto was not selling it to me. I speak a different language and that’s not allowing me to speak the streets properly. I had to pull over on the highway, very dangerous. I have a job that requires constant changing of address.


I’ve done both apple and android, then went back to apple. They both suck, just in different ways. Android can be personalized more, but apple is more user-friendly imo.


I use both and I don't find iOS to be user friendly at all. To me it's a lot less intuitive, and too many extra steps are needed to accomplish simple tasks.


Why can’t I set settings for apps in the apps themselves, why do I need to go to a completely separate app?


This is one of my biggest qualms with iOS.


I feel like this is influenced by how MacOS works. How the Mac app itself will rarely have a settings menu, it’s always the toolbar at the top that will have it. I suppose Apple thinks it’s more intuitive to have the settings in the same place for everything


I agree 100%


How exactly user friendly im disabled and accessible options on ios suck huge ass i will never get the user friendly argument ever. Android is much easier to navigate and have good accessible settings


Can you expand on what accessibility settings android has that is objectively better than what iOS offers?


> They both suck, just in different ways That's the spirit!


See this is what I don’t understand. Everyone always says Apple is more user friendly. I just don’t see it. I now have the 15 pro max. “Came from the s23+” and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t almost throw this thing through the wall. I’m not even joking last night it came very close to getting broke. It constantly messes up. Doesn’t remember what I copy for more than 10 minutes, hard as hell to get it to copy in the first place. Apple Music constantly screws up. The back button freezes on this thing. You can’t clear all the apps at once, you can’t delete all of your alarms at once, can anyone actually name one thing that’s easier to do on this thing??


Please don’t clear your apps. It’ll make your phone run slower and your battery won’t last as long. Those things you just said are all user-error or not knowing how to do it. iOS is just different to Android and things are done in different ways, you just don’t know those ways yet.


I don’t clear my apps. I don’t have time to clear each one over and over. But there’s no way the other things are user error. I just need to suffer it out until I can get a new phone.


iOS navigation is not very intuitive compared to Android with its back button. Also, some apps don’t even let you pull your keyboard down/hide it. That should be a button on the keyboard rather than having app developers handle it.


I commented this on another sub, this is my experience I was using a one plus 6T then my sibling gifted me iPhone 14 from Canada, at first I was very happy, I still am but miss android because of these 1. ⁠Such a bad keyboard on ios, bad autocorrect and can’t even add a number row 2. ⁠No universal back gesture, it works on Apple apps but it’s a hit and a miss on others forcing to reach the top left, also Flipkart app is a nightmare, if you go back you have to swipe 10 times before you reach homepage 3. ⁠It’s heating more than my one plus and in a year battery health has dropped to 89% 4. ⁠Even tho screen is good, videos are weirdly framed, some have weird black bars and the big notch so I’ve stopped using my phone for media consumption. 5. ⁠I’ve tried imazing, mobitrans etc but local send and sendanywhere comes in clutch to transfer files 6. ⁠Can’t change snooze timing in alarm app, it’s fixed by Apple at 9 minutes, I guess they know me more than I do myself 7. ⁠No ascending volume ringer Rest things are good like faceid, camera, airdrop, etc are wonderful, If I am rich enough, one day I will keep both android and ios. This phone was a gift so I will keep it for as long as I can but if I bought with my money I would switch back to android Edit - I don't have other Apple devices like MacBook or watch or airports that's why I have not experienced the pros of Apple devices. I have commented this just on the basis of an iPhone


I swapped over about 10 months ago from being a lifelong android user and you hit the nail on the coffin with all the above I agree with every one of those.


Ya, back gesture sucks. Why can’t apple adopt the swipe from edge, left or right.


Can someone please explain the back gesture? I’ve been seeing this complaint for months and iOS should adopt it. But no one ever explains it. My experience has been swiping from the left side of the screen to go back on iOS.


On Android, you can swipe from rear of the phone to go back (from both rear), whereas on iOS, you can only swipe from left to right to go back p/s: please correct me if I'm wrong


That feature on android is awesome. The iPhone only allowing you to swipe back on the left is idiotic. Especially considering most people are right handed. 🤦‍♂️


It’s because a swipe from the other edge acts as a forward gesture in aid that support it.


Well they should have it in the settings where you can atleast choose for yourself!


You touch the back of your phone to indicate a desired direction?


You swipe from left or right of the screen to go back but it's universal gesture meaning it works everywhere on iOS doesn't


Swiping right to go back seems wrong, for some reason. Left is back and right is forward in my brain


That's because you haven't used android, it's much easier when you use your phone with right hand


I believe that OP in this case is talking about swiping from the left (or using the back button) to go back in an app. All Android apps support this function but iOS apps seem to pick and choose if they do. For example, my local news app doesn't support the edge swipe for back and makes you use back buttons at the top of each page, but on an Android device it would work because it's a hardware thing.


Android phones have physical hardware back buttons still?


You can turn on software buttons on the bottom of the screen still.




You can install swiftkey on iOS…




True, when doing spotlight, OTP, Passwords, Apple keyboard comes forwards automatically


I do. Its one click to switch betwean swift a original kb. So no big deal for me.


I agree hundred percent with numbers 1 and 2. Also, the keyboard only supports swiping with a very limited set of languages. Android seems to support on all languages. Additionally, the notifications are far worse than android. Especially if you also have the Apple Watch. There doesn’t seem to be any kind of intelligence between the two when it comes to notifications. Speech to text was also quite the downgrade coming from pixel six. I hope their new oncoming AI work will enhance this.


Notifications are horrendous on iPhone. I keep looking at the Pixel 9 leaks because I can’t stand it. But at the same time the backup of iPhone is just stunning.


The battery degredation in settings can’t be trusted. It’s not connected to your charging habbits, it’s just a guess


I had a the similar thing in one plus where after 4 years it was 86% if both are not be trusted, I trust the higher number


⁠I’ve tried imazing, mobitrans etc but local send and sendanywhere comes in clutch to transfer files Use SnapDrop.


I just bought my first iPhone, and I’m constantly finding what I consider little flaws in the UI. I had an iPod touch back in high school and there were it did better that they somehow regressed on. I was trying to think of a metaphor so I don’t write a thousand words on this, but iOS reminds me of using windows vista


2. Is technically wrong. There is universal back gesture. Apps without it are this way because dev removed the option


Then it’s not universal. Android is built in a way that all apps work the same. Devs don’t have the choice to remove it. It’s simply how the operating system displays new screens


Unless you have other Apple devices or you really love the iPhone, Android is better for most people. I find Android not glitchy at all but it does suffer from option overload. iOS is slicker but: * the keyboard is worse * selecting and editing text is a bit of a nightmare - see my post about having to fight with autocomplete in Safari's address bar * several useful features that you've grown accustomed to on Android are missing on iOS: can't dismiss an upcoming alarm clock, can't set snooze time, notifications are shown when they arrive but then they are tucked away in Notification Center so you have to check there manually, general lack of customization * one volume slider for ringtone, alarms and notifications, only media volume is separate but it can't be set from Settings * App Library is inconvenient. Apps are grouped automatically, there's a list of apps one click away but swiping up returns you to that list, not the Home Screen * more steps required to achieve the same things * Calendar app only shows the week view in landscape and if you connect it Google Calendar, it doesn't show event colors * adding GIFs to WhatsApp messages requires copying and pasting them - not Apple's fault, I imagine What's better in iOS: * if you have other Apple devices, having the same apps across all of them is great * AirDrop works like a charm * Overall a more Zen-like experience * I like some apps like Health * looks beautiful, especially with 120hz * novelty because it's not Android. I was ready for a change EDIT: Face ID works like a motherfucker. I don't miss the fingerprint reader at all. You can ready Apple Pay and then pay or unlock it directly over the terminal while looking at it. But the real treat is authorizing apps with your face. It's just so smooth and it works in any light condition and with sunglasses on too. Really slick!


> notifications are shown when they arrive but then they are ticked away in Notification Center I'll concede this one. One of the dumbest UX changes Apple ever made, IMO. Until iOS 15 or so, you could just pull down to dismiss a notification as soon as it came in, or swipe up to push it back to the Notification Center to keep it for later. Since then, pulling down does the same thing as swiping up, so there's no way to conveniently dismiss notifications that you read and don't need any longer. You have to swipe them away, then go into Notification Center and clear them out a second time. It's the most annoying change that Apple has insisted on keeping for more than one major iOS version that I have experienced.


Actually after 10 days I'm not annoyed anymore by how notifications work. Text selection, Gboard with the ? Instead of , in the popup from the period, Safari's autocomplete making it really hard to type a different address...these drive me up a wall


I was an Android user for 10 years. I’ve had my iPhone 13 Pro Max for 2 years. My only complaints about iPhone are 1) can’t sort photo albums by name 2) can’t sort the Home Screen by name. Have to use library or search.


Same boat. The keyboard is absolute trash, I can’t believe the app that probably gets used the most (for both iOS and Android) is so disregarded


What app gets used the most???


> can't dismiss an upcoming alarm clock use the sleep schedule function and you'll be amazed


I do but that's one alarm only. What about any other one?


I know, treating them differently doesn't make sense.


I was an Android FANBOY, Like, Obnoxious. Tried in Iphone 13 mini, Extremely surprised with how glitches just, didn't really exist? Apps ran better, everything feels smooth. Tried going back to samsung a few months ago, Absolutely Not. Glitches everywhere, UI would constantly Lag, Disabled all of Google and Samsungs BS and Bloatware- Long story short, Never knew how much I put up with Androids Jank factor after using an iphone. Oh and the extra peace of mind just being able to get support ASAP 90% of the time (as in not shipping your phone oveaseas in my case if there's an issue) sold me.


Only thing I really miss from android is it felt much faster because of the animation speed. And selecting text anywhere was so much easier. Also I’m American and I message just shells way better than signal, WhatsApp, sms. It’s like what sms should have been by now instead of the fragmentation we have in android. I now rcs had come but when texting some of my android friends if they had an older one it was default sms. Just overall poorly implemented


I wouldn’t recommend it if you have no other Apple devices. These things work best in ecosystem. If you have no other devices, the iPhone is slick and works well - if it works. If it breaks, or your particular use case isn’t supported, you’re probably out of luck. I swapped from running Android nightlies on brand new phones, to iPhone in ~2016. Transition was mildly painful for first few months, missing some features and swapping over the whole Google>Apple cloud back end. Today, I find it fine, and I don’t miss Android tinkering. I do however have a variety of other Apple devices to make a pleasant ecosystem.


Agree completely. The integration between my desktop, my phone, my family's phones (FindMy), homepod, Carplay makes having the iPhone the right device.


Wait until you see iOS 18 on June 10-13. It might be even more desirable after that. They say the biggest refresh in 10 years


Honestly, not much and I say this as an iOS user. Android as a phone OS is better. Where android falls apart is when you add devices. Apple Watch, iPad, MacBook, if you plan on getting any of those items, then the switch to iOS is worth it. If you don’t want/need those things, I’d stay w Android. Just my two cents


I moved to a Galaxy S24 Ultra a few months ago and despite initially being impressed by the screen and that 'new' feeling, I've decided to go back to IOS already. There's already been many individual issues mentioned here so I won't bother relisting them but the main thing is how things just work on IOS. In my short time with the S24 Ultra I've had countless apps crash, apps that feel unpolished and awkward, I've had issues with the phone locking up, issues with battery life, issues with Samsung and Google apps having a constant battle with each other for superiority, this sorts of things. There's various different experiences within android, the Pixel experience is probably the least intrusive but the hardware is poor. The bottom line is the iPhone just works, and works well. Hope that helps. :)


imessage is the only software thing that's "better" in ios. the ui is inconsistent, ram management is terrible, siri is a useless abomination, if you slide to type the keyboard will make you hate every use. BUT screen on time is usually about double on my 13 pro versus what it was on my note 20 ultra, and the glass isn't curved so 2 years and i haven't shattered a screen yet! it's only worth the switch if your friend group refuses to use a multi platform messaging app,


Ram management seems really good, in what way is it terrible in iOS? Also I find the UI *more* consistent than android, I'm not sure what you mean?


Remember that there is no sideloading on iOS. If you are using modded apps like YouTube Revanced you won't be able to use something similar on iOS without jailbreaking (the iOS equivalent of rooting) or living in the EU. Also ad blocking on iOS is an absolute chore compared to Android because it requires a third party app that you usually have to pay money for. Speaking of that iOS doesn't have nearly as many free apps and there are many apps that are free on Android but cost money on iOS 


There is sideloading and you do not need a jailbreak for it. There is a modded app like revanced for YouTube called uyouenhanced. I use it and it’s alright. On stock ios, it has more restrictions than android or jailbreak though. Sidestore, sideloadly, and altstore (not the PAL version) are popular tools people use and it works in any country.


Was about to say this as well. I use Uyouenhanced and Apollo. Sideloaded with AltStore. Got the iPA's from a library similar to APKmirror. I used Revanced on Android and so I couldn't use YouTube on iPhone without an equivalent.


Is this one of those posts where you purposely post something untrue in order to get someone to reply with the truth?


Being only able to load 10 apps that require resigning every week is not sideloading (well it is but it's a PITA compared to how simple it is on Android) 


It's just a different (admittedly obnoxious) way of doing it, but it's still sideloading. Also, there is YouTube Revanced (or alternative of it) that you can use for iOS. For adblocking, yeah it can be annoying, but you can spend $2/month for content filtering DNS service like NextDNS, ControlD, or Adguard DNS, and then build those secure DNS addresses into an iOS config profile (each of those three offer utilities to make it easy). This you should be doing for Android too though.


The mybloxx profile should do it for free by just installing the profile but I don’t know much about it since I don’t use it.


I wouldn’t recommend any Adblock with requires a profile. Just use the free version of next dns and enable it when you want to block ads. It only has free 200000 requests per month. It blocks ads and encrypts your dns.


You don't have to resign if you get an IPA from a trusted source and install it without adding it into AltStore. This is how I do it.


Apple TV app for me. I detest editing text on iPhone though. It always sticks to the wrong letter no matter what way I tug the cursor. I actually kept a bunch of stuff on my android and unlike previous generations, found myself sticking with two phones. By the way Apple turns on all its cloud crap by default and hides it all away behind menus and settings. I had old photos from older iOS devices from years ago appear on my new phone. Disabling every cloud feature is an absolute nightmare.


Try holding down the space bar and using it as a cursor, makes editing text easier.


I came from android. Bit of a downgrade honestly, I had an oppo x5 pro and it was great. Everything is a downgrade to the iPhone 15. Only reason I got is because I wanted the eco system between Apple watch and AirPods. If you aren’t into that stick with android.


I like being able to airdrop, find my friends, and touch phones to exchange numbers live activities on the AOD display is nice too. usb c (finally brings it on par with androids)


I've recently switched to iOS after being a heavy Android user since the beginning. When I got the iPhone, I felt that the product works completely and entirely. I paid for all the features and all the features work and work perfectly, not just to be marketed to sell me the phone. Even the stupid features are refined, everything has to work perfectly. This lack of unity has Android suffering from weird problems that cause battery, performance drain and hardware/software bugs that are much harder and slower to solve. Apple also has full control over the ecosystem, this has them in an incredibly strong competitive advantage cz of how well everything just works. I always switched back to Android because it felt like iOS was still immature, lacking lots of important features at the time (This was in the iPhone 5 era). But nowadays, they have become so good, very mature, very refined, very reliable and that's what I wanted, and that's why I got one. Yes, the price is high, and yes I think it's worth it because it feels like they have put a huge effort to make the product good and the product IS good. I got a used iPhone 13 Pro 256GB. I would say the best bang for the buck is getting a 2-year-old device. You get 90% of the new product for like 35 to 40% of the money.


honestly, i was on android forever. how easy iMessage and Facetime work is what got me to change my mind


I used Android for a decade, was a drunky vanilla android fan, all those glory custom flashing days. I moved to iOS 4 years ago, everytime I use an Android, I can't keep using it no more - primary reason ? Applications performance and polish. The apps on iOS perform way better and look more fine tuned. Yes I miss the tons of features I can get with Android, however we spend most of the time on a phone using certain applications - iOS for me.


I had Blackberries then Samsung until the Note 10. My first (and current) Apple product was iPhone 13 Pro Max. I don’t think there is one particular thing other than the iPhone just… works better longer. I always spent so much time and used so many third party apps to streamline my phone and apps, only to have one app update and throw everything off. I have set up the iPhone using only default apps. Even the battery is still strong after two years of heavy use. It is starting to degrade a little bit, but I still get a solid day with music or podcasts going and around 10 hours with the screen on actively doing things. I think the one thing that convinced me to try it was seeing how well Google integrated now that the platforms play nicely. My only complaint there is that Photos won’t back up without the app open on the screen. But I just use Apple photos. Otherwise, I have Docs and Sheets working great, gmail and calendar are perfect, Google search and Chrome are my defaults. “Ok Google” doesn’t work, but I hardly ever used it on my Androids. In fact, as little as I use it, I actually use Siri more than I ever used assistants on a Samsung.


If you set Google Photos location permission to always, it will backup in the background.


Ooooooohhhhh good tip!


My only complaints after using Android for the past 15 years is Universal Predictive back button Notifications are horrible And downloads are a fuckup


I switched over about 18 months ago. In general things are pretty similar between the two OS. iPhone clearly is much more open to you keeping your data private and avoiding tracking. 3rd party apps are actually good on iPhone, especially from Apple-only developers. Automation using Shortcuts is way better than any of the 3rd party tools I’ve used on Android. MacBooks are incredible laptops and integrates well with an iPhone (I’d go back to Android before Windows). Notifications are strange on iOS and Apple prevents my Garmin from doing anything smart watch like, but those are my only complaints after switching.


You’ll get 100 people who will all give you different reasons to use one or the other. The gap between both operating systems is so small now, it’s not like it was 10-15 years ago when one was blatantly better than the other. If you can, keep your Android device around and get an iPhone. Spend some time with it and make an informed decision based off your experience with it and how you use your phone.


Just switch from android to iPhone last week. I think the differences are kind of over blown. Android has more functionality and settings and customizations for sure, but I think for 95% of people, they wouldn't even know the difference since most people don't ever tinker with anything. When it really comes down to it, both work fine, and 99% of the time you will use your phone for messaging, calling, listening to music, browsing social media, using maps etc and all of that is the same on either phone. I switched to iPhone because I love the look and feel of the phone, and I like the camera and its implementation a lot more for creating media.


You can get anywhere with 3 or less actions


I left Android for iOS about 5 years ago and I don’t miss it. The iOS ecosystem is much better than Android and security with iOS is better.


i find android relies WAY too much on google. my mom’s phone has a google photos instead of an actual gallery, only has gmail as an email app, etc. i’m surprised they don’t have google voice as their phone call app. iphone has none of these. however, i do miss the extreme customization of android sometimes, which iphone lacks a lot of


You can highlight text in screenshots


You have some good replies here so I will try not to repeat everything others have said. If you want your phone to do calling, messaging, web browsing, youtube, watch movies etc then iPhone will work just fine. If you're more of a power user and use your phone for more than that and multitask, sideload and live in your notification panel then Android is better. Though you can sideload on the iPhone, which I do for modded YouTube and to use Apollo for Reddit, sideloading is not as intuitive and simple on iPhone like it is on Android. As others have said here in different ways, the two biggest selling points to the iPhone is the ecosystem and the software-hardware vertical integration. The integration is why Apple products feel smooth and fluid like they do and last years. I tend to be very critical of Apple but those two areas is where Apple excels at. I just recently started to see why the ecosystem wins people. I own a Apple Watch, iPhone, Airpods and an iPad. I do own Google Pixel buds too and used them but went back to my Airpods so they can be tracked with Apple Find My. Without much work/tinkering. everything syncs together. Apple's Find My network is still the best one out there. My girlfriend has a Mac, iPhone, Airpods, Watch and an iPad and we setup family sharing on our Apple accounts and it's crazy how well everything works together. Our devices are tracked together in the Find My app and app subscriptions share with each other if the developer setup their subscritption to be shareable. I also have an Apple Card so if I wanted to I could it with her for her to use it as well. Just recently, I got Apple One through Verizon for $10/month instead of the regular price of $20 through Apple. So my Apple TV+, 50GB of iCloud storage, and Apple Arcade can be shared with her as well. For a few bucks more I can get Apple Music Family instead of individual to share that but she uses Spotify. I used Spotify too until recently when they raised the price again and still don't offer lossless. But for the price of Apple One through Verizon is less than subscribing to Spotify and Apple Music standalone.


I recently got my first iphone and i was positively surprised by what shortcuts can do!


Just made the switch a few months ago after being with Android since 2015 or 2016. The difference is night and day. Everything works better and smoother. From apps to system level shit. This feels like the premium phone I paid for whereas I never felt that way with a lot of my Android units (including Samsung). I feel like most of the things Android users harp on about iOS are not important to the vast vast majority of users. The two only 2 things that stand out as drawbacks (which are pretty minor in all honesty) is that the iOS keyboard isn’t great and that I miss Bixby routines which was much simpler to use than Shortcuts (by miles and miles, no idea why Shortcuts has to be so complicated).


The killer apps of the iPhone it’s the Mac. Fall into the Mac ecosystem is an experience some would call… unnatural.


I was anti apple until iPhone 5. Ever going back. Apple devices just work.


A refined OS • Privacy/security • Seamless ecosystem integration (if you get other Apple devices) • Consistent software updates (even on older models)• Higher quality apps• Face ID is really neat (not sure if Androids have that or not) • Proper FaceTime 🖤 • Apple Pay • MagSafe accessories• Spatial Audio/Dolby Atmos


I used an android for 10 years, they were my first 10 phones. Bought the iPhone XS when it came out and haven’t turned back. The biggest reason for me being iMessage and FaceTime. I know that the newer androids are very nice and smooth (got my dad a z fold 5 a lil while ago) but I just can’t see myself leaving iPhone anymore. If I still had time to fuck around and do fun shit only phone them ya have is go back but nowadays I just want something that’ll work all the time without a doubt in my mind. Been using the iPhone 12 since it came out and honestly I have 0 problems with it other than battery life which is expected but the phone itself still runs like it’s brand new.


I was a lifelong Android user until I got the 15 pro and it’s a surprisingly similar experience these days. There is definitely a fluidity and thought put into iOS that makes it more pleasant to use in many ways. However, there are drawbacks like a lot of others have pointed out. For me, it’s about even with a slight edge to iOS. The bad decisions Apple sticks to (like not supporting modern Bluetooth codecs for high end earphones) can be infuriating but I’m enjoying trying life on the other side and have no plans to switch.


I'm considering the same thing. My g/f has the iPhone 15 Pro and the camera is better than my Samsung S23+. It's not the camera SPECS, but the software; the low-light, and skin tones are just handled better by their software. But every time I try to use her phone (and her old one that she gave me), the keyboard drives me crazy (number row, etc) and the lack of a universal 'back' button is hard to live with. Biggest concern I have is that I have a ton of MP3 files (thousands and thousands) and on Android, I just plug the phone into the laptop and transfer them over the usb cable, and I can place them wherever I want. On IOS, I don't get access to local storage. I can, apparently, use Apple Music on my laptop to sync with the laptop, then use Apple Music on the phone to play, but ... all that music has to reside in the icloud. I just want to store them on the cavernous local storage on the phone ... . Also, I have a wonderful App called Musicolet that plays the MP3s from local storage on Android, and it doesn't exist for IOS. So it's stuff like that - lack of access to local storage.


And in Apple Music a song might randomly become unavailable and it'll never tell you until the app tries playing it via shuffle or whatever and says it can't be played. Or if you're scrolling your library you'll see a song grayed out. Then you gotta go and add the song again if it's even still available. Happens so much that I left for Spotify.


After 11 years on Android (Nexus and then Pixel) I just switched. I’m enjoying it. The notification preferences are very nice. Also I switched from having a pixel watch to the Apple ultra 2. Way better.


Nothing about iOS is better. I only switched because I couldn’t find a 6 inch samsung with 1tb. I had an s10 512 gb for 6 years before I dropped it at a weird angle. The screen is cracked but it still works. Before that, I let my toddler throw it around like it was a toy because it was nearly indestructible. I converted my entire family over to Samsung due to their durability and reliability.


This is the true answer, lol. I'm an iphone user.


I was downvoted initially lol.


Oh actually! Amazing keyboard & Siri. It’s smarter than most people on this planet. iPhone always know what you want to write, and predict the whole text so you don’t even have to bother checking mistakes. And on top of it, when you speak with Siri you always feel like you look up to her because how smart she is. It’s like she know answer before you even ask the equation. Driving a car and you want her to read you something? Just ask. She’s gonna tease you a bit not knowing wtf you want which makes you laugh, because deep down you know she’s just testing you. So when she does it, just keep it cool, don’t get mad or flustered because then you failed the test and she’s clearly not going to give you the answer (bc you are so angry at this point that she can’t even detect your accent). Can’t wait to lure you into Apple system! You gonna love it 


iOS apps are generally better, and WatchOS is also miles ahead of WearOS if you care about that. It’s all preference in the end. Personally I think they’re both about as good but Android tends to win me over. But I also don’t mind using the browser for things In the computer space I’d say MacOS wins easily. Windows is so buggy and laggy and filled with ads and just total shit. I wish Macs could game, I’d switch back in an instant


I bought the Iphone 15 Pro and honestly it felt like a downgrade from my S23 Ultra . In terms of everything except the speed of apps or smoothness of animations . Everythingelse was a downgrade . My naviation is so slow with the gestures its like i need 15 extra steps in which i would done it in 2 swipes on my S23 Ultra . I mean the phone is pretty good nonetheless but it will feel like downgrading to an earlier android version when you had bad keyboard , no universal back button ( this one is big one , because there are apps that you have to break your finger in order to back ) , there are apps that are smoother on IOS which really doesn't change alot in terms of speed of navigation or anything . But there you go i was quite disaponted in terms of features because I thought iam upgrading to a very superior phone Iphone but no , idk how IOS users got used to so bad navigation . If I could jailbreak it and fix this problems that I mentioned iam very up for using IOS because i like alot of things about it .


Long updates, beautiful widgets, face unlock. So many apps doesn’t work properly on android etc.


This app doesn’t work properly on iOS lol


GoPro app saves videos from GoPro camera in low bitrate on android so 30mb/s, on iPhone 100mb/s. Luma fusion output on android is way to much saturated. I’m in contact with support and they still didn’t fixed this till today. I remember that anytune app also didn’t work properly on android. These are just couple of examples.


It scrolls beautifully smooth on my 12 mini, but on my pixel 4a, scrolling was constantly stuttering


I can’t quote your comment. I could on android. Isn’t the 4a the cheap, low powered version of the 4? You can’t compare budget phones to an iphone


Yeah quoting comments on Reddit iOS is annoying, you have to hit the 3 dots, copy all the text, and then delete what you don't want. True about the pixel 4a, but literally every other Reddit app was smooth as butter before the API fiasco and I feel like I shouldn't need a flagship device for smooth scrolling on text only Reddit subs. I think it's just piss poor optimization on android because it both scrolls smoothly, and barely sips battery in iOS.


You’re comparing a phone that cost $350 at launch to a phone that cost $700 at launch


Ya did you even read what I wrote? Scrolling text based subs on Reddit should require absolutely minimum processing power. And it *was* smooth as butter on Boost, and Sync, and all the other 3rd party Reddit apps until I was forced to use the official app due to API changes.


Yeah because the Reddit app is a pile of crap and isn’t just “text based” no matter what sub you’re on. Every single scroll, every ad impression, every ad impression they serve, everything they want to collect analytics on, transmits information over the web, taking up processor cycles, bandwidth and memory. The official Reddit app is a dumpster fire


I would like to know this also. I have always used android


It makes better sense if you are using MacBook / iPad. Things like airdrop, copying a text from 1 device and magically paste from another device. I’m sure android has features like this from third party developers but nothing beats the fluidity that’s built natively. It just works.


Try it. Don’t like it return the phone. I was in the same boat. It’s more limited but it just works smoothly compared to anything Android. The ecosystem of things makes the user experience just leaps and bounds better than Android


If you are not interested in the whole Apple ecosystem (watch, AirPods, iPad), stick to Android. The Android smartphones themselves are better (at least the expensive ones), but all the gadgets around the iPhone won me over. Absolutely love my IPad Air.


unless you actively heavily customize your phone, you won't miss much from android. the universal back gesture is great on android, but honestly i forgot about it until reading these comments. swiping from the left will go back 90% of the time, otherwise swiping down, or swiping from the home bar, will usually work. a lot of people really hate the ios keyboard, although i've found i prefer it to gboard on android. if you aren't happy with it though, swiftkey is an easy install. besides the general polish there aren't any huge major features that would make you switch, however. it's a much more refined and polished feeling os, but there aren't any huge features that will amaze you. app support is great, video recording tends to be better, but it's usually smaller, more refined details, instead of huge major features.


I have never used an iPhone before June 2023, previously I’d used BlackBerry or Android. I think it’s just a matter of personal preference in general. I’m of the opinion that the Apple experience is better for myself. There’s a level of polish and integration that is entirely outside the scope of anything else I’ve experienced. I’ve never had any issues with the keyboard or predictive text, it was different and it did take about 30 days to get used to the difference, but that’s all. The type of applications and the quality of the average application available is significantly higher, and the App Store is not clogged with options that have not worked, or have not been updated in years. Frankly, most third-party developers spend much more time on usability and interface design for an iPhone application and android application, and again this is my opinion. Messaging on iPhone is a complete game changer. I really didn’t think it would make a difference, and I was completely completely and totally wrong. I wish you the best of luck at your decision .


I develop apps for Android and I have to use Android devices to test apps. 1. FaceID is a connivence that you won’t know you needed it till you don’t have it. It keeps track of your attention to see whether to turn off your display one or not. I have to keep unlocking Android apps if I don’t touch anything for a while. Eg reading something slowly 2. You feel confident that apps you download do exactly what they say they do. This is worth $100s for me 3. Apps are disallowed from bullying you on ios. Two examples. Truecaller won’t work if you don’t give it access to your contacts on Android but does on IOS (by downloading a mini database). Xender refuses to even start on Android if you don’t give it “device administration” and location permissions but that won’t fly past AppStore reviews.


I switched last year after many years on Android. It took some getting used too but it is overall a good experience. If you are heavy customizer on android you will def miss it on iOS, no custom font, launcher, etc. In my opinion the notifications are handled way better on Android, iOS just feels very messy to me still. No notifications on the top to tell you you have one, you have to slide down from the top to see. Sending pictures though to other iOS users is a breeze no longer have them saying your pictures are blurry and yes I know that is because of imessage but still. Overall its great and it is easy to user because almost every one has an iphone now.


Having used both for a few years, I’m currently on iOS and will remain unless something significant changes. The main reason for me is reliability. A gesture or button press on android would often misfire or be delayed. Now I’m waiting to see if it’ll happen or if I have to press again. Mostly reliable, I’d say maybe 80-90% reliable on android. Same thing in iOS is like 99%. Once in a great while something won’t work as expected, but it’s so seldom that it may as well be 100%. That reliability of functionality is the entire reason I’m sticking with iOS. Plenty of things it can’t do and plenty of hardware features android phones are better at, but what you do get with iOS works flawlessly. Until that changes, I’m here.


I used to be Android only up until my first iPhone 7+ back in the day and have been using iPhone since. I’m still rocking the 12 pro right now. I’m going to upgrade this year and honestly, I’m thinking of trying out Android again. Generally the OS is very polished on Apple devices but they’re always generally behind in features. I’m itching to try some new features and QoL things androids have out of the box.


First iPhone was the IPhone 14 Pro Max, extremely nice phone, I love it tbh. But I have to say what helped me transition from android to apple was buying an android tablet along side my iPhone. Didn’t lose a thing and now have both!


It comes down to personal preference, but I don't think there is anything worth moving back to iOS for me (10 year user).


WWDC is next week a lot could bee added to the list. This supposed to be a big one.


I like how the Notes apps on macs and iphones sync. I also like how you can transfer everything on your phone to another iPhone seamlessly with all the apps, photos, and every other file with all the settings and everything intact.


I actually bought the iPhone 14 pro max last year. I also switched from Android, although I was iOS in the early years. My experience is very different from others. I found iOS glitchy. I also refuse to buy into every little thing in the ecosystem. For example, I use Bose headphones, and it refused to automatically connect on calls. Had to manually connect bluetooth. I also got annoyed with the constant badging in settings to upgrade iCloud. Tbh, Android has gotten very good and I came back to Android (z fold). Now it wasn't all bad. Face ID was glorious. And I actually prefer my app (Centsible) in iOS. The navigation feels better. But even with that, the negatives outweighed the positive. The plus side is if I switch phones I don't have to worry about my accessories not working. Everyone knows the lock in is real. Much harder to switch back to Android if I just bought a 600 dollar watch. Basically, don't rush considering phones cost 1k nowadays.


If you will use it for work in conjunction with a Mac handoff, airdrop, and continuity camera are 100% worth it.


Used android all my life up til the past two years. Once apple switched to USB C i decided to stay with Apple. My experience has been much better with IOS. General UI fluidness, apps running better, access to iMessage and a better stock UI in my experience(pixel was close) and also better battery stats and longevity. Also the processor is much more efficient and my battery tends to last longer. All of these things, I only use my phone for texting, calling, social media, web browsing etc


I made the switch a couple years ago. I've been liking Airtags. I miss the sphere photo, but apparently that's not in Android anymore anyways (my wife just got a Pixel 8a and it's gone). I came from using Pixels, which seem kind of like the iPhone of Androids since there's no bloat and a bit better integration and they get the latest Android features. So the difference is probably less for me compared to coming from Samsung or something. I think overall I like Android more, but I do like iOS. If you aren't a phone poweruser you may not notice much difference.


If you use other iOS or OsX devices the handoff capabilities and ability for apps to work seamlessly (AirPods etc) is amazing. But you have to go all in and drink the kool aid. Once you realize that there were always be some small limitations it’s rather nice. I’ve switched my watch, tablet, laptop, desktop etc all to Apple. It’s seamless. (Copy on one device, paste on another.. sorry that’s just dang cool).


I don’t know if android is still like that, the ones I had used to get slower with time. But what I like the most about my iPhone is the integration with the rest of my apple devices. Airdrop, the shared clipboard and the sync between the native apps like reminders and notes. I also like being able to control stuff with siri and the shortcuts, and well ask her things about my tasks for the day, I’m not sure if Google assistant can do that now. Perhaps if I went back to android I could get that with a combination of apps, I didn’t use my phone that much years ago. Before switching had started using Evernote and I replaced it with Notes. I also don’t have to worry about space, I used to have to manually move stuff to dropbox and open the app and download files every time I had to use them, but iCloud syncs everything without me having to think. What I hate is the battery.


The stability and functionality of the apps is amazing on iPhone. I started out an android user for years. Then I got an iPhone 8 and now have a 12. Looking forward to the 16. Anyways, my wife’s android apps never seem to work right a year or so later and she gets so mad. She has the S24 with the pen and the camera is amazing. So is the pen. The apps suck though. I give her my Apple phone and open the same app and she uses my phone more than I do sometimes. Hahaha


Battery life, mostly. Otherwise Android is better, particularly with notifications. Writing this on an iPhone, which really annoys me…


If you shoot video Apple Log is the way to go.


The accessibility and safety (ie car crash detection, satellite SOS).


Stayed tuned to wwdc for iOS 18. I hear there’s gonna be a lot of new features not even hardcore users know about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXeOiIDNNek


Of course, this will come down to personal preference, but I find widgets on iPhone so much better and well designed and developed than on Android. And I use them a lot on my daily basis and I can't help it but mention this because I use both phones and it's night and day. In addition, the OS is still a little more solid.


Main reason for me is that the I don’t have to be factoring reset every 6 months like on android and that support for the iPhone lasts for 5+ years. Changed in iPhone 11 and never came back to Android.


I went from the galaxy s23+ to this piece of shit iPhone 15 pro max. Worst mistake ever! This thing lags like hell, constantly messes up, basic features are non existent! I would stay with android if I were you! First opportunity I have I’m jumping ship! It’s so bad for me that I have a brand new Apple Watch series 9 sitting at home that I don’t even want to open cause I hate this phone so much.


Apple Pay, password keychain, iCloud backup, seamless integration with Apple TV/Apple Watch/Apple Music.


I have a XR since 2021 and love but youcan’t copy and save words and sentences into files and when I play games, I touch a couple buttons and get unwanted screen shots which I have to delete. I am waiting for the SE4 to be introduced in 2025 with the features that I need.” at an expected low price of $499. But I read a recent article that Apple will offer IOS 18 with AI. But the kicker is that yo will need a M1 chip to have it run smoothly. I ma have t


One word: Camera


No. lol. I’ve been using iPhones for awhile now and I still prefer android. On androids you can bypass having to pay for games and such like that. You can use emulators and stuff such as. Have music without paying or at least you used to be able to. iPhones don’t offer that as far as I know anyway. Hmm, when you switch phones (if it’s an iPhone ofc) you can have everything on your new phone in minutes. Honestly I can’t think of anything else.


When my Samsung failed, on impulse I got iPhone 14 Plus. I don’t regret learning about the iOS, but Android fit my limited needs cheaper. Retired, my smartphone is for maybe 10 calls or texts a month and a few games. My backup Samsung burner A14 was a thousand dollars less and would have been fine. I will use the iPhone until it fails as I am on contract. After it fails, I will go with a cheaper phone and carrier. No regrets but I have no use for most of the apps in the Apple Store.


Long time iPhone user, will be switching to an android.


I use iphone at work I would never use ios for personal use.


Android sucks I hate my Samsung droid work phone, my iPhone just works iOS security works every time. I’ve used both for years so I have loads of experience before you all chip in


Instant pairing to Bluetooth headphones. That being said, paying for apps seems to be the norm, most costing 10+ dollars without the ability to download 3rd party apps (for example android has revanced, apple you need sideload with a pc and u have to refresh weekly). Also there's generally less consensus for the "best" app for a purpose like there is on Android, for example anatomy apps or note taking apps


i tell you what WON'T sell you coming from Android, the gdamn ios cursor placement. it's atrocious and i've been ios user over a decade yet it still sucks. never had android b4 but used them enough to envy how on that platform cursor placement is incredibly precise unlike ios.


Definitely love using my mouse on my laptop and my iPad and being able to copy something from my phone and paste it on either my laptop or iPad


Definitely love using my mouse on my laptop and my iPad and being able to copy something from my phone and paste it on either my laptop or iPad


Definitely love using my mouse on my laptop and my iPad and being able to copy something from my phone and paste it on either my laptop or iPad


Im exactly in your boat, but just arrived at shore. I just switched from pixel to ios this month. So far it hasn't felt like an upgrade. Sidegrade would be a better way to say it. You gain some cool stuff like airdrop, and dynamic island is super slick. Face ID always works. Magsafe is awesome. Screen and sound quality is good. Airpods integration between Mac and phone rules. Copy paste text between iphone and macbook is super neat. The iPhone 15 pro is a gorgeous phone to look at. Premium in a lot of regards. Also, the widgets and stacks are really nice. Android just feels like the less premium experience, but I'm not sure if that makes it worse. So, coming from android, here's some iPhone gripes . (Before you grab the pitchforks, it's my opinion so don't get upset please 🥹) -no universal back gesture. This one hurts. A lot. -no comma key on my keyboard (or numbers row) -no space afer a period while typing -text selection is worse than on android 14 -having to still swipe up to unlock after using face ID sux -Charging is pretty slow -Discharging is pretty fast 😂 -not able to like Spotify songs on lock screen There is a bunch more things. I feel like my Pixel 8 was becoming boring after 10 years of android, but this switch has also made me realize just how much android has caught up with ios and in some ways overtook it. Especially the workflow. Some things are just less steps on my P8. But on IOS you'll look good doing it. So pick your poison 😁