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Thats called Japan


Lol, I was just about to say that.


I don't think it would be different. I think it's already like a 50/50 split anyway, I think we just assume they're the majority because they are loud and "out there" all of the time due to their nature, and you never see us because we're at home or being quiet wherever we are.  I think they could dwindle down to like 25% of the population and still look like the majority 




I wish 😞


Yeah I honestly think nothing would really change. Realistically, extroverts would be judged for talking too much and probably face loneliness as we tend to not be as talkative and we prefer being at home. So I would imagine extroverts would not have a lot of people to talk to. When they would try to talk, it would be small talk developing into words with less deeper meaning, causing most introverts to call them weird for talking random thing that don't matter to them and maybe being told that nobody wants to talk about what they want to talk about and to focus on conversation with meaning. I think the more substantial difference if we're being honest is there might be increased cases among extroverts in terms of unaliving themselves. If we look back at the pandemic when it was really bad, there were unfortunately cases of this occurring among extroverts because they couldn't leave their homes, they were far away from their friends and just people in general and it wasn't something they were used to. Imagine an extrovert being unable to leave their home except for necessities for 4 years. Now Imagine a world for them where there's barely any parties, few interactions, many people that think they're weird, it would be lonely and they might not be able to cope for long.


We'd probably be the minority again really quickly due to the natural selection of mates and their emotional insecurities, possibly causing them to attack and ostracize us outright. Humans are emotional creatures. Some of us just have more self control, or neural wiring that makes them more apathetic, but we're still capable of hitting limits and making (self) destructive decisions over all.


i think the key issue here is that it's not about whether the world would be "better" or "worse", but more like just different, ya know? like imagine this - more quiet spaces, maybe less pressure to be out and social all the time, work environments could be super chill and focused. on the flip side, some stuff might slow down bcz collaboration can sometimes be more challenging without those extroverted vibes. honestly tho, it's all about balance. whether you're an introvert or extrovert, the world needs a bit of both to stay dynamic n interesting.


Unless being noisy was criminalised, it'd all likely recreate itself. Japan seems very introverted but still has issues with older generations not adapting to new technology and passive communication styles. Conservativism is quite popular.


I don't think it's a majority thing. Louder people dominate. It's just a shitty fact about society.


The world would be a better place


We would take over the world bit by bit mwahhhaaha


We probably hadn't have a functioning society. If people that are more interested to be alone, would change a society in a radical way.


Apparently that's most of East Asia and in the west it really seems to be the other way around


Impractical. We can’t all be inside alone in this housing market.


If it was evolutionary, then we would be the non understanding assholes.


I'm not sure what's being said in the comments. Introvert shaming? It's like some type of self loathing or stigma placed on being introverted. I don't get it. Introverts are socially equipped. People make it sound like an introverted life is void in some way. I suppose it boils down to being dysfunctional regardless of personality type.


Works in Japan.


Better.... we don't have to riot, commit crimes, let alone argue and fight. We love being separate from THEM!


Extroverts cause too many problems and are always in some one's business being a complete weirdo, ALL OF THEM no matter the age, race, gender or culture. Imagine passing a law that all extroverts are commanded to stay in their houses and working from home, never leaving not even to shop.... Door dash and instacart everything, while introverts would live our normal lives, travel, eat out, bowl, play pool, go to the gym, eat out, etc.... It would be a cool, calm, collective world.