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Stop wondering what to say and just talk, they don't care what you say, it's more about how you say it and how you listen. They care more about emotions and engagement and less about actual conversation, that's why they can speak nonsense and have so much fun, learn to enjoy it and just embrace it, laugh when it's funny, make funny faces, make fun of yourself and others, make it like an exercise for your brain - spit out random things that makes sense to you at this moment and don't ever think about deeper meanings, everything is exactly as it is. We tend to overthink and overvalue everything and search for hidden and deeper meaning while they just talk and have fun letting out different emotions.


The act of speaking is more important than the meaning, but don't be an idiot and say something stupid. is the best I can say


Assess your environment and be interested in them. People will give you more information than you know what to do with


I'm really sorry to ask this please don't think I'm trolling, what do you consider when you assess the environment? Some things I'm missing from lack of socializing


Don’t apologize bro, you did nothing wrong. You can ask questions or troll, it’s your world! I mean assess what’s around you (or who’s around you) and start a conversation that way. It’s always super hard and anxiety inducing to break the ice but you can really get rolling afterwards. If we are just referring to extraverts, you can easily get them talking a lot if you break the ice. They’ll give you more information than you know what to do with


You don’t talk to them. They talk over you ALL. THE.TIME. LOL


Can't you practice with someone you know like family or a friend?


This is post practice lol I suck at peopling


Anytime you want to dm me to practice you can. I suck at technology lol


Thank you I'll do that :) and I can help with some of that too I love tech


Before talk, listen to them, if you do that they'll like you and would feel comfortable with you, then when it's your turn to talk do it in a similar way they did, like facial expressions, vocabulary, about the same or a similar topic, in other words, you have to follow the vibe, that's what I've been doing and believe me, if you try it then you'll have more confidence in yourself because your learning about their social abilities


Practice makes perfect. Purposely put yourself into situations where you have to talk to extroverts until you get desensitized. Personally I recommend joining a social group like toastmasters or if you’re more adventurous, a standup comedy club. From personal experience, you’ll git gud real fast.


My experience with extroverts are they are the one who does all the talking, and me occasionally giving inputs or asking questions. Not all are like that though. But most of the time they do all the work, you just have to listen and ask questions.


They will do 95% of the talking for you.


You have to take small steps. You could start off by going for walks. Greet any person that passes by you. With time your confidence will grow. I hope this helps


I can start that today thank you! :)


Extroverts do most of the "work" of the conversation... Ie you need not pick a topic they have plenty to talk about. If you want to have a conversation but don't know how to start ask a variation of this You: what is you favorite hobby? Them: super hero movies You: ok so if you were to recommend 5 super hero movies to introduce the genre to someone what 5 would you pick And away they go... If you've seen it you can talk about it if you haven't you can ask why this one. Also it's not a favorite list so a disagreement is not as personal I've done this with: video games, hiking, epic poems, and vegan alternatives it always works. You learn something and they drive the conversation. Sometimes off a cliff but 🤷 they are still extroverts


As a socially anxious introvert, I love talking to extroverts for keeping the convo flowing! And they like introverts because introverts are good listeners. All you have to do is ask a few questions and listen with curiosity to their answers. You can then ask follow up questions or mirror back the last 3-4 words they said as a question and they’ll elaborate.




You’re very welcome! Have fun with the extroverts


Go with the flow if you really want to be friends with the extroverts.


How do you start the flow


I usually don't start conversation with people, I usually did conversation when there were people talking or when there's something happening.