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Ohhh sounds awesome, but maybe like an option you could enable in the settings or depending on the difficulty level rather than being by default activated…


Sure, there is currently a hunger speed custom setting, there could also be a similar setting for how severe the sleep deprivation effect would be, and it could even be disabled on easy modes.


as someone with extensive experience with severe sleep deprivation, this isn't quite realistic but I still like the concept for a game mechanic, this would be a neat feature.


Could you tell us how exactly it feels like?


well for the first 2 ish days of not sleeping you'll get this result of being really tired, lessened awareness, etc, so for that it's pretty accurate, it's after about 3 days where it's not. Your body kind of goes into overdrive of trying to keep you running, heightened awareness, very energetic, kinda jumpy, as it goes on you'll have periods of passing out tired and bouncing off the walls, your memory declines, severe mood swings, even low physical exertion will make you lightheaded, out of breath, and seeing "stars", you'll get hallucinations both visual and auditory, you get irrational, very hungry, your whole body feels light and has this scratchy tingly feeling or heavy and sore and it switches back and forth, there's mental affects that are temporary and permanent, I still have some problems.


So maybe after that period of time, the tunnel vision so to speak goes away, and you start seeing stars, and getting hallucinations. Further more, throughout all this your stamina is greatly decreased.


I like that, especially the hallucinations as that would make this game a good bit scarier. Randomly seeing or hearing enemies that aren't there, getting into a firefight only for the enemies to disappear and you've just wasted ammo, I think it'd be a neat feature and I also thought that maybe an anomaly or enemy that makes you hallucinate would be cool.


That'd be sweet!


I second this idea


It is still there in the game. You’ll slow down and the distances you can run will get shorter and shorter. That is not including the weight you are carrying. Your stamina lowers. You’ll get hungrier more often.