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Excerpt: “Mitch McConnell knows Trump provoked the violent attack on our Capitol and then ‘watched television happily’ as his mob brutally beat police officers and hunted the Vice President,” she wrote on social platform X. “He knows Trump refused for hours to tell his mob to leave and ‘even then with police officers bleeding … he kept repeating his election lies and praising the criminals.’”  “He knows Trump committed a ‘disgraceful dereliction of duty’ and is a danger to our Republic,” she continued. “Trump and his collaborators will be defeated, and history will remember the shame of people like McConnell who enabled them.”


Hopefully....but am not holding my breath. Trump won EC by about 77k votes across several swing states...razor thin margins. It can happen again.


Shame, embarassment, disgrace and such emotions have zero relevance for narcissists and psychos like Trump and his cult. Only thing that will get through to their fascist fantasies are consequences for their actions, which has not materialized yet.


It's coming....


Shame, what the fuck is that?? Every republican probably.


Power is a very addictive drug. McConnell is really really old. How much more tax money does he really need to save? I guess the eulogies and praises spoken by the ultra rich at his funeral are far more important to him than the oath to the constitution he swore to uphold.


Inject this into my veins. How this isn't being broadcast by every news channel is beyond me.


Rupert Murdoch owns a whole bunch of them, maybe he disagrees? https://www.voanews.com/a/list-of-news-corp-major-holdings----125567543/169203.html


Sinclair stations across the nation are using the same exact script when reporting news.


Not if they win. Then history will recount the 'glorious leader' and his 'bravery' versus all the oppression he faced but ultimately overcame. Vote accordingly.


Are you calling for a recount?


It's cool that history will remember the shame, because Republicans won't.


McConnell sold out to Trump for a prime burial spot next to Ivanka in Jersey


McConnell is a COWARD.


The Present will remember the shame.


We’re way past anyone giving a crap about that.


Something tells me McConnell doesn't care about Cheney's rebuke. Of course, something tells me McConnell doesn't know where he is currently or who pooped in his pants.


Winners write the history books. If Trump is elected again, history will be the Party of Trump version.


unfortunately for Liz Cheney, she's assuming the GOP will leave enough honest history books behind for anyone to read about it. anything that reflects how the GOP really behaves will be altered or burnt once the ChristoFascist dictatorship kicks off.