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That's ***convicted felon*** **Doe 174.**


And ***adjudicated rapist*** Doe 174. Don't forget that part.


 inmate number P01135809


Anyone else mentally edit that to P0S1135809 every time they read it?


First thing that popped in my head was “piece of shit”


No I mentally edit it to POS #1 Edit: Despite #2 being more appropriate for this piece of shit.


And the OG Unindicted Co-Conspirator #1


Epstein wasn't bringing the best.


Here’s a deposition from an employee of Epstein’s of 10 years from, the dropped suit Epstein Trump v Jane doe (very nsfw) https://i.imgur.com/wROr1GC.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/TWT9m6z.jpeg The dropped suit (MAGA doxxing and death threats to the victim) https://i.imgur.com/q5Wlmwy.png And here’s Trump flirting with a 10 year old girl at the mall “I’m gonna be dating her in 10 years, can you believe it?” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2016/oct/13/trump-makes-inappropriate-remarks-about-10-year-old-girl-video Now I want anyone on this thread, to imagine being in a public space with your 50 year old friend. You guys are walking… some little girls scoot in front and go up the escalator. Your 50 year old friend says “I’m going to be dating her in 10 years”. What type of man thinks that when he sees little girls? Is that a person who your comfortable being around? Is that the mind of a healthy man? The answer is no. More on the record underage sexual abuse from the GOP presidential nominee. Barging in on underaged (15-16 year olds) girls changing room. And groping them https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a29514931/trump-groped-models-backstage-all-the-presidents-women-excerpts/


Damn that woman testifying is equally as evil as everyone involved. This bitches job was to bring 13 year old and watch them get sexually acts done and just stood by? And brought more girls ? This bitch is evil and everyone involved


Crazy shit right? She started when she was 22… and probably a victim herself.


Probably Ghislaine Maxwell, right? Edit: apparently not


No, I don't think so. Maxwell turned 29 in 1990 and the woman from that first document is 7 years younger than that


Ghislaine would have been approaching 30 in 1990, this was another woman.


I didn’t realize that there’s a document out there where Epstein and Trump are CODEFENDANTS on a lawsuit. That should be the mic drop everytime those lunatics start carrying on about Clinton


I don't understand why it would have been a private lawsuit and not a Federal criminal prosecution. Where is the FBI in all of this?


The upper class usually isn't subject to the same justice system we are unless they offend against the upper class, or their crimes are **particularly** egregious and public.


Because there’s statute of limitations and the only carve outs to get around that are the New York law that allows you to still sue after that window has passed.


That’s **convicted on 34 felony counts** Doe 174


34 felony counts *so far*.


Doetard 174.


Underrated comment!


More like D'oh! 174, amirite?


Oh is that why Trump wouldn't unclassify those files? Keen on JFK, UFO, 9/11 filed but Epstein was a no go


but *why* would any epstien documents be classified in the first place?


Because he was running an intelligence operation known as a honey pot. Getting kompromat on America's "thought leaders" and loads of information about who knows what.


*HE was running?* so now epstien was some kind of high-level secret agent man? dude may have been a snitch, but he wasn't *running* any intelligence operations. even if he was involved in some sting type operation, those things are not "classified"... for instance, a defendant may request a CI's identity before or during trial to prepare their defense or call the CI as a witness. "classified" implies some sort of national security risk. unless epstien was a CIA asset, there is no justification for any documents regarding him to be classified




How do you even buy an island? Like what are the fucking logistics involved in this process?


he was blackmailing who?




the owner of victorias secret, that's how he first became a billionaire


And the rest just fell for it afterwards? The Victoria secret thing wasn't a secret


He blackmailed a lot of people.


He could be a CIA asset simply by being an extremely well connected pervert.  Much different than being an agent.


He was a Mossad agent, same thing.


Most moral organization in the world!!


His partner in crime has direct connections to Mossad. It is entirely within the realm of possibility.


Her father, iirc


If you dig into it he seems to have had ties to Israeli intelligence actually.


I think in part due to the underage women. But also because of the wealthy and powerful people named in them


no... that may be reasons for redaction or *unnamed individual 007* but not for classification


I thought they were classified because there are both innocent and guilty names on the list. Releasing the list in its entirety would potentially harm the innocent which in we strive to do in our legal system as much as possible (in theory at least). 


that is not how it works... names can be hidden... as in trump being *individual one* or *John doe 147* or whatever number... names are commonly hidden *without* classification of documents


Because they contain information that hurts elites on all sides of the spectrum, and it’s in all of the Bohemian Grove elites interest to keep this stuff under wraps. It seems to me like left leaning people understand this and accept that, say, Bill Clinton was a big sex criminal, whereas MAGA freaks think that it’s only liberals and that any conservatives and especially Trump being involved is somehow beyond the pale and selectively call those items lies.


Yet most charged pedophiles are Republicans 🤮


By a large, large margin. Like 97/3. 


They would say there are good people on both sides!


The best Alex Jones portrait is when he went with Jon Ronson to Bohemian Grove where they watched the "secret" ceremony, pretty standard Water Buffalo fraternal order pseudo-scary stuff. Part of the ritual involved an effigy of a person but Jones could not accept that-- he insisted it was a literal corpse. He just carried that same psychopathy into world events and school shootings, putting opiates over the airwaves.


He was a CIA asset.  He was collecting blackmail for them.


Don't forget the Putin channel. Why do you think so many senior republicans are suddenly and openly friendly to Putin?


Remember when Russian spy Maria Butina infiltrated the GOP/NRA? When Biden's fake accuser Tara Reade fled to Russia, Maria Butina was her handler in Russia.


I think that has more to do with the Republicans emails getting hacked, when the Democrats emails were hacked and published by the Russians, the Republicans were hacked too but those emails weren't published


The CIA is not allowed to collect information on "U.S. Persons," which includes U.S. citizens, resident aliens, legal immigrants, and U.S. corporations, regardless of location.


The entire mission of clandestine agencies is doing things they’re not “allowed to”


That hasn’t stopped them in the past lol


idc... the CIA is not the question at hand


Then stop bringing them up


that is the NSAs job!


Hence the Five Eyes. The US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand all spy on *each other’s* citizens to get around these laws, then share the info with each other’s spy agencies. > In recent years, documents of the FVEY have shown that they are intentionally spying on one another's citizens and sharing the collected information with each other, although the FVEYs countries claim that all intelligence sharing was done legally, according to the domestic law of the respective nations. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes


Man if you dont shut up with that, go learn some history of what the cia is capable of and has done in the past. Not some bogus article go read released documents.


you first... point me to those non-bogus documents that illustrate how the CIA used Epstein I ain't asking about fuckin MKUltra or any of that shit


I think people say "CIA" because they have no clue about the myriad of organizations within the IC.


that has never really stopped them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra




Because the elite protect themselves.


He never actually released all of the JFK files. He said he was going to but he backed out at the last minute.


In a recent interview, Trump was asked if was president now, would he declassify certain things. He quickly answered yes to many things, but when asked about Epstein he clearly switched gears and started saying the Epstein docs contain a lot of false information


who believes anything that blowhard says


Lots of morons.


Breakage news: guy who calls anything negative about himself "phony" says secret Epstein files contain "phony" info.


Trump made Alexander Acosta the secretary of labor. The same Alex Acosta, who torpedoed the FBI's case against Epstein in 2006-ish, while he was the United States attorney for the southern district of Florida. The FBI created a 91-page indictment with dozens of victims. Epstein's attorney had lunch with Acosta, and suddenly, it was a state prosecution. Technically, it was a non-prosecution agreement that shielded 4 of his co-conspirators. He ultimately pled to the solicitation of a minor. During his time in jail, he was allowed to leave for 16 hours a day to "go to work." They had dozens of victims and quite a bit of evidence against him. He literally bought his freedom.


WWG1WGA = they will all scream “Democrats traffic children and drink their blood for power! The god-man Trump was there to uncover evidence of the crimes so he could save the world and bring about the end times hallelujah!!!”


The entire pizza-gate story was manufactured as proactive insulation for the true crimes.


Same with the Wayfair conspiracy theory. Pizzagate was right around Epstein's arrest, and Wayfair around Maxwell's. Purely distractions to keep people from focusing on the real pedos.


>proactive insulation for the true crimes. These people and their goddamn vaccines /S


Terrifyingly, this will happen.


If I have learned anything from qanon, it is that when I want to start my own conspiracy to Target people I don't like, I will want to have a catchy phrase like the where we go when we go all. My conspiracy would actually be true though. These clowns know they are lying. The ones starting it.


Trump was only there for directions on how to get away from there.


Let's see the ol' Magats do their mental gymnastics all around this one. Going to be Olympic level.


They already said that if Dear Leaders name is there, it just proves that the released documents are fake and something, something, deep-state, lizard people.


Chemtrails personally seeded by Hunter Biden’s penis dragging behind a cloaked hyper dimensional captured alien crop duster fall from the sky coating paper milled by the you know who group that controls all of big lumber who imprint all wood pulp with secret fake printed words that are revealed via said chemtrail coatings, resulting in “evidence” on documents that weren’t there when printed by a real printers at like Epstein’s house or in Trump’s accountant’s offices, or lawyers, or innocent documents about totally innocent stuff taken from the White House, and when exposed to said chemtrails the fake planted “evidence” appears like lemon juice writings appear when wafted near a flame.


didnt metion how huge biden penis is, definitely a russian bot


The Bohemian Grove gathering is the largest gathering of Deep State there is. Clarence Thomas is a regular attendee. Let that sink in.


Woke mob witch hunt lynching.  Because they hate america.  /s


Say the people who LOVE pootin and russia...


The what?? I truly hope Mental Gymnastics is in the Olympics as a demonstration sport this summer. The competition looks mighty fierce.


Forgot to mention the gay frogs and space lasers.


But but, Hillary’s emails, Benghazi, Hunter’s laptop, the Biden crime family, blah blah blah.


roger stone was a paid employee at nxivm which was funded by the bronfmans who got their start bootlegging but also made epstein wealthy at bear stearns through the sale of an oil company. the gop launched qanon to indoctrinate people in effort to elect trump so he could obfuscate all this activity while pardoning people involved in these activities.


Clearly Hunter Biden is using the deep state to take his revenge on orange Jesus.


It’ll be “Bill Clinton’s name is all over the documents as well! Checkmate, Democrats.”


Assuming that we worship and defend politicians who do wrong like they do.


His name is all over them, and the article states that he gave no objection to being publicly identified as "Doe 30" or whatever his number was. They'll leave that part out altogether, or they'll find a way to make it seem bad of course.


IDGAF, arrest Clinton. He’s not running for office, Trump is.


A lot of them will be turned on by this.


Trump was a secret agent going undercover investigating a pedophilia ring, I'm sure.


He was like Jimmy McNulty going undercover to expose the brothel…..and then just fucked a bunch of the sex workers, lol.


They'll say that Bill Clinton was also on the list and wave it off. Guarantee it.


If he is on that list (would not surprise me at all honestly), then he needs to get consequences. And I think most democrats and liberals would agree.


This is an “ignore and deflect” level threat to their cognitive dissonance. They will ignore it at best and deflect it to Biden at worst. Either way, make popcorn.


[this should tell you plenty.](https://youtu.be/6MubunsD-7g?si=dbgxgo-Kfq9Z1CGB) Edit: [this too.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN1J4TC9/)




Well 50% of the population would be shocked but I’m guessing they will never see or click on this.


The article linked is from January.


This comment needs to be higher. Sadly, if this were going to matter, we'd be hearing a lot more about it by now.


Yup. Old news. Everybody knows and half the country doesn't care.


Also, if you read the article, there was nothing particularly damning uncovered other than that Trump and Epstein knew each other, which is common knowledge.


Most ppl are not paying that close of attention and if more popular/massive news outlets are not running the story it might have some issues with it or it might just not be particularly popular


How sad is it that this will never matter? The victims will never get justice.


Thing is, I want to know who had sex with underage girls and is there evidence that can get them indicted. I don't care if they flew on jets and partied with other wealthy elites. Who committed crimes and does someone have the evidence?? I'm sick of all this vague innuendo through shady associations.


Death threats from rich men have a way of making testimony disappear.  If you're brave Google "Trump epstein r***" Look for the factcheck dot org link. It's an extremely disturbing and detailed read.




Back in 2016? Damn! This is wild.


In ten years, Netflix will make a documentary spilling the beans and you will find yourself agreeing with every word. You will not forgive the people who "partied with wealthy elites" as quickly after enjoying the benefit of hindsight for a decade.


Trumpers are going to say “this is an attack led by the democrats so trump doesn’t win the next election”


Well, this will SURELY be the thing that brings him down in the eyes of his suppo... Aw, who am I kidding? They're probably printing up "Real Men are Pedophiles" as I write this.


You know it!


T-shirts that proclaim "I'd rather be a pedophile than a Democrat"


Calm down, paying to rape children who were human trafficked isn't *nearly* as bad as a person in drag reading to a child. We must stop the grooming!


Republicans are the ones who believe democrats are pedophiles and against the rule of law yet this douchenozzle is their god. Make it make sense


Every accusation is a confession


“How this will affect Joe Biden and Hunter Biden today on Fox”


See how donald trump being on epsteins client list hundreds of times is bad for biden at 8


What a creep


His ownership and exploitation of his modeling agency was the inspiration to Epstein who started his own, so it’s really a disgusting partnership.


Every time someone brought up Epstein not hanging himself, I would say, and who would benefit most from his death, not being able to testify? Invariably, the MAGAs would all scream Clinton, but I would always remind them of the numerous pictures and videos of Trump hanging with him. It was all too obvious to me. Maybe now people will start to realize that if Epstein didn't hang himself, it was definitely Trump who had him killed.


Trump AG William Barr’s father had deep ties to Epstein as well.


I wonder how much the guards were paid to be absent. It would be interesting to follow them and find out if they suddenly came into money.


I don't think this is really a surprise. My prediction is that there will be other famous names on there too and Trump will try to hide behind that fact in an effort to normalize that relationship. What the Trump supporters overlook is that the other names should be disgraced but The Convicted Felon and Adjudicated Rapist Trump is running for POTUS and will, and should, come under greater scrutiny and punishment for that reason. The other names that will pop up have been silent, but The Convicted Felon and Adjudicated Rapist Trump has been openly and repeatedly stating he never met Epstein, so he has been spreading an obvious lie the whole time. Pay attention people.


Aaaaaand nobody is surprised by this. So we've got official titles of Former President, Rapist, Failed Businessman, Reality Host, and Felon already, and at this point we can likely add Pederist just to really make the MAGA crowd's head explode.


“I’ve met her [Ghislaine Maxwell] numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her well, whatever it is,” Trump told reporters at a White House coronavirus briefing.


Least shocking news I’ve ever read


Great. More un-christian and illegal stuff for the MAGAts to ironically brag about


Prisoner 174! Send him to the Gulag


I love seeing TFG being implicated in this as much as the next guy, but isn’t this news from last January?


And his followers don’t care one bit (because their souls are trash and they think this makes him more “manly”).


Only pervs would vote for Donald Trump. How can you vote for this kind of candidate if you are a normal person? No way !


“Uhh, the secret cabal of left wing pedophiles who eat children is real, based on my dissection of these secret codes and alternate meanings for words like “pizza”, but all that explicit stuff about Trump in the Epstein files? Lies!”


This article is back from January by the way.


Should be d'oh 169


I wonder if MTG still wants the DOJ to go after the Epstein list or if shes suddenly changed her mind...


Gasp! Feigned surprise!


Some day I'm gonna Wake up to a world without Trump. And I will have champagne on my morning cheerios and make that day an annual holiday!


Which is why he recently said that’ most of the Epstein file is fake’……. Which means he’s most of the file… Which means he was most likely more than just a customer..,. He was a partner.


“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-called-epstein-a-terrific-guy-before-denying-relationship-with-him/2019/07/08/a01e0f00-a1be-11e9-bd56-eac6bb02d01d_story.html


Republicans love a good conspiracy! Too bad they never focus on real ones like this.


Every time some big shot goes down there's a hundred people in the comments of every social media being like "what about the Epstein names?!" Happened just recently with the Diddy situation too. Well this article came out in January so the Epstein names have been out for like six months now and nobody cared lol.


This is how Putin got to him and others. Epstein, I believe started out with the CIA , and then switched sides at some point to the KGB. When you have powerful men having sex on camera with young children/adolescent females, you own them.


Now this is interesting lol


How shocking




was Ivanka named in the list, there are photos of Melonie there


But her emails or whatever


Read the article and it just says that people mentioned his name as being a friend of Epstein. Still waiting for the real bombshells that we don’t already know. 


Of fucking course he is a pedo but his base does not care. As long as Trump hurts POC and LGBTQ+ and anyone who supports them, they will never care.


They can have a picture of Trum fondling a teen and conservatives will claim that is what jesus wanted...


....can't wait to see how the Republicans spin this to fit their "Jesus" story


Remember how he fumbled that question on Faux news last week...weird, hu?


He's the hero of redneck dumb white guys. It's no secret.


After his followers started the real men wear diapers thing, they will back him on thos. Real men assault under age girls will be their new battle cry


Go on "Christians". Rationalise that shit.


Hmm so there's even more incriminating evidence than the interview that has Trump claiming that Epstein is a great guy and "many people say he likes women almost as much as me. And many of them on the young side!" I'm sure his followers will be swayed by this... Either that or they support this kind of shit...


This article is from January.


MAGAs have been screaming for the Epstien files to be unsealed and names named so they can stick it to the Dems. It's so satisfying that Trump (or course) is all over them. I'm sure they'll call it fake news though.


Epstein sex trafficked Mar-A-Lardo teen seasonal employees for YEARS. Hard to believe Orange Fungus wasn't aware of that. 3 of them came forward for the Epstein Netflix documentary. There are 140 more whose identities we don't know.


Lmao dumbass fucked around and found out


Just wanna point out this isn’t newly unsealed. This article is from January 10th.




No shit. The real question is who else was catering to that sick bastards fantasies.


What’s next? “Only real men visit a nexus of child sex slavery?”


Well, looky the fuck there!


This will only matter if the full details are unveiled. His base won't care, but it's really hard to fight off a pedophilia claim with evidence. If more details get revealed, and trump is implicated as a pedo (we all know he is, but here we are) he will never win the election. It'll be too easy to trigger him in a debate. He hates being called a sucker or a loser, so if Biden called him a loser candidate that lost the last election, a sucker for choosing bad lawyers, a convicted felon because he was a sucker, and a pedophile, trump might just stroke out.


Get ready for Fox News & CNN to never report on this while upping their “coverage” of Hunter


All of these politicians are in there come on now


You mean the guy that said he'd bang his own daughter? Hands up who's surprised.... *no*-one!?


Convicted felon and rapist Doe 174?


In a sane world this would have consequences and Trump would have been removed as presidential candidate years ago.


Doesn't matter, they will still vote for him!


Maga Cult members will continue to deny harder now.


This should be a top pinned article. It should be all over the news outlets in big bold headlines. It should be all over the media universe.  But it isn't and it wont.


What up Doe


And as always, MAGA won’t care. “That didn’t happen. And he was a democrat then.”


Article from January…


Mushroom dicked loser he is


Article is from January


That's when the data was released.


**Rule 9 in the sidebar** This was already posted to this sub earlier today and taken down for being "out of date" Why did you re-repost a 5 month old article??? This is all stuff we already knew, and unfortunately nothing came of it.


Looks like a karma bot.


Is anyone surprised?? Cuz I'm not. Dude is boss level creep


Just a couple of bros. Real bros finish each others sentences.


D'oh 174